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ISCApad Archive  »  2016  »  ISCApad #220  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2016-10-11) 4th Intern. Conf. on Statistical Language and Speech Processing (SLSP 2016), Pilzen, Czech Republic

ISCApad #220

Tuesday, October 11, 2016 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-21 (2016-10-11) 4th Intern. Conf. on Statistical Language and Speech Processing (SLSP 2016), Pilzen, Czech Republic

 The 4th International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing (SLSP 2016) invites researchers to submit poster presentations. SLSP 2016 will be held in Pilsen (Czech Republic) on October 11-12, 2016. See

Poster presentations are intended to enhance informal interactions with the conference participants, at the same time allowing for in-depth discussion.


Presentations displaying novel work in progress on the employment of statistical models (including machine learning) in language and speech processing are invited. Posters do not need to show final research results. Work that might lead to new interesting developments is welcome.


Poster submission deadline: September 4, 2016
Notification of poster acceptance or rejection: September 11, 2016


Please submit a .pdf abstract through:

It should contain the title, author(s) and affiliation, and should not exceed 500 words.


Posters will be allocated 10 minutes each in the programme for oral presentation. Moreover, they will remain hanging out during the whole conference for discussion.


Posters will not appear in the LNCS/LNAI proceedings volume of SLSP 2016. However, they will be eligible for submission to the post-conference journal special issue in Computer Speech and Language (Elsevier, JCR 2014 impact factor: 1.753).


At least one author of each accepted poster must register to the conference by September 27, 2016. The registration fare is reduced: 240 Euro. It gives the same rights all other conference participants have (attendance, copy of the proceedings volume, lunches...). Contributors of regular papers who in addition get a poster accepted must register for the latter independently.

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