| Dear Fellow SProSIG members,
You are invited to participate in selecting the venue for Speech Prosody 2018. On July 16 you received an invitation to the Program Committee, but the wording of that invitation was in error: the Program Committee does not yet exist! It is the custom of SPROSIG to select the venue for each Speech Prosody conference using an on line voting process, open to the members of a balloting committee that consists of all currently registered members of SPROSIG. If you would like to participate in this process, please do confirm that your membership record at http://sprosig.org < https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__sprosig.org&d=CwMFAg&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=sEUDDAPTy20EdRyD0xSaqYrAFTwFlf0-Mn8rUh78EPA&m=Op84xtD62o741D_ohwVasmM9c8kpfuxcn4cDg1metaU&s=XtiIlETajHS-WVlq1_zBkIiGL16VQW9EB4GQue1OLL4&e=> is up to date. Thank you! |