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ISCApad Archive  »  2016  »  ISCApad #219  »  Editorial

ISCApad #219

Friday, September 23, 2016 by Chris Wellekens

1 Editorial

Dear Members,

You were many to attend Interspeech 2016 in San Francisco: we reached the highest level of participation observed up to now.

Interspeech is thus quite attractive but it deserves it. Once again the organizers did a wonderful effort for  creating a great event. Nelson Morgan and his team succeeded in offering the participants very wide auditoria and spaces for posters: we were never overcrowded though some topics seem to excite more curiosity. Congratulations and many thanks to them. Congratulations to all of you who presented the results of your research: the quality of this conference was high even though deep neural networks are now an unavoidable ingredient for old recipes.

I had the great pleasure to meet a lot of you and I am very happy to hear that ISCApad is red with interest. Please do not hesitate in expressing your criticisms or your wishes concerning our newsletter.

I draw your attention on the call for bids for Interspeech 2020 (yes its is already time to think about!): it will be found under the title ISCA News.


Chris Wellekens

ISCApad editor

Professor emeritus Institut Eurecom

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