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ISCApad Archive  »  2016  »  ISCApad #216  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2016-07-04) CfD JEP 2016 | TALN 2016 | RÉCITAL 2016 Joint Conference, Paris France (update)

ISCApad #216

Tuesday, June 14, 2016 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-30 (2016-07-04) CfD JEP 2016 | TALN 2016 | RÉCITAL 2016 Joint Conference, Paris France (update)

 JEP 2016 | TALN 2016 | RÉCITAL 2016 Joint Conference
July 4-8, 2016
Paris, France (restricted
access group)

Les inscriptions pour la conférence JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016 sont
désormais ouvertes :
Vous pouvez vous inscrire au tarif anticipé jusqu'au 6 juin.

Des bourses pour les jeunes chercheurs sont disponibles auprès de leur
association (AFCP, ISCA, ATALA : voir le site web de la conférence).

Nous vous suggérons, le cas échéant, de réserver rapidement un hôtel
car les demandes sont très fortes cette année à cause de l'Euro
2016. Une liste d'hôtels possibles et de logements pour étudiants est
disponible ici :

Les sessions JEP-TALN-RECITAL auront lieu du mardi 5 juillet au
vendredi 8 juillet, et seront précédées par les ateliers le lundi 4

Une première version du programme a été mis en ligne.

Les listes des articles TALN, JEP et RECITAL acceptés sont
consultables sur le site :

La liste des ateliers acceptés est consultable à cette adresse :

** Important dates **

JEP/TALN Demonstrations (2 pages)
Paper submission deadline: May 20, 2016 (23:59 Paris time)
Notification: May 27, 2016
Camera-ready paper due: June 3, 2016
** Presentation of the Joint Conference **

The Greater Paris Area laboratories working on speech and natural
language processing (written, spoken and signed languages) are jointly
organizing the fifth joint JEP-TALN-RECITAL conference at INALCO
(inner Paris) on July 4-8, 2016.

For the fifth time, after Nancy (2002), Fez (2004), Avignon (2008),
Grenoble (2012), AFCP (the French Association for Spoken
Communication) and ATALA (the French Association for Natural Language
Processing) are jointly organizing their main conferences to gather in
one venue the research communities of written, spoken and signed
language processing.

This edition gathers:

- the 31st Speech Research Days (Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole - JEP),

- the 23rd French Conference on Natural Language Processing
  (Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles - TALN),

- the 18th Student Research Meeting on Natural Language Processing
  (Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le
  Traitement Automatique des Langues - RÉCITAL).

** Thematics **

The organizers are happy to invite participants to present software or
prototype demonstration which rely on Natural Language Processing
approaches for text and speech.

Software demonstration relying on low-resourced languages, signed
language or several modalities are particularly encouraged.

** Types of submissions **

The candidates are invited to proposed 2 pages papers conformed to the
conference style. The paper must describe the application field, the
used methods and the technical constraints, but also mention the
dedicated usage and targeted users. Screenshots, links to an online
demonstrator or a video can be provided.

Submissions in English are acceptable if one of the authors is not a
French speaker.  The accepted papers will be published in the
conference proceedings.

** Selection criteria **

The participants will be selected by the organization committee
independently of the usual scientific selection process. Selection
criteria will be the relevance of the software regarding the thematics
of the JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016.

** Submission procedure **

Submitted papers must conform to the official guidelines and style as
described in the style file
( and must be in
PDF format. The anonymisation is not required.

The papers must be uploaded on the submission website (track 'JEP-TALN 2016
System Demonstration').

** Organization committee **

JEP co-chair: Sophie ROSSET, CNRS, LIMSI
JEP co-chair: Nicolas AUDIBERT, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, LPP
TALN co-chait: Thierry HAMON, Université Paris 13, LIMSI
TALN co-chair: Laurence DANLOS, Université Paris Diderot, ALPAGE
RÉCITAL co-chair: Ilaine WANG, Université Paris 10, MoDyCo
** Contact **

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