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ISCApad Archive  »  2016  »  ISCApad #216  »  Events  »  ISCA Events  »  (2016-09) The undergraduate and MS student day at Interspeech 2016.

ISCApad #216

Tuesday, June 14, 2016 by Chris Wellekens

3-1-8 (2016-09) The undergraduate and MS student day at Interspeech 2016.

please encourage any of  your students who have done research as undergrads or MS students (or consider it yourselves if you qualify :-)) to apply to attend this one-day event at Interspeech 2016 in San Francisco this september 8.  this event is supported by the National Science Foundation with additional support for international students from some kind research labs.  here is the website with information on how to apply:

Julia Hirschberg
Percy K. and Vida L. W. Hudson Professor and
Chair of Computer Science
Columbia University

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