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ISCApad Archive  »  2016  »  ISCApad #215  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2016-05-27) 1st International Seminar on Voicing in Speech Production and Perception

ISCApad #215

Tuesday, May 10, 2016 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-27 (2016-05-27) 1st International Seminar on Voicing in Speech Production and Perception

1st International Seminar on Voicing in Speech Production and Perception (ISVSPP 2016)

May 27, 2016  Aveiro, Portugal

The University of Aveiro, Portugal, is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the 1st International Seminar on Voicing in Speech Production and Perception (ISVSPP 2016) on the the 27th of May 2016.

A webpagewhere all details about ISVSPP 2016 is now up and running.

Registration is now open

Register and book your accommodation early  in order to get the best deals in our local hotels. Aveiro is a beautiful small city, so why not book an extra day to explore our wonderful city?
This year's program theme is 'Articulatory functioning of the larynx - A Day with Professor John Esling'and includes the following invited speakers: 

The ISVSPP seminars aim to bring together senior and junior scientists working in the multidisciplinary ?eld of Speech Production and Perception, ensuring direct and informal interaction between all participants.
The conference program will include keynotes and ample opportunities to discuss participants' own research

Registration will include lunch and a coffee break.

The venue is the School of Health Sciences at the University of Aveiro?s Campus de Santiago, overlooking the Aveiro lagoon, which is renowned internationally for its many buildings designed by famous Portuguese architects, only a short distance from the city centre.
Join us for a day with Professor John Esling, THINK speech production and perception for a day, let yourself be engaged and involved in Professor John Esling's unique lecturing style, with various opportunities for informal discussions with the invited speakers, and perhaps take a short break over the weekend at this unique coastal region we call Aveiro.
Luis M. T. Jesus
(General Chair)
University of Aveiro, Portugal

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