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ISCApad #212

Friday, February 05, 2016 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-2 (2016-03-14) 10th ICVPB in Viña del Mar, Chile

Welcome to the 10th ICVPB in Viña del Mar

March 14-17, 2016


We are pleased to invite you to the 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, celebrated for the first time in the Southern hemisphere, in Viña del Mar, Chile. ICVPB is one of the prime international forums for current scientific research on the larynx and voice.


Brief History of the Conference


The International Conference on Vocal Fold Physiology and Biomechanics (ICVPB) dates back to 1980. Initially called the Voice Physiology Conference, it began with five individuals who brought together voice scientists from Japan and the United States. The five people were Wilbur James Gould, Osamu Fujimura, Kenneth Stevens, Minoru Hirano, and Ingo Titze. The first meeting was held in Kurume Japan, in 1980. The focus was and has always been basic science, the physical and biological underpinnings of voice production. In total, nine Vocal Fold Physiology meetings were held. After Kurume, the meeting took place in Madison (1982), Iowa City (1984), New Haven (1985), Tokyo (1987), Stockholm (1990), Denver (1992), Kurume (1994), and Sydney (1995). The name of the conference was then changed to ICVPB to include the influx of biomechanics and biology into our field. The first ICVPB meeting was held in 1997 at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, followed by Berlin (1999), Denver (2002), Marseille (2004), Tokyo (2006), Tampere (2008), Madison (2010), Erlangen (2012), Salt Lake City (2014), and now Viña del Mar (2016).

Topic Areas:

  • Fluid-structure-sound interactions in normal and disordered phonation
  • Soft tissue and muscle biomechanics
  • Acoustics aerodynamics and kinematics of voice production
  • Laryngeal and voice physiology and neurophysiology
  • Neuromuscular control of normal and disordered phonation
  • Modeling of normal and disordered voice production
  • Modeling vocal fold molecular and cellular biology
  • Imaging and monitoring techniques for the assessment of vocal function

Important Dates:

    • Abstract submission: October 2, 2015

    • Notification of Acceptance:
       November 30, 2015

  • Final Submission deadline: 
    January 31, 2016

General Chair:
Matias Zañartu

Technical Information:

Logistic Information

Monina Vásquez

Claudia Musalem

Sponsorship Information

Francisco Gutierrez

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