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ISCApad Archive  »  2016  »  ISCApad #211  »  ISCA News

ISCApad #211

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 by Chris Wellekens

2 ISCA News
2-1A message from John H.L. Hansen, Vice-President of ISCA

A message from John H.L. Hansen, Vice-President of ISCA


Dear ISCA Members,

Greetings and Welcome to the January edition of ISCApad! I also wish to express my sincere thanks to the membership for your support in being elected, and having the opportunity to serve on the new ISCA Board. I will be serving as Vice-President for ISCA, and help oversee new initiatives and support Haizhou Li, our ISCA President, for continued advancements for the speech and language community.


In this newsletter, I would first like to pass along Greetings and a very Happy New Year for 2016 to all! There are a number of advancements and events which are coming in 2016 as part of ISCA. First, the next Interspeech-2016 Conference planning is already activity underway!

  • Interspeech-2016: [] will take place Sept. 8-12, 2016 in San Francisco, CA USA. The deadline for paper submissions is March 23, 2016. Show and Tell Demonstrations submissions are open until March 30th. A number of Satellite Workshops are also being planned, including (i) the 5th WOCCI – Workshop on Child Computer Interaction [ , planned for Sept. 6-7], and (ii) the 2nd Language Teaching, Learning and Technology workshop [, co-located with WOCCI-2016 for Sept. 6-7], as well as several others which will be announced later in Jan. 2016. These two workshops emphasize education for children, and language education in general and would be great opportunities for the ISCA membership to explore new emerging science and technology in these fields.

I would also like to encourage industry to consider both Interspeech sponsorship, and participation as an Interspeech Exhibitor. ISCA is a non-profit organization and conference Sponsorship is critical for supporting the meeting and allowing students to participate.

  • ISCA Communications – the communications from and to ISCA has always been active, but new advancements are being explored this coming year! ISCA Board Member Kay Berkling, who is taking on the responsibility as Chair of ISCA Communications, will be exploring with the ISCA Board opportunities to expand and enrich the potential learning opportunities in speech and language science and technology. While these are still in their early stages of discussion, the areas would offer improved educational support for developing programs and countries, as well as foster communication about research problems in a transparent manner, between students, labs, data-suppliers and computational resources around the world. Stay Tuned for More in the ISCApad!!

  • Challenges & Competitions – there is an increasing number of competitions and challenges this past year and coming in 2016. While many of these offer great opportunities for research laboratories and students to participate in more realistic data in speech and language processing, the number of these events is growing rapidly! I offer a suggestion here, asking those who are considering future challenges to contact ISCA to help coordinate such emerging events, and ensure we do not saturate the research community! We would very much like to see significant participation in these events, and many require an extensive time and human resource commitment for participation.


We look forward to your participation in ISCA and Interspeech-2016!

John H.L. Hansen




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2-2A message from Kay Berkling, responsible for Communication.

Dear ISCA members,


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for electing me to the ISCA board, where I have assumed the 'communication' position. Facilitating access to our community was at the center of my campaign to join the board and is the motivation behind some of the ideas that I would like to present to you for discussion.

In the following, I would like to share with you a vision that is realizable with the technical infrastructure that we have today. As you read you will see that technology is not the challenge here. The real question is: Are we ready to mobilize and organize a community around an enabling platform that is self-sustainable?

In addition to the website that holds static information and is updated on a regular basis, it would be interesting to create a community that initiates, nourishes and produces researchers in our field, regardless of geographic location. It is a general trend that has been supported by mobile computing and the MOOC movement in recent years. The proposed platform serves as a pipeline to get anyone up to speed on top-notch research relying 'only' on dedication, a computer and the internet. It would guide a student in a sequential manner from basic coursework and mathematical foundations to state-of-the-art papers and research problems and solutions. The goal is to enable participate at the publication level, granting access to datasets, computational power and sample code and scripts so that anyone can become a player.

Vision 1: ISCA MOOC

Such a MOOC platform should provide a path from beginner to expert:

An ordered list of courses, representing a recommended curriculum accepted by the speech community as a guideline for building a sound base in Mathematics, linguistics, signal processing, programming, writing skills (etc.) before diving further into the field of speech science. These courses can be on any platform, such as EDX, Coursera, etc.

Advanced classes on specific areas of interest that prepare the student for research or applications.

Finally, at the graduate level, the platform could provide the following:

Research problem statements,

datasets and

computational resources to be tapped online, supplied by labs.

While (1) is potentially a simple organized list of links to courses that can be found online in one of the MOOCs or other formats, numbers (2) and (3) are equally important in this pipeline to produce cutting edge researchers but are more difficult to realize. Creating a MOOC is labor intensive. Not just in production but also in maintenance. A forum does not run itself and needs tutors to maintain it. These points can only be achieved through crowd sourcing in a vibrant community of industry sponsors, interested graduate students and senior researchers active in the community.

How can such a community be bootstrapped?

For the advanced classes:

ISCA provides an 'empty' MOOC platform such as openEDX

We could provide a simple start with establishing one course per distinguished lecturer

Any training workshops that are sponsored by ISCA could be required to put their

lectures and materials online to add additional courses

Interspeech tutorials could also be placed on this platform for future tutorials

Finally, people may donate additional courses on the platform

Vision 2: The Research Platform:

In order to foster communication about research problems in a transparent manner, between students, labs, data-suppliers and computational resources around the world, we need something different from an asynchronous self-study MOOC. We need competitions that are put up and researchers, including new-bees, to join in and prove themselves to future employers. Such a platform already exists and is called 'Kaggle is the world's largest community of data scientists. They compete with each other to solve complex data science problems, and the top competitors are invited to work on the most interesting and sensitive business problems from some of the world’s biggest companies through Masters competitions.' If you don’t know this site, take a look at it. We could spawn ideas off that platform and create our own or use the same one and build it up for speech science application competitions by creating a sort of classroom for ISCA. Labs could supply datasets, machines for students with or without resources to run their algorithms on donated computational time on remote machines. A central platform could be a simple list of labs that are interested in connecting students to their resources. Later, this platform could develop into something more dynamic and open.

The above ideas are theoretical and pose a number of logistical questions. However, the realization of the vision can grow by taking small first steps. I would be interested to start a discussion on ideas that you might have on how to proceed here.

The persona to have in mind as this vision takes shape is a student, interested in the topic, who has no local advisor or advanced course work at a local institution, nor the computational power to participate at the publishable research level. The goal is to get this person involved in the community. Eventually, they might publish and attend a conference remotely, but the brain, drive and creativity of such a person would not be lost to us simply because that person did not have the luck to walk into a research lab like some of us have done, lucky enough to have had the mentorship to end up where we are today.

Log in and join the discussion on: (a temporary home for a discussion on this topic)

Happy New Year (for those who celebrate end of December),

Kay Berkling

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2-3Nominees for ISCA fellowship
Since its introduction in 2007, ISCA's Fellows Program has recognised and honoured 51 outstanding members who have made significant contributions to the field of speech communication science and technology. Nominations are now open for the 2016 ISCA Fellows which will be presented at Interspeech 2016 in San Francisco. Any ISCA member can make a nomination. 

To qualify for this distinction, a candidate must have been an ISCA member for five years or more with a minimum of ten years experience in the field. A Fellow may be recognised by their outstanding technical contributions and/or continued significant service to ISCA. The supporting case for the candidate's nomination should include up to 3 major contributions which have had impact on the speech community and/or society in general. A nomination should be supported by 4 references from ISCA Fellows and/or Board Members. Current ISCA Board members are not eligible for nomination. Fellow Selection Committee members will avoid writing references for Fellow candidates. The total number selected in any one year will not exceed one-third percent of the total ISCA membership in that year.   

Nominations should be sent to 'fellows_nomination [at]' by February 10. Those who plan to nominate are strongly advised to write brief information on candidates (candidate's name and affiliation) to the above address before January 10 with your names and contacting e-mail address. 

Further information and nomination and reference forms can be found at:
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2-4Grants for students

ISCA wants to support and encourage students and young researchers by providing grants for attending conferences, and by recognizing good research. At each INTERSPEECH, an ISCA award is given to the 3 best student papers presented at the conference, based on anonymous review of the papers and the presentation at the conference.  ISCA also financially supports students and young scientists by providing a limited number of grants for young authors with accepted papers at INTERSPEECH and ISCA supported workshops. The ISCA board member responsible for Grants and Awards is Torbjørn Svendsen. 

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2-5Satellites of Interspeech 2016

 The following  workshops have been approved by ISCA and are officially satellites of Interspeech 2016. 

San Francisco, USA, September 6 & 7, 2016
Hosted jointly at ETS offices: Call for paper can be found at:

WOCCI - Workshop on Child Computer and Interaction

LTLT - Language Teaching, Learning and Technology (Satellite of Wocci)

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2-6Videos of Interspeech conferences
Video archives are available in 
where keynote speeches from IS 2007, 2010 and 2011 can be seen. Very soon we will have 
the material for IS 2012 as well.
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2-7Prix de thèse AFCP


Prix de thèse AFCP 2014 - 2015

Depuis 2004, l'Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée (AFCP) décerne tous les deux ans un prix scientifique pour une excellente thèse francophone du domaine (ou anglophone issue d'un laboratoire francophone), afin de promouvoir les recherches en communication parlée, fondamentales ou appliquées, en STIC, SHS ou SDV. Ce prix permet de soutenir et diffuser les travaux de jeunes chercheurs du domaine.

Le prix est décerné par un jury composé des chercheurs élus du CA de l'AFCP. Il sera officiellement remis lors des prochaines Journées d?Etudes sur la Parole, en juillet 2016.

Le lauréat se verra remettre la somme de 500 euros et sera invité à présenter ses travaux à la communauté de la communication parlée lors des JEPs 2016 (inscription offerte à la conférence). Il se verra également offrir l'opportunité de publier  sa thèse sous la forme d'un livre dans la collection « Parole » (éditions CIPA).

*** ATTENTION : changement de périodicité du Prix de Thèse AFCP ***
Contrairement aux éditions annuelles précédentes, le prix de thèse 2014-2015 sera attribué à une thèse soutenue entre le 1er janvier 2014 et le 31 décembre 2015, soit sur une période de 2 ans. Mais, dans un souci de comparaison équitable des dossiers, l'AFCP conserve le principe d'un appel à candidature par an. Le présent appel vaut pour les thèses soutenues entre le 1er janvier 2015 et le 31 décembre 2015.

Date limite de dépôt du dossier : 31 janvier 2016
Décision du jury AFCP : 29 avril 2016
Remise officielle du prix : JEPs 2016

Peut candidater au présent appel : tout docteur dont la thèse, préparée dans un laboratoire francophone, et rédigée en français ou en anglais, a été soutenue entre le 1er janvier et le 31 décembre 2015. Toute candidature est limitée à une seule édition du prix. Seuls les dossiers complets de candidature seront examinés.

Pour candidater, il suffit de :
(1)    Envoyer un e-mail déclarant votre intention de candidater, avec vos
nom, prénom, titre de la thèse, directeur de thèse, et date de la
soutenance à: Vous recevrez un accusé de réception.
(2)    Déposer votre manuscrit de thèse en PDF sur le serveur du site web de l'AFCP :
(3)    Envoyer votre dossier complet via un courrier électronique à l'adresse La pièce jointe sera constituée d?un fichier unique (nommé VOTRENOM.pdf), contenant dans l'ordre : (i) le résumé de la thèse (2 pages) ; (ii) la liste des publications ; (iii) les rapports scannés du jury et des rapporteurs de soutenance de thèse ; (iv) une lettre de recommandation scannée du directeur de thèse ; (v) un CV (avec coordonnées complètes dont e-mail).

_____________Date de dépôt du dossier : 31 janvier 2016____________

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2-8ISCA Distinguished lecturers Nominations of candidates for 2016-2017

Dear ISCA Member,

Open call for nominations of ISCA Distinguished lecturers Nominations of candidates for 2016-2017 terms are now open.
Each nomination should include the following information:

  • - a short biography of the candidate,
  • - selected publications,
  • - a website, or a resume that provides this information,
  • - plus topics/titles of up to 3 possible lectures that the candidate could give.


Please note that the nominator must ensure the candidate is willing to serve if elected.
Nominations from previous years will be only considered if updated.
Self nominations must include a letter of support from an ISCA Fellow or Board Member.
Nominations should be sent to dl_nominations{at} before January 15, 2016.

Isabel Trancoso, head of DL selection committee.

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