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ISCApad Archive  »  2016  »  ISCApad #211  »  Events  »  ISCA Supported Events  »  (2016-06-21) ODYSSEY 2016: THE SPEAKER AND LANGUAGE RECOGNITION WORKSHOP Bilbao, Spain,

ISCApad #211

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 by Chris Wellekens


         ODYSSEY 2016

                              June 21-24, 2016, Bilbao, Spain
                   SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS


Regular paper submissions             January 24, 2016
Show & Tell / Industry & Forensics   February 15, 2016
Notifications                           March 15, 2016
Final papers                             April 1, 2016


The general themes of the workshop include speaker and language
recognition and characterization. The specific topics include,
but are not limited to, the following:

o Speaker and language recognition, verification, identification
o Speaker and language characterization
o Features for speaker and language recognition
o Speaker and language clustering
o Multispeaker segmentation, detection, and diarization
o Language, dialect, and accent recognition
o Robustness in channels and environment
o System calibration and fusion
o Speaker recognition with speech recognition
o Multimodal speaker recognition
o Speaker recognition in multimedia content
o Confidence estimation for speaker and language recognition
o Corpora and tools for system development and evaluation
o Low-resource (lightly supervised) speaker and language recognition
o Speaker synthesis and transformation
o Human and human-assisted recognition of speaker and language
o Spoofing and tampering attacks: analysis and countermeasures
o Forensic and investigative speaker recognition
o Systems and applications


As in previous editions, Odyssey 2016 will consist of plenary
oral and poster sessions, with special sessions on topics of interest,
Show & Tell (demo) sessions and panel discussions with industry partners.

Regular papers (including those for special sessions) and Show & Tell papers
must be uploaded in PDF format to the Odyssey 2016 Submission System:

Guidelines for paper preparation and Word/LaTeX templates are available
on the website:


Regular papers (including those for special sessions) must be at most
8 pages long and are expected to include scientific or methodological
novelty, which must be stated clearly in the Introduction, along with
a review of the relevant prior work. Each paper will be reviewed by at least
three members of the scientific committee. Accepted papers will appear
in electronic proceedings, and will be accessible through the ISCA Archive.


For the Show & Tell (demo) sessions, authors must submit short papers
(at most, 4 pages long) describing system or prototype, a target
application, a product, a demonstrator or any combination of them.
These contributions do not have to present scientific or methodological
novelty; therefore, they will not undergo full peer review and will not be
included in the proceedings (though will be available for download on the
website). One or more poster sessions will be allocated for Show & Tell
submissions, with auxiliary equipment (tables, plugs, etc.) available
if requested. The organizing committee may select the most interesting
submissions for oral presentation.


To foster a closer collaboration across industry and academia,
an industry track was introduced in Odyssey 2014. The initiative is
continued in Odyssey 2016 under the name 'Industry and Forensics track',
in order to include forensic and investigative speaker recognition,
an application which involves diverse areas of expertise. Companies,
R&D labs, government agencies and other interested parties (e.g. forensic
experts and labs) are called to participate in the following sessions:

- Forensic and investigative speaker recognition
- Commercial applications of speaker and language recognition

These sessions are expected to be highly interactive, with a series
of pitch talks (3-5 minutes long each), followed by a panel discussion
open to the audience, addressing practical issues or unsolved problems
'out-in-the-wild' that deserve attention.

To participate, just send an email to with ?Industry
and Forensics track' as Subject, providing details of your company profile
(in particular, your involvement with or your need for speaker and language
recognition technology), your interests (forensics, commercial or other)
and contact info.

Besides voice biometrics providers and companies that develop and exploit
speaker/language recognition solutions, we encourage companies who are
IN NEED for speaker or language recognition technology.

Speaker Recognition in Multimedia Content (SS-SRMC)

Speaker information is instrumental in better exploiting spoken multimedia
content, as evidenced by recent work on large-scale speaker indexing and
linking, or on speaker naming in broadcast archives.

The special session 'Speaker recognition in multimedia content?, organized
in collaboration with the ISCA SIG on Speech and Language in Multimedia
(SIG-SLIM,, pursues two main goals:

(1) to share recent advances in the field and to identify synergies between
the various multimedia applications where speaker recognition, indexing
and segmentation is considered; and

(2) to raise awareness on speaker-related research in multimedia so as
to strengthen the link between the multimedia and the speaker recognition

The session targets researchers working on any topic related to
speaker characterization for multimedia content processing, including
(but not limited to) speaker segmentation, speaker indexing, speaker
clustering, speaker naming or discovery, or speaking face detection.
Multimodal (e.g. speech + face recognition) approaches are particularly
welcome. We expect submissions presenting original research results,
ongoing research and development projects, tools and resources that
are being made available, or benchmarking initiatives.

Chairs of SS-SRMC at Odyssey 2016:

Hervé BredinCNRS/LIMSI, France
Claude BarrasLIMSI, France
Guillaume GravierCNRS/IRISA, France


Odyssey 2016 will feature two awards:

- A best paper award
- A best student paper award

All regular papers (including special session papers) are candidates
for the awards. The awards are given based on the review reports AND
the presentation at the conference. For the best student paper award,
the first author must be a student (meaning that she/he does not yet
hold a PhD degree) at the time of paper submission.


Luis J. Rodríguez-Fuentes, chair  University of the Basque Country, Spain
Eduardo Lleida, co-chair          University of Zaragoza, Spain
Jean-François Bonastre            University of Avignon, France
Niko Brümmer                      Agnitio, South Africa
Luká? Burget                      Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Joseph Campbell                   MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA
Jan 'Honza? ?ernocký              Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Tomi Kinnunen                     University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Haizhou Li                        Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Alvin Martin                      NIST, USA
Douglas Reynolds                  MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA


Odyssey 2016 will be hosted by two Spanish groups:

* GTTS (, from the Faculty of Science and Technology
of the University of the Basque Country; and

* ViVoLab (, from the School of Engineering and
Architecture of the University of Zaragoza.

The workshop will be held in Bilbao, a medium-size city in the north
of Spain, with about 350,000 inhabitants. The venue, Bizkaia Aretoa,
is located in the heart of the city. The building, designed by the Portuguese
architect Alvaro Siza, hosts all kind of social, cultural, academic and scientific
events, most of them organized by the University of the Basque Country.

Bilbao is the commercial and administrative head of a large area of about
one million people living by the Ibaizabal-Nervion estuary. After centuries
of trading and iron industry, in the last decades Bilbao has become a service
town, supported by a huge investment in infrastructure and urban renewal,
that started with the construction of an underground network (Metro Bilbao)
in 1995 and the opening of the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum in 1997.

The Bilbao airport can be easily reached from many European airports,
including international hubs such as Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt,
Istanbul, London, Madrid or Paris, which provide worldwide connectivity.
The city is connected to the European road network by the AP-8 toll
motorway, to the north of Spain by the A-8 (free) motorway and
to the rest of Spain by the AP-68 toll motorway.

Located in a hilly countryside, Bilbao offers many outdoor activities.
Hiking is very popular as well as rock climbing in the nearby mountains.
Mount Artxanda, easily accessible from the town centre by a funicular
railway, features a recreational area at the summit, with restaurants,
a sports complex and a balcony with panoramic views. In the south,
the natural wonders of Mount Pagasarri receive hundreds of hikers
every weekend.

A few minutes away by public transport, the Bizkaia Bridge, declared
World Heritage in 2006, connects Portugalete and Las Arenas at the left
and right banks of the estuary. In the coast, old fishing villages like Plentzia,
Mundaka or Lekeitio have become touristic spots due to the nearby beaches,
where watersports, especially surfing, are practiced. Just an hour away by car,
the beautiful city of San Sebastian, as well as the vineyards and wineries
of La Rioja, are worth a visit.

For more details:

Website (under construction):

Odyssey 2016 is supported by:

- University of the Basque Country
- University of Zaragoza
- Spanish Thematic Network on Speech Technology


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