ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #209  »  Jobs

ISCApad #209

Wednesday, November 11, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

6 Jobs
6-1(2015-06-01) PhD Research Fellow at Gipsa, Grenoble, France

PhD Research Fellow

Speech Production and Swallowing with Full Dental Prosthesis

(May 28th, 2015)


A position as PhD Research fellow is available in the PCMD (« Perception, Contrôle, Multimodalité et

Dynamiques de la parole ») research team in that GIPSA-Lab. This PhD is part of a research project

involving researchers from two different labs, Gipsa-lab in Grenoble and the LMI in Lyon. It is funded

by the Région Rhône-Alpes for 3 years from next fall, in the context of the research program ARC2

focusing on Quality of Life in the Elderly.

Scientific goals

The general objective of the thesis is to thoroughly study in patients the mechanical interactions

between a full dental prosthesis and the tongue during speech production and swallowing, and to

understand how it influences the control of these basic orofacial motor tasks and its evolution over

time. The work will be organized around three main tasks:

(1) The characterization of the mechanical stress exerted by the tongue on the dental

prosthesis, with a special focus on its amplitude, its spatial distribution and its variation

across patients.

(2) The study of the variation of the mechanical stress during the first weeks following the

insertion of the dental prosthesis in the patient’s mouth, during which a motor adaptation

takes place.

(3) The longitudinal study over years of the evolution of the mechanical stress and of the

potential links between this evolution and the emergence of speech production deficits

and /or swallowing diseases.

The measure of the mechanical stress will use the original

device elaborated at Gipsa-lab (Jeannin et al., 2008) (see

opposite figure). This device consists in 12 strain-gauge

sensors inserted in an exact replicate of the dental prosthesis

and distributed over the whole surface of the prosthesis. The

strain-gauge sensors have been specifically developed for this

purpose and the whole electronic setup matches the safety

regulation for an insertion in a patient’s mouth. Its insertion

within the dental prosthesis enables that it is not detectable by

the patient. Thus, its presence does not provide by itself a

perturbation of the motor task. Only the wires getting out from

the mouth corner are likely to induce a perturbation..

With this experimental study, we’d like to establish how patients adapt to the presence of the

prosthesis in their mouth, and how it can lead to the emergence of new, potentially pathological, motor

control strategies of speech production and swallowing. We make the hypothesis that this adaptation

could involve at least two different stages along which problems can emerge: (1) the elaboration in the

brain of an internal representation (a so-called internal model) of the oro-facial motor system including

the prosthesis, which memorizes the new links between motor commands, oro-sensory feedback and

accuracy of the achievement of the motor task (Wolpert et al., 1998); (2) the evolution of the motor

strategies on the basis of this new internal model. In line with studies of speech production in cochlear

implanted patients carried out by Perkell et al (2000), it can be expected that the decrease of the

accuracy of the afferent information due the presence of the prosthesis could induce a difficulty in the

maintenance of the internal models and, consequently, a decrease in the accuracy of the motor task.

The ultimate goal of the study is (1) via the establishment of a map of the contacts and their intensity

between the tongue and the prosthesis, to provide useful information for the design of prostheses and

of their insertion in the patient’ mouth, and (2) via the behavioral study of patients, to contribute to the

design of adapted training and reeducation protocols.


Jeannin, C., Perrier, P., Payan, Y., Dittmar, A., & Grosgogeat, B. (2008). Tongue pressure recordings during speech using

complete denture. Materials Science and Engineering C; 28, 835-841.

Perkell, J. S., Guenther, F. H., Lane, H., … & Zandipour, M. (2000). A theory of speech motor control and supporting data from

speakers with normal hearing and with profound hearing loss. Journal of Phonetics, 28(3), 233–272.

Wolpert, D., Miall, R. C., and Kawato, M. (1998). Internal models in the cerebellum. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2(9), 338–



Taste for experimental work.

Ability to deal with patients and elderly people.

Statistical analysis of behavioral data.

Interest for cognitive sciences in general and learning issues in particular.


According to French standards (about 1400 € net/month)

How to apply?

In order to apply, interested candidates should send from now their application (CV, transcript of

results, motivation letter and at least one reference) to:

If more information is needed, do not hesitate to contact us.

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6-2(2015-06-01) Post-doc , Orange Labs, Lannion, Brittany, France

La mise au point de services facilitant l’accès aux contenus de la Connaissance constitue l’un des axes de recherche portés par Orange Labs Research. L'objet du postdoc est d'étudier la structuration automatique de contenus dans ce domaine (conférences, documentaires, entretiens, émissions de radio ou TV spécialisées, …).


La structuration thématique de contenus est un sujet d’étude actif depuis un certain nombre d’années dans la communauté scientifique. Le sujet a été plus largement traité dans le cadre de la segmentation thématique de journaux télévisés mais également pour des contenus de nature différente comme des réunions ou des cours magistraux (lecture topic segmentation). Dans le cas de la segmentation thématique de contenus de type 'journaux télévisés', les sujets consécutifs sont le plus souvent suffisamment différenciés pour que les techniques basées sur la cohésion lexicale permettent d'obtenir de bons résultats. Le matériau de base pour cette segmentation, à savoir la transcription automatique du contenu, est par ailleurs le plus souvent de bonne qualité, du fait des bonnes performances des systèmes de transcription qui ont été largement optimisés dans la communauté parole sur des contenus de ce type.


Les contenus étudiés dans le cadre de ce post-doc (conférences, documentaires, entretiens) ont la particularité d'être globalement monothématiques, potentiellement longs comme dans le cas des conférences, et potentiellement très spécialisés. L'adaptation de la segmentation thématique à la segmentation en sous-thème pour ce type de contenus constitue le principal objectif du travail.


Plusieurs questions scientifiques devront être abordées :

* Au-delà de la cohésion lexicale entre les mots pris individuellement, il s'agira de s'attacher à la cohésion lexicale entre les mots en contexte (dans le cas d'une conférence sur le cerveau, le terme cortex pourra apparaître à plusieurs moment alors que les contextes 'cortex visuel', 'cortex frontal' seront peut-être plus discriminants pour la structuration). La question est alors de trouver une définition appropriée du contexte.

* En amont de la structuration, comment enrichir la couverture lexicale pour le traitement automatique de documents spécialisés?

* Lors du processus de structuration, comment tirer profit d'une base de connaissance structurée, de relations sémantiques? Comment définir et exploiter des mesures d’association distributionnelles ?

* Comment proposer une organisation hiérarchique des sous-thèmes afin de proposer une structuration de type 'plan' des documents?


Les résultats du post-doc permettront d’alimenter des travaux de recherche autour d’interfaces innovantes de navigation dans les contenus de la Connaissance.


Le candidat devra être titulaire d’un doctorat en informatique, spécialisé en traitement de la parole, traitement du langage ou en recherche d’information.


Le postdoc se déroulera à Lannion pour une période de 12 mois et doit débuter en 2015. Le candidat est recruté en CDD, avec une rémunération allant de 35 à 38 keuros brut annuel. Les contraintes de recrutement en CDD imposent que le candidat n’ait pas réalisé plus d’un postdoc préalablement à la candidature.


Contact Géraldine Damnati :

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6-3(2015-06-01) Post-doc position at LORIA (Nancy, France)

Post-doc position at LORIA (Nancy, France)

Automatic speech recognition: Deep Neural Network for language model

Framework of ANR project ContNomina

The technologies involved in information retrieval in large audio/video databases are often based on the analysis of large, but closed, corpora, and on machine learning techniques and statistical modeling of the written and spoken language. The effectiveness of these approaches is now widely acknowledged, but they nevertheless have major flaws, particularly for what concern proper names, that are crucial for the interpretation of the content.

In the context of diachronic data (data which change over time) new proper names appear constantly requiring dynamic updates of the lexicons and language models used by the speech recognition system.

As a result, the ANR project ContNomina (2013-2017) focuses on the problem of proper names in automatic audio processing systems by exploiting in the most efficient way the context of the processed documents. To do this, the post-doc student will address the contextualization of the recognition module through the dynamic adjustment of the language model in order to make it more accurate.

Post-doc subject

Deep Neural Network have become a key component of modern automatic speech recognition systems. The language model of our recognition system is based on a neural network learned from a large corpus of text. The problem is to estimate the probability of a new proper name depending on its context. Several tracks will be explored: adapting the language model, using a class model or studying the notion of analogy.

Our team has developed a fully automatic system for speech recognition to transcribe a radio broadcast from the corresponding audio file. The post-doc will develop a new module whose function is to integrate new proper names in the language model.

Required skills

A PhD in signal processing or in computer sciences, be familiar with the tools for automatic speech recognition, background in statistics and computer program skills (??C, object-oriented programming and Perl).

Post-doc duration: 12 months, start during the 2015 (these is some flexibility)

Localization and contacts: Loria laboratory, Speech team, Nancy, France

Candidates should email a letter of application, a detailed CV with a list of publications and diploma


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6-4(2015-06-01) 2 postdocs en sciences du language/linguistique/psychologie à CNRS, Aix Marseille, France

Recrutement de 2 postdocs en sciences du language/linguistique/psychologie


Institution : Laboratoire Parole et Langage (CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université)

Nombre de postes :  2

Durée :  2 ans (voir ci-dessous)

Date limite de reception des candidatures : 1 juin 2015


Le Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Unité Mixte de Recherche entre le CNRS et Aix-Marseille Université, associé au LABEX « Brain and Language Research Institute (BRLI) » ouvre un appel à candidature pour 2 postes « post-doctoraux », financés par la fondation  A*MIDEX .  Le projet vise à étudier la relation entre des variables sociales et les représentations linguistiques  et cherche à développer un modèle cognitif qui prenne en compte les effets d?identité sociale sur la perception et la production de la parole. Le projet combinera l?expérimentation (production, perception, potentiels évoqués), l?analyse des corpus et les modèles computationnels. Le candidat fera partie intégrale de l?équipe interdisciplinaire du BLRI, qui implique des chercheurs en linguistique, psychologie, neurosciences, et informatique.

Le projet se focalise sur les aspects prosodiques et intentionnels de la communication, de telle sorte qu?une expérience dans ces domaines sera un atout. Par ailleurs, les candidats qui auront des compétences dans l?un ou plusieurs domaines mentionnés ci-dessous seront prioritaires :

-        Sociolinguistique (quantitative)

-        Approche stochastique/probabiliste de  la théorie linguistique

-        Psychologie/psycholinguistique de mémoire (surtout encodage et recouvrement)

-        Phonologie de laboratoire

-        Linguistique expérimentale

Le poste sera financé pour une durée de 24 mois au maximum en fonction de la date du début du contrat. Le candidat aura obtenu sa thèse avant le début du contrat. La date du début du contrat est flexible mais le poste devra être pourvu avant le 1 octobre 2015.

Les demandes peuvent être soumises en français ou en anglais, par courriel à Jessica Bouanane (responsable administrative) E-mail :

Pour plus de renseignements veuillez contacter James Sneed German (investigateur principal); E-Mail :

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6-5(2015-06-01) Master’s, PhD, and Postdoc Openings at the MuSAE Lab in Montreal, Canada

Master’s, PhD, and Postdoc Openings at the MuSAE Lab in Montreal, Canada

The Multimedia Signal Analysis and Enhancement (MuSAE) Lab has openings at the graduate and post-graduate levels to work in the area of non-intrusive objective speech quality measurement of enhanced speech. Particular interest is placed on microphone array processed speech. The recruited researcher(s) will work closely with national and international industry (e.g., Google) and academic partners.

Candidates should have strong knowledge in at least two of the following topics: speech signal processing, single- and multi-channel speech enhancement, subjective/objective speech quality assessment, psychoacoustics, and pattern recognition (eg, deep learning). Hands-on experience with commercial microphone arrays, as well as with speech data collection in noisy and reverberant environments will be considered as great assets. Interested candidates should send their transcripts (unofficial copies), up-to-date CV's, and relevant publications to Dr. Tiago Falk (falk [at] emt [dot] inrs [dot] ca). Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. Moreover, postdoctoral candidates will be expected to have a strong publication record in reputable journals and conference proceedings.

The MuSAE Lab is located at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS-EMT), University of Quebec, in Montreal, Canada – a bilingual (English/French) city renowned for its great pool of ethnic diversity and its vibrant cosmopolitan ambiance. INRS has consistently ranked as a top-3 Canadian university in the category ‘Research Intensity and publications’ and houses several state-of-the-art research facilities. More detail about the MuSAE Lab and its research team can be found at:

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6-6(2015-06-02) PhD Research Fellow at GIPSA Grenoble, France

PhD Research Fellow

Speech Production and Swallowing with Full Dental Prosthesis

(May 28th, 2015)


A position as PhD Research fellow is available in the PCMD (« Perception, Contrôle, Multimodalité et

Dynamiques de la parole ») research team in that GIPSA-Lab. This PhD is part of a research project

involving researchers from two different labs, Gipsa-lab in Grenoble and the LMI in Lyon. It is funded

by the Région Rhône-Alpes for 3 years from next fall, in the context of the research program ARC2

focusing on Quality of Life in the Elderly.

Scientific goals

The general objective of the thesis is to thoroughly study in patients the mechanical interactions

between a full dental prosthesis and the tongue during speech production and swallowing, and to

understand how it influences the control of these basic orofacial motor tasks and its evolution over

time. The work will be organized around three main tasks:

(1) The characterization of the mechanical stress exerted by the tongue on the dental

prosthesis, with a special focus on its amplitude, its spatial distribution and its variation

across patients.

(2) The study of the variation of the mechanical stress during the first weeks following the

insertion of the dental prosthesis in the patient’s mouth, during which a motor adaptation

takes place.

(3) The longitudinal study over years of the evolution of the mechanical stress and of the

potential links between this evolution and the emergence of speech production deficits

and /or swallowing diseases.

The measure of the mechanical stress will use the original

device elaborated at Gipsa-lab (Jeannin et al., 2008) (see

opposite figure). This device consists in 12 strain-gauge

sensors inserted in an exact replicate of the dental prosthesis

and distributed over the whole surface of the prosthesis. The

strain-gauge sensors have been specifically developed for this

purpose and the whole electronic setup matches the safety

regulation for an insertion in a patient’s mouth. Its insertion

within the dental prosthesis enables that it is not detectable by

the patient. Thus, its presence does not provide by itself a

perturbation of the motor task. Only the wires getting out from

the mouth corner are likely to induce a perturbation..

With this experimental study, we’d like to establish how patients adapt to the presence of the

prosthesis in their mouth, and how it can lead to the emergence of new, potentially pathological, motor

control strategies of speech production and swallowing. We make the hypothesis that this adaptation

could involve at least two different stages along which problems can emerge: (1) the elaboration in the

brain of an internal representation (a so-called internal model) of the oro-facial motor system including

the prosthesis, which memorizes the new links between motor commands, oro-sensory feedback and

accuracy of the achievement of the motor task (Wolpert et al., 1998); (2) the evolution of the motor

strategies on the basis of this new internal model. In line with studies of speech production in cochlear

implanted patients carried out by Perkell et al (2000), it can be expected that the decrease of the

accuracy of the afferent information due the presence of the prosthesis could induce a difficulty in the

maintenance of the internal models and, consequently, a decrease in the accuracy of the motor task.

The ultimate goal of the study is (1) via the establishment of a map of the contacts and their intensity

between the tongue and the prosthesis, to provide useful information for the design of prostheses and

of their insertion in the patient’ mouth, and (2) via the behavioral study of patients, to contribute to the

design of adapted training and reeducation protocols.


Jeannin, C., Perrier, P., Payan, Y., Dittmar, A., & Grosgogeat, B. (2008). Tongue pressure recordings during speech using

complete denture. Materials Science and Engineering C; 28, 835-841.

Perkell, J. S., Guenther, F. H., Lane, H., … & Zandipour, M. (2000). A theory of speech motor control and supporting data from

speakers with normal hearing and with profound hearing loss. Journal of Phonetics, 28(3), 233–272.

Wolpert, D., Miall, R. C., and Kawato, M. (1998). Internal models in the cerebellum. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2(9), 338–



Taste for experimental work.

Ability to deal with patients and elderly people.

Statistical analysis of behavioral data.

Interest for cognitive sciences in general and learning issues in particular.


According to French standards (about 1400 € net/month)

How to apply?

In order to apply, interested candidates should send from now their application (CV, transcript of

results, motivation letter and at least one reference) to:

If more information is needed, do not hesitate to contact us.

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6-7(2015-06-03) Fully funded PhD position, LIA, Avignon, France
Object: Fully funded PhD position - CS Lab (LIA) of the University of Avignon, France ? User models for the automatic monitoring of social networks


A PhD position is available at the LIA (computer science laboratory of the University of Avignon, France), in collaboration with the software company Nectar de Code (, starting from October 2015.


Title: User models for the automatic monitoring of social networks
Keywords: machine learning, modeling, natural language processing, networka analysis
Laboratory: LIA (
Advisors: Georges Linarès (, Richard Dufour (, Vincent Labatut (
Founding: Provence region (public structure), Nectar de Code (software company)
Conditions: the candidate must be less than 30 years old
Starting date: October 2015
Required files: send the following files to all three advisors: CV + topic-related motivation letter + grade transcripts for both Master years (or equivalent)
Application deadline: 9th of june 2015 (note the very short delay, beyond our control)


In the recent years, the interactive aspects of the Internet became increasingly important, transforming it into the main support for free communication between potentially very different persons. This led to considerable scientific and societal issues related to the supervision of Web-based social interactions. Indeed, in order to work correctly, open communication spaces need to be monitored, which is a difficult task. Without any moderation, such a service can be hijacked, or end up hosting negative behaviors decreasing the service quality, or even illegal activities. One could argue the absence of any control actually contributed to the development of such open spaces on the Web, however the absence of any moderation could also dramatically limit their interest. Human-operated moderation is often costly, and even economically unfeasible; creating automatic monitoring methods for such large-scale textual interactions is consequently of the highest interest. We propose to develop an approach focused on users, and to evaluate it on the specific case of a social networking service. Tackling this problem involves designing models of the users? behavior, and defining methods to estimate these statistical models. The general framework of this PhD topic is social networks analysis.
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6-8(2015-06-11) Ingenieur d'études a l'université d'Aix-Marseille, France

INTITULE DU POSTE : Ingénieur en techniques expérimentales

Catégorie : Ingénieur d?étude

Service/Composante : UFR Arts, Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines (ALLSH)

Localisation du poste : Maison de la recherche


Emploi type : Ingénieur en techniques expérimentales

Date de vacance du poste : 01/09/2015

Quotité : 100 %

Date limite de candidature : 26 juin 2015



La maison de la recherche de l?UFR ALLSH se situe dans un bâtiment neuf de 4 500 m2 destiné à

l?accueil d?unités de recherche en Arts, Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines (9 Equipes d?Accueil :


Recherche : IRASIA, CEPERC), des Écoles Doctorales en Lettres Sciences Humaines (ED 354&356) et

du service des Presses Universitaires. Les locaux de recherche ont été organisés pour être

spatialement cohérents, fonctionnels et équipés selon les besoins et spécificités des Unités, pour un

développement optimal et une visibilité accrue de la recherche sur ce secteur scientifique.

Le poste d?ingénieur en techniques expérimentales s?insère dans un ensemble de services mutualisés

et créés spécifiquement à l?occasion de l?ouverture de la Maison de la Recherche.

L?Ingénieur en techniques expérimentales en soutien scientifique et technique à la recherche au sein

des laboratoires sus mentionnés viendra en appui au fonctionnement des plateformes scientifiques

de la Maison de la Recherche : les salles d?expérimentation et d?observation en psychologie et le

studio d?enregistrement mais également aux équipements de recherche mobiles.

Cet appui permettra d?impulser de nouveaux programmes innovants de recherche.



Procéder aux montages, réglages, et essais d?appareils ou de montages expérimentaux.

Mettre au point les dispositifs expérimentaux ; définir, développer, tester et formaliser les


Concevoir les adaptations et les améliorations de tout ou partie d?un dispositif expérimental.

Coordonner l?exploitation du dispositif.

Formation à la technique et à l?utilisation des dispositifs expérimentaux ; conseil aux utilisateurs

pour leur mise en oeuvre dans le respect des normes d?utilisation.

Rédiger les documents de spécifications techniques, de conception et de réalisation et les manuels

utilisateurs associés aux dispositifs expérimentaux.

Assurer le bon déroulement de l?expérimentation.

Participer à la valorisation des technologies des plateformes.

Suivre les évolutions des techniques expérimentales et se former pour les mettre en oeuvre.

Organiser et contrôler les interventions de maintenance préventive et les interventions de



Ce poste est ouvert en externe aux titulaires de la fonction publique de catégorie A (IGE) et aux

agents non titulaires détenteur minimum d?un Bac + 3.

Le dossier de candidature (CV et LM avec lorsque cela est possible, le dernier entretien

professionnel) sera adressé par voie électronique à :



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6-9(2015-06-12) PhD positions at IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy


We are pleased to inform you about the IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca's call for applications for PhD positions in the following specialized curricula:
Si informa che è aperto il nuovo bando di selezione per l'accesso al Programma di Dottorato di IMT Alti Studi Lucca per i seguenti curricula di specializzazione:

  • Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage
  • Computer Science and Systems Engineering
  • Economics, Management and Data Science
  • No tuition fees, free room and access to IMT Canteen
    Esenzione dalle tasse d'iscrizione, alloggio gratuito, accesso gratuito alla mensa IMT
  • A grant of €13,630 gross/year
    Importo lordo della borsa: €13.630/anno

Candidates can apply if they obtain their (minimum) 4-year undergraduate degree NO LATER than October 30th, 2015
Possono fare domanda coloro che conseguano il titolo di accesso entro e NON OLTRE 30 ottobre 2015

DEADLINE: June 29th, 2015 at 6:00 pm CEST

IMT Lucca ( is a research university within the Italian public higher education system. IMT's research mission is characterized by the analysis and management of a plurality of economic, social, technological and cultural systems. Faculty carry out cutting edge methodological research to generate knowledge, to design projects to apply knowledge to resolve economic, industrial, social and cultural problems, and to transmit knowledge through highly-specialized graduate courses and seminars.
IMT Lucca ( è un istituto universitario pubblico di ricerca e alta formazione dottorale a ordinamento speciale, focalizzato sull'analisi e gestione dei sistemi economici, sociali, tecnologici e culturali. I docenti e i ricercatori dell'Istituto svolgono attività di ricerca metodologica di alto livello scientifico per generare conoscenza, per applicare la conoscenza alla risoluzione di problemi d'interesse economico, industriale, sociale e culturale attraverso la realizzazione di progetti, e per trasmettere la conoscenza attraverso l'attività didattica.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn.

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6-10(2015-06-16) One-year post-doc position open at Clemson University, SC, USA

A one-year post-doc position open for this fall at Clemson University.


 Candidate should have previous research experience and skills in one or more of virtual environments, 3DUI, experimental design and evaluation, intelligent virtual agents, and stereoscopic computer graphics.


The virtual environments group at Clemson is a dynamic research group with approximately 25 faculty, post-doc and student participants.


Applications should be emailed directly to


Larry F. Hodges, Ph.D.
Professor and Interim Chair of Human-Centered Computing: School of Computing
Faculty Scholar: School of Health Research
Faculty Fellow: Spiro Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership
Clemson University (South Carolina, USA)

and should include a C.V., statement of research interests, and the names of three references.


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6-11(2015-06-16) Postdoc / Spontaneous speech recognition and understanding at IMAG (Grenoble-F)

Postdoc / Spontaneous speech recognition and understanding


You will work on a research and development project (CASSIE) involving academic and industrial stakeholders of spoken dialog and assistive technologies. The postdoc objective is to advance the state-of-the-art in spontaneous speech recognition and understanding. More precisely, one application of the project is a chatterbot which assists users to interact with a smart home environment. The heart of the research will be twofold:

-improve/adapt the LIG ASR system to spontaneous speech 

-build probabilistic and/or deep-learning based models for spoken language understanding in the context of assistive technologies.

 For the experimental development and validation, the research will benefit from the fully-equipped LIG smart home (DOMUS).

Start : Fall 2015 (flexible start from Sept to Dec 2015)

Duration : 18 months (postdoc)

Contact : ;

Profiles The applicants must hold a PhD degree in Computational Linguistics, Computing sciences or Cognitive Sciences preferably with experience in the fields of speech processing and/or natural language processing and/or machine learning. Good background in programming will also be required. Experience in using deep learning architectures, word embeddings is a plus.
He/she will also be involved in experimenting the technology with human participants being either French or English speakers. For this reason good English level is required as well as (possibly) a  good command of French. Finally effective communication skills in English, both written and verbal are mandatory.
Location Grenoble is a high-tech city with 4 universities. It is located at the heart of the Alps, in outstanding scientific and natural surroundings. It is 3h by train from Paris ; 2h from Geneva ; 1h from Lyon ; 2h from Torino and is less than 1h from Lyon international airport.
Research Group Website : 
Dates Interviews will be held in July 2015 (until September 2015 if needed). Meetings during Interspeech 2015 in Dresden (Germany) can be also organized.
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6-12(2015-06-17) Poste d'ingénieur d'étude CNRS, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris France

Le LPP recrute un poste d'ingénieur d'étude CNRS en déploiement et développement d'application par le biais d'un concours externe

BAP E : Informatique, statistique et calcul scientifique

Il s?agit d?un concours externe CNRS, dont les détails sont consultables à cette adresse :

  • Date de candidature : du 8 au 30 juin 2015
  • Date des oraux : entre le 29 sept et le 13 novembre 2015
  • Prise de fonction : 1er décembre 2015
  • Concours n° 92

Mission :
L?ingénieur(e) recruté(e) aura pour mission de contribuer à la conception et la mise en place de solutions expérimentales et instrumentales adéquates pour l?acquisition et le traitement de signaux de parole.
Il/Elle assistera l?ingénieur de recherche pour l?exploitation des données issues de la plateforme expérimentale du LPP et fera le lien avec les personnes désireuses de prendre des données physiologiques, acoustiques, articulatoires, aérodynamiques et/ou perceptives.
De même, il/elle devra assurer la maintenance du matériel dédié (instrumentations de recueil de données phonétiques) et du parc informatique du LPP.

Activités :

  • Assurer le pré et post-traitement informatique des données hétérogènes acquises avec la plateforme physiologique (conversion et synchronisation des données)
  • Développer de nouveaux outils informatiques permettant l?analyse des données
  • Développer des interfaces pour aider les membres du laboratoire dans le traitement des données
  • Piloter des projets de bases de données, de la conception à la réalisation, pour archiver les enregistrements
  • Développer des interfaces entre différentes bases de données
  • Analyser les besoins et élaborer le cahier des charges fonctionnel des projets
  • Prendre la responsabilité technique du site web du laboratoire
  • Concevoir et animer des actions de formation pour les utilisateurs

Compétences :
** Savoirs généraux :

  • connaissances en traitement et analyse du signal
  • connaissances solides en analyse et programmation d?applications distribuées et de programmation d?objet
  • connaissances en physique et particulièrement en acoustique serait un plus
  • des notions en électronique seraient utiles
  • des connaissances en phonétique et/ou en phonologie seront un plus

** Savoir-faire opérationnels :

  • pour le traitement du signal : acquisition/synchronisation de signaux hétérogènes
  • qualités pédagogiques pour aider/former les utilisateurs
  • maintenance et développement de sites web interactifs

Contexte :
Le Laboratoire de Phonétique et de Phonologie (LPP) est une Unité Mixte de Recherche spécialisée dans la recherche et l?enseignement en phonétique expérimentale et en phonologie. Le LPP rassemble plus d?une quarantaine de personnes : 6 chercheurs (2 CR1 et 4 directeurs de recherche, dont un émérite), 12 enseignants-chercheurs (dont 2 professeurs), 1 ingénieur de recherche, 1 secrétaire-gestionnaire et plus de 25 doctorants et post-doctorants.
Le laboratoire est équipé d?une plateforme expérimentale qui englobe des dispositifs permettant l?acquisition de données de production (acoustique et physiologique) et de perception de la parole.
Le LPP est membre du laboratoire d?excellence EFL (Empirical Foundations of Linguistics).

Le poste est localisé au sein de l?université Sorbonne-Nouvelle mais l?ingénieur(e) recruté(e) sera amené(e) à se déplacer sur l?autre site (hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou).

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6-13(2015-07-01) A 3 year fully-funded PhD studentship at University of Sheffield, UK

We have a 3 year fully-funded PhD studentship in the use of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems in Assistive Technology. Full details are at

Closing date is 16th August 2015. Please circulate to suitable candidates.
Dr. Heidi Christensen
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield
Centre for Assistive Technology and Connected Healthcare (
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6-14(2015-07-20) Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore
WHO: Post-Doctoral Researcher wanted
WHY: Massively Multilingual Automatic Speech Recognition
WHERE: Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore
WHEN: September, 2015
Speech input permits people to find data (maps, search, contacts) by talking to their cell phones.  Of the 6700 languages spoken in the world, speech input is available in 40.  Why so few?  The problem is data.  Before it can be used, speech input software must learn a language by studying hundreds of hours of transcribed audio.  In most languages, finding somebody who can transcribe hundreds of hours of audio (somebody who is computer literate, yet has time available to perform this task) is nearly impossible.  Faced with this problem, we proposed a radical solution: solicit transcription from people who don't speak the language.  Non-native listeners make many mistakes.  By building a probabilistic model of their mistakes, we are able to infer correct transcriptions, and thus to train speech technology in any language.
We are seeking a post-doctoral researcher who can scale these algorithms to commercial relevance.  Necessary qualifications include a Ph.D. in speech technology, natural language processing, information theory or machine learning.  Objectives of the research include the derivation, implementation, testing, and publication of new algorithms that train state of the art speech input technologies from probabilistic transcription in the under-resourced languages of southeast Asia.
This is a 20-month post-doctoral research position at the Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC) in Singapore.  The post-doc will work most closely with Dr. Nancy Chen, A*STAR, Singapore, and with Dr. Preethi Jyothi and Prof. Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  For inquiries contact
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6-15(2015-07-21) PhD position at Telecom ParisTech, France

PhD position in Feature Function Learning for Sentiment Analysis in speech interactions

Telecom ParisTech (
46 rue Barrault  75013 Paris - France

Chloé Clavel  (
Slim Essid  (

Starting date: Early Autumn 2015

Funding: Secured with the Telecom ParisTech Machine Learning for Big Data Chair (

Keywords: Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, Deep Learning, Conditional Random Fields, Natural Language Processing, Speech Processing, Natural Language Processing

Applications are invited for a 36 month PhD.

Sentiment analysis and opinion mining have gained an increasing interest with the explosion of textual content conveying users? opinions (e.g. film reviews, forum debates, tweets). Hence, natural language processing researchers have dedicated a great deal of effort into the development of methods amenable to opinion detection in such texts, though often simplifying the problem to one of classification over the valence (positive vs negative) and intensity axes. As for sentiment analysis in speech signals, there have been hardly any attempts. Further challenges are posed in this case where not only should the special features of spoken language be taken into account, but also prosodic features and the potential errors of automatic speech recognition systems.

The research work planned will focus on the development of sentiment analysis methods in the context of speech interactions (phone conversations, face-to-face human-agent interactions). The privileged research direction will consist in creating effective computational models of appraisal expressions. In particular, Conditional Random Fields and deep learning approaches will be considered with feature functions encoding the semantic rules usually used for our task.

Master?s student or Master?s degree with background in
-        Machine learning / pattern recognition
-        Speech processing, natural language processing
-        Excellent programming skills (Python, Java, C/C++)
-        Good English level

To be sent to,:
-        Curriculum Vitae
-        Statement of interest (in the body of the email)
-        Academic records
-        List of references

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

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6-16(2015-08-04) PhD offer at IRISA, Lannion, France

A PhD offer (3 year, beginning in October 2015) is available in EXPRESSION team at IRISA at Lannion on Characterisation and generation of expressivity for audiobooks creation.

Competences: Computer science, software development (Python, Perl, C++), machine learning.



Damien Lolive
Associate Professor 
IRISA - Team Expression
University of Rennes 1
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6-17(2015-08-04) Post doctoral position at IRISA, Lannion, France
 A post-doctoral position on Pronunciation variants modelling for speech synthesis is available at ranceIRISA, Lannion. You?ll find more details on :
Position available from novembre 2015.
Salary: depending on experience


Damien Lolive
Associate Professor 
IRISA - Team Expression
University of Rennes 1
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6-18(2015-08-15) Internship opportunity at Orange Labs


Internship opportunity at Orange Labs

Incomplete requests management in human/machine dialogue.

Entity: Orange Labs.

Department/Team: CRM&DA/NADIA.

Duration: 6 months.

Contact: Hatim KHOUZAIMI (

About our team:

Orange Labs is the Research and Development division of Orange, the leading telecommunication company in France. The mission of the CRM&DA department (Customer Relationship Management & Data Analytics) is to invent new solutions to improve the company’s interactions with its customers by using data analysis techniques. You will be part of NADIA (Natural DIAlogue interaction), which is one of the teams composing CRM&DA and whose mission is to develop and maintain a human/machine dialogue solution, which is already widely used by customers.

Your mission:

Thanks to the recent improvements in the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology, research in the field of Spoken Dialogue Systems (SDSs) has been very active during the late few years. The main challenge is to design user initiative dialogue strategies where the user can use natural language to utter complex requests, with a lot of information, as opposed to system initiative ones, where the request is entered chunk by chunk. However, due to the user’s unfamiliarity with the system and the noise induced by the ASR module, the request captured by the system is often incomplete, hence rejected. The objective of this internship is to figure out solutions to detect whether a request is incomplete and not incorrect and if it is the case, to extract partial information. This will be later used by the Dialogue Manager module to ask the user to add missing information.

In addition, researchers in the field of SDSs are more and more interested in improving the system’s floor management capacities. Instead of adopting a walkie-talkie approach where each of the dialogue participants has to wait for the other to release the floor before processing his utterance and coming up with a response, incremental dialogue suggests that the listener processes the speaker’s utterance on the flow, hence being able to interrupt her. In this frame, the system processes growing partial requests, which is another application of the solutions that will be studied. Incremental dialogue capacities are crucial in the development of a new generation of dialogue systems, which are more human-like, more reactive and less error-prone.

Essential functions:

You will improve the current dialogue solution that is developed and maintained by our

team. For that, you will have to interact with researchers in the field as well as developers.

According to the quality of the solutions that will be proposed, your results can be published in

scientific conferences or lead to a patent.

Qualifications and skills:

- MSc in Computer Science or a related field.

- A specialisation in Natural Language Processing is very welcome.

- Object-Oriented Programming.

- Good background in applied mathematics: probability and statistics.

- Good English level.

- Interest in Human Machine Interaction and Artificial Intelligence.

- Team work.

If you want to be part of an innovative experience in a team of talented people with state of art

skills in the field, please submit your resume by email to

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6-19(2015-08-18) 1 year engineer position at INRIA Bordeaux

1 year engineer position at INRIA Bordeaux


The French National Institute of Research in Computing and Automation (INRIA,, research centre of Bordeaux-Sud Ouest ( is recruiting an engineer/developer for 12 months, in the framework of a partnership between the GEOSTAT team ( and BATVOICE TECHNOLOGIES Company.

The field of activity is the pathologic speech processing. The successful candidate will take part in the valorisation of our research and to its transposition into a cutting-edge architecture.

The aim is the emergence of a new technology in a multi-support medical application.


Engineer/developer or Master2 or PhD with a good knowledge of :

  • C++ object language for real-time and multithread processes;

  • application development and signal processing, particularly for the data precision part;

  • development with Eclipse under Linux;

  • decryption and integration of open-source projects modules.


Implementation of speech processing algorithms, based on data captured by microphone.

Based on algorithms specifications, the implementations should be in the form of class modules gathered in directly executable applications.

The successful candidate will be supervised by an experienced researcher and work in close collaboration with a developer/integrator from BATVOICE.

The nature of developed modules will be adapted to massive data treatment, in execution and in/out in console mode only.

The development will include the treatment of every exception bug.


Join a team of talented researchers an engineers at the cutting-edge of science, in the stimulating environment of the French National Institute of Research in Computing and Automation (INRIA) in the famous town of Bordeaux in the south-west of France.

Collaborate with a technology company close to the Parisian dynamic eco-system, and working in the MedTech area.


By the end of this mission, the selected candidate will have the opportunity to be recruited by Batvoice Technologies.


Depending on profile, between 30 K? and 45 K? per year.


Starting date

From September 1, 2015 and before November 30, 2015.



Dr. Khalid DAOUDI,

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6-20(2015-08-18) 1 year engineer position at INRIA Bordeaux

1 year engineer position at INRIA Bordeaux


The French National Institute of Research in Computing and Automation (INRIA,, research centre of Bordeaux-Sud Ouest ( is recruiting an engineer/developer for 12 months, in the framework of a partnership between the GEOSTAT team ( and BATVOICE TECHNOLOGIES Company.

The field of activity is the pathologic speech processing. The successful candidate will take part in the valorisation of our research and to its transposition into a cutting-edge architecture.

The aim is the emergence of a new technology in a multi-support medical application.


Engineer/developer or Master2 or PhD with a good knowledge of :

  • C++ object language for real-time and multithread processes;

  • application development and signal processing, particularly for the data precision part;

  • development with Eclipse under Linux;

  • decryption and integration of open-source projects modules.


Implementation of speech processing algorithms, based on data captured by microphone.

Based on algorithms specifications, the implementations should be in the form of class modules gathered in directly executable applications.

The successful candidate will be supervised by an experienced researcher and work in close collaboration with a developer/integrator from BATVOICE.

The nature of developed modules will be adapted to massive data treatment, in execution and in/out in console mode only.

The development will include the treatment of every exception bug.


Join a team of talented researchers an engineers at the cutting-edge of science, in the stimulating environment of the French National Institute of Research in Computing and Automation (INRIA) in the famous town of Bordeaux in the south-west of France.

Collaborate with a technology company close to the Parisian dynamic eco-system, and working in the MedTech area.


By the end of this mission, the selected candidate will have the opportunity to be recruited by Batvoice Technologies.


Depending on profile, between 30 K? and 45 K? per year.


Starting date

From September 1, 2015 and before November 30, 2015.



Dr. Khalid DAOUDI,

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6-21(2015-08-25) Postdoc / Spontaneous speech recognition and understanding, IMAG, Grenoble, France


Postdoc / Spontaneous speech recognition and understanding


You will work on a research and development project (CASSIE) involving academic and industrial stakeholders of spoken dialog and assistive technologies. The postdoc objective is to advance the state-of-the-art in spontaneous speech recognition and understanding. More precisely, one application of the project is a chatterbot which assists users to interact with a smart home environment. The heart of the research will be twofold:

-improve/adapt the LIG ASR system to spontaneous speech 

-build probabilistic and/or deep-learning based models for spoken language understanding in the context of assistive technologies.

 For the experimental development and validation, the research will benefit from the fully-equipped LIG smart home (DOMUS).

Start : Fall 2015 (flexible start from Sept to Dec 2015)

Duration : 18 months (postdoc)

Contact : ;

Profiles The applicants must hold a PhD degree in Computational Linguistics, Computing sciences or Cognitive Sciences preferably with experience in the fields of speech processing and/or natural language processing and/or machine learning. Good background in programming will also be required. Experience in using deep learning architectures, word embeddings is a plus.
He/she will also be involved in experimenting the technology with human participants being either French or English speakers. For this reason good English level is required as well as (possibly) a  good command of French. Finally effective communication skills in English, both written and verbal are mandatory.
Location Grenoble is a high-tech city with 4 universities. It is located at the heart of the Alps, in outstanding scientific and natural surroundings. It is 3h by train from Paris ; 2h from Geneva ; 1h from Lyon ; 2h from Torino and is less than 1h from Lyon international airport.
Research Group Website : 
Dates Interviews will be held in July 2015 (until September 2015 if needed). Meetings during Interspeech 2015 in Dresde (Germany) can be also organized.
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6-22(2015-08-25) Mother-tongue Pashto at Vocapia.

Dans le cadre d'une étude sur des langues à écriture peu standardisée, Vocapia recrute 1 personne de langue maternelle Pashto qui aura en charge les missions suivantes:
- lemmatisation et normalisation de textes WEB
- recherche sur le WEB des documents audio (provenant de radio, TV, youtube...)
- télécharger et classifier thématiquement ces documents
- transcription de documents audio.

La personne recrutée est de langue maternelle Pashto et a de préférence des connaissances en linguistique et/ou en traitement automatique des langues. Une expérience d'étude et/ou de traitement de données linguistiques serait un plus.

4-6 mois ; début du contrat : dès que possible

REMUNERATION: suivant niveau.

LIEU DE TRAVAIL : Orsay (91400)

Les personnes intéressées sont priées d'envoyer un CV à

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6-23(2015-08-25) Mother-tongue Somali at Vocapia

Dans le cadre d'une étude sur des langues à écriture peu standardisée, Vocapia recrute 1 personne de langue maternelle Somali qui aura en charge les missions suivantes:
- lemmatisation et normalisation de textes WEB
- recherche sur le WEB des documents audio (provenant de radio, TV, youtube...)
- télécharger et classifier thématiquement ces documents
- transcription de documents audio.

La personne recrutée est de langue maternelle Somali et a de préférence des connaissances en linguistique et/ou en traitement automatique des langues. Une expérience d'étude et/ou de traitement de données linguistiques serait un plus.

4-6 mois ; début du contrat : dès que possible

REMUNERATION: suivant niveau.

LIEU DE TRAVAIL : Orsay (91400)

Les personnes intéressées sont priées d'envoyer un CV à

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The 'Spoken Language Processing' team at LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay (25 km south of
Paris) is seeking qualified postdoctoral researchers in the field of Statistical
Natural Language Processing (see

* Description of the work

This position is related to a collaborative project aimed at developping on an
experimental platform for online monitoring of social media and information
streams, with self-adaptive properties, in order to detect, collect, process,
categorize, and analyze multilingual news streams. The platform includes
advanced linguistic analysis, discourse analysis, extraction of entities and
terminology, topic detection, translation and the project includes studies on
unsupervised and cross-lingual adaptation.

In this context, the candidate is expected to develop innovative methods for
performing unsupervised cross-domain and/or cross-lingual adaptation of
statistical NLP tools.

* Requirements and objectives

Candidates are expected to hold an Engineering BSc/Msc degree and a PhD in
Computer Science. Knowledge of statistical  or example-based approaches for
Speech or Natural Language Processing is required; the candidate is also
expected to have strong programmation skills, to be familiar with statistical
machine learning techniques and to have a good publication record in the

Salary and other conditions of employments will follow CNRS standard rules
for non-permanent researchers, according to the experience of the candidate.

* Contacts : Francois Yvon - francois.yvon at

Interested candidates should send a short cover letter stating motivation and
interests, along with their CV (in .pdf format, only) and names and addresses of
two references, to the email address given above as soon as possible and by nov
1st, 2015 at the latest. The contract is expected to start Jan 1st, 2016.

Informal questions regarding this position should be directed to the same address.


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6-25(2015-10-16) CDD à l’Institut français de l’Éducation (IFÉ - ENS de Lyon)

Offre de CDD 6 mois :

Sélection d’un système automatique de phonétisation de texte, adaptation au

contexte de l’apprentissage de la lecture, puis intégration au sein de la plate-forme

web du projet CADOE (Calcul de l’Autonomie de Déchiffrage Offerte aux Élèves).


L’Institut français de l’Éducation (IFÉ - ENS de Lyon) mène une recherche d’envergure

nationale sur l’apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture au cours préparatoire (projet

LireEcrireCP). Cette recherche réunit 60 enseignants chercheurs et doctorants répartis sur

le territoire national. 131 classes ont été observées et de nombreuses données ont été

recueillies et analysées. Il en ressort notamment que les textes dont moins de 31% du

contenu est directement déchiffrable par les élèves pénalisent leurs apprentissages, et que

ceux dont cette proportion dépasse 55% favorisent les apprentissages des élèves les plus

faibles en « code » (c’est-à-dire sur les correspondances entre les lettres et les sons) à

l’entrée du cours préparatoire. L’analyse nécessaire pour connaitre cette part directement

déchiffrable est complexe et ne peut être réalisée au quotidien par les enseignants, mêmes

chevronnés. Ils ne disposent donc pas d’une information pourtant cruciale au choix des

textes à utiliser pour enseigner la lecture.

Le projet CADOÉ a pour but de mettre en place une plate-forme qui permettra aux

enseignants d’accéder à cette part de texte directement déchiffrable par les élèves. Pour

cela, ils devront renseigner la progression de leur enseignement des correspondances

entre les lettres et les sons (l’étude du « code »), indiquer quels mots ont été appris en

classe, et déposer les textes « candidats » pour être utilisés comme supports de lecture.

Ces textes seront automatiquement analysés et segmentés en unités graphiques. La

confrontation du « code » enseigné et des mots appris en classe avec le résultat de la

décomposition permettra de calculer, et de fournir en retour à l’utilisateur, la mesure de la

part de texte directement déchiffrable par les élèves, autrement dit le niveau d’autonomie

de déchiffrage des élèves sur le texte soumis.

Compétences attendues

Nous recherchons des candidats ayant, soit un profil informatique avec une spécialisation

sur le traitement automatique des langues (TAL) ou le traitement automatique de la parole,

soit une formation en linguistique avec spécialisation sur l’ingénierie linguistique et


La personne recrutée étudiera des outils de phonétisation existants, et en sélectionnera un.

Elle devra ensuite le configurer ou l’adapter pour que ses sorties soient conformes à la

décomposition attendue proposée par Riou (2015), et assurera les tests. Elle portera le

projet et sera responsable de son avancée. Elle travaillera en coordination avec l’équipe de

développement Web sur les formats d’échanges entre la plate-forme et l’outil de

phonétisation. Elle travaillera en étroite collaboration avec J. Riou, chargé d’étude à l’IFÉ,

responsable scientifique du projet qui validera la configuration de l’outil de phonétisation et

coordonnera les tests utilisateur de l’environnement développé, ainsi qu’avec P. Daubias,

Ingénieur de Recherche en Informatique, responsable techniques. L’implication technique

dans la réalisation de la plate-forme web CADOÉ pourra varier en fonction du profil et des

compétences du(de la) candidat(e) retenu(e). L’intégration à l’équipe CADOÉ permettra.

Le processus de développement sera itératif (cycle en spirale) en affinant les spécifications

au vue des maquettes successives réalisées.

Aspects techniques

Le développement se fera pour une cible Linux et doit être performant. Le premier outil

étudié (lia_phon) est écrit en C, mais son adaptation ne requiert pas nécessairement une

connaissance approfondie de ce langage. D’autres outils de phonétisation sont

envisageables (IrisaPhon par exemple), et les technologies ne sont pas figées.

Aspects administratifs

Lieu : Institut français de l'Éducation - École Normale Supérieure de Lyon

Bâtiment D6

19 allée de Fontenay, 69007 Lyon

Métro B : Debourg

Rémunération en fonction du niveau et selon grille : de 1700 € à 2500 € brut mensuel.

Début de contrat : dès que possible

Merci d’envoyer votre candidature (CV + lettre de motivation) à :

Un premier examen des dossiers reçus aura lieu début novembre 2015

Durée du contrat : 6 mois

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6-26(2015-10-20) Master2 position at Multispeech Team, LORIA (Nancy, France)

Master2 position at Multispeech Team, LORIA (Nancy, France)

Automatic speech recognition: contextualisation of the language model based on neural networks by dynamic adjustment

Framework of ANR project ContNomina

The technologies involved in information retrieval in large audio/video databases are often based on the analysis of large, but closed, corpora, and on machine learning techniques and statistical modeling of the written and spoken language. The effectiveness of these approaches is now widely acknowledged, but they nevertheless have major flaws, particularly for what concern proper names, that are crucial for the interpretation of the content.

In the context of diachronic data (data which change over time) new proper names appear constantly requiring dynamic updates of the lexicons and language models used by the speech recognition system.

As a result, the ANR project ContNomina (2013-2017) focuses on the problem of proper names in automatic audio processing systems by exploiting in the most efficient way the context of the processed documents. To do this, the student will address the contextualization of the recognition module through the dynamic adjustment of the language model in order to make it more accurate.


Current systems for automatic speech recognition are based on statistical approaches. They require three components: an acoustic model, a lexicon and a language model. This stage will focus on the language model. The language model of our recognition system is based on a neural network learned from a large corpus of text. The problem is to re-estimate the language model parameters for a new proper name depending on its context and a small amount of adaptation data. Several tracks can be explored: adapting the language model, using a class model or studying the notion of analogy.

Our team has developed a fully automatic system for speech recognition to transcribe a radio broadcast from the corresponding audio file. The student will develop a new module whose function is to integrate new proper names in the language model.

Required skills

Background in statistics and object-oriented programming.

Localization and contacts

Loria laboratory, Multispeech team, Nancy, France

Candidates should email a detailed CV and diploma


[1] J. Gao, X. He, L. Deng Deep Learning for Web Search and Natural Language Processing , Microsoft slides, 2015

[2] X. Liu, Y. Wang, X. Chen, M. J. F. Gales, and P. C. Woodland. Efficient lattice rescoring using recurrent neural network langage models, in Proc. ICASSP, 2014, pp. 4941?4945.

[3] M. Sundermeyer, H. Ney, and R. Schlüter. From Feedforward to Recurrent LSTM Neural Networks for Language Modeling. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, volume 23, number 3, pages 517-529, March 2015.

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6-27(2015-10-20) Master2 position at Multispeech Team, LORIA and INRS (Nancy, France)


Master2 position at Multispeech Team, LORIA and INRS (Nancy, France)

Speech intelligibility: how to determine

the degree of nuisance

Irina Illina, Patrick Chevret


General information


  • Irina Illina, LORIA, Campus Scientifique - BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy,

Tél : 03 54 95 84 90, bureau C147,


  • Patrick Chevret, INRS, 1 rue du Morvan, 54519 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy,

Tél : 03 83 50 85 67,




The intelligibility of speech means the ability of a conversation to be understood by a listener located nearby. The level of speech intelligibility depends on several criteria: the level of ambient noise, the possible absorption of part of the sound spectrum, acoustic distortion, echoes, etc. The intelligibility of speech is used to assess the performance of telecommunication systems or absorption in rooms.


The speech intelligibility can be evaluated:

  • subjectively: listeners hear several words or sentences and answer different questions (the transcription of sounds, the percentage of perceived consonants, etc.). The scores are the value of intelligibility ;

  • objectively, without involving listeners, using acoustic measures: the index of speech intelligibility (speech transmission index, STI) and the interference level with speech.


Subjective measures are dependent of listeners and require a large number of listeners. This is difficult to achieve, especially when there are different types of environments. Moreover, it is necessary to evaluate this measure for each listener. Objective measures have the advantage of being automatically quantifiable and to be precise. However, which objective measures can measure the nuisance of the environment on the intelligibility of speech and people's health remains an open problem. For example, the STI index consists of measuring the energy modulation. But the energy modulation can be produced by the machines, yet it does not match the speech.



In this internship, we focus on the study of various objective measures of speech intelligibility. The goal is to find reliable measures to evaluate the level of nuisance of environment to speech understanding, to long-term mental health of people and to productivity. Some possible solutions consist to correlate the word confidence measure, noise measurement confidence and subjective measures of speech intelligibility. To develop these measures, the automatic speech recognition system will be used.


This internship will be performed through collaboration between our Multispeech team of LORIA and INRS (National Institute of Research and Safety). INRS works on professional risk identification, analysis of their impact on health and prevention. INRS has a rich corpus of recordings and subjective measures of speech intelligibility. This corpus will be used in the context of this internship. Our Multispeech team has great expertise in signal processing and has developed several methodologies for noise estimation. The Multispeech team developed the complete system of automatic speech recognition.



Required skills

Background in statistics and object-oriented programming.



[1] S. Wijngaarden, J. Verhave, H. Steeneken The Speech Transmission Index after four decades of development, 2012

[2] P. W. Barnett Overview of speech intelligibility Proc. I.O.A Vol 21, Part 5, 1999.

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6-28(2015-10-22) Scientific collaborator for the multimodal project ADNVIDEO, Marseille, France

Application deadline: 12/31/2015
Starting: as soon as possible.

The ADNVIDEO project (, funded in the
framework of A*MIDEX (, aims at
extending multimodal analysis models. It focuses on jointly processing
audio, speech transcripts, images, scenes, text overlays and user
feedback. Using as starting point the corpus, annotations and
approaches developed during the REPERE challenge
(, this project aims at going beyond indexing at
single modalities by incorporating information retrieval methods, not
only from broadcast television shows, but more generally on video
documents requiring multimodal scene analysis. The novelty here is to
combine and correlate information from different sources to enhance
the description of the content. The application for this project
relates to the issue of recommendation applied to videos in the
context of Massive Open Online Courses where video content can be
matched to student needs.

The candidate will participate in the development of a prototype for
video recommendation:

- Integration of existing multimodal high-level descriptors in prototype
- Generation of textual descriptors from videos (such as automatic
image captioning, scene title generation, etc)
- Implementation of deep learning methods for video analysis

The allocation of the tasks can be adjusted depending on the wishes
and skills of the candidate.

For this project, we are looking for one candidate with a PhD degree
in the areas of machine learning, artificial vision, natural language
processing, or information retrieval:
- Strong programming skills (C++, Java, Python...).
- Desire to produce functioning end-to-end systems, life-scale live demos
- Scientific rigor
- Imagination
- Top notch publications
- Excellent communication skills
- Enjoy teamwork
Candidates must presently work outside of France.

The work will be conducted in the University of Aix-Marseille at the
Laboratoire des Science de l'information et des système (LSIS, within the ADNVidéo project, supported by
funding from a AMIDEX foundation in collaboration with Kalyzee
( Both LSIS and Kalysee are located in the
historical and sunny city of Marseille, in south of France

Duration: 6 month

Candidates should email a letter of application, a detailed CV
including a complete list of publications, and source code showcasing
programming skills.

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6-29(2015-11-05) Ingénieur pour le projet LINKMEDIA de l'IRISA, Rennes, France

L?e?quipe LINKMEDIA ( de l?IRISA travaille au
de?veloppement de technologies permettant la description et l?acce?s au contenus
multime?dias par analyse de ces derniers : vision par ordinateur, traitement de la parole
et du langage, traitement des contenus audio, fouille de donne?es. Nos travaux s?appuient
sur une plateforme d'indexation qui fournit, en plus d'une infrastructure matérielle, une
offre logiciel sous la forme de web services.

Pour de?velopper et promouvoir les services propose?s sur la plateforme d?indexation
multime?dia de l?IRISA, nous recrutons un inge?nieur spe?cialiste du traitement des
donne?es multime?dias. Les missions qui lui seront confie?s sont :
? inte?gration a? la plateforme de modules existants
? de?veloppement de nouveaux modules mettant en ?uvre des techniques a? l?e?tat de l?art
? mise en cohe?rence de l?ensemble des modules et documentation
? re?alisation de de?monstrations d?applications multime?dias pour l?e?ducation et le
transfert industriel
? participation a? des campagnes d?e?valuation internationale

L?inge?nieur sera inte?gre? dans l?e?quipe de recherche LINKMEDIA et travaillera en
e?troite collaboration avec les chercheurs et leurs partenaires industriels sur des
projets de R&D.

Le candidat, de niveau Bac+5 ou Bac+8, devra posse?der un inte?re?t marque? pour les
technologies multime?dias et les technologies du web. Il devra e?galement justifier d?une
expe?rience significative en programmation (langages C/C++, perl, python), par exemple au
travers de projets et de stages pour les jeunes diplo?me?s. Une expe?rience dans la
conduite de projets informatiques d?envergure sera appre?cie?e. E?tant donne? le contexte
international de travail, une bonne connaissance de l?anglais est indispensable.

Pour candidater, merci d?adresser un CV accompagne? d?une lettre de motivation. Pour plus
de pre?cisions sur le poste, nous contacter.

Employeur : Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Lieu d?exercice : IRISA, Rennes
Contrat : CDD de 12 a? 16 mois, de?s que possible
Re?mune?ration : de 24 k? a? 35 k? annuels bruts selon diplo?me et expe?rience
Contact : Guillaume Gravier,

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