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ISCApad #209

Wednesday, November 11, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

3-2 ISCA Supported Events
3-2-1(2016-05-09) 5th Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages (SLTU'16), Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages (SLTU'16)5th
Workshop on Spoken Language
Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages (SLTU'16) will be held on 9-12 May 2016 in
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

### Important dates ###
- Full paper submission: 25 January 2016
- Notification of acceptance: 07 March, 2016
- Submission of final papers: 21 March, 2016
- Early registration: 21 March, 2016
- Workshop dates: 9-12 May, 2016

The Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages
is the fifth in a series of even-year SLTU Workshops. Four previous Workshops were
organized: SLTU'14 in St. Petersburg (Russia), SLTU'12 in Cape Town (South Africa),
SLTU'10 in Penang (Malaysia), and SLTU'08 in Hanoi (Vietnam). SLTU?16 is held in
Yogyakarta (Indonesia), a centre of classical Javanese culture. There are more than
700 ethnic languages spoken in Indonesian archipelago, but 146 are endangered.
Therefore, SLTU?16 has special focus on under-resourced languages and endangered
languages, but other related topics are also encouraged.

SLTU?16 will continue the tradition of previous SLTUs that features a number of
distinguished keynote speaker, and this year, for the first time, SLTU will also offer
Kaldi Tutorial on Under-Resourced Language.

### Workshop Topics ###
Areas related to processing any under-resourced and
endangered  languages:
- Fast resources acquisition (text and speech corpora, parallel text, dictionary,
grammars, language model)
- Spoken language processing for language without dictionary or written forms
- Cross-lingual and multi-lingual spoken language processing including analysis
and synthesis
- Speech recognition and synthesis of low-resourced languages and dialects
- Machine translation and spoken dialogue systems
- Applications of spoken language technologies for under-resourced languages

### Paper submission ###
Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers up to 4 pages for
technical content (including figures, tables, etc) and possible references, plus
one additional (optional) page containing only references.

### Important dates ###
- Full paper submission: 25 January 2016
- Notification of acceptance: 07 March, 2016
- Submission of final papers: 21 March, 2016
- Early registration: 21 March, 2016
- Workshop dates: 9-12 May, 2016

### Organizing Committee Members ###
- Workshop Chair:
   Sakriani Sakti (NAIST, Japan)
- Workshop Co-chair:
   Pascal Nocera (LIA, France)
   Eric Castelli (MICA, Vietnam)
   Laurent Besacier (LIG, France)
- Local Co-chair:
   Mirna Adriani (UI, Indonesia)
   Ayu Purwarianti (ITB, Indonesia)

Web-site of the Workshop:

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3-2-2(2016-05-31) Speech Prosody 2016, Boston University, MA, USA
Speech Prosody 2016, the eighth international conference on speech prosody, will be hosted at Boston University, May 31 to June 3, 2016. We invite papers addressing any aspect of the science and technology of prosody. This year, we especially invite submissions concentrating on variation and differences both at the level of the community and that of the individual. Speech Prosody, the biennial meeting of the Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG) <> of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) <>, is the only recurring international conference focused on prosody as an organizing principle for the social, psychological, linguistic, and technological aspects of spoken language. Past conferences in Aix-en-Provence, Nara, Dresden, Campinas, Chicago, Shanghai and Dublin have each attracted 300-400 delegates, including experts in the fields of Linguistics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Speech and Hearing Science, Psychology, and related disciplines.

Keynote Speakers for Speech Prosody 2016, Boston:

Aoju Chen, Universiteit Utrecht
Laura Dilley, Michigan State University
Rupal Patel, Northeastern University
Patrick Wong, Chinese University of Hong Kong

We are pleased to announce the special sessions of Speech Prosody 2016:

        ? Rising intonation in English and beyond  (Organizers: Meghan Armstrong, Page Piccinini, Amanda Ritchart)
        ? Sentence-final particles and intonation: Similarities, interactions, and historical relationships (Organizers: James Sneed German, K. K. Luke)
        ? Sources of Prosodic Variation across Recording Settings: Measures before measuring speech signals from inside and outside the lab (Organizers: Oliver Niebuhr, Petra Wagner)
        ? Speaker comfort and communication in noisy environments (Special Poster Session) (Organizers: Oliver Niebuhr, Simone Graetzer)

*Important Deadlines*

- Submission of Papers: November 15, 2015
- Notification of Acceptance (by email): January 15, 2016
- Early Registration Deadline: February 15, 2016
 - Author's Registration Deadline: March 1, 2016
 - Conference: May 31 - June 3, 2016

*Contact*    www.

*Review Areas*

1.    Phonology and phonetics of prosody
2.    Signal processing
3.    Rhythm and timing
4.    Prosody in computational linguistics
5.    Acquisition of first language prosody
6.    Syntax, semantics, and pragmatics
7.    Prosody in language and music
8.    Prosody in Tone Languages
9.    Prosody in language contact and second language acquisition
10.  Prosody of under-resourced languages  and dialects
11.  Audiovisual prosody modeling and analysis
12.  Communicative situation and speaking style
13.  Prosodic aspects of speech and language pathology
14.  Psycholinguistic, cognitive, neural correlates of prosody
15.  Meta-linguistic and para-linguistic communication
16.  Voice quality, phonation, and vocal dynamics
17.  Prosody of sign language
18.  Prosody in automatic speech synthesis, recognition and understanding
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  ODYSSEY 2016:


                  June 21-24, 2016, Bilbao, Spain



- Regular paper submissions:              January 24, 2016

- Industry track and demos:               February 15, 2016

- Notifications:                          March 15, 2016

- Final papers:                           April 1, 2016



The general themes of the conference include speaker and

language recognition and characterization. The specific topics

include, but are not limited to, the following:

o Speaker and language recognition, verification, identification

o Speaker and language characterization

o Features for speaker and language recognition

o Speaker and language clustering

o Multispeaker segmentation, detection, and diarization

o Language, dialect, and accent recognition

o Robustness in channels and environment

o System calibration and fusion

o Speaker recognition with speech recognition

o Multimodal and multimedia speaker recognition

o Confidence estimation for speaker and language recognition

o Corpora and tools for system development and evaluation

o Low-resource (lightly supervised) speaker and language recognition

o Speaker synthesis and transformation

o Human and human-assisted recognition of speaker and language

o Analysis and countermeasures against spoofing and tampering attacks

o Forensic and investigative speaker recognition

o Systems and applications



All regular submissions (max 8 pages) will be reviewed by at least

three members of the scientific review committee. The regular

submissions must include scientific or methodological novelty;

the paper has to review the relevant prior work and state clearly

the  novelty in the Introduction part. The accepted papers will appear

in electronic proceedings.



The Odyssey Organizing Committee recognizes a large gap between

theoretical research results and real-world deployment of the methods.

To foster a closer collaboration across industry and academia,

an industry track was introduced in Odyssey 2014 and will be

continued in Odyssey 2016.

Submissions to this track may include a description of your target

application, a product, a demonstrator or any combination of them.

In addition to voice biometrics providers, we encourage submissions

from companies who are in need for speaker or language recognition

technology. The industry paper submissions do NOT have to present

methodological novelty, but MUST address one or all of the following


- Description of the application, role of speaker/language recognition

- Research results and methods that worked well in your application

- Negative research results that have NOT worked in practice

- Unsolved problems 'out-in-the-wild' that deserve attention

The industry submissions will NOT undergo full peer review nor will be

included in the proceedings. A poster session will be allocated for the

industry track presentations and demos, with auxiliary equipment (tables,

plugs, etc.) available if requested. The organizing committee may select

the most interesting submissions for oral presentation.



Odyssey 2016 will feature two awards:

- A best paper award

- A best student paper award

All regular papers and all special session papers (if any is scheduled)

are candidates for the awards. The awards are given based on the review

reports AND the presentation at the conference. For the best student

paper award, the first author must be a student (meaning that she/he

does not yet hold a PhD degree) at the time of paper submission.



Luis J. Rodríguez-Fuentes, chair  University of the Basque Country, Spain

Eduardo Lleida, co-chair          University of Zaragoza, Spain

Jean-Francois Bonastre            University of Avignon, France

Niko Brümmer                      Agnitio, South Africa

Lukáš Burget                      Brno University of Technology, Czech

Joseph Campbell                   MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA

Jan 'Honza' ÄŒernocký              Brno University of Technology, Czech

Tomi Kinnunen                     University of Eastern Finland, Finland

Haizhou Li                        Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore

Alvin Martin                      NIST, USA

Douglas Reynolds                  MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA



Odyssey 2016 will be hosted by two Spanish groups: GTTS

from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of the Basque

and ViVoLab (, from the School of Engineering and

Architecture of the University of Zaragoza.

The workshop will be held in Bilbao, a medium-size city in the north of

with about 350,000 inhabitants. The venue, Bizkaia Aretoa, is located in the

of the city. The building, designed by the Portuguese architect Alvaro Siza,

hosts all kind of social, cultural, academic and scientific events, most of

organized by the University of the Basque Country.

Bilbao is the commercial and administrative head of a large area of about

one million people living by the Ibaizabal-Nervion estuary. After centuries

of trading and iron industry, in the last decades Bilbao has become a
service town,

supported by a huge investment in infrastructure and urban renewal, that

with the construction of an underground network (Metro Bilbao) in 1995 and

the opening of the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum in 1997.

The Bilbao airport can be easily reached from several European airports,

including international hubs such as Frankfurt, London, Paris, Amsterdam or

which provide worldwide connectivity. The city is connected to the European

road network by the AP-8 toll motorway, to the north of Spain by the A-8

and to the rest of Spain by the AP-68 toll motorway.

Located in a hilly countryside, Bilbao offers many outdoor activities.

Hiking is very popular as well as rock climbing in the nearby mountains.

Mount Artxanda, easily accessible from the town centre by a funicular

features a recreational area at the summit, with restaurants, a sports

and a balcony with panoramic views. In the south, the natural wonders of

Mount Pagasarri receive hundreds of hikers every weekend.

A few minutes away by public transport, the Bizkaia Bridge, declared World

in 2006, connects Portugalete and Las Arenas at the left and right banks of
the estuary.

In the coast, old fishing villages like Plentzia, Mundaka or Lekeitio have

touristic spots due to the nearby beaches, where watersports, especially

are practiced. Just an hour away by car, the beautiful city of San

as well as the vineyards and wineries of La Rioja, are worth a visit.


For more details:

Website (under construction):



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3-2-4Forthcoming ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshops (ITRWs) & Sponsored Events

Forthcoming ISCA Supported Events

  • SPIRE 2016 : Speech Processing in Realistic Environments - SPIRE 2016
    7-8 January 2016, Groningen, The Netherlands

  • WISSAP-2016 : Winter School on Speech and Audio Processing (ISCA SIG-ILSP on Indian language speech processing)
    8-11 January 2016, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai

  • SpeechProsody2016 : Speech Prosody 2016
    31 May - 3 June 2016, Boston University, USA

  • Odyssey 2016 : The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop
    21-24 June 2016, Bilbao, Spain

  • L1TLT : L1 Teaching, Learning and Technology
    6-7 September 2016, Collocated with and Interspeech 2016, San Francisco, USA

  • WOCCI 2016 : Workshop on Child Computer Interaction
    6-7 September 2016, Satellite Event of INTERSPEECH 2016, San Francisco, USA

  • Perceptual Quality of Systems 2016 : Perceptual Quality of Systems 2016
    31 August - 29 September 2016, Berlin, Germany


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