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ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #209  »  ISCA News

ISCApad #209

Wednesday, November 11, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

2 ISCA News
2-1A message from our President Haizhou Li
Dear Members,

Welcome to the November edition of ISCApad!

First of all, I write to give you an update on the activities regarding INTERSPEECH conferences. INTERSPEECH 2016 has
announced various call for proposals for the  technical program, which can be found at the conference website.  You are 
invited to submit proposals and contribute to shaping the technical program and help shape our community direction. 

Next, the call for INTERSPEECH 2019 is being met with great enthusiasm. ISCA Board received several bid proposals
to host INTERSPEECH 2019 by the deadline on 1 November. The Board would like to thank all the proposers for their efforts 
and willingness to serve the community.  The selection outcome will be announced during INTERSPEECH 2016 at San Francisco.

In this edition, I would like to share with you the ISCA Grants and Awards program. This is a program to support and
encourage students and young researchers by providing grants for attending conferences, and to pause and recognize 
our colleagues advanced research contributions.  At each INTERSPEECH, an ISCA award is given to the 3 best student papers 
presented at the conference, based on anonymous review process of the papers and the presentation at the conference.  ISCA 
also financially supports students and young scientists by providing a limited number of grants for young authors with accepted
 papers at INTERSPEECH and ISCA supported workshops. The ISCA board member responsible for coordinating ISCA's Grants 
and Awards Program is Torbjørn Svendsen.

ISCA strives to meet the needs of its membership through various outreach programs. We  look forward to your participation!

Haizhou Li - ISCA President

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2-2Videos of Interspeech conferences
Video archives are available in 
where keynote speeches from IS 2007, 2010 and 2011 can be seen. Very soon we will have 
the material for IS 2012 as well.
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2-3Grants for students

ISCA wants to support and encourage students and young researchers by providing grants for attending conferences, and by recognizing good research. At each INTERSPEECH, an ISCA award is given to the 3 best student papers presented at the conference, based on anonymous review of the papers and the presentation at the conference.  ISCA also financially supports students and young scientists by providing a limited number of grants for young authors with accepted papers at INTERSPEECH and ISCA supported workshops. The ISCA board member responsible for Grants and Awards is Torbjørn Svendsen. 

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2-4Satellites of Interspeech 2016

 The following  workshops have been approved by ISCA and are officially satellites of Interspeech 2016. 

San Francisco, USA, September 6 & 7, 2016
Hosted jointly at ETS offices: Call for paper can be found at:

WOCCI - Workshop on Child Computer and Interaction

LTLT - Language Teaching, Learning and Technology (Satellite of Wocci)

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