3-3-45 (2015-09-22) e-Infrastructures & RDA for data intensive science pre-RDA plenary workshops, Paris France
e-Infrastructures & RDA for data intensive science pre-RDA plenary workshops 22 September 2015, Paris France
Stream 5: Data & Computing infrastructures for Global Linguistic Resources
Objectives of the workshop: To gather leading initiatives in the area of language resources and tools to discuss data management trends and challenges, available and planned services, and opportunities for collaboration in the context of emerging digital single market promoted by the European Commission. The workshop aims to identify opportunities for collaboration both at European and global level.
Background documents:
Data Management Trends, Principles and Components ? What Needs to be Done Next? Paris paper: http://ow.ly/QqoTm
Future of research data and computing infrastructures supporting research and innovation - Rome paper: http://ow.ly/Qqp6X
3 presentation sessions followed by a panel and a discussion round. Each panelist will introduce the initiative he/she represents, with a focus on services, collaboration, policy actions and directions for building advanced infrastructures.
Organizers: Dieter van Uytvanck, Khalid Choukri, Peter Wittenburg
AGENDA 09:00 ? 10:00
Opening Plenary
Session 1: Scientist Views on Rome and Paris Papers
Welcome and introduction
Dieter Van Uytvanck
presentation 1
Bridget Almas (Perseus, Open Philology)
presentation 2
Erhard Hinrichs (CLARIN)
presentation 3
John McNaught (NaCTeM, tbc)
presentation 4
Andrejs Vasiljevs, (Tilde, tbc)
Coffee break
Session 2: Data Center and Infrastructure Views on Rome and Paris Papers