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ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #204  »  Events  »  ISCA Events  »  (2015-06-20) Call for participation at INTERSPEECH 2015- Early registration.

ISCApad #204

Tuesday, June 16, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

3-1-13 (2015-06-20) Call for participation at INTERSPEECH 2015- Early registration.

Early registration deadline at a discounted fee is rapidly approaching: 20 June 2015!

Call for Participation | INTERSPEECH 2015

INTERSPEECH is the world’s largest and most comprehensive conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing. INTERSPEECH conferences emphasize interdisciplinary approaches addressing all aspects of speech science and technology, ranging from basic theories to applications.
INTERSPEECH 2015 in Dresden (Germany) will be organized around the theme Speech beyond Speech: Towards a Better Understanding of the Most Important Biosignal, which acknowledges the fact that speech is the most important biosignal humans can produce and perceive. It is evident that not all characteristics of speech are already fully understood. INTERSPEECH 2015 includes contributions that analyze and model speech as a biosignal in a broad understanding, e.g. for extracting information about the speaker, for identifying processes leading to speech production, or for generating speech signals with specific bio-characteristics but also in all other areas of speech science and technology.

Get Involved!
INTERSPEECH brings together scholars, researchers, developers and decision makers from leading institutes and companies around the world. The conference pushes the boundaries of speech science and creates new technological and conceptual configurations.
We welcome all participants willing to share their research and experience. This is your conference and an opportunity to meet in a great location in the heart of Dresden and its beautiful surrounding. For the tentative program, all registration details and travel or visa information, please refer to:

Important Dates

20 June 2015

Early registration deadline

31 July 2015

Standard registration deadline

6-10 September 2015

Conference in Dresden, Germany


The Organizing Committee is announcing eight tutorials to be held on September 6:

Track 1


Bio-inspired speech recognition: From human perception to deep networks


Deep learning for speech and language processing: From the perspectives of machine learning and signal processing

Track 2


Biosignal acquisition and analysis for speech production and perception: electromyography, electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography (EMG, EEG and MEG)


Depression and suicide risk assessment

Track 3


Phase estimation from theory to practice


Vector spaces for cross-language NLP applications

Track 4


Dialog models and dialog phenomena


Methodology and software for the semiautomatic annotation and analysis of speech: Human Language Technology meets Linguists

Special Sessions

The following ten Special Sessions & Challenges (September 7-10) cover interdisciplinary topics and/or important new emerging areas of interest related to the main conference topics:

Active Perception in Human and Machine Speech Communication

Biosignal-based Spoken Communication

Interspeech 2015 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE):Degree of Nativeness, Parkinson’s & Eating Condition

Automatic Speaker Verification Spoofing and Countermeasures

Zero Ressource Speech Technologies: Unsupervised Discovery of Linguistic Units

Robust Speech Processing using Observation Uncertainty and Uncertainty Propagation

Speech Science in End User Applications

Synergies of Speech and Multimedia Technologies

Speech and Language Processing of Children’s Speech

Advanced Crowdsourcing for Speech and Beyond

For further information about the Keynotes and Regular Sessions, the Doctoral Workshop, nine Satellite Workshops and two related conferences but also on post-venue tours, please refer to the program website:

Sebastian Möller (General Chair), Oliver Jokisch (Publicity Chair)
on behalf of the Organizing Committee

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