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ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #204  »  ISCA News  »  A message from Bernd Möbius and Elmar Nöth, Interspeech 2015 TPC Chairs

ISCApad #204

Tuesday, June 16, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

2-2 A message from Bernd Möbius and Elmar Nöth, Interspeech 2015 TPC Chairs
Dear colleagues,
 The paper review process for Interspeech 2015 is completed. 
A total of 1458 submissions were assessed by 911 reviewers. Each submission received 
at least three reviews, and the Technical Program Committee thoroughly analyzed the scores 
and comments of the reviewers to determine the outcome for every paper. 
The final decisions were made at the TPC meeting in Berlin (May 19-20), where each 
scientific area was represented by at least one area chair. The overall acceptance rate 
is around 51%. Notifications of acceptance or rejection were sent to the authors on June 1, 
and the deadline for the camera-ready version is June 10. This is also the deadline for the 
registration by at least one author of the paper. One full registration can cover a maximum 
of four papers. 
The Interspeech 2015 conference will be held in Dresden on September 6-10, 2015. 
Please visit the conference homepage at for further details. 
If you are a student or young scientist (below age 34) who needs financial support, 
please consider applying for an ISCA grant. 
For more information: 
We hope to see you all at Interspeech in Dresden! 
Bernd Möbius and Elmar Nöth Interspeech 2015 TPC Chairs 

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