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ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #203  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2015-12-13) Call for demonstrations at ASRU 2015

ISCApad #203

Saturday, May 16, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-47 (2015-12-13) Call for demonstrations at ASRU 2015

tions at ASRU 2015Demonstration & Toolkit Call for Proposals

The program committee for the 14th biannual IEEE workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding is accepting proposals for the Demo & Toolkit session that will be held during the workshop. The demonstration session has become an exciting highlight of the ASRU workshops. The event will include demonstrations of latest innovations by research groups in industry, academia, and government. Demonstrations can be related to any of the topics defined by ASRU:

  - ASR / LVCSR systems
  - Language modeling
  - Acoustic modeling
  - Decoder / search
  - Spoken language understanding
  - Spoken dialog systems
  - Multilingual speech & language processing
  - Robustness in speech recognition
  - Spoken document retrieval
  - Speech to speech translation
  - Text-to-speech
  - Speech summarization
  - New applications of ASR
  - Speech signal processing
  - Neural networks in ASR
  - Low / zero resources
  - Mobile applications in speech processing
  - Far field speaker and speech recognition

The deadline for submission of proposals for the Demo & Toolkit session is September 18, 2015 with notification of acceptance by October 2, 2015.

Submissions should be mailed to the Demonstration Chairs ( ).?Proposals should include the demonstration title, list of authors, and an abstract of no more than two pages. The proposal should clearly explain what is novel and innovative in the proposed demonstration or toolkit.  For demonstrations, the proposal should detail what will be demonstrated. For toolkits, the proposal should explain where the toolkit can be obtained.

Each demonstration will be allotted one table, space for a poster, and a power outlet. Presenters are responsible for all other equipment and shipping to and from the workshop. Wireless internet will also be available. If you have any special requirements, please contact the Demonstration Chairs.

ASRU 2015 Demonstration Chairs

Thomas Schaaf, Amazon, (e-mail: Patrick Nguyen, Metanautix, (e-mail: Marsal Gavaldà, Expect Labs, (e-mail:

For updates see <>, or follow us on twitter: @ASRU2015

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