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ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #203  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2015-08-27) CfP EUROSLA 25, Aix-en-Provence, France

ISCApad #203

Saturday, May 16, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-31 (2015-08-27) CfP EUROSLA 25, Aix-en-Provence, France



27-29 August 2015

Université d?Aix-Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, France



** Final Call for Papers **


UMR 7309 Laboratoire Parole et Langage (Université d?Aix-Marseille), in association with the Département de français langue étrangère (Pôle LLC, UFR ALLSHS, Université d?Aix- Marseille), is pleased to announce that it will host EUROSLA 25, the 25th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association. The general theme of the Conference is « Second Language Acquisition : Implications for language sciences?. You are kindly invited to submit abstracts for papers, posters, thematic colloquia and doctoral workshop related to this theme or to any other domain and subdomain of second language research.


The Conference will start in the morning of 27 August 2015 and close at 12 a.m on 29 August 2015. Preceding the Conference, there will be a doctoral workshop and a Language Learning roundtable, both on 26 August 2015. The theme of this year?s roundtable is ?SLA and theories of pidginization / creolization?.


Plenary speakers


-          Camilla BARDEL (Stockholm University)

-          Sandra BENAZZO (Université Paris 8)

-          Christine DIMROTH (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)

-          Scott H. JARVIS (Ohio University)

-          Gabriele PALLOTI (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE))


Key dates:


- 1 February 2015: Early bird registration

- 27 February 2015: Abstract submission deadline

- 24 April 2015: Notification of acceptance

- 1 June 2015:  Full fee registration starts

- 18 July 2015: End of registration


Language Policy


EUROSLA 25 will be a bilingual conference (English and French) ; presentations in one of these languages are particularly encouraged. However, following the Eurosla constitution, any other European language may also be used.


Abstract submission policy


Each author may submit no more than one single-authored and one co-authored (i.e. not first-authored) abstract to be considered for oral presentations, including colloquia and doctoral workshops. More than one abstract can be submitted for poster presentations. Paper and poster proposals should not have been previously published. All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by the scientific committee and evaluated in terms of rigour, clarity and significance of the contribution, as well as its relevance to second language research. Abstracts should not exceed 500 words (excluding the title, but including optional references).


Individual papers and posters


Papers will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation plus 5 minutes for discussion.

Poster sessions will be held in two 90-minute slots. In order to foster interaction, all other sessions will be suspended during the poster sessions.


Thematic colloquia


The Thematic colloquia will be organised in two-hour slots running in parallel with other sessions. Each colloquium will focus on one specific topic, and will bring together contributions to the topic. Each thematic colloquium should include a maximum of 4 presentations. Colloquium convenors should allocate time for opening and closing remarks, individual papers, discussants (if included) and general discussion.


Doctoral student workshop


The doctoral student workshop is intended to serve as a platform for discussion of ongoing PhD research within any aspect of second language research. PhD students are invited to submit an abstract for a 10-15-minute presentation. The Doctoral workshop focuses on problems of methodology with regard to either data analysis (interpretation of natural conversation, statistical data, interviews, etc.) or research design (experimental design, corpus design, issues of data collection, etc.). These sessions are not intended as opportunities to present research results, but to discuss future directions. Students whose abstracts are accepted will be required to send their paper to a discussant (a senior researcher). The discussant will lead a 10-15-minute feedback/discussion session on their work.


Student stipends


?As in previous years, several student stipends will be available for doctoral students.?If you wish to apply, please send the following information to before 27 February 2015:


1. Name, institution, and address of institution;

2. Curriculum vitae (attached);

3. Official confirmation of a PhD student status;

4. Statement (email) from supervisor or head of Department that the applicant?s institution cannot (fully) cover the conference-related expenses.


Publication of papers


A selection of papers presented at EUROSLA 2015 will be published in the EUROSLA 25 or 26 Yearbook following a peer-review process. There is an annual prize for the best EUROSLA Yearbook article. This includes a framed certificate presented at the EUROSLA General Assembly, a fee waiver for the following EUROSLA conference and conference dinner, and free EUROSLA membership for a year.   


To submit an abstract please visit


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