ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #203  »  Jobs

ISCApad #203

Saturday, May 16, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

6 Jobs
6-1(2014-12-05) R/D voice INTER GmbH in Dresden , Germany

voice INTER connect GmbH with head office in Dresden, Germany, is a medium-sized enterprise with over 10 years experience in the field of embedded signal processing and speech control in electronic devices. For well-known customers we offer innovative high-tech products and customised development and integration services.

We are looking for a Research & Development Engineer with specialisation in the field of speech recognition to join our team at the next possible date.

Your Tasks


*Development, customisation and maintenance of our own products within the area of speech recognition

*Integration and customisation of third party speech technology

*Collaboration in projects concerning automatic speech recognition and speech to text

*Development and functional testing of algorithms in HMM- or FSM-based speech recognizers

*Evaluation of Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Systems (LVCSR) and Client-Server-based speech recognition solutions

Your Profile



*Master-/PhD-degree in electrical engineering or computer science, specialisation speech communication

*Detailed knowledge of speech recognition architecture and technologies proved by a diploma or doctoral thesis in the area of speech technology

*Knowledge of the current literature and state of science and technology within the area of speech processing and speech recognition

*Excellent knowledge and experience in the programming languages C und C++ focused on audio and speech processing on PC and embedded environments (Windows, Linux, embedded operating systems)

*Knowledge of architecture, evaluation strategies, tools and quality criteria of LVCSR and client-server-based speech recognition solutions

*Experiences in dialogue design and NLU processing

*Preferably prior knowledge and deep interest in semantic processing and machine learning

*Preferably prior knowledge in customer-specific project work and team-oriented software development

*Very good skills in mathematics and physics

*Pleasure in transferring algorithms into practical solutions and in realisation of ambitious algorithmic tasks

*Pleasure in overcoming practical hurdles for speech technology like noise, reverberation and echoes

*Independence and initiative

*Creative, solution-oriented way of working and quick learner


We offer

At voice INTER connect you will find interesting opportunities for personal fulfilment in a growth-orientated, innovative company and a creative, highly motivated and open-minded team. Besides ambitious projects for international customers we offer the opportunity for further education by attending conferences, lectures and courses.

Your qualification and performance are rewarded by an appropriate remuneration.

If you are interested in joining our team, please apply via post or (preferred) e-mail:

voice INTER connect GmbH, Ammonstr. 35, 01067 Dresden or

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6-2(2014-12-05) Master thesis with available Ph.D scholarship ar GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France

Master thesis with available Ph.D scholarship:

Efforts and coordination of speech gestures

Disciplines: Acoustic phonetics, Biomechanics, Physiology, Cognition

Laboratory: GIPSA-lab, Grenoble

Supervision: Maëva Garnier, Pascal Perrier, Franck Quaine

Contact: / +33 4 76 57 50 61

Context: This Master thesis and its possible continuation in Ph.D thesis, take part to the ANR project

StopNCo, dealing with the characterization and understanding of the physiological efforts and the

gesture coordination in speech production1. Stop consonants (/p/, /t/, /k/, /b/, /d/ or /g/) are of

particular interest for the study of speech motor control, as they require a precise coordination of

breathing, laryngeal and articulatory gestures in their force and timing.

General questions: Stop consonants

are created by an occlusion of the vocal

tract that can occur at 3 different “places

of articulation” in French: at lips (for /p/

and /b/), just behind the teeth (for /t/ and

/d/) or at the back of the palate (for /k/

and /g/) (see Figure). The release of this

occlusion creates a short explosion noise

(or “burst”) and a quick variation in

frequency of the vocal tract resonances

(“formant transients”). These acoustic

features differ significantly between the 3

places of articulation

The objectives of the project are to characterize and to model:

1. by which coordination of breathing and articulatory gestures we control the finer variation of these

acoustic cues (burst spectrum and formant transients)?

2. how these cues are modified when speakers speak more clearly and try to enhance the perceptual

contrast between these 3 places of articulation?

3. how this control develops in children and can dysfunction in some of them?

4. how this control can vary in efficiency, i.e. in the ratio between the acoustic outcomes and the

physiological efforts?

Master project: Development and test of methodologies to measure lip and tongue

articulation efforts

The first step of the project will consist in implementing new methodologies to measure lip and

tongue articulation efforts, using surface electromyography (EMG), force sensors and electromagnetic

articulography (EMA) (see next figure).




Multiple EMG electrodes will be placed

around the lips to characterize the muscle

activity in different speech movements

and to find global descriptors of the

degree of articulation effort and fatigue.

Force sensors will be used, searching their

optimal number and position on the lips

and palate. We will also try to characterize

the tongue and lips stiffness in order to

take account of it in the calibration of the

force measurements.

Finally, the articulation force estimated by

these two methodologies will be

confronted to the velocity peaks of

tongue and lip movements measured with

EMA, as well as to the perceptual selfevaluation

of the effort spent by the


Possible continuation in Ph.D

The Ph.D thesis will base on these methodologies to characterize the coordination of breathing,

laryngeal and articulatory gestures in the production of stop consonants in healthy adult speakers. A

large database will be recorded with synchronous physiological and acoustical signals, on several

speakers, in controlled laboratory conditions, and for a variety of voice qualities and efforts (whisper to

shout, slow to fast speech rate, etc.). Using statistical data processing and mapping techniques, you

will establish a functional model able to predict the variation of acoustical outcomes from the covariation

of physiological parameters.

In a second step, a second experiment will be conducted in a more realistic and interactive situation

of face-to-face communication. You will explore how speakers modify their production of stop

consonants when they communicate in noisy or reverberant environments, and how they consequently

modify the coordination and the effort of their speech gestures, in comparison to casual speech.


The project will take place at GIPSA-lab in Grenoble, under the co-supervision of Maëva Garnier

(Expert in speech and cognition), Pascal Perrier (Expert in Speech motor control) and Franck Quaine

(Expert in biomechanics and EMG signals), in close relationship with the medical field (a dentist and a

maxillofacial surgeon).

The Master and Ph.D thesis will belong to a larger project, involving a second team that works on

laryngeal efforts (including a ENT specialist), and a third team working on the development of this

coordination in children (including speech therapists from Grenoble’s hospital). These two teams will

use the methodologies developed during the master thesis and the beginning of the Ph.D. thesis, and

will bring complementary information to the functional model of stop consonants production.

During the Ph.D. thesis, we envisage to send the Ph.D candidate for about 3 months in Italy for a

collaboration on high-density EMG matrices.

Skills: We are looking for an open-minded student with a main expertise in engineering

(biomechanics, signal processing and/or acoustics) but with a strong interest in human-related

questions (physiology, cognition, speech sciences). Programming skills (Matlab) will be appreciated, as

well as an experimental approach.

Indemnities: 400 per month during the 6 months of Master thesis.

~1400 per month during the 3 years of Ph.D fellowship.

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6-3(2014-12-06) Stage recherche M2 : Modèles connexionnistes pour la génération automatique dans le cadre de l'interaction vocale, LIA, Avignon, France

Stage recherche M2 : Modèles connexionnistes pour la génération automatique dans le cadre de l'interaction vocale

Durée : 6 mois
Démarrage : février-mars 2015
Lieu : Laboratoire Informatique d'Avignon
Encadrants: Bassam Jabaian, Stéphane Huet et Fabrice Lefèvre

Description du stage :

Les systèmes d'interactions vocales utilisés dans des applications comme la réservation de billets d'avion ou d'hôtels, ou bien encore le dialogue avec un robot, font intervenir plusieurs composants. Parmi ceux-ci figurent le module de génération de texte qui produit la réponse du système en langue naturelle à partir d'une représentation sémantique interne créée par le gestionnaire de dialogue.

Les systèmes de dialogue actuels intègrent des modules de génération basés sur des règles écrites à la main à partir de patrons.
ex : confirm(type=$U, food=$W,drinks=dontcare) ? Let me confirm, you are looking for a $U serving $W food and any kind of drinks right ?

Ces modules gagneraient à se baser sur des méthodes d'apprentissage automatique afin de faciliter la portabilité des systèmes de dialogue vers d'autres tâches et améliorer la diversité des échanges générés. Parmi les méthodes d'apprentissage automatique, figurent les réseaux de neurones qui ont vu un regain d'intérêt depuis l'utilisation du « deep learning ». Ces réseaux de neurones ont déjà été employés par Google dans une tâche similaire de génération de description d'images ( L'objectif de ce stage est d'étudier l'utilisation de ces modèles dans le cadre de l'interaction vocale.

Si un intérêt pour l'apprentissage automatique et le traitement de la langue naturelle est souhaitable, il est attendu surtout du stagiaire de bonnes capacités en développement logiciel.

Pour candidater : envoyer un mail avec un CV et une lettre de motivation à

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6-4(2014-12-06) 2 Post-doc positions at the Italian Institute of Technology.

New techniques for vision-assisted speech processing

BC: 69721 (draft)

BC: 69724 (draft)

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia ( is a private Foundation with the objective of promoting Italy's technological development and higher education in science and technology. Research at IIT is carried out in highly innovative scientific fields with state-of-the-art technology.

iCub Facility ( and Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences ( Departments are looking for 2 post-docs to be involved in the H2020 project EcoMode funded by the European Commission under the H2020-ICT-2014-1 call (topic ICT-22-2014 – Multimodal and natural computer interaction).

Job Description: Robust automatic speech recognition in realistic environments for human-robot interaction, where speech is noisy and distant, is still a challenging task. Vision can be used to increase speech recognition robustness by adding complementary speech-production related information. In this project visual information will be provided by an event-driven (ED) camera. ED vision sensors transmit information as soon as a change occurs in their visual field, achieving incredibly high temporal resolution, coupled with extremely low data rate and automatic segmentation of significant events. In an audio-visual speech recognition setting ED vision can not only provide new additional visual information to the speech recognizer, but also drive the temporal processing of speech by locating (in the temporal dimension) visual events related to speech production landmarks.

The goal of the proposed research is the exploitation of highly dynamical information from ED vision sensors for robust speech processing. The temporal information provided by EDC sensors will allow to experiment with new models of speech temporal dynamics based on events as opposed to the typical fixed-length segments (i.e. frames).

In this context, we are looking for 2 highly motivated Post-docs, respectively tackling vision (Research Challenge 1) and speech processing (Research Challenge 2), as outlined herebelow:

Research Challenge 1 (vision @ iCub facility – BC 69721): the post-doc will mostly work on the detection of features from event-driven cameras instrumental for improving speech recognition (e.g. lips closure, protrusion, shape, etc…). The temporal features extracted from the visual signal will be used for crossmodal event-driven speech segmentation that will drive the processing of speech. In the attempt to increase the robustness to acoustic noise and atypical speech, acoustic and visual features will be combined to recover phonetic gestures of the inner vocal tract (articulatory features).

Research Challenge 2 (speech processing @ RBCS – BC 69724): the post-doc will mainly develop a novel speech recognition system based on visual, acoustic and (recovered) articulatory features, that will be targeted for users with mild speech impairments. The temporal information provided by EDC sensors will allow to experiment with new strategies to model the temporal dynamics of normal and atypical speech. The main outcome of the project will be an audio-visual speech recognition system that robustly recognizes the most relevant commands (key phrases) delivered by users to devices in real-word usage scenarios.

The resulting methods for improving speech recognition will be exploited for the implementation of a tablet with robust speech processing. Given the automatic adaptation of the speech processing to the speech production rhythm, the speech recognition system will target speakers with mild speech impairments, specifically subjects with atypical speech flow and rhythm, typical of some disabilities and of the ageing population. The same approach will then be applied to the humanoid robot iCub to improve its interaction with humans in cooperative tasks.

Skills: We are looking for highly motivated people and inquisitive minds with the curiosity to use a new and challenging technology that requires a rethinking of visual and speech processing to achieve a high payoff in terms of speed, efficiency and robustness. The candidates we are looking for should also have the following additional skills:
  • PhD in Computer Science, Robotics, Engineering (or equivalent) with a background in machine learning, signal processing or related areas;
  • ability to analyze, improve and propose new algorithms;
  • Good knowledge of C, C++ programming languages with proven experience.
Team-work, PhD tutoring and general lab-related activities are expected.

An internationally competitive salary depending on experience will be offered.

Please note that these positions are pending the signature of the grant agreement with the European Commission (expected start date in early 2015)

How to apply:
Challenge 1: Send applications and informal enquires to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Challenge 2: Send applications and informal enquires to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

The application should include a curriculum vitae listing all publications and pdf files of the most representative publications (maximum 2) If possible, please also indicate three independent reference persons.

Presumed Starting Date:
Challenge 1: January 2015 (but later starts are also possible).
Challenge 2: June 2015 (but later starts are also possible).
Evaluation of the candidates starts immediately and officially closes on November 10th, 2014, but will continue until the position is filled.

Lichtsteiner, P., Posch, C., & Delbruck, T. (2008). A 128×128 120 dB 15 μs latency asynchronous temporal contrast vision sensor. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of, 43(2), 566-576.
Rea, F., Metta, G., & Bartolozzi, C. (2013). Event-driven visual attention for the humanoid robot iCub. Frontiers in neuroscience, 7.
Benosman, R.; Clercq, C.; Lagorce, X.; Sio-Hoi Ieng; Bartolozzi, C., 'Event-Based Visual Flow,' Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on , vol.25, no.2, pp.407,417, Feb. 2014, doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2013.2273537
Potamianos, G. Neti, C. Gravier, G. Garg, A. and Senior, A.W. (2003)  “Recent Advances in the Automatic Recognition of Audiovisual Speech” in Proceedings of the IEEE Vol. 91 pp. 1306-1326 
Glass, J. (2003)“A probabilistic framework for segment-based speech recognition”, Computer Speech and Language, vol. 17, pp. 137-152.
Badino, L., Canevari, C., Fadiga, L., Metta, G. 'Deep-Level Acoustic-to-Articulatory Mapping for DBN-HMM Based Phone Recognition', in IEEE SLT 2012, Miami, Florida, 2012
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6-5(2014-12-06) Post-Doc/Research position in speech intelligibility enhancement, Telecom Paris Tech,France


Post-Doc/Research position in speech intelligibility enhancement

Place: TELECOM ParisTech, Paris, France Duration: 1 year Start: Any date from January 1st, 2015

Salary: according to background and experience

*Position description*

The position is supported by the national project ANR-AIDA1 which is a 3 year project started in October 2013.

1 ANR-AIDA : « Automobile Intelligible pour Déficients Auditifs » -

The aim of the project is to provide new means to improve speech intelligibility of audio messages in the car environment, letting the user the possibility to tune the system to his/her own audition deficiency. In this context, the role of the PostDoc/researcher will consist in conducting forefront research in Speech processing and in directly participating to the project by building flexible software modules for speech intelligibility enhancement. The domain of speech enhancement mainly aims at suppressing the noise in noisy speech signals but does not in general significantly enhances speech intelligibility. In this project, we are mainly interested in enhancing intelligibility in noisy conditions taking into account specific hearing deficiencies. The developed approaches will then be at the crossroads of the domains of denoising and voice transformation.

*TELECOM ParisTech*

TELECOM ParisTech is the leading graduate School of Institut TELECOM with more than 160 research professors, 20 associated CNRS researchers and over 250 Engineering degrees, 50 PhD and 150 specialised masters (post graduates) awarded per year. The Audio, Acoustics and Waves research group (AAO) headed by Prof. Gaël Richard gathers 6 permanent staffs, 3 postDocs and over 12 PhD students. The group has developed a strong expertise in audio signal processing (source separation, indexing, Audio3D compression, dereverberation/denoising....). More information at

Candidate Profile

As minimum requirements, the candidate will have:

- A PhD in speech or audio signal processing, acoustics, machine learning, computer science, electrical engineering, or a related discipline.

- Some knowledge in speech signal processing.

- Good programming skills in Python or Matlab, C/C++.

The ideal candidate would also have:

- Solid knowledge of speech processing and voice transformation techniques.

- Ability to work in a multi-partner and national collaborative environment.

- Some knowledge of Max/MSP.

Contacts Interested applicants can contact Gaël Richard or Bertrand David for more information or directly email a candidacy letter including Curriculum Vitae, a list of publications and a statement of research interests.

- Gael Richard ( ; +33 1 45 81 73 65

- Bertrand David (

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6-6(2014-12-06) PhD Position in Second Language Speech Segmentation at the University of Kansas

PhD Position in Second Language Speech Segmentation at the University of Kansas


The Second-Language Processing and Eye-Tracking (L2PET) lab, directed by Dr. Annie Tremblay, in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Kansas, invites applications for a Ph.D. position in second-language speech segmentation. This Ph.D. position includes 3 years of graduate research assistantship funded by an NSF research grant awarded to Dr. Tremblay and 2 years of graduate teaching assistantship provided by the Department of Linguistics.


Research in the L2PET lab focuses on second-language speech processing and spoken-word recognition using behavioral methods such as eye tracking, word monitoring, priming, and artificial language speech segmentation (for details, see The NSF-funded research investigates the influence of the native language and of recent linguistic exposure on adult second language learners? use of prosodic cues, specifically pitch, in speech segmentation. Its aims are to determine how the similarities and differences between the native language and second language affect adult second language learners? ability to use prosodic cues in speech segmentation and whether the speech processing system is sufficiently adaptive to develop sensitivity to new segmentation cues (for details, see This project is done in collaboration with scholars from The Netherlands, France, and South Korea.


Applicants should have a strong background in Linguistics, Psychology, Cognitive Science, or Speech and Hearing Sciences. Knowledge of Korean and experience with experimental research are strongly preferred. Questions about this position should be directed to Dr. Tremblay ( Applications should be submitted through the University of Kansas application system ( More information about admission requirements can be found at The deadline for applications is January 1st, 2015. Start date for this Ph.D. position is August 24th, 2015.


Linguistics at the University of Kansas


The Department of Linguistics at the University of Kansas has undergone significant changes in the past decade to position itself as a unique program that unites linguistic theory and experimental research. The department has particular strengths in experimental phonetics and phonology, first and second language acquisition, developmental psycholinguistics, second language psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics, the cognitive neuroscience of language, linguistic fieldwork, and theoretical syntax and semantics. Faculty members and graduate students study a broad range of languages including understudied language varieties in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. The department has six active research labs, which have all successfully competed for external funding and provide support for graduate studies. The department has both head-mounted and remote eye trackers, an EEG laboratory, and on the KU medical center campus, cortical MEG, fetal MEG, and MRI systems.

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6-7(2014-12-05) Stage de Master2 à Nancy, France

Intelligibilité de la parole : quelle mesure pour déterminer
le degré de nuisance

  Encadrants  Irina Illina (LORIA)
              Patrick Chevret (INRS)

    LORIA, Campus Scientifique - BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy}
  Tél : 03 54 95 84 9003 54 95 84 90
Bureau  C147 au LORIA

   INRS, Avenue de Bourgogne, 54500 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
  Tél : 03 83 50 20 0003 83 50 20 00
L'intelligibilité de la parole signifie la capacité
d'une conversation à être comprise par un auditeur situé à proximité.
Le niveau d'intelligibilité de la parole dépend de plusieurs critères :
le niveau de bruit ambiant, l'absorption éventuelle d'une partie du
spectre sonore, les déformations acoustiques, les échos, etc.
L'intelligibilité de la parole est utilisée pour évaluer les
performances des systèmes de
télécommunication, de sonorisation de salles, ou encore des personnes.

L'intelligibilité de la parole peux être évaluée :
- de façon subjective : les auditeurs écoutent plusieurs mots ou phrases
et répondent aux différentes questions (la transcription des sons,
le pourcentage de consonnes perçues, etc.). Les scores obtenus constituent
la valeur d'intelligibilité ;
- de façon objective, sans faire appel aux auditeurs, en utilisant les
mesures acoustiques : l'indice d'intelligibilité de la parole
(Speech Transmission Index, STI),  
et le niveau d'interférence avec la parole.

Les mesures subjectives sont dépendantes des auditeurs et
demandent un nombre important d'auditeurs.
Cela est difficile à réaliser, surtout quand il y a différents types 
d'environnements et qu'il est nécessaire d'évaluer cette mesure pour chacun.
Les mesures objectives ont l'avantage d'être quantifiables automatiquement
et de façon précise.  En revanche, jusqu'à quel point les mesures
objectives permettent de mesurer la nuisance de l'environnement sur
l'intelligibilité de la parole et sur la santé des gens,
reste un problème ouvert.
Par exemple, l'indice STI consiste à mesurer la modulation de l'énergie.
Mais la modulation d'énergie peut être produite par les machines, pourtant
cela ne correspond pas à la parole.

Dans le cadre de ce stage, nous nous intéressons à l'étude de différentes
mesures objectives d'intelligibilité de la parole. Le but est de trouver
des mesures fiables pour évaluer le niveau de nuisance de l'environnement
ambiant sur la compréhension de la parole, la santé mentale des personnes à
long terme et leur productivité. Quelques pistes possibles :
faire corréler la mesure de confiance de mots, la mesure de confiance de bruit
et les mesures subjectives d'intelligibilité de la parole. Pour élaborer
ces mesures, le
système de reconnaissance automatique de la parole sera utilisé.

Ce stage sera effectué dans le cadre de la collaboration entre notre
équipe Multispeech et l'INRS (Institut National de Recherche et de
Sécurité).  L'INRS travaille sur l'identification des risques
professionnels, l'analyse de leurs conséquences sur la santé et leur
prévention.  INRS dispose d'un riche corpus d'enregistrements et de
mesures subjectives d'intelligibilité de la parole. Ce corpus sera
utilisé dans le cadre de ce stage. Notre équipe Multispeech possède
une grande expertise en traitement du signal et a développé plusieurs
méthodologies d'estimation de bruits et du niveau sonore. L'équipe
Multispeech a développé le système complet de reconnaissance
automatique de la parole.
Compétences demandées
Avoir de bonnes bases en statistique et en traitement du signal, 
maîtriser le langage de
programmation C, la programmation orientée objet et le Perl.


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6-8(2014-12-10) MIT Postdoctoral Associate Opportunity,Cambridge, MA, USA
MIT Postdoctoral Associate Opportunity The Spoken Language Systems Group in the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory is seeking a Postdoctoral Associate to participate in research and development of deep learning methods applied to the problems of multilingual speech recognition, dialect, and speaker recognition. This position is expected to start in early 2015 for a one-year period, with the possibility of extension. A Ph.D. in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering is required. Individuals must have at least four years of hands-on, computer-based experience in algorithm and system development in speech processing related to speech recognition, speaker or language recognition, and must have strong programming skills (especially, but not limited to C++, and Python) and familiarity with Linux environment. This individual must be able to work both independently, and cooperatively with others, and have good communication and writing skills. Interested candidates should send their CVs to Jim Glass, 
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6-9(2014-12-08) INGENIEUR EN TECHNIQUES EXPERIMENTALES, Aix en Provence, France

Proposition de poste à la mutation :


Maison de la Recherche ? Aix en Provence - UFR ALLSH (Arts, Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines)




?Recueil et traitement de données audio-visuelles, comportementales et physiologiques.

?Programmation, coordination et réalisation d'

études (expérimentales, qualitatives,

quantitatives, en ligne, observationnelles...).

?Traitement de données expérimentales, quantitatives et qualitatives.

?Formation à la technique et à l'utilisation des dispositifs expérimentaux ; conseil aux


pour leur mise en ?uvre dans le respect des normes d'utilisation.

?Veille technologique.

?Coordination des relations aux interfaces, organisation des échanges d'informations avec

les spécialistes des domaines techniques mobilisés dans l'expérience.


des documents de spécifications techniques, de conception et de réalisation des

manuels utilisateurs associés aux dispositifs.

?Organisation et contrôle des interventions de maintenance préventive et des interventions

de dépannage






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6-10(2014-12-12) 2 POSTDOC positions in Machine Learning for Machine translation, LIMSI, Orsay, France

2 POSTDOC positions in Machine Learning for Machine translation
at LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay (Paris area), FRANCE

Two postdoctoral positions are available at LIMSI-CNRS. The
positions are all one year, with possibilities of extension.  We are
seeking researchers with interests in machine learning applied to
statistical machine translation, automatic speech recognition or
computational linguistics.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Bayesian models for natural language processing
- Multilingual topic models
- Word Sense Disambiguation
- Statistical Language Modeling
- Speech translation

Candidates must have (almost) completed a Ph.D. in machine learning or
natural language/speech processing and have a strong track record of
successful implementation and publication in natural language processing or
machine learning.

Please send your CV and/or further inquiries to François Yvon

Duration: 24 or 36 months, starting early 2015.

Application deadline: Open until filled

The successful candidates will join a dynamic research team working on
various aspects of Statistical Machine Translation and Speech
Processing. For information regarding our activities, see

About the LIMSI-CNRS:
The LIMSI-CNRS lab is situated at Orsay, a green area 25 km south of
Paris. A suburban train connects Orsay to Paris city center. Detailed
information about the LIMSI lab can be found at

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6-11(2014-12-12) Internship at Orange Labs, Lannion, France

Stage : Exploration par mots clés de collections de documents multimedia


Contexte général :

Analyse automatique de la composante audio de contenus audiovisuels afin de proposer de nouvelles formes d?exploration dans ces contenus.


Missions du stage :

L?extraction non supervisée de mots-clés à partir d?une collection de contenus permet de faire ressortir les mots (ou expressions) pertinentes dans un contenu, relativement aux autres contenus de la collection. Des métriques de relations statistiques permettent en outre de mesurer un degré d?association entre deux mots dans la collection.

En s?appuyant sur un module existant permettant de réaliser ces deux processus d?extraction et de mise en relation de mots clés, l?objectif du stage est :

  • d?étudier un processus d?adaptation permettant de recalculer efficacement les statistiques d?une collection lorsqu?un nouveau contenu est ajouté à la collection
  • d?étudier dans quelle mesure l?exploitation d?un chapitrage peut permettre une analyse plus fine et une extraction de mots clés pertinents dans un chapitre d?une collection.
  • de proposer et comparer des méthodes d?évaluation objective des résultats obtenus


Equipe d?accueil :

L?équipe CONTENT/FAST d?Orange Labs a en charge des travaux de recherche et développement dans le domaine du Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL) appliquée aux documents écrits et au texte issu du vocal (analyse sémantique, extraction d?information, requêtes en langage naturel, etc.), et dans le domaine des Bases de Connaissances.


Profil :

- Master 2 en Traitement Automatique des Langues ou Informatique


Contact : Géraldine Damnati (


Stage rémunéré, à Lannion, d?une durée de 5 mois à partir de février ou mars 2015.


Rémunération : entre 1300? et 1700? brut mensuel en fonction du profil du candidat.


pour visualiser l?offre sur Orange Jobs :



Géraldine DAMNATI


2 av. Pierre Marzin, 22307 Lannion

+33 2 96 05 13 88+33 2 96 05 13 88

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6-12(2014-12-16) Intersship at Orange Lab, France


Internship opportunity at Orange Labs

Incomplete requests management in human/machine dialogue.

Entity: Orange Labs.

Department/Team: CRM&DA/NADIA.

Duration: 6 months.

Contact: Hatim KHOUZAIMI (

About our team:

Orange Labs is the Research and Development division of Orange, the leading telecommunication company in France. The mission of the CRM&DA department (Customer Relationship Management & Data Analytics) is to invent new solutions to improve the company’s interactions with its customers by using data analysis techniques. You will be part of NADIA (Natural DIAlogue interaction), which is one of the teams composing CRM&DA and whose mission is to develop and maintain a human/machine dialogue solution, which is already widely used by customers.

Your mission:

Thanks to the recent improvements in the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology, research in the field of Spoken Dialogue Systems (SDSs) has been very active during the late few years. The main challenge is to design user initiative dialogue strategies where the user can use natural language to utter complex requests, with a lot of information, as opposed to system initiative ones, where the request is entered chunk by chunk. However, due to the user’s unfamiliarity with the system and the noise induced by the ASR module, the request captured by the system is often incomplete, hence rejected. The objective of this internship is to figure out solutions to detect whether a request is incomplete and not incorrect and if it is the case, to extract partial information. This will be later used by the Dialogue Manager module to ask the user to add missing information.

In addition, researchers in the field of SDSs are more and more interested in improving the system’s floor management capacities. Instead of adopting a walkie-talkie approach where each of the dialogue participants has to wait for the other to release the floor before processing his utterance and coming up with a response, incremental dialogue suggests that the listener processes the speaker’s utterance on the flow, hence being able to interrupt her. In this frame, the system processes growing partial requests, which is another application of the solutions that will be studied. Incremental dialogue capacities are crucial in the development of a new generation of dialogue systems, which are more human-like, more reactive and less error-prone.

Essential functions:

You will improve the current dialogue solution that is developed and maintained by our

team. For that, you will have to interact with researchers in the field as well as developers.

According to the quality of the solutions that will be proposed, your results can be published in

scientific conferences or lead to a patent.

Qualifications and skills:

- MSc in Computer Science or a related field.

- A specialisation in Natural Language Processing is very welcome.

- Object-Oriented Programming.

- Good background in applied mathematics: probability and statistics.

- Good English level.

- Interest in Human Machine Interaction and Artificial Intelligence.

- Team work.

If you want to be part of an innovative experience in a team of talented people with state of art

skills in the field, please submit your resume by email to

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6-13(2015-01-05) Internship at LORIA, Nancy, France
Intelligibilité de la parole : quelle mesure pour déterminer


le degré de nuisance


Encadrants  Irina Illina (LORIA)
                    Patrick Chevret (INRS)


    LORIA, Campus Scientifique - BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy}
  Tél : 03 54 95 84 9003 54 95 84 90
Bureau  C147 au LORIA

   INRS, Avenue de Bourgogne, 54500 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
  Tél : 03 83 50 20 0003 83 50 20 00

L'intelligibilité de la parole signifie la capacité
d'une conversation à être comprise par un auditeur situé à proximité.
Le niveau d'intelligibilité de la parole dépend de plusieurs critères :
le niveau de bruit ambiant, l'absorption éventuelle d'une partie du
spectre sonore, les déformations acoustiques, les échos, etc.
L'intelligibilité de la parole est utilisée pour évaluer les
performances des systèmes de
télécommunication, de sonorisation de salles, ou encore des personnes.

L'intelligibilité de la parole peux être évaluée :
- de façon subjective : les auditeurs écoutent plusieurs mots ou phrases
et répondent aux différentes questions (la transcription des sons,
le pourcentage de consonnes perçues, etc.). Les scores obtenus constituent
la valeur d'intelligibilité ;
- de façon objective, sans faire appel aux auditeurs, en utilisant les
mesures acoustiques : l'indice d'intelligibilité de la parole
(Speech Transmission Index, STI),  
et le niveau d'interférence avec la parole.

Les mesures subjectives sont dépendantes des auditeurs et
demandent un nombre important d'auditeurs.
Cela est difficile à réaliser, surtout quand il y a différents types 
d'environnements et qu'il est nécessaire d'évaluer cette mesure pour chacun.
Les mesures objectives ont l'avantage d'être quantifiables automatiquement
et de façon précise.  En revanche, jusqu'à quel point les mesures
objectives permettent de mesurer la nuisance de l'environnement sur
l'intelligibilité de la parole et sur la santé des gens,
reste un problème ouvert.
Par exemple, l'indice STI consiste à mesurer la modulation de l'énergie.
Mais la modulation d'énergie peut être produite par les machines, pourtant
cela ne correspond pas à la parole.


Dans le cadre de ce stage, nous nous intéressons à l'étude de différentes
mesures objectives d'intelligibilité de la parole. Le but est de trouver
des mesures fiables pour évaluer le niveau de nuisance de l'environnement
ambiant sur la compréhension de la parole, la santé mentale des personnes à
long terme et leur productivité. Quelques pistes possibles :
faire corréler la mesure de confiance de mots, la mesure de confiance de bruit
et les mesures subjectives d'intelligibilité de la parole. Pour élaborer
ces mesures, le
système de reconnaissance automatique de la parole sera utilisé.

Ce stage sera effectué dans le cadre de la collaboration entre notre
équipe Multispeech et l'INRS (Institut National de Recherche et de
Sécurité).  L'INRS travaille sur l'identification des risques
professionnels, l'analyse de leurs conséquences sur la santé et leur
prévention.  INRS dispose d'un riche corpus d'enregistrements et de
mesures subjectives d'intelligibilité de la parole. Ce corpus sera
utilisé dans le cadre de ce stage. Notre équipe Multispeech possède
une grande expertise en traitement du signal et a développé plusieurs
méthodologies d'estimation de bruits et du niveau sonore. L'équipe
Multispeech a développé le système complet de reconnaissance
automatique de la parole.
Compétences demandées
Avoir de bonnes bases en statistique et en traitement du signal, 
maîtriser le langage de
programmation C, la programmation orientée objet et le Perl.

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6-14(2015-01-05) Proposition de post-doc au LORIA (Nancy, France)
Proposition de post-doc au LORIA (Nancy, France)
Reconnaissance automatique de la parole : contextualisation du modèle de langage par ajustement dynamique
Cadre du projet ANR ContNomina
Les technologies impliquées dans la recherche d?informations dans de grandes bases de données audio/vidéo reposent le plus souvent sur l'analyse de grands corpus fermés et sur des techniques d'apprentissage automatique et de modélisation statistique du langage écrit ou oral. L'efficacité de ces approches est maintenant unanimement reconnue mais elles présentent néanmoins des défauts majeurs, en particulier pour la prise en charge des noms propres, qui sont cruciales pour l'interprétation des contenus.
 Dans le cadre des données diachroniques (qui évoluent dans le temps) de nouveaux noms propres apparaissent continuellement ce qui nécessite de gérer dynamiquement les lexiques et modèles de langage utilisés par le système de reconnaissance de la parole.
 En conséquence, le projet ANR ContNomina (2013-2017) se concentre sur le problème des noms propres dans les systèmes de traitement automatique des contenus audio en exploitant au mieux le contexte des documents traités. Pour ce faire, le sujet de ce post-doc se focalisera sur la contextualisation de la reconnaissance à travers l?ajustement dynamique du modèle de langage de manière à le rendre plus précis.
Sujet du post-doc
On dispose du modèle de langage du système reconnaissance (n gram appris d?un grand corpus de texte). Le problème est d?estimer la probabilité d?un mot ajouté en fonction de son contexte. Plusieurs pistes pourront être explorées: adapter le modèle de langage, utiliser un modèle de classe ou étudier la notion d?analogie.
Notre équipe a développé un système complet de reconnaissance automatique de la parole permettant de transcrire une émission de radio à partir du fichier audio correspondant. Le post-doctorant devra développer un nouveau module dont la fonction est d?intégrer de nouveaux noms propres dans le modèle de langage.
Compétences demandées
Avoir obtenu une thèse en TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues), être familier avec les outils de reconnaissance automatique de la parole, avoir de bonnes bases en statistiques et maîtriser les langages de programmation C et Perl.
Environ 12 mois, début durant 2014 (la date de début est flexible)
Localisation et contact
Laboratoire Loria, équipe Parole, Nancy, France
Envoyer par mail un CV détaillé avec une liste de publications, diplômes et une lettre de motivations

Post-doc position at LORIA (Nancy, France)
Automatic speech recognition: contextualisation of the language model by dynamic adjustment
Framework of ANR project ContNomina
The technologies involved in information retrieval in large audio/video databases are often based on the analysis of large, but closed, corpora, and on machine learning techniques and statistical modeling of the written and spoken language. The effectiveness of these approaches is now widely acknowledged, but they nevertheless have major flaws, particularly for what concern proper names, that are crucial for the interpretation of the content.
In the context of diachronic data (data which change over time) new proper names appear constantly requiring dynamic updates of the lexicons and language models used by the speech recognition system.
As a result, the ANR project ContNomina (2013-2017) focuses on the problem of proper names in automatic audio processing systems by exploiting in the most efficient way the context of the processed documents. To do this, the postdoc student will address the contextualization of the recognition module through the dynamic adjustment of the language model in order to make it more accurate.
Post-doc subject
The language model of the recognition system (n gram learned from a large corpus of text) is available. The problem is to estimate the probability of a new proper name depending on its context. Several tracks will be explored: adapting the language model, using a class model or studying the notion of analogy.
Our team has developed a fully automatic system for speech recognition to transcribe a radio broadcast from the corresponding audio file. The postdoc will develop a new module whose function is to integrate new proper names in the language model.
Required skills
A PhD in NLP (Natural Language Processing), be familiar with the tools for automatic speech recognition, background in statistics and computer program skills (C and Perl).
Post-doc duration
12 months, start during 2014 (these is some flexibility)
Localization and contacts
Loria laboratory, Speech team, Nancy, France
Candidates should email a letter of application, a detailed CV with a list of publications and diploma

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6-15(2015-01-05) Internship at GIPSA, Grenoble, France

Le GIPSA-lab à Grenoble propose un stage intitulé:
'Acquisition et modélisation des mouvements orofaciaux en parole et en déglutition basé sur l'articulographie électromagnétique 3D'
('Acquisition and modeling of orofacial movements in speech and swallowing based on 3D ElectroMagnetic Articulography')
Contact: Pierre Badin (

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6-16(2015-01-08) Senior Research Engineer at Dolby, Beijing, China

Senior Research Engineer

(Multimedia System and Algorithm Research)




Join the leader in entertainment innovation and help us design the future. At Dolby, science meets art, and high tech means more than computer code. As a member of the Dolby team, you’ll see and hear the results of your work everywhere, from movie theaters to smartphones. We continue to revolutionize how people create, deliver, and enjoy entertainment worldwide. To do that, we need the absolute best talent, including insatiably curious engineers and scientists for our advanced technology group. We’re big enough to give you all the resources you need, and small enough so you can make a real difference and earn recognition for your work. We offer a collegial culture, challenging projects, and excellent compensation and benefits.


This position is in the Research Organization of Dolby Laboratories ( and is located in Beijing, China. The position focuses on the research and development of cutting edge multimedia systems and algorithms with a focus on audio. These systems are researched and designed to enable the next generation of media playback on smart phones, tablets, PCs, televisions; they will provide the technologies powering both next generation streaming technologies and cinema systems.

The Beijing Research team applies and uses a broad range of disciplines including audio and speech technologies, machine learning, information theory, computer science, and applied mathematics. The research work is performed in small teams consisting of researchers with different backgrounds. Most project involve global cooperation with Dolby’s other Research teams in North America, Europe, and Australia.


The research engineer position focuses on the research and development of core technologies laying the foundation for Dolby’s future commercial success. It requires a strong analytic mindset, an ability to quickly learn new, highly innovative multimedia technologies, and outstanding programming skills allowing to rapidly implements theoretical concepts into research prototypes. As a part of an international team, the research engineer will work on ideas exploring new horizons in multimedia technologies and delivery systems.


Your possible background


We are looking for a self-motivated, highly talented and highly accomplished individual that has demonstrated his/her ability to perform innovative research and is interested in applying his/her computer science skills to research novel and cutting-edge multimedia technologies. This position does not require an in-depth understanding of audio technologies and signal processing. The ideal candidate has done some multimedia related in academic or industrial research environment and has a strong interest to learn more about multimedia. The position requires advanced knowledge of theory and applications of techniques from theoretical computer science, search algorithms, and world-class programming skills. Very solid mathematical skills are a must.

Education, Skills, Abilities, and Experience:

  • MsC/Ph.D. Computer Science, industrial experience desirable
  • Outstanding programming skills: C/C++, Python, Matlab, Perl,
  • Good understanding of computer theoretical computer science
  • Solid background in applied mathematics and stochastic, experience in

            numerical modeling of complex systems

  • Internet and streaming applications expertise desirable
  • System design experience
  • Understanding of signal processing
  • Strong team-oriented work ethic.
  • Strong personal interest in learning, researching, and creating new multimedia

            technologies with high commercial impact

  • Independent, self-motivated worker requiring minimal supervision
  • Fluent in Chinese and English. Excellent communication skills



Strongly Desired


  • Experience working in a software development team, including software version


  • Good background in network programming
  • Proficient in Web programming and GUI design
  • Real-time windows programming
  • Personal interest in audio and video


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6-17(2015-01-15) Senior Research Engineer at Dolby Labs, Beijing, China

Senior Research Engineer

(Multimedia System and Algorithm Research)




Join the leader in entertainment innovation and help us design the future. At Dolby, science meets art, and high tech means more than computer code. As a member of the Dolby team, you’ll see and hear the results of your work everywhere, from movie theaters to smartphones. We continue to revolutionize how people create, deliver, and enjoy entertainment worldwide. To do that, we need the absolute best talent, including insatiably curious engineers and scientists for our advanced technology group. We’re big enough to give you all the resources you need, and small enough so you can make a real difference and earn recognition for your work. We offer a collegial culture, challenging projects, and excellent compensation and benefits.


This position is in the Research Organization of Dolby Laboratories ( and is located in Beijing, China. The position focuses on the research and development of cutting edge multimedia systems and algorithms with a focus on audio. These systems are researched and designed to enable the next generation of media playback on smart phones, tablets, PCs, televisions; they will provide the technologies powering both next generation streaming technologies and cinema systems.

The Beijing Research team applies and uses a broad range of disciplines including audio and speech technologies, machine learning, information theory, computer science, and applied mathematics. The research work is performed in small teams consisting of researchers with different backgrounds. Most project involve global cooperation with Dolby’s other Research teams in North America, Europe, and Australia.


The research engineer position focuses on the research and development of core technologies laying the foundation for Dolby’s future commercial success. It requires a strong analytic mindset, an ability to quickly learn new, highly innovative multimedia technologies, and outstanding programming skills allowing to rapidly implements theoretical concepts into research prototypes. As a part of an international team, the research engineer will work on ideas exploring new horizons in multimedia technologies and delivery systems.


Your possible background


We are looking for a self-motivated, highly talented and highly accomplished individual that has demonstrated his/her ability to perform innovative research and is interested in applying his/her computer science skills to research novel and cutting-edge multimedia technologies. This position does not require an in-depth understanding of audio technologies and signal processing. The ideal candidate has done some multimedia related in academic or industrial research environment and has a strong interest to learn more about multimedia. The position requires advanced knowledge of theory and applications of techniques from theoretical computer science, search algorithms, and world-class programming skills. Very solid mathematical skills are a must.

Education, Skills, Abilities, and Experience:

  • MsC/Ph.D. Computer Science, industrial experience desirable
  • Outstanding programming skills: C/C++, Python, Matlab, Perl,
  • Good understanding of computer theoretical computer science
  • Solid background in applied mathematics and stochastic, experience in

            numerical modeling of complex systems

  • Internet and streaming applications expertise desirable
  • System design experience
  • Understanding of signal processing
  • Strong team-oriented work ethic.
  • Strong personal interest in learning, researching, and creating new multimedia

            technologies with high commercial impact

  • Independent, self-motivated worker requiring minimal supervision
  • Fluent in Chinese and English. Excellent communication skills



Strongly Desired


  • Experience working in a software development team, including software version


  • Good background in network programming
  • Proficient in Web programming and GUI design
  • Real-time windows programming
  • Personal interest in audio and video


 Contact Claus Bauer

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6-18(2015-01-18) Post-doc position at LORIA (Nancy, France)
Post-doc position at LORIA (Nancy, France)
Automatic speech recognition: contextualisation of the language model by dynamic adjustment
Framework of ANR project ContNomina
The technologies involved in information retrieval in large audio/video databases are often based on the analysis of large, but closed, corpora, and on machine learning techniques and statistical modeling of the written and spoken language. The effectiveness of these approaches is now widely acknowledged, but they nevertheless have major flaws, particularly for what concern proper names, that are crucial for the interpretation of the content.
In the context of diachronic data (data which change over time) new proper names appear constantly requiring dynamic updates of the lexicons and language models used by the speech recognition system.
As a result, the ANR project ContNomina (2013-2017) focuses on the problem of proper names in automatic audio processing systems by exploiting in the most efficient way the context of the processed documents. To do this, the postdoc student will address the contextualization of the recognition module through the dynamic adjustment of the language model in order to make it more accurate.
Post-doc subject
The language model of the recognition system (n gram learned from a large corpus of text) is available. The problem is to estimate the probability of a new proper name depending on its context. Several tracks will be explored: adapting the language model, using a class model or studying the notion of analogy.
Our team has developed a fully automatic system for speech recognition to transcribe a radio broadcast from the corresponding audio file. The postdoc will develop a new module whose function is to integrate new proper names in the language model.
Required skills
A PhD in NLP (Natural Language Processing), be familiar with the tools for automatic speech recognition, background in statistics and computer program skills (C and Perl).
Post-doc duration
12 months, start during 2014 (these is some flexibility)
Localization and contacts
Loria laboratory, Speech team, Nancy, France
Candidates should email a letter of application, a detailed CV with a list of publications and diploma

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6-19(2015-01-20) Full-time two-year postdoctoral position at University Paris Diderot

Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7, laboratoire CLILLAC-ARP (EA 3967) invites
applications for a full-time two-year postdoctoral position within the ANR-DFG funded
project 'Paths to Phonological Complexity: Onset clusters in speech production,
perception, and disorders'. The project is a cross-linguistic study into the nature of
preferred patterns in speech production, their perception and their manifestation in
disordered speech. A particular focus is on how prosodic differences between languages
may interact with motor learning, and the emergence and plasticity of phonotactic
patterns. The project is conducted in close collaboration with the German partner team.
(German PI: Dr. Marianne Pouplier, LMU, Munich; French PI: Ioana Chitoran, Paris Diderot,
The salary is set according to the French pay scale for postdoctoral researchers: 90,172
euros for two years.
- designing and implementing speech perception experiments
- statistical analysis
- preparing journal publications
- international conference presentations
- coordination of the German-French collaboration
- completed PhD in Phonetics, Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, or a related field
- track record of published research commensurate with experience
- solid knowledge of experimental phonetics, primarily speech perception. The perception
experiments in this project are closely integrated with articulatory (EMA) production
studies. For this reason, the ideal candidate should have a strong interest in studying
how articulation and perception interact. Some experience with articulatory data is a
- solid knowledge of statistical analysis
- strong interest in the phonetics-phonology interface
- good programming skills
- very good oral and written knowledge of English. A working knowledge of French is a

Université Paris Diderot is an equal opportunity employer.
Please email your complete application as a single pdf, including one publication and the
contact information of two referees to
Application deadline: 1 March 2015
For further information contact
Dr. Ioana Chitoran

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6-20(2015-01-20) Two year postdoc position at Aix-Marseille University (France)

Two year postdoc position at Aix-Marseille University (France) in
multimodal video recommendation

Application deadline: 01/31/2015
Starting: as soon as possible.

The ADNVIDEO project, funded in the framework of A*MIDEX
(, aims at extending multimodal
analysis models. It focuses on jointly processing audio, speech
transcripts, images, scenes, text overlays and user feedback. Using as
starting point the corpus, annotations and approaches developed during
the REPERE challenge (, this project aims at
going beyond indexing at single modalities by incorporating
information retrieval methods, not only from broadcast television
shows, but more generally on video documents requiring multimodal
scene analysis. The novelty here is to combine and correlate
information from different sources to enhance the description of the
content. The application for this project relates to the issue of
recommendation applied to videos: given a video, the system has to
find documents (text, image, and video) related to this video, either
on the surface level or the meaning level. In particular, the use case
considered may have, in terms of technology transfer, significant
economic benefits regarding automatic ad targeting: automatically find
the most relevant advertisement with respect to the content of a

The candidate will participate in the development of a prototype for
video recommendation, leading to a technology transfer towards

- Extraction of multimodal high-level descriptors (semantic-oriented
descriptors). These semantic-oriented descriptors are extracted from
low-level descriptors, especially from text transcripts.
    * Extract concepts (conceptualization) from the transcript of the audio.
    & Detection of semantic chapters by aggregation of concepts
extracted shot/scenewise
    * Detection and extraction of sentiments and emotions
- Aggregation of multimodal descriptors to form the multimodal
footprint of a video.
- Matching videos and promotional material using recommendation approaches
- Validation of the video recommendation prototype.
- Participation to the scientific life of the lab, including paper publication.

The allocation of the tasks can be adjusted depending on the wishes
and skills of the candidate.

For this project, we are looking for one candidate with a PhD degree
in the areas of information retrieval, natural language processing,
machine learning:
- Strong programming skills (C++, Java, Python...).
- Desire to produce functioning end-to-end systems, life-scale live demos
- Scientific rigor
- Imagination
- Top notch publications
- Excellent communication skills
- Enjoy teamwork
Candidates must presently work outside of France.

The work will be conducted in the University of Aix-Marseille at the
Laboratoire des Science de l'information et des système (LSIS, within the ADNVidéo project, supported by
funding from a AMIDEX foundation in collaboration with Kalyzee
( Both LSIS and Kalysee are located in the
historical and sunny city of Marseille, in south of France

Duration: 23 month

Candidates should email a letter of application, a detailed CV
including a complete list of publications, and source code showcasing
programming skills.

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6-21(2015-01-22) Internship: Sous-titrage automatique de parole dans une 'smart clas ' pour l'accessibilité des personnes sourdes, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble,France

Titre : Sous-titrage automatique de parole dans une 'smart class' pour l'accessibilité
des personnes sourdes

Responsable(s) :
    Isabelle Estève (LIDILEM) :
    François Portet & Benjamin Lecouteux (LIG-GETALP) :,

Mots-clés : Reconnaissance automatique de la parole, surdité, Communication améliorée et
alternative, accessibilité, smart space.
Durée du projet : 4/5/6 mois
Nombre maximal d'étudiants : 1 ou 2

Lieu du stage : Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, UMR CNRS 5217, 110 av. de la
Chimie - Domaine Universitaire de Saint-Martin-d?Hères


Le but de ce projet est de mettre en place un système de reconnaissance automatique de la
parole pour le sous-titrage en direct de cours académiques. Ce système s'adresserait en
priorité aux personnes sourdes pour remédier aux difficultés d'accessibilité au discours
en français oral de l'enseignant et pour favoriser ainsi l'accès à l'enseignement
supérieur de ce public. En complément à la réalisation du système de sous-titrage, le
projet comporte la réalisation d'une interface de communication pour permettre à une
personne sourde, de poser des questions ou faire des remarques pendant le déroulement du
cours. La surdité ayant des implications communicatives fortes, notamment concernant
l'accès à la langue française dans ses dimensions orales mais également écrites. Une
adaptation aux besoins des utilisateurs sourds des sous-titrages fera partie intégrante
du projet.
A terme, d'autres applications pourraient également être envisagées : public FLS/FLE
notamment pour lesquels le suivi de cours en langue française orale peut poser difficulté.

Le déroulement du stage consistera à :
- étude bibliographique des solutions existantes et des besoins spécifiques aux personnes
- prise en main du système de reconnaissance vocale automatique KALDI
- prise en main du système d'analyse sonore Cirdox
- tests sur des corpus enregistrés
- connexion des sorties de reconnaissance à un système de sous-titrage
- tests en-ligne
- tests dans la 'smart class' avec un professeur et des étudiants
- si le temps le permet, étude de réalisation d'interface d'interaction.

Profil du candidat :
- Master/Ingénieur en Informatique, télécommunication ou traitement du signal
- Intérêt avéré pour les technologies vocales et ou la Communication améliorée et
- Maîtrise du langage C impérative, connaissance de Linux.
- Esprit d'équipe, ouverture et autonomie


[1] D. Povey, A. Ghoshal, G. Boulianne, L. Burget, O. Glembek, N. Goel, M.  Hannemann, P.
Motlicek, Y. Qian, P. Schwarz, J. Silovsky, G. Stemmer and K. Vesely. The Kaldi Speech
Recognition Toolkit,  Idiap-RR-04-2012
[2] B. Lecouteux, G. Linares, and S. Oger. Integrating imperfect transcripts into speech
recognition systems for building high-quality corpora. Computer Speech and Language, 2011.
[3] F. Aman, M. Vacher, S. Rossato, R. Dugheanu, F. Portet, J. Le Grand, Y. Sasa. Étude
de la performance des modèles acoustiques pour des voix de personnes âgées en vue de
l'adaptation des systèmes de RAP. JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, volume 1: JEP, Jun 2012,
Grenoble, France. ATALA/AFCP, pp.707--714.

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6-22Thesis position at Telecom Paris Tech, Paris F.

Sujet de stage / thèse : Apprentissage dynamique de caractéristiques par champs aléatoires conditionnels pour la détection des sentiments dans les conversations téléphoniques

ENCADREMENT : Chloé Clavel[1] , Slim Essid [2]


LIEU: Telecom ParisTech, 37 rue Dareau, 75014 Paris


Date de début du stage : début 2015

Financement de thèse de doctorat garanti



département TSI, équipe MultiMedia (MM),

département TSI, équipe Audio Acoustique et Ondes (AAO)


MOTS CLÉS: analyse des sentiments, opinion mining, machine learning, champs aléatoires conditionnels, traitement automatique des langues, traitement de la parole



Le domaine du sentiment analysis et de l?opinion mining  est un domaine en plein essor avec l?arrivée en masse de données textuelles sur le web comportant des expressions d?opinions par les citoyens (critiques de films, débats sur les commentaires de forums, tweets) [14]. Les recherches en traitement automatique des langues se mobilisent sur le développement de méthodes de détection d?opinions dans les textes en s?appuyant sur ces nouvelles ressources. Cependant, le problème de la détection des opinions et des sentiments se limite souvent a? un proble?me de classification sur les axes de valence (positif, ne?gatif) et d?intensite? [11]. De plus, l?analyse des sentiments dans la parole est un proble?me jusqu?ici peu e?tudie? et qui ne?cessite la prise en compte non seulement des spe?cificite?s langagie?res de l?oral et des erreurs des syste?mes de reconnaissance mais aussi l?inte?gration des caracte?ristiques prosodiques dans le contexte verbal. Enfin, les méthodes classiquement développées dans le domaine de la fouille d?opinions ne s?attaquent pas a? la question du temps de de?tection, question essentielle dans le cadre de l?analyse des centres d?appels qui requiert non seulement une détection en ligne pour lever des alertes mais aussi une fouille des données pour une meilleure connaissance client.


Le sujet de stage porte sur le développement de méthodes d'analyse des sentiments dans des conversations téléphoniques. Le stagiaire pourra s?appuyer sur la the?orie de l?appraisal adapte?e au contenu verbal telle que de?finie par les psycho-linguistes dans [8] pour construire les mode?les computationnels de de?tection d?expressions e?valuatives. Pour ces derniers, des me?thodes de mode?lisation hybrides (apprentissage de caractéristiques piloté par des connaissances a priori) a? base de CRF (Conditional Random Fields ou champs ale?atoires conditionnels) pourront être développées. Ces mode?les sont couramment utilise?s dans le domaine du Traitement Automatique du Langage pour l?analyse morpho-syntaxique ou pour la de?tection d?entite?s nomme?es mais sont encore tre?s rarement et partiellement utilise?s dans le contexte de l?analyse des sentiments. Ils sont adapte?s a? la pre?diction de donne?es structure?es et sont de nature discriminative ce qui leur procure une capacite? a? exploiter un tre?s grand nombre de fonctions d?observation (feature functions). Une des originalite?s du stage consistera ainsi a? repre?senter par des fonctions d?observation les règles sémantiques habituellement utilise?es pour les tâches qui nous concernent afin de les valider par un apprentissage a? partir des donne?es. Cet apprentissage permettra a? la fois de de?terminer la façon optimale de combiner les re?gles conside?re?es (notamment par l?emploi de noyaux ou kernels), et de re?aliser une se?lection automatique des plus pertinentes (en munissant les CRF de me?canismes de se?lection de caracte?ristiques).



[1] C. Clavel, G. Adda, F. Cailliau, M. Garnier-Rizet, A. Cavet, G. Chapuis, S. Courcinous,

C. Danesi, A. Daquo, M. Deldossi, et al. Spontaneous speech and opinion detection: mining call-centre transcripts. Language Resources and Evaluation, pages 1?37, 2012.

[2] C. Clavel, C. Pelachaud, and M. Ochs. User?s sentiment analysis in face-to-face humanagent interactions - prospects. In Workshop on Affective Social Signal Computing, Satellite of Interspeech, Grenoble, August 2013, 2013.

[3] C. Clavel, I. Vasilescu, L. Devillers, G. Richard, and T. Ehrette. Fear-type emotion recognition for future audio-based surveillance systems. Speech Communication, 50(6):487?503, 2008.

[4] C. Joder, S. Essid, and G. Richard. A conditional random field viewpoint of symbolic audiotoscore matching. In ACM Multimedia 2010, Florence, Italy, October 2010.

[5] C. Joder, S. Essid, and G. Richard. A conditional random field framework for robust and scalable audio-to-score matching. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 19(8):2385 ? 2397, November 2011.

[6] C. Joder, S. Essid, and G. Richard. Learning optimal features for polyphonic audio-to-score alignment. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 21(10):2118?2128, 2013.

[7] R. Lavalley, C. Clavel, and P. Bellot. Extraction probabiliste de chaînes de mots relatives à une opinion. Traitement Automatique des Langues, 2010.

[8] J.R. Martin and P.R.R. White. The language of evaluation. Palgrave Macmillan Basingstoke and New York, 2005.

[9] G. McKeown and M. Valstar. The SEMAINE Database: Annotated Multimodal Records of Emotionally Colored Conversations between a Person and a Limited Agent. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 3(1):5?17, 2012.

[10] Vinciarelli, A., Pantic, M., & Bourlard, H. (2009). Social signal processing: Survey of an emerging domain. Image and Vision Computing, (November 2008).

[11] Tsytsarau, M., & Palpanas, T. (2012). Survey on mining subjective data on the web. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.

[12] M. Ochs, Y. Ding, N. Fourati, M. Chollet, B. Ravenet, F. Pecune, N. Glas, K. Prépin, C. Clavel et C. Pelachaud, Vers des Agents Conversationnels Animés Socio-Affectifs, Interaction Humain-Machine (IHM'13), November 2013, Bordeaux, France

[13] Magalie Ochs et Catherine Pelachaud, Socially Aware Virtual Characters: The Social Signal of Smiles, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol 30 (2), p. 128-132, March 2013

[14] El-Bèze, M., Jackiewicz, A., & Hunston, S. (2010). Opinions, sentiments et jugements d?évaluation. Traitement Automatique Des Langues, 51(3)



PROFIL DU CANDIDAT: étudiant titulaire d?un master 2 recherche

-        Apprentissage statistique / reconnaissance des formes

-        Traitement de la parole, traitement du langage naturel

-        Bon niveau en programmation (Java, C/C++, Python)

-        Bon niveau d?anglais



à envoyer à,,:

-        Curriculum Vitae

-        Lettre de motivation personnalisée expliquant l?intérêt du candidat sur le sujet (directement dans le corps du mail)

-        Relevés de notes des années précédentes

-        Contact d?une personne de référence


Les candidatures incomplètes ne seront pas examinées.

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6-23(2015-01-25) Announcement for 1 PhD and 4 postdoctoral students at CentraleSupélec, Paris

Announcement for 1 PhD and 4 postdoctoral students in mathematical/statistical tools for machine learning and signal processing at the LANEASgroup (Mérouane Debbah, Romain Couillet) of CentraleSupélec in Paris.

* 1 PhD student:- 1 position in random matrix theory for machine learning/big data. The student must have a strong background in mathematics and in particular probability theory/statistics, and may have some basic knowledge about machine learning and signal processing. Starting date: up to September 2015

.* 4 Postdoc positions:

- 1 position in random matrix theory for wireless communications. This position, attached to a contract with Huawei, requires a student knowledgeable of RMT and wireless communications. The work will be on several considerations of multi-user MIMO communications.

Starting date: as soon as possible

- 1 position at Supélec/Telecom ParisTech in random matrix theory in non Hermitian settings. This position is attached to an ANR program. Here a math expert in the domain is expected. No specific knowledge about application fields is required.

Starting date: as soon as possible but no later than September 2015.

- 2 positions in machine learning or large dimensional

statistics/signal processing at large. These positions are open to students with large autonomy

on the aforementioned topics. Their work will be to hold a leading position in the LANEAS

group and will involve supervision of PhD students and interns in their dedicated fields.

Strong mathematical background is demanded. Areas of expertise may cover, non exhaustively,

distributed optimization, game theory, random matrix theory, compressive sensing, stochastic

geometry, distributed caching, wireless networks, etc. The position is atatched to an ERC program

Starting date: as soon as possible.

The advisors will be Prof. Romain COUILLET and Prof. Mérouane DEBBAH, at CentraleSupélec(and Prof. Walid HACHEM at Telecom ParisTech for postdoc position 2). Collaborations with Telecom ParisTech, University of Marne la Vallée, and ENS Ulm will be made in the course of the projects.

Romain Couillet
Assistant Professor
3, rue Joliot-Curie
91192 Gif sur Yvette, France
(+33) 169 851 436(+33) 169 851 436

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6-24(2015-01-31) Offre stage M2R au LIMSI/CNRS, Orsay, F

Offre stage M2R au LIMSI/CNRS  : Segmentation du flux de parole pour sa traduction automatique

Thème : Traduction et apprentissage automatique 
Lieu : Groupe TLP , LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay

Durée : 5 mois [Avril-Septembre 2015]
Gratifications : environ 500 euros par mois
Contacts : Hélène Maynard, François Yvon [

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6-25(2015-02-20) Funded internship at Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland

A funded internship is available at Idiap Research Institute in Switzerland:



Internship on inference of high level semantics from prosodic features.

The Idiap speech group works on many aspects of speech processing, including
recognition and synthesis for the purpose of speech to speech translation.
Recently, much of our work is in the area of speech prosody. Prosody is often
ignored in speech recognition, but is vital for synthesis. To this end, we are
developing models of prosody that lend themselves to automatic extraction,
translation and synthesis of speech.

Prosody is also a communicative device in itself; it can infer meaning in
words, can convey emotion and affect, and is indicative of personality. It is
the latter of these that defines the general direction of the current project.

The successful candidate will begin with standard models of prosody and attempt
to infer higher level semantics. We intend to compare representations of
prosody for such inference, and investigate which representations are
appropriate for which semantics, hence which semantics can be inferred.
Possible tools include the usual array of speech processing methods such as
Markov models, and machine learning approaches such as neural networks and
support vector machines.

The candidate should have strong programming skills, ideally familiarity with
Python or C++. An analytic background in computer science or engineering is
desirable. All our speech work is multi-lingual; to this end, in addition to
English, the candidate would benefit from knowledge of another European or
Slavic language. Some knowledge of French is an advantage but not a requirement.

The application deadline is March 31st 2015; however, the position will be
filled as soon as possible. The appointment is for 6 months. Interns receive a
'stipend' of 2000 CHF per month.

Phil Garner

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6-26(2015-02-27) 5 fully-funded PhD positions at the University of Freiburg, Germany

The research training group DFG GRK 1624 'Frequency effects in language'
at the University of Freiburg, Germany, is advertising for 5
fully-funded PhD positions starting October 1, 2015.

Michael Schäfer

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Postdoc Speech Researcher


Your Task

Within the FAME! project (Frisian Audio Mining Enterprise) we have a vacancy for a post-doctoral researcher. FAME! is a project in the Creative Industry program of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. The goal of the project is to develop Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for Frisian, for the purpose of disclosing an archive of over 2500 hours of radio broadcasts. The challenge is to make a single system that can deal with both Frisian and Dutch. The candidate will research methods to bootstrap Frisian ASR from other languages, and will investigate the issue of code-switching. A second research area is longitudinal automatic speaker recognition, in order to track speakers over almost half a century of radio broadcasts, for which new approaches for compensation of ageing need to be developed.

The project is carried out in co-operation with several other project partners in The Netherlands, most notably the Fryske Akademy, and we require that the candidate can work well with other (remote) team members, taking a lead when appropriate but also contributing to tasks of other team members.

The research will need to be documented in scientific publications in appropriate journals and relevant conference proceedings, and in Open Source software tools.


Your Profile

We are looking for candidates with the following profile:

  • A PhD in Engineering, Computer Science, Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Computational Linguistics or any other relevant discipline.

  • Preferably experience in speech technology

  • A good publication record

  • Fluency in spoken and written English

  • Good comprehension capabilities of scientific papers

  • Experience in the Linux OS, git version control, scripting in Python and bash, high performance computing in Julia or Num/SciPy, authoring in LaTex, and cluster computing

  • Affinity with the open source community

  • The drive to work with other project partners, also on location.



  • 3 years contract at the Center for Language and Speech Technology (CLST), 0,7 - 1,0 fte

  • Scale 11, max. monthly gross salary €4551 at full time appointment



Send your motivation letter and CV ultimately 15 March 2015 to:

Dr Henk van den Heuvel: E; T: +31 24 3611686 and/or

Prof. dr David van Leeuwen: E; T +31 81 888 702



Vacancy number: 23.020.15. Please include with your application a motivation letter (attn. of drs. M.J.M. van Nijnatten), CV and any required attachments. You should upload these documents online,'



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6-28(2015-02-26) Maîtres de Conférences en Informatique, Laboratoire CRIStAL de Lille, France

Plusieurs postes de Maîtres de Conférences en Informatique sont à pourvoir au sein du laboratoire CRIStAL de Lille ( dont un à l'Université Lille 1 (

Les profils recherche s'inscrivent dans celles du groupe thématique 'Data Intelligence' du laboratoire et les thèmes suivants seront particulièrement considérés : 
- Apprentissage par renforcement / imitation
- Décisions séquentielles
- Systèmes de dialogue parlé homme-machine
- Interaction homme-machine, homme-robot ou homme-avatar
- Traitement de la parole et du langage pour l'interaction

La fiche pour le premier poste se trouve ici :

Les autres postes ont des profils recherche similaires et seront publiés le 26 février. 

Contacts :
Philippe Preux ( (animateur du groupe thématique Data Intelligence)
Olivier Pietquin (

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6-29(2015-03-01) NLP research scientist position at ETS, San Francisco, CA, USA

NLP research scientist position

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6-30(2015-03-02) Language Resources Project Manager - Junior at ELDA-ELRA

The European Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA), a company specialized in Human Language Technologies within an international context, acting as the distribution agency of the European Language Resources Association (ELRA), is currently seeking to fill an immediate vacancy for a Language Resources Project Manager ? Junior position. This yields excellent opportunities for young, creative, and motivated candidates wishing to participate actively to the Language Engineering field.

Language Resources Project Manager - Junior

Under the supervision of the Language Resources Sales Manager, the Language Resources Project Manager ? Junior will be in charge of the identification of Language Resources (LRs) and the negotiation of rights in relation with their distribution.

The position includes, but is not limited to, the responsibility of the following tasks:
?    Identification of LRs and Cataloguing
?    Negotiation of distribution rights, including interaction with LR providers, drafting of distribution agreements, definition of prices of language resources to be integrated in the ELRA catalogue
?    LR Packaging and Archiving

?    University degree or equivalent in computational linguistics, information science, knowledge management or similar fields
?    Experience in project management (especially European projects), as well as practice in contract and partnership negotiation at an international level, would be a plus
?    Dynamic and communicative, flexible to combine and work on different tasks
?    Ability to work independently and as part of a team, in particular the ability to supervise members of a multidisciplinary team
?    Proficiency in French and English
?    Citizenship of (or residency papers) a European Union country

Applications will be considered until the position is filled. The position is based in Paris.

Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Applicants should email a cover letter addressing the points listed above together with a curriculum vitae to:

Valérie Mapelli
9, rue des Cordelières
75013 Paris
Mail :

ELRA was established in February 1995, with the support of the European Commission, to promote the development and exploitation of Language Resources (LRs). LRs include all data necessary for language engineering, such as monolingual and multilingual lexica, text corpora, speech databases and terminology. The role of this non-profit membership Association is to promote the production of LRs, to collect and to validate them and, foremost, make them available to users. The association also gathers information on market needs and trends.

For further information about ELDA/ELRA, visit

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6-31(2015-03-03) Poste de maitre de conférence, ENNSAT, Lannion, France
Un poste de MCF en 27ème section est à pourvoir à l?Enssat Lannion, Université de Rennes 1, au sein de l?IRISA dans le département Media et Interaction. 
En particulier, une intégration dans l?équipe Expression de l?IRISA ( est possible. Cette équipe travaille sur la caractérisation, l?analyse et la génération de l?expressivité dans la parole, le texte et le geste. Le groupe parole, situé à Lannion, se focalise sur :
- le traitement de la parole, 
- le traitement du langage naturel,
- la synthèse de parole expressive. 
Voici le lien vers la fiche de poste :
Info qui n?est dans la fiche : une décharge d?enseignement est habituellement accordée aux primo-recructés.
  Damien Lolive (
  Vincent Barreaud (
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6-32(2015-03-04) Deux postes de Maître de Conférences en informatique, Avignon, France

Deux postes de Maître de Conférences en informatique (section 27) sont mis au concours
pour la campagne 2015 au Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Informatique de
l'Université d'Avignon (

Les personnes recrutées effectueront leur recherche au sein du LIA (

Les profils des 2 postes sont consultables sur rubrique Emplois et

- Informatique - Profil langage/systèmes complexes  (Poste 0101 / Galaxie 4062) -

- Informatique - Profil recherche opérationnelle et optimisation (Poste 0210 / Galaxie
4063) -

Contacts :

Enseignement : Corinne Fredouille - Directrice des
Etudes du CERI et Fabrice Lefèvre - Directeur du CERI

Recherche : Georges Linares - Directeur du LIA et Fabrice
Lefèvre - Directeur du CERI

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6-33(2015-03-10) Post doc grant at INESC, Lisbon, INESC, Portugal

One post-doc grant is now available in project INSIDE: Intelligent Networked Robot Systems for Symbiotic Interaction with Children with Impaired Development. The project is a collaboration between Carnegie Mellon University, INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Hospital Garcia de Orta, and three Portuguese companies (IDMind, VoiceInteraction and Plux). The project explores symbiotic child-robot interactions in joint cooperative activities, with application to the treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder impairments. The grantee is expected to contribute in implementation and research tasks related to speech processing in environmentally challenging conditions and with limited adaptation data available.

The research will be supervised by Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, researcher at INESC-ID. The grantee will be integrated in the Spoken Language Systems Lab ( The candidate should have a Ph.D Degree related to the topic. He/she should have experience with Robust automatic speech recognition and/or keyword spotting, deep neural networks and C/C++, bash scripting and Python programming languages.

The following additional experience is not obligatory but will be considered in the evaluation: Computational Paralinguistics, Python-theano, Knowledge of the Portuguese language, and Missing features / Observation uncertainty techniques.

The application deadline is March 27, 2015.

Further information in:

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6-34(2015-03-12) Stage (Internship) at ELDA: Développement d'un outil générique d'annotation des ressources linguistiques


- Sujet : Développement d'un outil générique d'annotation des ressources linguistiques

- Niveau : M2 / dernière année d'école d'ingénieur

- Domaine : informatique

- Période : à partir de mars-avril 2015

- Durée : 6 mois

Acteur majeur des technologies de la langue, ELDA (Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency) est une PME dont les activités s'articulent principalement autour de la distribution et de la production de ressources linguistiques.  Dans le cadre des projets de production de ressources linguistiques dont elle est en charge, ELDA est souvent amenée à des tâches de collecte, d'annotation de contrôle qualité, de packaging, etc.).  Afin de pouvoir gérer la grande variété des différents protocoles et formats d'annotations, ELDA projette d?intégrer en une seule plate-forme un ensemble d'outils qui permettent la gestion homogène et transparente des ressources linguistiques annotées.  

Dans ce contexte, ELDA souhaite consolider sa plate-forme, qui devrait permettre :
- d'importer des ressources annotées déjà existantes ;
- de créer de nouvelles ressources linguistiques, y compris l'annotation de nouveaux corpus ;
- de naviguer dans une ressource linguistique recensée dans la plate-forme, ou à travers plusieurs ressources ;
- de récupérer et d'effectuer des statistiques sur des éléments des corpus et/ou des annotations.

Travail à réaliser

Au sein de l'équipe de développement informatique d'ELDA, sous la tutelle d'un ingénieur spécialiste du traitement automatique des langues, vous serez amené à participer aux travaux suivants :

- faire un état de l'art sur les outils d'annotation de ressources linguistiques disponibles actuellement ;

- spécifier / réviser l'architecture de l'outil d'annotation à mettre en place chez ELDA ;

- réaliser des développements dans des outils d'annotation, de concert avec les autres membres de l'équipe de développement informatique d'ELDA ;

- développer des composantes logicielles d'importation et d'exportation de données annotées depuis et vers des formats existants, autres que le format utilisé par l'outil d'annotation.
Vos participerez également aux réunions périodiques de l'équipe de développements logiciels d'ELDA.

Profil souhaité

- BAC + 4/5 / Dernière année d'École d'ingénieur ;
- Bonnes connaissances pratiques de la programmation orientée objet ;
- Connaissances de base en algorithmique ;
- Connaissances de base des architectures des applications Web ;
- Connaissance pratique d'un système de gestion de bases de données ;
- Anglais technique ;
- La connaissance du langage Python sera appréciée ;
- Des notions sur le langage JavaScript seront un plus.


Ce stage, d'une durée de 6 mois et basé à Paris dans le 13e arrondissement (Les Gobelins), est à pourvoir au printemps 2015.

Les candidatures (CV, lettre de motivation) doivent être adressées à Vladimir Popescu (

Le stage fait l'objet d'une rémunération, variable en fonction du niveau d'études du candidat.

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6-35(2015-03-13) Postdocs in Robust Speaker Verification, Aalborg University, Denmark

Postdocs in Robust Speaker Verification, Aalborg University, Denmark

At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Electronic Systems, The section for Signal and Information Processing, two postdoc positions in Robust Speaker Verification are open for appointment from May 1, 2015, or as soon as possible thereafter. The positions are available for a period of 2 years. The Department of Electronic Systems is one of the largest departments at Aalborg University with a total of more than 300 employees. The department is internationally recognized in particular for its contributions within Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The department focuses on maintaining a close interplay with the university's surroundings - locally, nationally and internationally ? as well as producing unique basic research and educating talented and creative engineers. The department collaborates with leading ICT researchers all over the world.

The two postdocs will work on a Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Commission. This project aims at developing innovative speaker verification methods for access control. This relies on developing the core technologies for both text-independent and text-dependent speaker verification and on developing methods robust to varying acoustic environments and threats from spoofing. The results will be used to build a robust speaker verification platform for data-sensitive and mission-critical applications. The applications are from various business sectors and presented by the industrial partners in the project consortium.
The postdocs will cooperate closely with a number of leading academic and industrial partners from the European countries. The successful applicants must have a PhD degree in speaker recognition, noise-robust speech processing, statistical signal processing or machine learning and preferably have experience with developing speaker recognition algorithms or robust speech systems.

You may obtain further information from Associate Professor Zheng-Hua Tan, Department of Electronic Systems, phone: +45 9940 8686, email:, concerning the scientific aspects of the position.

Application deadline: April 15, 2015.

Webpage for the position:

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6-36(2015-03-26) Chargé(e) de recherche en séparation de signaux de parole appliquée à la robotique, IRCAM, Paris

L’Ircam recrute pour son département Recherche et Développement,

Un(e) chargé(e) de recherche en séparation de signaux de parole appliquée à la robotique

en contrat à durée déterminée à temps plein de 11 mois (prolongation d’un mois possible)

à compter de mai 2015

Présentation de l'IRCAM

L’IRCAM est une association à but non lucratif, associée au Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou,

dont les missions comprennent des activités de recherche, de création et de pédagogie autour de la musique du

XXème siècle et de ses relations avec les sciences et technologies. Au sein de son département R&D et de son

UMR 9912 STMS commune à l’Ircam, à l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) et au CNRS, des équipes

spécialisées mènent des travaux de recherche et de développement informatique dans les domaines de

l'acoustique, du traitement des signaux sonores, des technologies d’interaction, de l’informatique musicale et de la

musicologie. L'IRCAM est situé au centre de Paris à proximité du Centre Georges Pompidou au 1, Place Stravinsky

75004 Paris.

Présentation de l'ISIR

L'Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique (ISIR) est un laboratoire de recherche pluridisciplinaire qui

rassemble des chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs relevant de différentes disciplines des Sciences de l’Ingénieur

et de l’Information ainsi que des Sciences du Vivant.

L’ISIR est une Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR7222) commune à l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) et au

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). L'ISIR est rattaché d’une part à la faculté d’Ingénierie de

l’UPMC (UFR 919) et d’autre part à l’Institut des Sciences de l'Information et de leurs Interactions (INS2I) du CNRS.

L’Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM) est également tutelle de l'une de ses équipes,

l’Equipe de recherche labellisée (ERL) U1150.

Introduction au projet ROUTE

Le projet ROUTE se positionne dans le cadre d'une collaboration entre l'Institut de Recherche et Coordination

Acoustique Musique (IRCAM) et l’Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique (ISIR). Le cadre scientifique du

projet est l’analyse automatique de scène sonore pour l’écoute artificielle d’un robot et l’interaction homme/robot.

L’objectif scientifique du projet est de spécifier un formalisme de décomposition non-négative d’un signal audio pour

la détection et la localisation d’un locuteur dans une scène sonore binaurale. Le système devra permettre à un robot

de détecter la présence et la position d’un locuteur dans un environnement sonore bruité (bruit interne du robot et

bruit externe de la scène sonore). L’objectif applicatif du projet est d’améliorer l’écoute artificielle d’un robot pour

l’interaction homme/robot (identification de locuteur, reconnaissance de parole, etc…).


Le/la chercheur/se recruté/e sera en charge de l'extension d’un système d’analyse automatique de scène sonore

pour la détection et la localisation de locuteur dans un contexte de captation sonore binaurale.

Il/elle sera en charge de la réalisation d’un système de détection et de localisation robuste au sein d’un

environnement sonore bruité (bruit interne du robot et bruit externe de la scène sonore).

Il/elle participera à l’élaboration d’un scénario d’usage réaliste, et à toutes les activités liées au projet (spécifications,

réunions, expérimentations, évaluations, production des rapports).

Profil recherché

- Excellente connaissance et expérience de décomposition non-négative, particulièrement dans le cas

multicanal. Une thèse dans le domaine est fortement souhaitée.

- Excellente connaissance en traitement du signal (analyse spectrale, extraction de descripteurs audio,

estimation de paramètres)

- Fort intérêt pour la robotique et l'interaction homme/robot.

- Excellente connaissance du langage Matlab, expérience du langage Python (NumPY/SciPY), compétences de

programmation en C/C++.

- Bonne connaissance des environnements Linux, et/ou Mac OS X.

- Productivité élevée, capacité de travailler de façon méthodique et autonome, excellent style de programmation,

créativité, bonnes aptitudes en communication, rigueur.


Selon profil et expérience professionnelle.


Prière d'envoyer une lettre de motivation et un CV détaillant le niveau d'expérience/expertise dans les domaines

mentionnés ci-dessus (ainsi que tout autre information pertinente) avant le 15 avril 2015 à roebel_at_ircam_dot_fr

Researcher (M/W) in speech separation applied to robotics (Emergence project: ROUTE)

Availability: early May 2015 Duration: 11 months (possible extension to 12 months)

Introduction to IRCAM

IRCAM is a non-profit organization that is associated to the Centre Pompidou (Centre national d’art et de culture

Georges Pompidou). Its missions comprise research, production, and education related to contemporary music and

its relation to science and technology. Within the R&D department specialized teams are conducting research and

development in the areas of acoustics, sound signal processing, interaction, computer music and musicology.

IRCAM is located in the centre of Paris near the Centre Pompidou, at 1, Place Igor Stravinsky 75004 Paris.

Introduction to ISIR

The Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR) is a multidisciplinary research laboratory that brings together

researchers and academics from different disciplines of Engineering Sciences and Information and the Life Sciences.

ISIR is a joint research laboratory between the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) and the Centre National de

la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).

Introduction to ROUTE project

ROUTE is a collaborative program directed by the Analysis/Synthesis team at IRCAM and ISIR. The program is

focused on the automatic analysis of an acoustic scene, based on a non-negative decomposition of a multi channel

recording of the scene. This research problem is closely related to several applications in sound processing (e.g.

source separation, CASA); and it is becoming as well an important problem for many applications emerging from the

fields of robotics and artificial audition (e.g. guide robots, older adults monitoring, and the general study of

human/robot interaction).

The principal aim of the project is to evaluate recent advances in non-negative signal decomposition for detecting

and localizing a speaker in a binaural acoustic scene: this study shall allow a robot to identify speech in a

background noise, and localise the speaker's position.

Position description

The hired researcher will be in charge of the extension of the existing analysis system to speaker detection and to

binaural capture. He/she will realize a study on the impact of the noise made by the robot on the performance of the

system. He/she will participate to the elaboration of a simplified realistic test, and to the evaluation of the results, as

well as to all activities related to the project (evaluations, meetings, specifications, reports).

Required Experiences and Skills

- Excellent knowledge and experience with non negative signal decomposition, especially from multi-channel

audio. A PhD in this domain will be highly appreciated.

- Excellent knowledge and experience in audio signal processing (spectral analysis, audio-feature extraction,

parameter estimation)

- High interest in robotics and human/robot interaction

- Very proficient in Matlab, experience with Python (NumPY/SciPY), skills in C/C++ programming.

- Good knowledge of Linux, and/or Mac OS X.

- High productivity, capacity for methodical and autonomous work, creativity, good communication skills, rigor,

and excellent programming style.


According to professional experience.


Please send an application letter before 15th April 2015 together with your resume and any suitable information

addressing the above issues preferably by email to: roebel_at_ircam_dot_fr

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6-37(2015-03-28) Associate Research Engineer, NLP at ETS San Francisco, CA, USA

Associate Research Engineer, NLP

Date Updated: March 31, 2015
Location: San Francisco, CA
Job Type: Full-Time/Regular
Travel: Not Specified
Position ID: 188165SF
Job Level: Entry Level(less than 2 years)
Years of Experience: Less Than 1 Year
Level of Education: Masters Degree
Starting Date : ASAP

Job Description

Assist in the implementation of speech technology and natural language processing (NLP) components of medium- to large-scale, complex research projects for ETS researchers, testing program areas, and external clients. Consult with research scientists in the application, modification, and documentation of such systems using established technologies.

Work effectively in a team setting and take an active role in contributing to team discussions and decisions.

Analyze, design, modify, develop, document and implement technologies for executing medium- to large-scale, complex Speech technology and NLP research and development tasks. Identify unexpected problems in the application of Speech and NLP tools, and develop solutions.

Consult with research supervisory staff on the development of technologies for executing medium- to large-scale, complex Speech technology and NLP research and development tasks. Contribute to the implementation and support of new Speech and NLP methodologies to support research system development.

Assist in the preparation of NLP development components of proposals and cost/resource estimates.

Maintain continuing awareness of recent advances in speech and natural language processing, machine learning, and software development methodologies.

Implement components of technical documentation of NLP software systems, solutions and results.

Attend area-wide staff training and development sessions.

Experience and Skills

Required Experience:

A Masters degree in Computer Science, NLP, Language Technology, Computational Linguistics, Linguistics or a closely related field is required. 

A strong programming background, in languages such as Java, Python, Perl, and C, and facility with computational algorithms are essential. Coursework in statistics and experience in using machine learning toolkits are highly desirable. Experience with speech processing software (e.g. HTK, Praat, Matlab) is desirable.


  • Knowledge of UNIX and Windows computing environments.
  • Familiarity with UNIX tools and scripting languages.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication.
  • Familiarity with algorithms, methods and data structures in common use in the processing of speech and language data.

ETS is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or other characteristic protected by law.

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6-38(2015-03-29) Post-doc in Experimental Psycholinguistics, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Post-doc Announcement: 1 year position in Experimental Psycholinguistics, University of Geneva

Job description: The post is associated with a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
entitled: ?All speakers are listeners, and vice versa: On the interface between production and comprehension processes?.
The objective of the post-doctoral project is to examine the nature of the phonological information used in spoken word production and recognition tasks, using behavioral, acoustic and EEG measurements.
There are no teaching obligations associated with the position.

Requirements:The candidate must hold a PhD degree in Linguistics, Psychology or related field. We seek
applications from candidates with a strong background in Experimental psycholinguistics or phonetics. Native or close to native knowledge of French as well as good knowledge of English are desirable. Prior experience with EEG studies is a plus.

Starting date: 15 May 2015 (to be discussed)

Deadline for application: 15 April 2015

Please send applications (motivation letter, CV, list of publications and research statement, letter of reference) by email to Audrey Bürki ( Applications received by April 15, 2015 will receive full consideration. The position is open until filled. For further information, contact

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6-39(2015-03-28) Speech R&D Engineer, ValidSoft Limited - London, United Kingdom

Speech R&D Engineer

ValidSoft Limited - London, United Kingdom

Publiée il y a 17 jours
  • Expérience
  • Poste
    Technologies de l’information, Ingénierie, Autre
  • Type d’emploi
    CDI Plein temps
  • Secteur
    Technologies et services de l’information, Logiciels informatiques, Génie civil
  • ID de l’annonce

Ceci est un aperçu du poste de Speech R&D Engineer chez ValidSoft Limited. Inscrivez-vous sur LinkedIn pour voir l’annonce complète, c’est gratuit !Inscrivez-vous sur LinkedIn, c’est gratuit !

À propos de ce poste

Descriptif du poste

ValidSoft is seeking an innovative and ambitious Research and Development Engineer to help build the products that will drive the future of transaction security and next generation voice biometrics technology.



You will have a solid background in speech technology and machine learning as well as experience in understanding and participating in the software delivery lifecycle, while now seeking to further your career by developing great products that deliver exceptional user experience.

This role, within our speech research and development team and located in the heart of London, is tasked with the development of ValidSoft’s core voice biometrics products that meet our client’s business need.


Duties and Responsibilities



Design, develop and support software features for our market leading voice biometrics technologies, products and solutions.



Work with Operations & Product Management to understand the requirements, plan and estimate work packages and deliver to schedule.



In a broader sense we want you to: 

  • Bring to ValidSoft’s products the latest speaker recognition and machine learning technology.
  • Help bring latest development technologies and methodologies into the company.
  • Act as a champion for innovation within the business.
  • Follow and understand the latest developments in voice biometrics from fundamental research through product innovation to real world operation.
  • Deliver real technologies, products and solutions, on time, to meet business and customer demands.

Compétences et expérience souhaitées

We are seeking an individual with an extreme “can-do” attitude, a willingness to learn and take on cross-functional tasks, take ownership of assigned projects and be an important team contributor.



Importantly, you will have the willingness to join a fast moving, fast growing international company like ValidSoft, with the associated frenetic and energetic levels of the environment and a-typical type of colleagues, within a highly skilled, motivated and fun loving company with a great team spirit.



Specific skills:

  • MSc or PhD in Computer Science, Machine Learning, Signal Processing, preferably Voice Biometrics.
  • Strong C/C++ and Matlab skills.
  • Familiar with scripting languages such as Perl or Python.

Desired skills:

  • Previous experience in voice biometrics R&D
  • Experience of real world voice biometrics system deployments  
  • Familiarity with Linux environment and command line tools
  • Knowledge of speaker separation, speech recognition, and noise cancelation would be a plus.

We will only be accepting applications from applicants currently resident within the European Union and with an unrestricted right to work in the UK.

À propos de cette entreprise

ValidSoft Limited

ValidSoft (, part of Elephant Talk Communications (OTCBB: ETAK) provides strong transaction security that is incredibly simple for the user. Built around voice biometrics, our multifactor authentication solution protects Online, Mobile, Card and Telephone transactions. We work in Financial Services, government and business automation. Companies that choose to work with ValidSoft see strong security and great user experience as key to business success.


ValidSoft's technology has been recognised by respected analyst firms like Forrester, Gartner, Opus and Ovum.

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6-40(2015-03-29) Post-doctoral Position (24 months) University of Michigan

Post-doctoral Position (24 months)

University of Michigan

Predicting Individual Outcomes for Rapid Interventions


Context: Bipolar disorder (BP) is a common and severe psychiatric illness characterized by

pathological swings of mania and depression and is associated with devastating personal,

social, and vocational consequences (suicide occurs in up to 20% of cases [1]). Bipolar disorder

is among the leading causes of disability worldwide [2]. The cost in the United States alone was

estimated at $45 billion annually [3]. These economic and human costs, along with the rapidly

increasing price of health care provide the impetus for a major paradigm shift in health care

service delivery, namely to monitor and prioritize care with a focus on prevention. In this project

we focus on how to using mobile health technologies to automatically track mood variation in

populations with BP. We have a large collection of ecologically recorded smartphone calls, now

numbering over 22,000, and are investigating how to characterize mood in these data.

Overview of Position: The candidate will have the opportunity to analyze spoken data from

individuals with bipolar disorder, collected over the period of six months to a year. Our goal is to

predict mood states from natural speech. Significant opportunities exist in machine learning,

speech processing, user personalization, and health-centered computing. We are currently

processing our massive ecologically valid set of speech data from individuals with bipolar

disorder to uncover the acoustic characteristics of speech that will allow us to intuit mood state

(manic, depressed, euthymic) and mood state change. The candidate will interact with an

established team including experts in affective processing (Emily Mower Provost), reinforcement

learning (Satinder Singh), and psychiatry (Melvin McInnis). We are seeking postdoctoral

candidates with experience in machine learning, speech processing , and human-centered


Keywords: Machine learning, speech processing, and human-centered computing.

Prerequisite: PhD degree in computer science, signal processing, or machine learning. Strong

knowledge in programming languages and database management are desired.

To apply: Interested applicants should email their CV, a cover letter outlining their experience

and research background, two references, and their two-three most relevant papers to Emily

Mower Provost (


[1] Frederick K Goodwin and Kay Redfield Jamison, Manic-depressive illness: bipolar disorders

and recurrent depression, vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 2007.

[2] Alan D Lopez, Colin D Mathers, Majid Ezzati, Dean T Jamison, and Christopher JL Murray,

“Global and regional burden of disease and risk factors, 2001: systematic analysis of population

health data,” The Lancet, vol. 367, no. 9524, pp. 1747–1757, 2006.

[3] Leah S Kleinman, Ana Lowin, Emuella Flood, Gian Gandhi, Eric Edgell, and Dennis A

Revicki, “Costs of bipolar disorder,” Pharmacoeconomics, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 601–622, 2003.

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6-41(2015-04-01) Post-Doctoral Researcher/Early Stage Researcher (PhD Student), University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu Campus
Post-Doctoral Researcher/Early Stage Researcher (PhD Student)

The University of Eastern Finland, UEF, is one of the largest multidisciplinary universities in Finland. We offer education in nearly one hundred major subjects, and are home to approximately 15,000 students and 2,800 members of staff. We operate on three campuses in Joensuu, Kuopio and Savonlinna. In international rankings, we are ranked among the leading 300 universities in the world.

The Faculty of Science and Forestry operates on the Kuopio and Joensuu campuses of the University of Eastern Finland. The mission of the faculty is to carry out internationally recognised scientific research and to offer research-education in the fields of natural sciences and forest sciences. The faculty invests in all of the strategic research areas of the university. The faculty’s environments for research and teaching are international, modern and multidisciplinary.  The faculty has approximately 2,700 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students and some 450 postgraduate students. The number of staff amounts to 650.

We are now inviting applications for a Post-Doctoral Researcher or an Early Stage Researcher (speech technology) position, School of Computing, Joensuu Campus

The position is filled in a Horizon 2020 funded project focused on SPEAKER RECOGNITION in an access control setting, involving a network of 12 partners from 7 EU countries. The position is filled for the full duration of the project, TWO YEARS, project kick-off being planned for May 2015 (At the time of posting this ad, the grant from the European Commission is awaiting signature and, in formal terms, cannot be taken for confirmed).

The Researcher will work closely with Dr. Kinnunen.

This position is filled up in Joensuu campus – a quiet location surrounded by lakes, forests and friendly people. School of Computing, at the facilities of Joensuu Science Park, provides modern research facilities. Our current speech processing team consists of two seniors, two post-docs and four PhD students, all working in the general areas of speaker and language recognition. We organized the Odyssey 2014 workshop (

The person to be appointed to the Early Stage Researcher position is required to be eligible to pursue doctoral studies and to hold a relevant Master's degree or the person to be appointed to the Post-doctoral position will have a doctoral degree in spoken language technology, electrical engineering, computer science, machine learning or a related field.
The Researcher should be comfortable with Unix/Linux, Matlab/Octave or other modern language (C/C++/Python/etc), with strong hands-on experience and creative problem solving attitude.
The languages of research and teaching at the School of Computing are Finnish and English. 

The position is filled for a fixed term from 1.5.2015 to 30.4.2017.

The salary of the Early Stage position is determined in accordance with the salary system of Finnish universities and is based on levels 2-4 of the job requirement level chart for teaching and research staff (€1 964.69 - 2 452.201 964.69 - 2 452.20/ month) or the salary of the Post-doctoral Researcher is based on level 5 (€ 2 840,64/month). In addition to the job requirement component, the salary includes a personal performance component, which may be a maximum of 46.3% of the job requirement component.

For further information on the position, please contact: Senior Researcher Tomi Kinnunen, email:, Tel. +358 50 442 2647+358 50 442 2647.

A probationary period is applied to all new members of the staff.

The electronic application should contain the following appendices:
- a résumé or CV (
- a list of publications (
- copies of the applicant's academic degree certificates/ diplomas, and copies of certificates / diplomas relating to the applicant’s language proficiency, if not indicated in the academic degree certificates/diplomas
- postgraduate study plan (only Early Stage Researcher)

The application needs to be submitted no later than 20.4.2015 by using the electronic application form.


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6-42(2015-04-01) Senior Researcher, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu Campus
Senior Researcher

The University of Eastern Finland, UEF, is one of the largest multidisciplinary universities in Finland. We offer education in nearly one hundred major subjects, and are home to approximately 15,000 students and 2,800 members of staff. We operate on three campuses in Joensuu, Kuopio and Savonlinna. In international rankings, we are ranked among the leading 300 universities in the world.

The Faculty of Science and Forestry operates on the Kuopio and Joensuu campuses of the University of Eastern Finland. The mission of the faculty is to carry out internationally recognised scientific research and to offer research-education in the fields of natural sciences and forest sciences. The faculty invests in all of the strategic research areas of the university. The faculty’s environments for research and teaching are international, modern and multidisciplinary.  The faculty has approximately 2,700 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students and some 450 postgraduate students. The number of staff amounts to 650.

School of Computing is looking for a Senior Researcher (speech technology), School of Computing, Joensuu Campus

The position is filled in a Horizon 2020 funded project focused on SPEAKER RECOGNITION in an access control setting, involving a network of 12 partners from 7 EU countries. The position is filled for the full duration of the project, TWO YEARS, project kick-off being planned for May 2015 (At the time of posting this ad, the grant from the European Commission is awaiting signature and, in formal terms, cannot be taken for confirmed).

The senior researcher will take a leading role in the project and will work closely with Dr. Tomi H. Kinnunen ( The duties of the senior researcher will involve both administrative and technical matters. As for the former, the senior researcher will take a major role in project reporting, as well as in supervision of the post-doc/PhD candidates. The goals involve searching for practical solutions to challenging real-world issues such as robust speaker verification under noisy environments, short utterances and spoofing.

Our current speech processing team consists of two seniors, two post-docs and four PhD students, all working in the general areas of speaker and language recognition. We organized the Odyssey 2014 workshop (

The senior researcher will have a suitable doctoral degree in spoken language technology, electrical engineering, computer science, machine learning or a related field. He/she should be comfortable with Unix/Linux, Matlab/Octave or other modern language (C/C++/Python/etc), with strong hands-on experience and creative problem solving attitude and have good teaching skills.
The languages of research and teaching at the School of Computing are Finnish and English.

The position is filled for a fixed term from 1.5.2015 to 30.4.2017.

The salary of the position is determined in accordance with the salary system of Finnish universities and is based on levels 6 - 7 of the job requirement level chart for teaching and research staff (€3 313,22 – 3 819,56/ month). In addition to the job requirement component, the salary includes a personal performance component, which may be a maximum of 46.3% of the job requirement component.

For further information on the position, please contact: Senior Researcher Tomi Kinnunen, tel. +358 50 442 2647+358 50 442 2647, email:

A probationary period is applied to all new members of the staff.

The electronic application should contain the following appendices:

- a résumé or CV (
- a list of publications (
- a portfolio of teachings merits (
- copies of the applicant's academic degree certificates/ diplomas, and copies of certificates / diplomas relating to the applicant’s language proficiency

The application needs to be submitted no later than 20.4.2015 by using the electronic application form.


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6-43(2015-04-02) PhD grant on 'Efforts and coordination of speech gestures' at GIPSA, Grenoble, France

Efforts and coordination of speech gestures

Disciplines: Acoustic phonetics, Biomechanics, Physiology, Cognition

Laboratory: GIPSA-lab, Grenoble

Supervision: Maëva Garnier, Pascal Perrier, Franck Quaine

Duration: 3 years (starting between Sept and Dec 2014)

Contact: / +33 4 76 57 50 61

Context: This Ph.D thesis takes part to the ANR project StopNCo, dealing with the characterization

and understanding of the physiological efforts and the gesture coordination in speech production1.

Stop consonants (/p/, /t/, /k/, /b/, /d/ or /g/) are of particular interest for the study of speech motor

control, as they require a precise coordination of breathing, laryngeal and articulatory gestures in their

force and timing.

General questions: Stop consonants

are created by an occlusion of the vocal

tract that can occur at 3 different “places

of articulation” in French: at lips (for /p/

and /b/), just behind the teeth (for /t/ and

/d/) or at the back of the palate (for /k/

and /g/) (see Figure). The release of this

occlusion creates a short explosion noise

(or “burst”) and a quick variation in

frequency of the vocal tract resonances

(“formant transients”). These acoustic

features differ significantly between the 3

places of articulation

The objectives of the project are to characterize and to model:

1. by which coordination of breathing and articulatory gestures we control the finer variation of these

acoustic cues (burst spectrum and formant transients)?

2. how these cues are modified when speakers speak more clearly and try to enhance the perceptual

contrast between these 3 places of articulation?

3. how this control develops in children and can dysfunction in some of them?

4. how this control can vary in efficiency, i.e. in the ratio between the acoustic outcomes and the

physiological efforts?


The first step of the project will consist in implementing new methodologies to measure lip and

tongue articulation efforts, using surface electromyography (EMG), force sensors and electromagnetic

articulography (EMA) (see next figure).




Multiple EMG electrodes will be placed

around the lips to characterize the muscle

activity in different speech movements

and to find global descriptors of the

degree of articulation effort and fatigue.

Force sensors will be used, searching their

optimal number and position on the lips

and palate. We will also try to characterize

the tongue and lips stiffness in order to

take account of it in the calibration of the

force measurements.

Finally, the articulation force estimated by

these two methodologies will be

confronted to the velocity peaks of

tongue and lip movements measured with

EMA, as well as to the perceptual selfevaluation

of the effort spent by the


The Ph.D thesis will base on these methodologies to characterize the coordination of breathing,

laryngeal and articulatory gestures in the production of stop consonants in healthy adult speakers. A

large database will be recorded with synchronous physiological and acoustical signals, on several

speakers, in controlled laboratory conditions, and for a variety of voice qualities and efforts (whisper to

shout, slow to fast speech rate, etc.). Using statistical data processing and mapping techniques, you

will establish a functional model able to predict the variation of acoustical outcomes from the covariation

of physiological parameters.

In a second step, a second experiment will be conducted in a more realistic and interactive situation

of face-to-face communication. You will explore how speakers modify their production of stop

consonants when they communicate in noisy or reverberant environments, and how they consequently

modify the coordination and the effort of their speech gestures, in comparison to casual speech.


The project will take place at GIPSA-lab in Grenoble, under the co-supervision of Maëva Garnier

(Expert in speech and cognition), Pascal Perrier (Expert in Speech motor control) and Franck Quaine

(Expert in biomechanics and EMG signals), in close relationship with the medical field (a dentist and a

maxillofacial surgeon).

The Ph.D thesis will belong to a larger project, involving a second team that works on laryngeal efforts

(including a ENT specialist), and a third team working on the development of this coordination in

children (including speech therapists from Grenoble’s hospital). These two teams will use the

methodologies developed during the beginning of the Ph.D. thesis, and will bring complementary

information to the functional model of stop consonants production.

During the Ph.D. thesis, we envisage to send the Ph.D candidate for about 3 months in Italy for a

collaboration on high-density EMG matrices.

Skills: We are looking for an open-minded student, coming from either an engineering background

(electronics, mechanics, acoustics) or a human sciences background (phonetics, cognitive sciences),

but having in any case at least some basic technical skills (programming, signal and data processing)

and a strong interest in human-related questions (physiology, speech, human interaction). An

experimental approach will be appreciated.

Indemnities: 1400 per month during the 3 years of Ph.D fellowship. The Ph.D candidate will be

able to have additional teaching activies.

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6-44(2015-04-08) Junior Computational Linguist at RecordSure London UK

Role: Junior Computational Linguist

About RecordSure

RecordSure builds leading global, first tomarket

products for the compliance auditing of Financial Services


RecordSure was formed in 2012 and is a ‘sister company’ of The Consulting Consortium, the UK’s leading

independent consultancy providing compliance services to the financial services sector, both nationally and


Primarily privately funded, both The Consulting Consortium and RecordSure are also inpart

owned by the

Business Growth Fund, backed by Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds, RBS and Standard Chartered banks.

Our Culture

We are a dynamic start up, who, although still relatively small, have gained significant traction at board level

in many of the world’s largest financial service institutions.

Passionate about technology, we love solving hard problems; and as individuals we are each as eager to

learn as we are to help each other to do so.

RecordSure is committed to safeguarding our Client Data and our Intellectual Property and expects all staff

to share this commitment.

The Role

RecordSure requires a Junior Computational Linguist to join our Language Science Team working on cuttingedge textanalytics

and machine learning solutions in order to enhance the RecordSure platform.

The role includes a very close collaboration with the Speech and Data science teams, as well as with the

development team and would suit a recent graduate.

The role revolves around building, refining and maintaining a knowledge base of speech within the finance

industry and requires a candidate who has experience working with lexical databases.

Experience in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Information Extraction is desired, but not

required. Basic programming skills are essential.


● Building and maintaining a lexical database

● Working alongside the development team to build tools for database management

● Extracting, adapting and evaluating domain specific terminologies

● Be aware of the company processes relating to ISO 27001 and maintain an awareness of the

importance of secure handling of Client data and RecordSure Intellectual Property

● Comply with internal policies, in particular raising any concerns over security issues

Your Attributes

You’re an intelligent, enthusiastic and highly motivated handson

candidate with a solid base in coding.

You are driven by:

● Learning about new technologies every day

● Solving challenging problems

● Quality people in your team


The Candidate


● BSc/MSc degree or equivalent in Computational Linguistics, Computer Science or related discipline


● Experience in corpus building


● Experience in phonetic transcriptions and localization process


● Experience using scripting languages for manipulation of data e.g. Shell, Python


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6-45(2015-04-13) These de doctorat à Nancy, France

Une offre de thèse de doctorat est disponible dans l'équipe Synalp à Nancy sur l'analyse sémantique de Twitter:

  • Duration: 3 years, starting from October 2015
  • Salary: 1760 euros, charges included
  • Application deadline: 4 May 2015

Plus d'informations:


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6-46(2005-04-14) Thèse de doctorat à IRISA Lannion Bretagne France

Une offre de thèse de doctorat (3 ans, à partir d?octobre 2015) est disponible dans l'équipe EXPRESSION de l?IRISA à Lannion sur la détection multimodale d?anormalité dans le discours : utilisation de la voix et des expressions faciales.

Date limite de candidature : URGENT, le 4 mai 2015

Plus de détails : le sujet (en Anglais)

Contact :,,

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6-47(2015-04-16) Assistant Professor in Socially Aware ICT at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden


Assistant Professor in Socially Aware ICT

KTH – Royal Institute of Technology invites applications for a tenure-track faculty appointment in Socially Aware ICT at the rank of Assistant Professor. We seek individuals with outstanding potential for research achievement, and a strong interest and commitment to undergraduate and graduate teaching. We seek candidates that can add to or extend the current research areas at KTH with more emphasis being put on excellence than on candidates’ specific area of expertise. The position comes with a significant start package that will allow the successful candidate to quickly establish their own research group.

KTH carries out a wide range of internationally renowned research related to Socially Aware ICT.

Research groups working in social robotics, computer vision, speech technology and human–computer interaction, comprise part of the School of Computer Science and Communication. For more information about the school, see

Research groups in technology in caring sciences and health systems engineering comprise part of the School of Technology and Health. For more information about the school, see

For further information and details on application procedure see

Application deadline is May 29, 2015.

Applicants having earned their PhD no later than May 2008 will be given priority. The term of appointment is expected to begin around November 2015, or later depending on availability.


Prof Danica Kragic, Head of Centre for Autonomous systems,

Prof Joakim Gustafson, Head of department of Speech, Music and Hearing,

Prof Britt Östlund, School of Technology and Health,

Ass Prof Hedvig Kjellström, Head of the Computer Vision and Active Perception Lab,

Prof Kia Höök, Head of MobileLife,

Prof Roberto Bresin, Department of Media Technology and Interaction Design,

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6-48(2015-04-20) Postdoctoral research position in South Africa

Postdoctoral research position:

Wordspotters for radiomining in rural Africa


A postdoc position focussing on automatic identification of spoken keywords in multilingual environments with few or no resources is available in the Digital Signal Processing Group of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Stellenbosch. The project will develop wordspotters that can be used to monitor community radio broadcasts in rural African regions as a source of early warning information during natural disasters, disease outbreaks, or other crises. Specific project objectives include the development of a research system, the production of associated publishable outputs, and the development of a web-based demonstrator. The position is part of a collaborative project with the United Nations Global Pulse. Further information is available on the web at


Applicants should hold a PhD (preferably obtained within the last 5 years) in the field of Electronic/Electrical Engineering, Information Engineering, or Computer Science, or other relevant disciplines. Suitable candidates must have practical experience with automatic speech processing systems and should have an excellent background in statistical modelling, signal processing, and/or speech analysis. The candidate must also have good programming skills and be able to use high level programming languages for developing prototype systems. Finally, candidates must have excellent English writing skills and have an explicit interest in scientific research and publication.


The position will be available for one year, with a possible extension to a second year, depending on progress and available funds.


Applications should include a covering letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, research projects, conference participation and details of three contactable referees and should be sent as soon as possible to: Prof Thomas Niesler, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602. Applications can also be sent by email to: The successful applicant will be subject to University policies and procedures.


Interested applicants are welcome to contact me at the above e-mail address for further information regarding the project.

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6-49(2015-04-21) Postdoc position at Aix-Marseille University (France)

Postdoc position at Aix-Marseille University (France) in opinion
analysis and novelty discovery

Application deadline: 04/31/2015
Starting: as soon as possible.


The ADNVIDEO project, funded in the framework of A*MIDEX
(, aims at extending multimodal
analysis models. It focuses on jointly processing audio, speech
transcripts, images, scenes, text overlays and user feedback.

Using as starting point the corpus, annotations and approaches
developed during the REPERE challenge (, this
project aims at going beyond indexing at single modalities by
incorporating information retrieval methods, not only from broadcast
television shows, but more generally on video documents requiring
multimodal scene analysis. The novelty here is to combine and
correlate information from different sources to enhance the
description of the content. In particular, the use case considered may
have, in terms of technology transfer, significant economic benefits
regarding automatic information monitoring of people or brands:
automatically find the most relevant content about a person or a brand
and if this content is positive or not.


The candidate will participate in the development of a prototype for
video monitoring, leading to a technology transfer towards business:
* Extraction of multimodal high-level descriptors (semantic-oriented
descriptors). These semantic-oriented descriptors are extracted from
low-level descriptors, especially from text transcripts.
o Extract concepts (conceptualization) from the transcript of the audio.
o Detection of semantic chapters by aggregation of concepts extracted
o Detection of novelty about peoples or brands
o Detection and extraction of sentiments and opinions
* Aggregation of multimodal descriptors to form the multimodal
footprint of a video.
* Matching videos and promotional material using recommendation approaches
* Validation of the video recommendation prototype.
* Participation to the scientific life of the lab, including paper publication.
The allocation of the tasks can be adjusted depending on the wishes
and skills of the candidate.


For this project, we are looking for one candidate with a PhD degree
in the areas of information retrieval, natural language processing,
machine learning:
* Strong programming skills (C++, Java, Python?).
* Desire to produce functioning end-to-end systems, life-scale live demos
* Scientific rigor
* Imagination
* Top notch publications
* Excellent communication skills
* Enjoy teamwork


The work will be conducted in the University of Aix-Marseille at the
Laboratoire des Science de l?information et des système (LSIS, within the ADNVidéo project, supported by
funding from a AMIDEX foundation in collaboration with Kalyzee
( Both LSIS and Kalysee are located in the
historical and sunny city of Marseille, in south of France

Duration: 23 month
Candidates should email a letter of application, a detailed CV
including a complete list of publications, and source code showcasing
programming skills. ---


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6-50(2015-04-22) PhD position offer at LIA Univ. d'Avignon, France

Sujet : Espaces de représentation sémantique distribues pour les tâches de traduction automatique (compréhension et génération de la parole) dans les systèmes d'interaction vocale

Keywords: word embeddings, deep neural networks, statistical machine translation, spoken language understanding, natural language generation

Description : L’émergence de l’accès universel à la société numérique implique le développement de systèmes d'interaction multilingues : par exemple pour la recherche d'information dans des corpus multimédia multilingues ou pour le développement de systèmes de dialogue multilingues (dont les tâches peuvent aller des systèmes de question/réponse jusqu'à la résolution de problèmes complexes, comme l'aide aux usagers d'une compagnie). Dans ce contexte la traduction automatique n'est pas limitée au passage entre deux langues humaines, ainsi la compréhension et la génération de la parole peuvent être vues comme des exemples de tâches de traduction de la parole et seront étudiées dans le cadre de cette thèse. La recherche d'une solution optimale pour l'ensemble des tâches visées sera bien sur un élément clef de cette étude.

Depuis une dizaine d’années, les approches les plus performantes pour la traduction automatique sont basées sur l’utilisation de modèles probabilistes. Pour être efficaces, de telles approches nécessitent de disposer de larges bases de données d'exemples (dans ce cas, des corpus de phrases parallèles entre les langues source et cible), ce qui n'est pas toujours possible, en particulier dans les domaines spécialisés. par ailleurs, dans le cas de la traduction de la parole, les systèmes doivent baser leurs hypothèses sur les sorties imparfaites des systèmes de reconnaissance de parole. Il est donc important de baser la décision sur un maximum d'informations (et pas uniquement sur l’identité des mots présents).

Des approches récentes ont montre l’intérêt d’intégrer l'information sémantique pour réaliser la traduction automatique de la parole par des méthodes statistiques [1]. Les gains en performance restent toutefois limités et une grande marge d’amélioration est encore possible. De plus, la nécessité d'analyser au préalable le texte réduit les possibilités d'application de ces approches dans le contexte des systèmes d'interaction vocale, où l’étape de reconnaissance de la parole en diminue la faisabilité. En effet, l'extraction fine de caractéristiques est fortement perturbée par le niveau élevé de bruit dans les textes à traiter issus d'une étape de décodage automatique.

Aussi l’émergence de nouvelles approches fortement automatiques pour la représentation des données textuelles, par exemple à l'aide de réseaux neuronaux profonds [2], présente une nouvelle opportunité pour développer des approches permettant d'envisager l'utilisation de nouveaux paramètres sur une grande échelle pour guider et améliorer la traduction par la prise en compte renforcée d'information syntactico-sémantiques [3]. Dans le contexte des systèmes de dialogue homme-machine il sera possible d'évaluer la pertinence des approches envisagées sur des tâches et des corpus de tailles contrôlables.

Références :
[1] Dekai Wu et Pascale Fung, Can Semantic Role Labeling Improve SMT?, EAMT, 2009
[2] T. Mikolov, I. Sutskever, K. Chen, G. S Corrado, and J. Dean, “Distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2013.
[3] David Chiang, Kevin Knight et Wei Wang, 11,001 New Features for Statistical Machine Translation, NAACL-HLT, 2009

Pré-requis : Master en informatique avec une composante sur les méthodes d'apprentissage automatique et/ou sur l’ingénierie de la langue

Encadrant : Prof. Fabrice Lefèvre (co-encadrants : Stéphane Huet et Bassam Jabaian)
Lieu : LIA-CERI-Univ. Avignon
Candidature : envoyer un mail avec un CV, une lettre de motivation et vos relevés de notes avant le 12 mai à en mettant en copie  bassam.jabaian@univ-avignon.fret

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We invite applications for a one-year Post?Doctoral position at the Laboratoire LORIA (Lorraine university, INRIA, CNRS, UMR 7306, France), to work on the project IFCASL (Individualised Feedback in computer-Assisted Spoken Language learning).

?    Description
The IFCASL project is funded by the Deutsche Forschunggemeinschaft (DFG) and the French National Research Agency (ANR). It aims at increasing the usability and efficiency of computer-assisted language learning software by adapting content, feedback and exercises to individual learners in the speech dimension of a foreign language. This will be achieved by integrating the production and perception of the learner?s own speech and focusing on the French-German language pair, in both directions.


The objective is to offer feedback that relies on phonetic knowledge incorporated in the learning system and interacts relevantly with automatic speech recognition (ASR) and signal processing. This means that confidence in the results returned by ASR will be taken into account to derive diagnoses and feedback: the higher the confidence the more explicit the level of feedback.


A corpus of German recorded by French learners and a second of French recorded by German learners will be exploited to determine errors on the one hand, and to develop algorithms involved in feedback on the other hand.

?    jobdescription
The post?doctoral fellow will be mainly involved in the development of the signal processing and automatic speech recognition algorithms intended to realize the diagnosis and acoustic feedback provided to learners. 

?    Qualifications
A Ph.D. in signal processing or in computer sciences (automatic speech recognition, statistic modeling) and solid competence/experience in JAVA development are required. Experience in phonetics and speaking German and French are also welcome.

?    Application procedure
Candidates should send a detailed CV with a list of publications, and a cover letter with statement of research interests and details of their experience in signal processing, automatic speech recognition and JAVA.
Please e-mail documents to: (Yves Laprie, LORIA, Nancy, France).

Deadline for submission: June 15, 2015
Expected start date: September 2015 (There is some flexibility.)
Length of contract: 12 months
Salary: ?2000/month (net)

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6-52(2015-04-29) PhD Position, IRISA lab, University of Rennes 1 at Lannion, Côtes d’Armor, France

PhD Position

IRISA lab, University of Rennes 1 at Lannion, Côtes d’Armor

Expression Team

Subject: multimodal detection of abnormality in discourse: using voice and facial expressions

Application: URGENT

Please send a CV and reference letters by e-mail to all the following contacts: Arnaud Delhay

(, Pierre-François Marteau ( and Damien

Lolive ( BEFORE the 4th of May 2015.

The thesis will be co-funded by the DGA (French Defence ministry). The candidate must have the

nationality of a country of the European Union or of Switzerland. S/he must hold a Master

degree (or equivalent) in computer science.

The candidate is expected to conduct cutting-edge applied research in one or several of the

following domains: signal processing, statistical machine learning, speech and gesture recognition.

S/he should have excellent computer programming skills (e.g. C/C++, Python/Perl, etc.), and

possibly knowledge in machine learning, signal processing or human computer interaction.

Duration: 3 years

Date: October 2015 – September 2018

This PhD, proposed by the EXPRESSION team at IRISA, will address the detection of abnormality

from facial movements and speech signals of a human being in a situation of stress. We mean by

abnormalityexistence of foreign elements to a normal situation in a given context. The study will

focus in particular on the joint use of facial and vocal expression parameters to detect abnormal

variations of expressivity in speech, not only related to emotion, but also to social interactions and

psychological signals. These abnormal signals can appear in extreme stress situations for pilots or

vehicle drivers, for example. This study could also find applications in the medical field, e.g.,

detection of abnormal behaviors due to mental disabilities such as autism.

We aimed at developing a system capable of detecting abnormal behaviors by the analysis of

records of concrete situations. The thesis will then explore several issues including the followings:

Collect, segment and annotate multimodal data;

Identification of descriptors enabling the description of abnormality;

Development of dedicated machine learning approaches for abnormality detection;

Development of a decision system.

Keywords: Speech, facial expressivity, gesture analysis, heterogeneous information, machine

learning, classification



[1] Carlos Busso, Zhigang Deng, Serdar Yildirim, Murtaza Bulut, Chul Min Lee, Abe Kazemzadeh,

Sungbok Lee, Ulrich Neumann, and Shrikanth Narayanan. Analysis of emotion recognition using

facial expressions, speech and multimodal information. In Proceedings of the 6th international

conference on Multimodal interfaces, pages 205–211. ACM, 2004.

[2] B. Fasel and Juergen Luettin. Automatic facial expression analysis : a survey. Pattern Recognition,

36(1) :259 – 275, 2003.

[3] Wesley Mattheyses and Werner Verhelst. Audiovisual speech synthesis : An overview of the

state-of-the-art. Speech Communication, 66(0) :182 – 217, 2015.

[4] Marie Tahon. Acoustic analysis of speakers emotional voices during a human-robot interaction.

Theses, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, November 2012.

[5] Mariette Soury. Multimodal stress detection for remediation software design. Theses, Université

Paris Sud - Paris XI, October 2014.

[6] Soujanya Poria, Erik Cambria, Amir Hussain, and Guang-Bin Huang. Towards an intelligent

framework for multimodal affective data analysis. Neural Networks, 63(0) :104 – 116, 2015.

[7] D Govind and SR Mahadeva Prasanna. Expressive speech synthesis : a review. International

Journal of Speech Technology, pages 1–24, 2013.

[8] Marc Le Tallec, Jeanne Villaneau, Jean-Yves Antoine, Agata Savary, and Arielle Syssau-

Vaccarella. Emologus - a compositional model of emotion detection based on the propositionnal

content of spoken utterances. In Text, Speech and Dialogue, Proc., Brno, Czech Republic, 2010.

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6-53(2015-04-30) Post-doc position at LORIA (Nancy, France)


Post-doc position at LORIA (Nancy, France)

Automatic speech recognition: Deep Neural Network for language model

Framework of ANR project ContNomina

The technologies involved in information retrieval in large audio/video databases are often based on the analysis of large, but closed, corpora, and on machine learning techniques and statistical modeling of the written and spoken language. The effectiveness of these approaches is now widely acknowledged, but they nevertheless have major flaws, particularly for what concern proper names, that are crucial for the interpretation of the content.

In the context of diachronic data (data which change over time) new proper names appear constantly requiring dynamic updates of the lexicons and language models used by the speech recognition system.

As a result, the ANR project ContNomina (2013-2017) focuses on the problem of proper names in automatic audio processing systems by exploiting in the most efficient way the context of the processed documents. To do this, the post-doc student will address the contextualization of the recognition module through the dynamic adjustment of the language model in order to make it more accurate.

Post-doc subject

Deep Neural Network have become a key component of modern automatic speech recognition systems. The language model of our recognition system is based on a neural network learned from a large corpus of text. The problem is to estimate the probability of a new proper name depending on its context. Several tracks will be explored: adapting the language model, using a class model or studying the notion of analogy.

Our team has developed a fully automatic system for speech recognition to transcribe a radio broadcast from the corresponding audio file. The post-doc will develop a new module whose function is to integrate new proper names in the language model.

Required skills

A PhD in signal processing or in computer sciences, be familiar with the tools for automatic speech recognition, background in statistics and computer program skills (C, object-oriented programming and Perl).

Post-doc duration: 12 months, start during the 2015 (these is some flexibility)

Localization and contacts: Loria laboratory, Speech team, Nancy, France

Candidates should email a letter of application, a detailed CV with a list of publications and diploma

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6-54(2015-05-02) Post-doctoral Position in Speech Signal Processing at Reykjavik University, Iceland

Post-doctoral Position in Speech Signal Processing

The School of Science and Engineering at Reykjavik University invites applications for a 1 to 2

year post-doctoral position in the area of speech signal processing. The position is available

from summer 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter. The main responsibility of the research will

be to lead the scientific work in the Icelandic Research Fund (IRF) Project “Model-Based Speech

Analysis and Voice Quality Assessment.” Other responsibilities will include mentoring graduate

students and participating in the further development of speech signal processing within

the university.

About the project:

The project aims to combine non-linear signal analysis methods with model-based signal

processing. The immediate aim is to produce a rich description of the speech signal with

respect to voice quality, event markings and signal states. This creates a foundation for a

targeted modeling of speech so that linguistic content, speaker identity, voice quality and affect

can be determined. The applicant is expected to implement and develop state-of-the-art signal

processing and machine learning algorithms, using for example Matlab, Python and Kaldi.

Research environment:

The project is carried out at the Center for Design and Analysis of Intelligent Agents (CADIA) and

it is expected that 1-3 graduate students will be working on parts of the project as

well. The center offers a broad range of skills and knowledge in speech- and language-related

areas spanning cognitive psychology, virtual environments, general artificial intelligence and

automatic speech recognition. Examples of related research projects within the center

include IRF-Projects “Cognitive Workload Monitoring using Speech” and “Virtual Reykjavik” and

two industry projects on automatic speech recognition.

We expect:

a PhD degree in signal processing, machine learning or related fields. Candidates about to earn

their doctorate are welcome to apply.

advanced methodological skills: handling data, processing signals and building prototype


high motivation and interest in joining a cutting-edge speech signal processing group

creativity and interest shaping your own research project

high-level interpersonal skills, including strong commitment to teamwork

very good communication skills in English

We offer:

top-level research facilities in a dynamic and collegiate intellectual environment

a comprehensive mentoring programme with supervision by world-leading academics

a salary package range from ISK 4.400.000 – 5.100.000 per year gross salary plus relocation

expences. There is also a travel fund available for conference activities.

A position based in Reykjavik, located between North America and Europe with excellent flight

connections, a growing innovation and technology sector, as well as vibrant culture scene.

How to apply:

Electronic applications, including a cover letter, a CV and the details of two referees, should be

sent to dr. Jon Gudnason (email:

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6-55(2015-05-03) 4 Ph Positions at Queen Mary, University of London, UK/ Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy

PhD thesis: Audio-visual intelligent sensing

Queen Mary, university of London, UK/ Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy

To start around September 2015

Applications are invited for 4 (four) PhD Studentships to undertake research in the areas of computer vision and audio processing for people monitoring in multi-camera multi-microphone environments, and will be part of an interdisciplinary project on audio-visual monitoring for smart interactive and reactive environments. The Studentships (to be started in or after September 2015) are part of an interdisciplinary project between the Centre for Intelligent Sensing ( at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and the Centre for Information Technology ( at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento, Italy.

The Project will focus on methods for long-term people tracking, activity recognition, acoustic scene analysis, behaviour analysis, distant-speech recognition and understanding applied to individuals as well as groups. Such information will enable learning 'patterns of usage' of the environment, and patterns can in turn be used to adapt and optimise the sensing accordingly.

Each PhD student will spend approximatively 50% of their time in London and 50% of their PhD time in Trento and will have access to state-of-the-art audio-visual laboratories, including a multi-camera multi-microphone installation at a large open hallway and a smart home facility equipped with cameras, microphones and automated devices.

More information on the call can be found at

For what concerns activities related to audio and speech processing, please also refer to the following web sites and 



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6-56(2015-05-04) Speech Technology Researcher at Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, UK Laboratory

Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, UK Laboratory

Speech Technology Researcher


Toshiba Research Europe Ltd (STG-CRL), in Cambridge UK, is looking for researchers to join its Speech Technology Group for a) Acoustic modelling for speech recognition (primarily) and synthesis b) statistical spoken dialogue.

Outstanding PhD-level candidates at a good level of experience are encouraged to apply. Candidates should be highly motivated, team-oriented and should have the ability to work independently. Strong mathematical background and excellent knowledge in signal processing and speech analysis algorithms are required. Good software engineering skills will be a plus.

About us

The lab in Cambridge, in collaboration with other Toshiba groups and speech laboratories in China and Japan, covers all aspects of speech technology and at many levels: from basic and fundamental research to industrial development. We support our researchers in building their career by encourage them to publish their results and by investing in innovation and creation for addressing real problems in speech and language technology. STG-CRL has also strong connections with EU Universities , especially with the Cambridge University Engineering Department.


We offer competitive salary and benefit packages with private pension plan, bonuses, private health insurance, BUPA Medical, Life Assurance, Group Income Protection


Opening Date



Closing Date



How to apply

To apply send your CV and a cover letter to: stg-jobs at crl dot toshiba dot co dot uk, subject: “Application to Researcher Position”



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6-57(2015-05-05) PhD position at the Sigmedia Group, Trinity College, Dublin

The Sigmedia Group ( at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, has a PhD position in speech processing available for Sept 2015. The topic is paralinguistics, specifically applying signal processing to the measurement of speaker engagement. Full details are here:


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6-58(2015-05-06) Assistant professor position at KTH Stockholm, Sweden


Speech Communication with specialization in phonetically-based interaction analysis

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, KTH computer Science and Communication

KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is the largest and oldest technical university in Sweden. No less than one-third of Sweden’s technical research and engineering education capacity at university level is provided by KTH. Education and research spans from natural sciences to all branches of engineering and includes Architecture, Industrial Management and Urban Planning. There are a total of 12,400 full year students at first and second l evels, almost 1,900 active (at least 50 per cent) research students and 5,100 employees. For information about KTH Computer Science and Communication, go to

Your work will take place at the department of Speech, Music and Hearing. The department is an internationally recognized research lab in speech technology and modelling of spoken communication. Speech research is focused on human-like communication with machines and robots, based on multimodal information. The research area is truly multi-disciplinary bridging computer science, machine learning, linguistics, and perception and cognition disciplines. The research is based on data-driven methods: collection and refinement of corpora, as well as development of tools and language resources is thus a central part of the work. For more information go to,

Subject field

Speech Communication with specialization in phonetically-based interaction analysis

Subject description

Speech Communication concerns the study of human communication involving speech, in which other signals such as facial and bodily movements also are of great importance. The field includes theories, models and technical systems concerning all parts of the communication chain. Central research topics in the specialization towards phonetic interaction analysis include experimental design and execution of data collections; phonetic, prosodic and multimodal analysis; and modelling of the interactional aspects of spoken dialogue.


The duties involve research and teaching as a part of the Speech Group at Dept. of Speech, Music and Hearing (TMH) at the School of Computer Science and Communication (CSC). The teaching includes advanced courses, master thesis and PhD supervision. The teaching will not exceed 25 %. The assistant professor will be given opportunity to develop their independence as researcher and gain accreditation that may allow them to take other teaching positions with higher eligibility requirements (see Chapter 4, Section 12 a of the Higher Education Ordinance). Following application, the assistant professor shall be assessed for promotion to associate professor.



A person is eligible for appointment if they have attained a Degree of Doctor or have the equivalent academic expertise. Primarily, persons should have attained a Degree of Doctor or have acquired the equivalent expertise no more than seven years before the end of the application period.

Grounds of assessment

Special importance

Scientific and technical skills within the subject area, documented by publications in international journals and main conferences in the area are of special importance. Documented ability to advance the field through independent scientific research on a high international level is also of special importance.

Significant importance

Ability to establish and develop international cooperations within research and education is of significant importance, as is the applicant’s documented experience of teaching in the subject field and related areas at advanced level. The applicant's long-term potential to develop and establish an independent research activity och continuously renew the research area is also of significant importance.

Of importance

It is of importance that a person who is appointed as assistant professor at KTH has experience from research environments other than KTH, equivalent to a post-doctorate period or doctorate degree from another university. Documented experience from initiating and executing externally financed research projects are also of importance.

Also taken into account

Ability to collaborate with the surrounding society and to disseminate information regarding research and development work will also be taken into account. In addition, the applicant's expertise in developing and leading activities and personnel is taken into acocunt. This includes having knowledge about matters of diversity and equal treatment, with particular focus on gender equality.

Special grounds of assessment for promotion to associate professor

When assessing applications for promotion to associate professor, the applicant's ability to independently initiate and carry out research of high academic quality, published in international publications, and the applicant's ability to obtain financing for research operations will be assessed. One special ground for assessment is the applicant's ability to independently establish new collaborations and research specializations. Special consideration will be shown to displayed teaching and supervising expertise.

tradeunion representatives

You'll find contact information to trade union representatives at KTH:s web page.


Your application should follow KTH´s CV template for employment of teachers. You are the main responsible to ensure that the application is complete according to the ad and CV template. Your complete application must be received at KTH no later than the last day of application. Log into KTH's recruitment system in order to apply to this position.


Time limitation: The appointment is for an indefinite term, but no more than four years, and may be extended if, due to the teacher’s absence due to sick leave, parental leave or other special grounds, more time is required to reach the objectives of the appointment. However, the total appointment period may not exceed six years. The appointment is part of the Tenure Track system at KTH and the assistant professor may apply for promotion to tenured associate professor.

We firmly decline all contact with staffing and recruitment agencies and job ad salespersons.

Type of employment: Temporary position longer than 6 months

Working hours: Full time

First day of employment: According to agreement

Salary: Monthly pay. According to agreement.

Number of positions: 1

Working hours: 100%

City: Stockholm

County: Stockholms län

Country: Sweden

Reference number: D-2015-0149


1. Joakim Gustafson, Professor TMH, +46 (0) 8 790 8965,

2. Maria Widlund, HR-manager CSC, +46 (0) 8 790 9754,

3. Kerstin Lagerstedt, queries application procedures, +46 (0) 8-790 7879,

Last application date: 15.Jun.2015

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6-59(2015-05-06) 3 Ph.D. and 2 Post-doc positions at Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico.

3 Ph.D. and 2 Post-doc positions

at Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico. On the topic of Automatic Speech Recognition and Speech Synthesis for autochthonous Mexican languages. (

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6-60(2015-05-09) ingénieur R&D spécialiste des technologies à l'équipe LINKMEDIA de l'IRISA, Rennes, Bretagne, France

L'équipe LINKMEDIA de l'IRISA recherche un ingénieur R&D spécialiste des technologies
multimédias, Bac+5 ou Bac+8. Rémunération selon niveau d'étude et expérience. Merci de
diffuser auprès des étudiants dans les filières concernées.

Lieu d?exercice : IRISA, Rennes
Contrat : CDD d?une dure?e de 18 mois de?butant le 1er septembre 2015 Re?mune?ration : de
24 k? a? 35 k? annuels bruts selon expe?rience
Contact : Guillaume Gravier,

L?e?quipe LINKMEDIA de l?IRISA, laboratoire de recherche public, travaille au
de?veloppement de technologies permettant la description et l?acce?s au contenus
multime?dias par analyse de ces derniers : vision par ordinateur, traitement de la parole
et du langage, traitement des contenus audio, fouille de donne?es. Nos recherches portent
par exemple sur des algorithmes de de?tection de noms propres et noms de lieux dans des
textes, de segmentation en locuteur de documents audios, de de?tection d?images
similaires ou encore d?objets particuliers dans les images. Nous e?tudions e?galement
comment assembler ces fonctionnalite?s de base pour organiser des collections de contenus
multime?dias et de?velopper des prototypes d?applications permettant d?exploiter des
collections multime?dias pour en extraire des informations.

Les travaux de l?e?quipe s?appuient sur une plateforme qui a pour objectif d?accompagner
les chercheurs travaillant dans le domaine de l?analyse et de l?exploitation de contenus
multime?dias. La plateforme fournit d?une part une infrastructure mate?rielle pour
acque?rir des donne?es, mettre a? disposition des corpus de re?fe?rence, stocker des
re?sultats de traitements et les partager. D?autre part, nous de?veloppons une offre
logiciel sous la forme de web services en s?appuyant sur une architecture ge?ne?rique et
transparente de mise en ligne de programmes issus de la recherche. Ces services
permettent en particulier un acce?s libre aux technologies multime?dias pour certains
usages : travaux de recherche, test d?ade?quation pour les industriels, travaux pratiques
dans un cadre e?ducatif, etc.

Pour de?velopper et promouvoir les services propose?s sur la plateforme d?indexation
multime?dia de l?IRISA, nous souhaitons recruter un inge?nieur spe?cialiste du traitement
des donne?es multime?dias. Les missions qui lui seront confie?s sont :
? inte?gration a? la plateforme de modules existants
? de?veloppement de nouveaux modules mettant en ?uvre des techniques a? l?e?tat de l?art
? mise en cohe?rence de l?ensemble des modules et documentation
? re?alisation de de?monstrations d?applications multime?dias pour l?e?ducation et le
transfert industriel
? participation a? des campagnes d?e?valuation internationale
L?inge?nieur sera inte?gre? dans l?e?quipe de recherche LINKMEDIA et travaillera en
e?troite collaboration avec les chercheurs et leurs partenaires sur des projets de R&D.

Le candidat, de niveau Bac+5 ou Bac+8, devra posse?der un inte?re?t marque? pour les
technologies multime?dias et les technologies du web. Il devra e?galement justifier d?une
expe?rience significative en programmation (langages C/C++, perl, python), par exemple au
travers de projets et de stages pour les jeunes diplo?me?s. Une expe?rience dans la
conduite de projets informatiques d?envergure sera appre?cie?e. E?tant donne? le contexte
international de travail, une bonne connaissance de l?anglais est indispensable.

Pour candidater, merci d?adresser un CV accompagne? d?une lettre de motivation. Pour plus
de pre?cisions sur le poste, nous contacter.

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6-61(2015-05-12)3 postes d'ATER au département d?Informatique, Mathématiques et de Linguistique appliquées, Univ Paris 1 (Sorbonne), France

Trois postes d'ATER en informatique sont disponibles à l'UFR de Sociologie et d'Informatique pour les Sciences Humaines de l'Université Paris Sorbonne avec le profil 'traitement de la parole et du langage'. Les candidats enseigneront l?Informatique dans les différentes formations de licence et de master du département d?Informatique, Mathématiques et de Linguistique appliquées. Ils devront s'inscrire dans un ou plusieurs axes de l'équipe de linguistique computationnelle du laboratoire Sens Texte Informatique et Histoire (STIH)(

La date limite de candidature est le 22 mai 2015 16h
Personne à contacter :

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