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ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #201  »  ISCA News  »  A message from ISCA Board Conference Subcommittee.

ISCApad #201

Wednesday, March 11, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

2-1 A message from ISCA Board Conference Subcommittee.

 Dear ISCA members,

Interspeech 2015 (Dresden, Germany) is now ready to welcome your
contributions. Please visit the Interspeech 2015 website
( to submit your conference papers. The
paper submission deadline is approaching fast: Friday 20 March 2015
midnight (11:59pm) GMT.  After this deadline, updates of each submitted pdf file will be
permitted until 27 March 2015 midnight GMT; however, the title, author,
abstract and topics in the original submission cannot be changed after March 20th.
There will be no extension of paper submission deadlines.

Please remember that to participate in the conference, you must be an
ISCA member at the time of the conference. We suggest that you
retrieve your membership number and status on the ISCA members list
before proceeding to the registration.

The Interspeech 2015 TPC Chairs, Bernd Möbius and Elmar Nöth, are
extremely pleased that 860 members of our community have already
agreed to serve as a reviewer for Interspeech papers. If you have not
yet responded to the invitation, they ask you to do so as soon as
possible. If you have not received an invitation but would like to
serve as a reviewer, please get in touch via

Furthermore, 40 members of our community have agreed to serve as Area
Chairs. The list of scientific areas and area chairs is available on
the conference homepage too.

Finally, the calls for tutorials and Show & Tell papers are also open
until March 20 and April 17, respectively.

All the best,
Douglas O'Shaughnessy, Nick Campbell, Keikichi Hirose
ISCA Board Conference Subcommittee

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