ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #200  »  Editorial

ISCApad #200

Friday, February 13, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

1 Editorial

Dear ISCApad readers,


I would like to remind you some rules about ISCApad and to explain some of its  features.


ISCApad is a free service to the speech community. Its purpose is to inform in a push way about the activities in our discipline.


1. To publish an announcement please send it to me not later than 5th of each month to have it included in the issue of the same month around the 10th.


2. I have a preference for formatted text in Word. Pdf files can also be dealt with but avoid tables.


3. Some annoucement titles are preceeded with a date:


        a) for jobs, it is the date of the submission.The announcement will be withdrawn after 6 months. If the position is filled before, you have better to inform me to avoid out-of-date calls or applications.


        b) for any conference or workshop, the date is the date the conference itself. The announcement is removed only when this date is passed.


The section Industry Notes contains information about the industrial AND academic life. The title does not reflect this fact but I have suggested to modify it.


To be on the same track as our Website I have added a copy of the list of workshops organized or supported by ISCA. I apologize if a conference is announced there and also in the body of the newsletter. In the future I will try to remove the duplications.


Interspeech submission deadline is approaching (March 20th): do not miss to submit your communication.


ISCA is not a self propelled device and needs goodwills to execute its tasks. This is the role of the board that will be partly renewed very soon. Have an attentive glance to the announcement in ISCA News. 


Do not hesitate to contact me for all problems and suggestions concerning ISCApad. If I serve, the best is to serve at the best.


Chris Wellekens

Eurecom (France)

ISCApad editor

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