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Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2014  »  ISCApad #198  »  Events

ISCApad #198

Sunday, December 14, 2014 by Chris Wellekens

3 Events
3-1 ISCA Events
3-1-1(2015-01-04) Winter School on Speech and Audio Processing (WISSAP-2015), Gandhinagar , India

WiSSAP 2015


We are happy to inform you that Winter School on Speech and Audio Processing (WISSAP-2015) is being organized by Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DA-IICT), Gandhinagar during January 04-07, 2015 as a part of ISCA SIG-ILSP (SIG on Indian Language Speech Processing) activities.

The topic of this year WiSSAP is ‘Production-Perception Based New Models of Speech Analysis,’ the latest topic of research involving both speech production and perception. With the advent of new modalities of acquiring speech production/perception data, it is now possible to answer, in a principled way, the insights about these links and develop new engineering models for speech analysis and processing. WiSSAP 2015 would highlight latest data acquisition, multi-modal analysis, representation and potential of these new approaches to speech modeling. We expect researchers from IISc/IITs/NITs/DA-IICT/IIITs and other institutions in the country, industry researchers working in speech/audio area and research scholars to participate at the winter school.  .

As in the past, WiSSAP 2015 will have three international experts to present recent developments in their respective research topics.  The experts chosen are:  Prof. Shrikanth S. Narayanan of University of Southern California, USA, Prof. Shihab Shamma of University of Maryland, USA) and Prof. Hynek Hermansky (Johns Hopkins University, USA). Three invited experts from India will conduct tutorials on the first day to expose the participants to advanced research. I am also attaching the poster for call for participation. 

Hemant A. Patil
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, WiSSAP 2015

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3-1-2(2015-09-06) Call for Satellite Workshops of INTERSPEECH 2015, Dresden, Germany
**** Call for Satellite Workshops **** 
INTERSPEECH 2015 will be held in the beautiful city of Dresden, Germany, on September 6-10, 2015
The theme is 'Speech beyond Speech - Towards a Better Understanding of the Most Important 
Biosignal'. The Organizing Committee of INTERSPEECH 2015 is now inviting proposals for 
satellite workshops, which will be held in proximity to the main conference. 
The Organizing Committee will work to facilitate the organization of such satellite workshops, 
to stimulate discussion in research areas related to speech and language, at locations in Central 
Europe, and around the same time as INTERSPEECH. We are particularly looking forward to 
proposals from neighboring countries. If you are interested in organizing a satellite workshop, 
or would like a planned event to be listed as an official satellite event, please contact the organizers
 or the Satellite Workshop Chair at The Satellite Workshop coordinator along 
with the INTERSPEECH team will help to connect (potential) workshop organizers with local 
contacts in Germany, if needed, and will try to be helpful with logistics such as payment, publicity,
 and coordination with ISCA or other events. Proposals should include:
 * workshop name and acronym 
* organizers' name and contact info 
* website (if already known) 
* date and proposed location of the workshop 
* estimated number of participants 
* a short description of the motivation for the workshop 
* an outline of the program and invited speakers 
* a description of the submission process (e.g. deadlines, target acceptance rate) 
* a list of the scientific committee members 
Proposals for satellite workshops should be submitted by email to
 by August 31st, 2014 We strongly recommend that organizers also apply for
 ISCA approval/ sponsorship, which will greatly facilitate acceptance as an INTERSPEECH satellite 
event. We plan to notify proposers no later than October 30, 2014. If you have any questions about 
whether a potential event would be a good candidate for an INTERSPEECH 2015 satellite workshop 
feel free to contact the INTERSPEECH 2015 Satellite Workshops Chair. 
Florian Metze 
Satellite Workshops Chair


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3-1-3(2015-09-06) Calls for INTERSPEECH 2015, Dresden, Germany

Calls for INTERSPEECH 2015


INTERSPEECH is the world’s largest and most comprehensive conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing. INTERSPEECH conferences emphasize interdisciplinary approaches addressing all aspects of speech science and technology, ranging from basic theories to applications.


INTERSPEECH 2015 will be organized around the theme Speech beyond Speech: Towards a Better Understanding of the Most Important Biosignal, which acknowledges the fact that speech is the most important biosignal humans can produce and perceive. It is evident that not all characteristics of speech are already fully understood. We therefore encourage contributions that analyze and model speech as a biosignal in a broad understanding, e.g. for extracting information about the speaker, for identifying processes leading to speech production, or for generating speech signals with specific bio-characteristics. Contributions to all other areas of speech science and technology are also welcome.


Important Dates

30 Nov 2014   special sessions: paper submission deadline
15 Dec 2014  
special sessions: notification of acceptance/rejection for pre-selection
20 Mar 2015  
tutorial: submission deadline
20 Mar 2015  
paper: submission deadline
01 May 2015 
tutorial: notification of acceptance/rejection
17 Apr 2015  
show and tell: submission deadline
01 Jun 2015   
paper: notification of acceptance/rejection
01 Jun 2015   
show and tell: notification of acceptance/rejection
10 Jun 2015   
paper: camera-ready
10 Jun 2015   
show and tell: camera-ready
20 Jun 2015   
early registration deadline
6-10 Sep 2015 conference


Call for Papers

The Organizing Committee of INTERSPEECH 2015 is now inviting for paper submissions. Please refer to our CfP page  for more details.

15.09.2014 – Details on paper submission and topics can be found on our CfP page.


Call for Special Sessions

Submissions of Special Sessions & Challenges proposals are encouraged for INTERSPEECH 2015, covering interdisciplinary topics and/or important new emerging areas of interest related to the main conference topics.

16.10.2014 – For more information please refer to our SS-CfP page.


Call for Show and Tell

The Organizing Committee of INTERSPEECH 2015 is now inviting for contribution to Show and Tell special event. Please refer to our Show and Tell page for more details.

17.04.2015 – Full submission deadline, proposals should be submitted by email


Call for Tutorials

The Organizing Committee of INTERSPEECH 2015 is now inviting proposals for tutorials, which will be held on September 6 (first day of conference) in the main venue Maritim International Congress Center (ICD) location. Please refer to here for more details.

15.10.2014 – Proposals for tutorials should be submitted by email to Alexander Raake.


Call for Satellite Workshops

The Organizing Committee of INTERSPEECH 2015 is now inviting proposals for satellite workshops, which will be held in proximity to the main conference. Please refer to here for more details or manually navigate to

Proposals for satellite workshops should be submitted by email to Florian Metze.


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3-1-4(2015-09-06) INTERSPEECH 2015 Dresden RFA

Interspeech 2015


September 6-10, 2015, Dresden, Germany



Speech Beyond Speech: Towards a Better Understanding of the Most Important Biosignal



Speech is the most important biosignal humans can produce and perceive. It is the most common means of human-human communication, and therefore research and development in speech and language are not only paramount for understanding humans, but also to facilitate human-machine interaction. Still, not all characteristics of speech are fully understood, and even fewer are used for developing successful speech and language processing applications. Speech can exploit its full potential only if we consider the characteristics which are beyond the traditional (and still important) linguistic content. These characteristics include other biosignals that are directly accessible to human perception, such as muscle and brain activity, as well as articulatory gestures.



will therefore be organized around the topic “Speech beyond Speech: Towards a Better Understanding of the Most Important Biosignal”. Our conviction is that spoken language processing can make a substantial leap if it caters for the full information which is available in the speech signal. By opening our prestigious conference to researchers in other biosignal communities, we expect that substantial advances can be made discussing ideas and approaches across discipline and community boundaries.







The following people organize INTERSPEECH 2015:


  • General Chair: Sebastian Möller, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Technische Universität Berlin
  • General Co-Chair & International Outreach: Hermann Ney, Chair of Computer Science 6, RWTH Aachen University
  • Technical Program: Bernd Möbius, Dept. of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics, Universität des Saarlandes; Elmar Nöth, Pattern Recognition Lab, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Local Organization: Rüdiger Hoffmann, Senior Professor, Technische Universität Dresden; Ercan Altinsoy and Ute Jekosch, Chair for Communication Acoustics, Technische Universität Dresden
  • Plenaries: Gerhard Rigoll, Institute for Human-Machine Communication, Technische Universität München
  • Special Sessions & Challenges: Anton Batliner, Pattern Recognition Lab, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Björn Schuller, Imperial College London & Technische Universität München
  • Tutorials: Alexander Raake, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Technische Universität Berlin
  • Satellite Workshops: Florian Metze, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
  • Industry Liaison: Jimmy Kunzmann, EML European Media Laboratory GmbH, Heidelberg
  • Sponsoring: Tim Fingscheidt, Institute for Communications Technology, Technische Universität Braunschweig; Claudia Pohlink, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Deutsche Telekom AG, Berlin
  • Special Events: David Sündermann, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
  • Show and Tell: Georg Stemmer, Intel, München
  • Social Events: Petra Wagner, Phonetics and Phonology Workgroup, Universität Bielefeld
  • Exhibits: Reinhold Häb-Umbach, Universität Paderborn
  • Finance: Volker Steinbiss, RWTH Aachen University and Accipio Projects GmbH, Aachen
  • Community Outreach: Norbert Reithinger, DFKI Projektbüro Berlin
  • Publicity: Oliver Jokisch, Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig
  • Publications: Stefan Steidl, Pattern Recognition Lab, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Students Affairs: Benjamin Weiss, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Technische Universität Berlin
  • Web & Tools: Tim Polzehl, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Technische Universität Berlin
  • Grants: Michael Wagner, University of Canberra
  • PCO: Lisa Hertel, TUBS GmbH TU Berlin ScienceMarketing


The event will be staged in the recently built Maritim International Congress Center (ICD) in Dresden, Germany. As the capital of Saxony, an up-and-coming region located in the former eastern part of Germany, Dresden combines glorious and painful history with a strong dedication to future and technology. It is located in the heart of Europe, easily reached via two airports, and will offer a great deal of history and culture to INTERSPEECH 2015 delegates. Guests are well catered for in a variety of hotels of different standards and price ranges, making INTERSPEECH 2015 an exciting as well as an affordable event.



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Möller, Quality and Usability Lab, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, TU Berlin

Sekr. TEL-18, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, D-10587 Berlin, Germany




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3-1-5(2016) INTERSPEECH 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA

Interspeech 2016 will take place

from September 8-12 2016 in San Francisco, CA, USA

General Chair is Nelson Morgan.

You may from now on be tempted by the nice pictures of the cover page of its tentative website


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3-2 ISCA Supported Events
3-2-1(2014-12-07) 2014 Spoken Language Technology Workshop, South Lake Tahoe, NV, USA
2014 Spoken Language Technology Workshop
December 7-10, 2014 - South Lake Tahoe, NV, USA

IEEE - IEEE Signal Processing Society - Follow @SLT_2014

The Fifth IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT 2014) will be held in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada, on Dec 7-10, 2014.

Workshop Technical Theme & Main Goals & Novelties

The main theme of the workshop will be 'machine learning in spoken language technologies'. There will be keynote/guest speakers from the machine learning community.
One of the workshop goals is to increase both intra and inter community interactions. Towards this goal, in addition to tutorials and keynote speeches on main workshop theme and emerging areas, this year's SLT will host special sessions and self-organizing Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings, as well as panel discussions before/during workshop. If you want to excite the community about a topic and to have an impact on the workshop content, now this is your chance!

In addition to submitting papers and/or proposing/organizing SIG meetings, you can get involved in workshop organization in different ways: by nominating keynote speakers (, or by volunteering to be part of workshop organization ( Please visit for more details.

Call for Papers: Areas/Topics

Submission of papers in all areas of spoken language technology is encouraged, with emphasis on the following topics, including both traditional SLT areas as well as emerging ones:

- Traditional topic coverage: speech recognition and synthesis, spoken language understanding, spoken dialog systems, spoken document summarization, machine translation for speech, question answering from speech, speech data mining, spoken document retrieval, spoken language databases, speaker/language recognition, multimodal processing, human/computer interaction, assistive technologies, natural language processing, educational and healthcare applications.  

- Emerging areas: large scale spoken language understanding, massive data resources for SLT, unsupervised methods in SLT, capturing and representing world knowledge in SLT, web search with SLT, SLT in social networks, multimedia applications, intelligent environments.

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length, 4-6 page papers, including figures and references, to the SLT 2014 website (

Important Dates

Paper submission: July 21, 2014
Notification of acceptance: September 5, 2014
Demo submission: September 10, 2014
Notification of Demo acceptance: October 10, 2014
Special Session (SS) proposal submission: June 6, 2014
Notification of SS proposals (1st/2nd decision):  June 15 / September 19, 2014
Special Interest Group (SIG) proposal submission: November 21, 2014
Early registration deadline: October 17, 2014
Workshop: December 7-10, 2014

Supported by:
- Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
- International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)
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3-3 Other Events
3-3-1(2014-12-12) The Multiling Summarization Program

= Call for Participation =

= MultiLing 2015: Multilingual Summarization of Multiple Documents,
          Online Fora and Call Centre Conversations =

= Introduction =

From Caesar's `Veni, Vidi, Vici' to `What might be in a summary?'
(Karen Sparck-Jones, 1993) summarization techniques have been key to
successfully grasping the main points of large amounts of information,
and much research has been devoted to improving such techniques.  In
the past two decades, the progress of summarization research has been
supported by evaluation exercises and shared tasks such as DUC, TAC
and, more recently, MultiLing (2011, 2013). Multiling is a
community-driven initiative for benchmarking multilingual
summarization systems, nurturing further research, and pushing the
state-of-the-art in the area.  The aim of MultiLing 2015 is to
continue this evolution and, in addition, to introduce new tasks
promoting research on summarizing free human interaction in online
fora and customer call centres. With this call we wish to invite the
summarization research community to participate in MultiLing 2015.

= The Tasks =

MultiLing 2015 will feature the Multilingual Multi-document Summarization
task familiar from previous editions and its predecessor, the Multilingual
Single-document Summarization. In addition, we will pilot two new tracks,
Online Forum Summarization (OnForumS) and Call Centre Conversation
Summarization (CCCS), in collaboration with the SENSEI EU project
( We describe each task in turn below.

== Multilingual Multi-document Summarization (MMS) ==

The multilingual multi-document summarization track aims to evaluate the
application of (partially or fully) language-independent summarization
algorithms on a variety of languages. Each system participating in the track
will be called to provide summaries for a range of different languages,
based on a news corpus. Participating systems will be required to
apply their methods to a minimum of two languages.
Evaluation will favor systems that apply their methods to more languages.

The corpus used in the Multilingual multi-document summarization track
will be based on WikiNews texts ( Source
texts will be UTF-8, clean texts (without any mark-up, images,etc.).

The task requires systems to generate a single, fluent, representative
summary from a set of documents describing an event sequence. The language of
the document set will be within a given range of languages and all documents
in a set share the same language. The output summary should be of the same
language as its source documents. The output summary should be 250 words at

== Multilingual Single-document Summarization (MSS) ==

Following the pilot task of 2013, the multi-lingual single-document
task will be to generate a single document summary for all the given Wikipedia
feature articles from one of about 40 languages provided. The provided training
data will be the 2013 Single-Document Summarization Pilot Task data
from MultiLing 2013.
A new set of data will be generated based on additional Wikipedia
feature articles.
For each language 30 documents are given. The documents will be UTF-8
without mark-ups and images.
For each document of the training set, the human-generated summary is
provided. For MultiLing 2015
the character length of the human summary for each document will be
provided, called the target length.
Each machine summary should be as close to the target length provided
as possible. For the purpose of
evaluation all machine summaries greater than the target length will
be truncated to the target length.
The summaries will be evaluated via automatic methods and participants
will be required to perform
some limited summarization evaluations.

The manual evaluation will consist of pairwise comparisons of
machine-generated summaries. Each evaluator
will be presented the human-generated summary and two
machine-generated summaries.  The evaluation task
is to read the human summary and then judge if the one
machine-generated summary is significantly closer to
the human generated summary information content (e.g.  system A >
system B or system B > system A) or if
the two machine-generated summaries contain comparable quanties of
information as the human-generated summary.

== Online Forum Summarization (OnForumS) ==

Most major on-line news publishers, such as The Guardian or Le Monde,
publish articles on different topics and encourage reader engagement
through the provision of an on-line comment facility. A given news
article can often give rise to thousands of reader comments -- some
related to specific points within the article, others that are replies
to previous comments. The great volume of such user-supplied comments
suggests the need for automated methods to summarize this content,
which in turn poses an exciting and novel challenge for the
summarization community.

The purpose of the Online Forum Summarization (OnForumS) track at
MultiLing'15 is to set the ground for investigating how such a  mass
of comments can be summarised. We posit that a crucial initial step in
developing reader comment summarization systems is to determine what
comments relate to, be that either specific points within the text of
the article, the global topic of the article, or comments made by
other users. This constitutes a linking task. Furthermore, a set of
link types or labels may be articulated to capture whether, for
example, a comment agrees with, elaborates, disagrees with, etc., the
point made in the commented-upon text. Solving this labelled linking
problem should facilitate the creation of reader comment summaries by
allowing, for example, that comments relating to the same article
content can be clustered, points attracting the most comment can be
identified, representative comments can be chosen for each key point,
and the implications of labelled links can be digested (e.g., numbers
for or against a particular point), etc.

The SMS task at MultiLing'15 is a particular specification of the
linking task, in which systems will take as input a news article with
a reduced set of comments (sifted, according to predefined criteria,
from what could otherwise be thousands of comments) and are asked to
link and label each comment to sentences in the article (which, for
simplification, are assumed to be the appropriate units here), to the
article topic as a whole, or to preceding comments. Precise guidelines
for when to link and for the link types, will be released as part of
the formal task specification, but we anticipate the condition for
linking will require sentences addressing the same assertion, and that
link types will include at least agreement, disagreement,  and
sentiment indicators. The data will cover at least three
languages (English, Italian, and French); a small set of
link-labelled articles will be provided by the SENSEI project
for each of these languages for illustration and for
development. Additional languages may be covered if the data for these
are provided by the participants in the task. These data could be
either translations of the data for other languages, or comparable
articles *on the same topics*.

Evaluation will be based on the results of a crowd-sourcing exercise,
in which crowd workers are asked to judge whether potential links, and
associated labels, are correct for each given test article plus
associated comments.

== Call Centre Conversation Summarization (CCCS) ==

Speech summarization has been of great interest to the community
because speech is the principal modality of human communications and
it is not as easy to skim, search or browse speech transcripts as it
is for textual messages. Speech recorded from call centers offers a
great opportunity to study goal-oriented and focused conversations
between an agent and a caller. The Call Centre Conversation
Summarization (CCCS) task consists in automatically generating
summaries of spoken conversations in the form of textual synopses that
shall inform on the content of a conversation and might be used for
browsing a large database of recordings. Compared to news
summarization where extractive approaches have been very successful,
the CCCS task's objective is to foster work on abstractive
summarization in order to depict what happened in a conversation
instead of what people actually said.

The MultiLing'15 CCCS track leverages conversations from the DECODA
and LUNA corpora of French and Italian call center recordings, both
with transcripts available in their original language as well as
English translation (both manual and automatic). Recording duration
range from a few minutes to 15 minutes, involving two or sometimes
more speakers. In the public transportation and help desk domains, the
dialogs offer a rich range of situations (with emotions such as anger
or frustration) while staying in a coherent domain.

Given transcripts, participants to the task shall generate abstractive summaries
informing a reader about the main events of the conversations, such as
the objective of the caller, whether and how it was solved by the
agent, and the attitude of both parties. Evaluation will be performed
by comparing submissions to reference synopses written by experts.
Both conversations and reference summaries are kindly provided by the
SENSEI project.

= How can I participate? =
For now you only need to fill in your contact details in the following form:
Make sure you also visit the MultiLing community website:

= Roadmap =
Finalization pending.
(PLEASE PROVIDE FEEDBACK on the submission dates, if you plan to participate,
by e-mailing: ggianna AT iit DOT demokritos DOT gr.)

* Training data ready: (date to be finalized per task) Dec 12th, 2014
* Test data available: Feb 15th, 2015
* System submissions due: Feb 28th, 2015
* Evaluation starts: Mar 1st, 2015
* Evaluation ends: Mar 31st, 2015
* Paper submission due: May 1st, 2015
* Paper reviews due: May 15th, 2015
* Camera-ready due: Jun 15th, 2015
* Workshop: 1st week of Sep , 2015

*NOTE*: Individual task dates may differ. Please check the MultiLing
website ( for more information.

= Venue =
(Finalization pending)
Collocated with SIGDIAL, Prague, Czech Republic

= Program Committee Members =
(Full list of PC members pending)

The Program Committee members are:
George Giannakopoulos - NCSR Demokritos (overall chair, MMS Task chair)
Jeff Kubina, John Conroy - IDA Center for Computing Sciences (MSS Task chairs)
Mijail Kabadjov - University of Essex (OnForumS Task co-chair)
Josef Steinberger - University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
(OnForumS Task co-chair)
Benoit Favre - University of Marseille (CCCS Task co-chair)
Udo Kruschwitz and Massimo Poesio - University of Essex
Emma Barker, Rob Gaizauskas and Mark Hepple - University of Sheffield
Vangelis Karkaletsis - NCSR Demokritos
Fabio Celli - University of Trento

Data Contributors (from MultiLing 2013)
Georgios Petasis, George Giannakopoulos - NCSR 'Demokritos', Greece
Josef Steinberger - University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Mahmoud El-Haj - Lancaster University, UK
Ahmad Alharthi - King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Maha Althobaiti - Essex University, UK
Corina Forascu - Romanian Academy Research Institute for Artificial
         Intelligence (RACAI), and Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of
Iasi (UAIC), Romania
Jeff Kubina, John Conroy, Judith Shleshinger - IDA/Center for
Computing Sciences, USA
Lei Li - Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), China
Marina Litvak - Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel
Sabino Miranda - Center for Computing Research, Instituto Politécnico
Nacional, Mexico

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3-3-2(2014-12-18) Variation and adaptation in speech production and perception, Aix en Provence, France


Variation et adaptation en production et perception de la parole
Variation and adaptation in speech production and perception

Laboratoire Parole et Langage, AMU & CNRS

Salle de conférence – B011
5 avenue Pasteur – Aix-en-Provence

9:30-9:40    Introduction
Christine Meunier
, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix Marseille Université & CNRS

9:40-10:40    Linguistic experience and speech-in-noise recognition
Ann Bradlow, Department of Linguistics, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA

10:40-11:00    Pause

11:00-11:40    Predictable rhythm and its effects on speech processing - a cross-linguistic comparison
Simone Falk, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix Marseille Université & CNRS et Department für Germanistik, Komparatistik, Nordistik, DaF, München, Germany

11:40-12:40    Acoustic-phonetic characteristics of older children’s spontaneous speech in good and challenging communicative conditions
Valerie Hazan, Michèle Pettinato, Outi Tuomainen & Sonia Granlund, Department of Speech, Hearing & Phonetic Sciences, Faculty of Brain, University College London, UK

12:40-14:30    Repas

14:30-15:30    Réductions de la parole: apports du traitement automatique et de grands corpus
Martine Adda-Decker, Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Paris 3 & CNRS

15:30-16:10    Role of imitation in the emergence of phonological systems
Noël Nguyen, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix Marseille Université & CNRS
Véronique Delvaux, Institut de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies du Langage, Université́ de Mons, Belgique

Contact: Christine Meunier (

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3-3-3(2014-12-23) CfP International Conference on Human Machine Interaction, New Delhi India

Call for papers

International Conference on Human Machine Interaction 2014 23 – 25, December 2014

In association with SETIT, Sfax University, Tunisia. and ASDF (Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties) Chennai Chapter, we will organize the International Conference HMI 2014 which will be held in New delhi -INDIA.

Human Machine Interaction (HMI), is a main annual research conference aimed at presenting current research being carried out. The idea of the conference is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry. HMI 2014 is co-sponsored by Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties and SETIT, Sfax University, Tunisia and technical co-sponsored by many other universities and institutes.
The HMI 2014 conference proceeding will be published in the ASDF Proceedings as one volume, and will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by EBSCO, World Cat, Google Scholar, and sent to be reviewed by Ei Compendex and ISI Proceedings. Selected papers will be recommended to be published in the Journals.

Area of Submission


  • Active Vision
  • Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
  • Applications of Perception
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Brain Machine Interfaces
  • Cognitive Engineering
  • Collaborative Design and Manufacturing
  • Collaboration Technologies and Systems
  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Vision
  • Cooperative Design
  • Dimensionality Reduction
  • Distributed Intelligent Systems
  • Ergonomics
  • Fuzzy Systems
  • Health Care
  • Human Centered Transportation System
  • Human Factors
  • Human Perception
  • Hybrid Intelligent System Design
  • Image Analysis
  • Intelligent Transportation
  • Knowledge Representation
  • Machine Learning
  • Material Appearance Modeling Medical Imaging
  • Mental Workload
  • Multimedia
  • Multiview Learning
  • Next Generation Network
  • Network Security and Management
  • Ontologies
  • Patient Safety
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Perceptual Factors
  • Physiological Indicators
  • Production Planning and Scheduling
  • Protocol Engineering
  • Semi-Supervised Learning
  • Service-Oriented Computing
  • Simulator Training
  • Systems Integration and Collaboration
  • Systems Safety and Security
  • Team Performance
  • Video Processing
  • Virtual Reality
  • Visualization

Topics of interest for HMI is widely declared for the above, but not limited to.

Conference Registration Fees Rebate (Discount)

We are pleased to inform you that the organizing committee of the HMI2014 allocates a financial support for all participants from developing or emerging countries. This Financial support of among of 150 Dollars is available to help participants to attend HMI2014

You can find more details in:

  • REGISTRATION without discount

    Author Registration (Full Paper)

    250 USD

    Author Registration (Short Paper / Poster) 200 USD

    Listener Registration

    200 USD

    Extra Pages

    15 USD

  • REGISTRATION with discount

    Author Registration (Full Paper)

    100 USD

    Author Registration (Short Paper / Poster) 50 USD

    Listener Registration

    50 USD

    Extra Pages

    15 USD


We are waiting for seeing you in India.

NB : A select number of Post Conference Excursions will take place during 5 days.

As examples : 1 Day Tour to Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, Mathura in AC Bus : 25 $ per person 1 Day Tour to Qutub Minar, Parliament, Lotus Temple, India Gate, Gandhi Smiriti, Red Fort, Humayun's Tomb, Rajghat: 25 $ per person


Best Regards

 Mohamed Salim BOUHLEL General Co-Chair, HMI2014 Head of Research Unit: Sciences & Technologies of Image and Telecommunications ( Sfax University ) GSM +216 20 200005


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3-3-4(2015-01-12) International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, Lisbon, Portugal
International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing

January 12 - 15, 2015
Lisbon, Portugal

Technical Co-sponsorship by: BMES, ESEM and IEEE EMBS
In Cooperation with: EUROMICRO, ISfTeH, AAAI and EURASIP
Sponsored by: INSTICC
INSTICC is Member of: WfMC, OMG and FIPA
Media Partner: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
Logistics Partner: SCITEVENTS

Position Paper Submission: October 9, 2014 (extended deadline)
Position Paper Authors Notification: November 6, 2014 
Regular and Position Paper Camera Ready and Registration: November 17, 2014
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Christian Wellekens,

Let me kindly inform you that due to numerous requests the position paper submission deadline for the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS 2015 - has been extended to 9 October 2014. We hope you can participate in this prestigious conference by submitting a position paper reflecting your current research in any of the conference topics, which are detailed further below.

This conference is part of the 8th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSTEC ( and it is co-located with four related conference, namely:
- BIODEVICES - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (
- BIOIMAGING  - International Conference on Bioimaging (
- BIOINFORMATICS - International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms (
- HEALTHINF - International Conference on Health Informatics (
Registration to one conference allows free access to all other BIOSTEC conferences.

The conference will be sponsored by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC), held in cooperation with the EUROMICRO, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) and Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) and has a technical co-sponsorship by the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), European Society for Engineering and Medicine (ESEM) and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBS). INSTICC is Member of the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), Object Management Group (OMG) and Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA). The BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making will be the Media Partner and the Science and Technology Events (SCITEVENTS) the Logistics Partner.  

BIOSIGNALS is interested in promoting high quality research as it can be confirmed by last year acceptance rates, where from 70 submissions, 20% were presented as full papers.

We would like to highlight the presence of the following keynote speakers:
- Erik Meijering, Erasmus University Medical Center, Netherlands
- Lionel Pazart, CHU, France
- Nuno Sousa, University of Minho, Portugal
- David Rose, MIT Media Lab, United States

Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support.
It is planned to publish a short list of revised and extended versions of presented papers with Springer in a CCIS Series book. 
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP, EI (Elsevier Index) and Scopus.
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library ( SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef (

Special Sessions:
- Multivariable Processing for Biometric Systems – MPBS 2015 (
- BEyond SPeech Acoustics: Enhancing Communication through Non-acoustic Signals – BESPA 2015 (

- From Analysis Pipelines to Biological Insights from ChIP Sequencing Data
- Big Data Analytics in Biomedical Informatics

Best paper awards will be distributed during the conference closing session. Please check the website for further information (

Workshops, Special sessions, Tutorials as well as Demonstrations dedicated to other technical/scientific topics are also envisaged: companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in holding a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat. Workshop chairs and Special Session chairs will benefit from logistics support and other types of support, including secretariat and financial support, to facilitate the development of a valid idea.

Finally, we also would like to highlight the Doctoral Consortium on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies that will take place in conjunction with BIOSTEC and aims to provide an opportunity for graduate students to explore their research interests in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of a panel of distinguished experts in the field (

Please check further details at the BIOSIGNALS conference website ( 
Should you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me.

Kind regards,
Claudia Pinto 
On behalf of BIOSIGNALS Secretariat

Av. D. Manuel I, 27A 2.Esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 100 033 
Fax: +44 203 014 8813

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ana Fred, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes / IST, Portugal
Hugo Gamboa, CEFITEC / FCT - New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Dirk Elias, University of Porto / Fraunhofer, Portugal

Harald Loose, Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Please check the program committee members at

- Speech Recognition
- Neural Networks
- Biometrics
- Pattern Recognition
- Medical Signal Acquisition, Analysis and Processing
- Wearable Sensors and Systems
- Real-Time Systems
- Evolutionary Systems
- Acoustic Signal Processing
- Time and Frequency Response
- Wavelet Transform
- Medical Image Detection, Acquisition, Analysis and Processing
- Physiological Processes and Bio-signal Modeling, Non-linear dynamics
- Cybernetics and User Interface Technologies
- Electromagnetic fields in biology and medicine
- Fuzzy Systems and Signals
- Monitoring and Telemetry
- Cardiovascular Signals
- Image Analysis and Processing
- Detection and Identification
- Motion Control
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3-3-5(2015-02-12) 6th International Conference Information Systems and Economic Intelligence, Hammamet, Tunisia


6th edition of the International Conference

Information Systems and Economic Intelligence

February 12-14th., 2015 in Hammamet (Tunisia)


Special session: structuring multimedia streams

More and more documents and multimedia streams are available on the web. To exploit these extremely large and heterogeneous data, it is necessary to index or to annotate. This task cannot be done manually. We must therefore automatically segment, transcribe, classify, extract keywords and named entities, such as personal names, company names or place names. The results of these treatments provide a structured multimedia stream. These data will be very profitable for individuals, corporations and government agencies.

This special session focuses on different methodologies for structuring multimedia streams.

Important Dates:

Paper submissions (deadline): November 15th, 2014

Notification to authors: December 20th, 2014

Final version for accepted papers: January 5th, 2015




Paper Formats (DOC, RTF or PDF):



? Long papers (for completed research): must not exceed 15 pages.



? Short papers (for R&D research and state of the art, for professionals): must not exceed 8 pages.



Languages of the conference:

- Paper: all papers must be written in English

- Data show: all video projection (PowerPoint) must be written in English

- Presentation: oral presentations and discussions are permitted in English and/or in French.





? We invite you to submit your contributions from the site EasyChair Conference System:

Organizers of this special session: Irina Illina and Dominique Fohr (LORIA/INRIA, France)

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3-3-6(2015-03-02) LATA 2015 (extended submission deadline)
LATA 2015

Nice, France

March 2-6, 2015

Organized by:

CNRS, I3S, UMR 7271
Nice Sophia Antipolis University

Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University



LATA is a conference series on theoretical computer science and its applications. Following the tradition of the diverse PhD training events in the field developed at Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona since 2002, LATA 2015 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning of their career. It will aim at attracting contributions from classical theory fields as well as application areas.


LATA 2015 will take place in Nice, the second largest French city on the Mediterranean coast. The venue will be the University Castle at Parc Valrose.


Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited to:

algebraic language theory
algorithms for semi-structured data mining
algorithms on automata and words
automata and logic
automata for system analysis and programme verification
automata networks
automata, concurrency and Petri nets
automatic structures
cellular automata
combinatorics on words
computational complexity
data and image compression
descriptional complexity
digital libraries and document engineering
foundations of finite state technology
foundations of XML
fuzzy and rough languages
grammars (Chomsky hierarchy, contextual, unification, categorial, etc.)
grammatical inference and algorithmic learning
graphs and graph transformation
language varieties and semigroups
language-based cryptography
parallel and regulated rewriting
power series
string and combinatorial issues in bioinformatics
string processing algorithms
symbolic dynamics
term rewriting
trees, tree languages and tree automata
unconventional models of computation
weighted automata


LATA 2015 will consist of:

invited talks
invited tutorials
peer-reviewed contributions


to be announced


Andrew Adamatzky (West of England, Bristol, UK)
Andris Ambainis (Latvia, Riga, LV)
Franz Baader (Dresden Tech, DE)
Rajesh Bhatt (Massachusetts, Amherst, US)
José-Manuel Colom (Zaragoza, ES)
Bruno Courcelle (Bordeaux, FR)
Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú (Eötvös Loránd, Budapest, HU)
Aldo de Luca (Naples Federico II, IT)
Susanna Donatelli (Turin, IT)
Paola Flocchini (Ottawa, CA)
Enrico Formenti (Nice, FR)
Tero Harju (Turku, FI)
Monika Heiner (Brandenburg Tech, Cottbus, DE)
Yiguang Hong (Chinese Academy, Beijing, CN)
Kazuo Iwama (Kyoto, JP)
Sanjay Jain (National Singapore, SG)
Maciej Koutny (Newcastle, UK)
Antonín Kučera (Masaryk, Brno, CZ)
Thierry Lecroq (Rouen, FR)
Salvador Lucas (Valencia Tech, ES)
Veli Mäkinen (Helsinki, FI)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, ES, chair)
Filippo Mignosi (L’Aquila, IT)
Victor Mitrana (Madrid Tech, ES)
Ilan Newman (Haifa, IL)
Joachim Niehren (INRIA, Lille, FR)
Enno Ohlebusch (Ulm, DE)
Arlindo Oliveira (Lisbon, PT)
Joël Ouaknine (Oxford, UK)
Wojciech Penczek (Polish Academy, Warsaw, PL)
Dominique Perrin (ESIEE, Paris, FR)
Alberto Policriti (Udine, IT)
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran (Connecticut, Storrs, US)
Jörg Rothe (Düsseldorf, DE)
Frank Ruskey (Victoria, CA)
Helmut Seidl (Munich Tech, DE)
Ayumi Shinohara (Tohoku, Sendai, JP)
Bernhard Steffen (Dortmund, DE)
Frank Stephan (National Singapore, SG)
Paul Tarau (North Texas, Denton, US)
Andrzej Tarlecki (Warsaw, PL)
Jacobo Torán (Ulm, DE)
Frits Vaandrager (Nijmegen, NL)
Jaco van de Pol (Twente, Enschede, NL)
Pierre Wolper (Liège, BE)
Zhilin Wu (Chinese Academy, Beijing, CN)
Slawomir Zadrozny (Polish Academy, Warsaw, PL)
Hans Zantema (Eindhoven Tech, NL)


Sébastien Autran (Nice)
Adrian Horia Dediu (Tarragona)
Enrico Formenti (Nice, co-chair)
Sandrine Julia (Nice)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Tarragona, co-chair)
Christophe Papazian (Nice)
Julien Provillard (Nice)
Pierre-Alain Scribot (Nice)
Bianca Truthe (Giessen)
Florentina Lilica Voicu (Tarragona)


Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages (including eventual appendices, references, etc.) and should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see

Submissions have to be uploaded to:


A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series will be available by the time of the conference.

A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.


The period for registration is open from July 21, 2014 to March 2, 2015. The registration form can be found at:


Paper submission: October 16, 2014 (23:59 CET)  (extended)
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: November 18, 2014
Early registration: November 25, 2014
Final version of the paper for the LNCS proceedings: November 26, 2014
Late registration: February 16, 2015
Submission to the journal special issue: June 6, 2015



LATA 2015
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University
Av. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona, Spain

Phone: +34 977 559 543
Fax: +34 977 558 386


Nice Sophia Antipolis University
Rovira i Virgili University
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3-3-7(2015-03-18) CORIA 2015, Paris, France (papers accepted in French and in English)

Appel à communications CORIA 2015 ( et RJCRI 2015

Créée en 2004 par l'association ARIA (, regroupant les
chercheurs francophones du domaine de la recherche d'information (RI), la conférence
CORIA (Conférence en Recherche d'Information et Applications) verra sa douzième édition
se dérouler du 18 au 20 Mars 2015 à Paris, France (

Pendant la conférence CORIA 2015 seront également organisées les 10ièmes Rencontres
Jeunes Chercheurs en Recherche d'Information (RJCRI -
Elles ont pour objectif de permettre à tous les doctorants de présenter leur
problématique de recherche, d?établir des contacts avec des équipes travaillant sur des
domaines similaires ou connexes, et d?offrir à l?ensemble de la communauté un aperçu des
axes de recherche actuels.


CORIA et RJCRI 2015 encouragent les soumissions d'articles portant sur tous les thèmes de
la recherche d'information, mais aussi sur des thématiques connexes. Ces thématiques
incluent, sans y être limitées :

? Théorie et modèles formels pour la RI (modèle logique, modèles probabilistes, modèles
d'information, ...)
? Multilinguisme : Recherche d?information multilingue, traduction automatique
? Multimédia (images, audio, vidéos, son, musique) : indexation, navigation, accès, ...
? Passage à l?échelle : indexation, performances, architectures
? Classification automatique (y compris filtrage et routage), clustering, apprentissage
automatique, ordonnancement
? Modélisation du contexte, personnalisation
? Traitement Automatique de la Langue Naturelle pour la recherche d?information
? Systèmes de Questions Réponses
? Extraction d?informations : ontologies, ressources et recherche d?informations,
détection d?entités nommées et des relations
? Web : grands graphes, utilisation de la topologie du web, lois de puissances,
citations, analyse de liens
? RI et documents structurés : RI et XML, RI précise et recherche de passages
? Réseaux sociaux : analyse de réseaux, de rumeurs, diffusion d'information, prédiction
d'activités, ...
? Recherche collaborative : filtrage, systèmes de recommandation
? Interaction utilisateur : interrogation flexible, interfaces, visualisation,
modélisation de l?utilisateur, accessibilité, indexation collaborative
? Bibliothèques numériques (RI sur des livres numérisés, reconnaissance optique de
? Systèmes de recherche d?information dédiés : recherche d?information génomique,
médicale, géographique
? RI distribuée : recherche d?information mobile, située, P2P
? Outils pour la recherche d?information : évaluation, bancs d?essais, métriques,
expérimentations qualitatives des systèmes

Soumission des articles
Les articles, soumis à CORIA et/ou à RJCRI, peuvent être rédigés en anglais ou en
français. Ils doivent cependant être anonymes et ne comporter aucune mention qui pourrait
permettre d'identifier les auteurs. De plus, les articles soumis ou récemment acceptés à
des conférences internationales sont recevables, sous réserve qu?ils soient traduits et
adaptés pour CORIA ou RJCRI.

Les contributions peuvent concerner des travaux académiques ou des applications
industrielles. Les textes de communications doivent comporter 16 pages maximum pour les
soumissions à CORIA, et 10 pages maximum pour les journées RJCRI. Nous acceptons les
soumissions conjointes RJCRI & CORIA. Ces soumissions doivent être déposées sur les deux
sites de soumission. Dans le cas d'une double acceptation, l'article sera publié au
format 16 pages dans le cadre de la conférence CORIA. Dans le cas d'une acceptation seule
aux RJCRI, l'article devra être réduit à 10 pages.

Les articles devront être soumis au format PDF. La première page devra être une page de
garde comportant le titre de l'article, un résumé en anglais et en français, ainsi qu'une
liste de mots-clés, en français et en anglais. La mention « article soumis à CORIA et
RJCRI » doit être portée sur la page de garde le cas échéant. Les articles doivent
respecter le format revue Hermès, dont les feuilles de style Word/Open Office et Latex
peuvent être téléchargées depuis

Modalités spécifiques pour les soumissions RJCRI : les auteurs doivent être EXCLUSIVEMENT
des doctorant(e)s, des étudiant(e)s en Master ou de jeunes docteur(e)s ayant soutenu leur
thèse depuis moins d'un an. Les soumissions pour lesquelles apparaîtront des chercheurs
confirmés dans la liste des auteurs seront exclues. Les soumissions RJCRI doivent
également obligatoirement être accompagnées d'une lettre du directeur de recherche (à
fournir en tant que fichier attaché durant la soumission) qui devra, en particulier,
indiquer si le jeune chercheur est en 1ère, 2ème ou 3ème année de thèse.

Sites de soumission:


Dates importantes
? Soumission des articles : 15 décembre 2014
? Réponse aux auteurs : 26 janvier 2015
? Dépôt des articles définitifs : 23 février 2015
? Conférence : 18-20 mars 2015

Présidents des comités de programme CORIA-RJCRI
? Eric Gaussier (Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France)
? Mathias Géry (Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France)

Présidents du comité d?organisation
? Patrick Gallinari (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France)
- Brigitte Grau (Ecole Nationale supérieure d'informatique pour l'industrie et
l'entreprise, LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, France)

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3-3-8(2015-04-14) Interdisciplinary Workshop on Laughter and other Non-Verbal Vocalisations in Speech, Enschede, The Netherlands
Call for Papers for the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Laughter and other
Non-Verbal Vocalisations in Speech
14-15 April 2015, Enschede, The Netherlands
Following the previous workshops on laughter held in Saarbruecken (2007), Berlin
(2009), and Dublin (2012), we have the pleasure to announce a forthcoming
workshop in Enschede, the Netherlands in April 2015.
Non-verbal vocalisations in human-human and human-machine interactions play
important roles in displaying social and affective behaviors and in controlling
the flow of interaction. Laughter, sighs, filled pauses, and short utterances
such as feedback responses are among some of the non-verbal vocalisations that
have been studied previously from various research fields. However, much is
still unknown about the phonetic or visual characteristics of non-verbal
vocalisations (production/encoding) and their relations to their intentions and
perceived meanings (perception/decoding) in interaction.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together scientists from diverse research
areas and to provide an exchange forum for interdisciplinary discussions in
order to gain a better understanding of laughter and other non-verbal
vocalisations. The workshop will consist of invited talks and oral presentations
of ongoing research and discussion papers. 
We invite contributions concerning laughter and other non-verbal vocalisations
from the fields of phonetics, linguistics, psychology, conversation analysis,
social signal processing, and human-machine/robot interaction. In particular,
topics related to the following aspects are very much welcomed:
* Multimodal interaction: visual aspects of non-verbal vocalisations, e.g.,
smiles, relation between non-verbal vocalisations and visual behaviors
* Social and affective behavior: decoding and encoding of emotion/socio-related
states in non-verbal vocalisations
* Conversation: (pragmatic) role of non-verbal vocalisations in dialog
* Computation: automatic analysis and generation of non-verbal vocalisations
Submission procedure
Researchers are invited to submit an extended abstract of their work, including
work in progress. Please send your extended abstract of max. 3 pages, 11pt font
(including references) in PDF format to laughterworkshop2015 at gmail dot com.
Each submission should follow the ICSPhS style - the author kits (LaTeX and
Word) can be downloaded from the workshop website. In the email, please include
the name of the authors, their affiliations and the emailaddress of the
corresponding author, and a title of the abstract. Abstracts will undergo a
review process performed by at least 2 reviewers. The submissions will be made
available online.
Attendees are asked to register by sending an email to laughterworkshop2015 at
gmail dot com. A registration fee of 50 Euros has to be paid on site (in cash).
Important dates
* Abstract submission deadline: 9 February 2015
* Notification acceptance/rejection: 1 March 2015
* Registration deadline by email: 6 April 2015  
* Workshop dates: 14-15 April 2015
The DesignLab at University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
Please check the website for updated
information about the workshop!
Jürgen Trouvain, Computational Linguistics and Phonetics, Saarland University
Nick Campbell, School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences, Trinity
College Dublin
Khiet Truong, Human Media Interaction, University of Twente/Radboud University
Dirk Heylen, Human Media Interaction, University of Twente
Contact information
Khiet Truong | k dot p truong at utwente dot nl
Human Media Interaction, University of Twente
Artificial Intelligence, Radboud University

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3-3-9(2015-05-07) 3rd International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR2015), San Diego, USA

3rd International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR2015)

Submission deadline:  December 19, 2014
Location:  Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa, May 7-9, 2015

It is well understood that the performance of machine learning methods is heavily dependent on the choice of data representation (or features) on which they are applied. The rapidly developing field of representation learning is concerned with questions surrounding how we can best learn meaningful and useful representations of data. We take a broad view of the field, and include in it topics such as deep learning and feature learning, metric learning, kernel learning, compositional models, non-linear structured prediction, and issues regarding non-convex optimization.

Despite the importance of representation learning to machine learning and to application areas such as vision, speech, audio and NLP, there was no venue for researchers who share a common interest in this topic. The goal of ICLR has been to help fill this void.

A non-exhaustive list of relevant topics:
- unsupervised, semisupervised, and supervised representation learning
- metric learning and kernel learning
- dimensionality expansion
- sparse modeling
- hierarchical models
- optimization for representation learning
- learning representations of outputs or states
- implementation issues, parallelization, software platforms, hardware
- applications in vision, audio, speech, natural language processing, robotics, neuroscience, or any other field

The program will include keynote presentations from invited speakers, oral presentations, and posters.
This year, the program will also include a joint session with AISTATS.

ICLR's Two Tracks
ICLR has two publication tracks.

Conference Track: These papers are reviewed as standard conference papers. Papers should be between 6-9 pages in length. Accepted papers will be presented at the main conference as either an oral or poster presentation and will be included in the official proceedings.
A subset of accepted conference track papers will be selected to participate in a JMLR special topics issue on the subject of Representation Learning. Authors of the selected papers will be given an opportunity to extend their original submissions with supplementary material.

Workshop Track: Papers submitted to this track are ideally 2-3 pages long and describe late-breaking developments. This track is meant to carry on the tradition of the former Snowbird Learning Workshop. These papers are non-archival workshop papers, and therefore may be published elsewhere.

Note that submitted conference track papers that are not accepted to the conference proceedings are automatically considered for the workshop track.

ICLR Submission Instructions
1. Authors should post their submissions (both conference and workshop tracks) on arXiv:
2. Once the arXiv paper is publicly visible (there can be an approx. 30 hour delay), authors should go to the openreview ICLR2015 website to submit to either the conference track or the workshop track.

To register on the openreview ICLR2015 website, the submitting author must have a Google account.

For more information on paper preparation, including style files and the URL for the openreview ICLR2015 website, please see

Submission deadline:  December 19, 2014

i. Regarding the conference submission's 6-9 page limits, these are really meant as guidelines and will not be strictly enforced. For example, figures should not be shrunk to illegible size to fit within the page limit. However, in order to ensure a reasonable workload for our reviewers, papers that go beyond the 9 pages should be formatted to include a 9 page submission and a separate supplementary material submission that will be optionally reviewed. If the paper is selected for the JMLR special topic issue, this supplementary material can be incorporated into the final journal version.
ii. Workshop track submissions should be formatted as a short paper, with introduction, problem statement, brief explanation of solution, figure(s) and references. They should not merely be abstracts.
iii. Paper revisions will be permitted, and in fact are encouraged, in response to comments from and discussions with the reviewers (see 'An Open Reviewing Paradigm' below).
iv. Authors are encouraged to post their papers to arXiv early enough that the paper has an arXiv number and URL by the submission deadline of 19 Dec. 2014.  However, if these are not yet available, authors have up to one week after the submission deadline to provide the arXiv number and URL. At submission time, simply provide the title, authors, abstract, and temporary arXiv number indicating that the paper has been submitted to arXiv.

An Open Reviewing Paradigm
1. Submissions to ICLR are posted on arXiv prior to being submitted to the conference.
2. Authors submit their paper to either the ICLR conference track or workshop track via the the openreview ICLR2015 website.
3. After the authors have submitted their papers via, the ICLR program committee designates anonymous reviewers as usual.
4. The submitted reviews are published without the name of the reviewer, but with an indication that they are the designated reviews.
5. Anyone can openly (non-anonymously) write and publish comments on the paper. Anyone can ask the program chairs for permission to become an anonymous designated reviewer (open bidding). The program chairs have ultimate control over the publication of each anonymous review. Open commenters will have to use their real names, linked with their Google Scholar profiles.
6. Authors can post comments in response to reviews and comments. They can revise the paper as many times as they want, possibly citing some of the reviews.  Reviewers are expected to revise their reviews in light of paper revisions.
7. The review calendar includes a generous amount of time for discussion between the authors, anonymous reviewers, and open commentators.  The goal is to improve the quality of the final submissions.
8. The ICLR program committee will consider all submitted papers, comments, and reviews and will decide which papers are to be presented in the conference track, which are to be presented in the workshop track, and which will not appear at ICLR.
9. Papers that are presented in the workshop track or are not accepted will be considered non-archival, and may be submitted elsewhere (modified or not), although the ICLR site will maintain the reviews, the comments, and the links to the arXiv versions.

General Chairs
Yoshua Bengio, Université de Montreal
Yann LeCun, New York University and Facebook

Program Chairs
Brian Kingsbury, IBM Research
Samy Bengio, Google
Nando de Freitas, University of Oxford
Hugo Larochelle, Université de Sherbrooke

The organizers can be contacted at

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3-3-10(2015-05-28) International Conference for Young Researchers in Linguistics, Toulouse, France (extended deadline)

International Conference for Young Researchers in Linguistics







In Linguistics:

Units and Levels of Analysis




May 28th and 29th 2015

Toulouse - France



Submission Deadline:

Friday October 24th 2014


Call for Papers


The doctoral students in Linguistics of the laboratories at Toulouse University, France:


CLLE-ERSS (Équipe de Recherche en Syntaxe et Sémantique)

IRIT (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse)

OCTOGONE-Lordat (Centre Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Langage et de la Cognition)


are organizing the 5th edition of JéTou (Journées d'études Toulousaines), an international conference aiming at gathering doctoral students and young researchers (who have defended their dissertation within the past three years) together, from the different disciplines of Linguistics, on an open and multidisciplinary theme.


This 2015 edition will be devoted to a reflection on the following theme: “Discourse(s) in Linguistics: Units and Levels of Analysis”.


The term discourse, understood in its broadest sense as a multimodal language production (oral, written, verbal, gestural) is at the heart of Linguistics. Both in production and reception, investigation methods have led to analysis levels with variable granularities, where overlapping units maintain relationships with strong interdependence. Therefore, discourse depends on both the object and the meaning given to it.


Common issues are: planning, segmentation, organization, modeling. A valuable reflection involving different fields arises from these challenges; more than ever, an interdisciplinary practice is necessary to further the various aspects of discourse.


Research in these fields has taken different forms. Besides, the gap between theoretical models and empirical studies based on real data has been significantly reduced in the last few years. Qualitative as well as quantitative, these works have raised new questions: choice of units, collection and annotation of corpora, evaluation procedures, comparison and interpretation of results, etc.


This edition will focus mainly on levels of analysis and units in discourse. Possible topics include:


  • Phonetics and Phonology:availability and authenticity of oral corpora, phonetic and phonological features of discourse (monolingual or bilingual) in perception and production.


  • Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics:macrosyntax, dynamic semantics, argumentation, speech acts, organizational frameworks, cohesion, coherence.


  • Terminology and Text Linguistics:genres of discourse, variations, corpus construction, termino-ontological networks.


  • Sociolinguistics : genre diversity, code-switching, code-mixing, dialectal variations.


  • Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics:pathological speech, bilingual speech, planning, organizing, processing, development and cognitive aging.


  • Acquisition and Learning of Languages:mutual contributions between the study of discourse and learning L1 and L2, interference.


  • Natural Language Processing:parsing rhetoric, synthesis and speech recognition, information extraction, importance of discourse in local use (morpho-syntactic tagging, named entity recognition).


Obviously, this list does not include all the research possibilities following from the theme of the conference, which is why every submission that addresses the notions of discourse in the Language Sciences will be read and reviewed. Proposals which include theoretical reflections and actual data will be particularly appreciated.


JéTou 2015 offers a challenging theme that every field of Language Sciences can adapt for themselves. This conference will give the opportunity, to those who wish to come, to ask questions, discuss and compare their work, their methods, their reflections in an interdisciplinary context, which favours positive interactions and constructive debates.


Guest Speakers :


  • Nicholas Asher, IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France)

  • Anne-Catherine Simon, Valibel, Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-laNeuve, Belgium)


Submission Guidelines:


Articles must be written in French or English.


Submissions must not exceed 3 pages for an oral presentation as well as for a scientific poster (references included). These three pages must include a title, a summary and up to 5 keywords (letter type: Times New Roman 12, simple spacing, normal margin). You can indicate by email your preference for an oral presentation (20 min + 10 min for questions) or for a scientific poster, but the final decision on the format of the presentation will be made by the organization committee alone.


Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair conference system:


The conference proceedings will be published and given to the participants (5 pages for a scientific poster and 10 pages for an oral presentation).



Selection Criteria


Each submission will be reviewed by at least two experts in the relevant field. The following elements will be considered:

  • The importance and originality of the contribution.

  • The validity of the scientific and technical content.

  • The critical discussion of the results, especially when compared to existing work

. in the field.

  • The adequacy with the conference themes. - The organization and clarity of writing.




Deadline for submission of summaries: Friday October 10th 2014,

Notification of acceptance: Friday November 21st 2014,

Submission deadline for long papers: Friday January 16th 2015,

Submission deadline for final versions: Friday April 10th 2015,


Conference: Thursday May 28th and Friday May 29th 2015 at Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès (Mirail campus).


Organising Committee


Francesca Cortelazzo, Jean-Philippe Fauconnier, Laury Garnier, Luce Lefeuvre, Sophie Mayras-Cauchois, Olivier Nocaudie, Florian Savreux, Maxime Warnier.





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3-3-11(2015-06-10) Appel à communications : Analyse des discours hors-normes :,approches, concepts et méthodes, Univ. Sherbrooke, Canada

      Plus d'informations sur

Depuis peu, on voit émerger un intérêt réciproque entre des sous-disciplines des Sciences du langage qui n’avaient guère coutume de dialoguer : la présente rencontre, qui réunit analystes du discours, phonéticiens, sémanticiens, didacticiens, acquisitionnistes, historiens de la langue et des représentations linguistiques, sociologues du langage etc. en est une illustration. Ce choc des cultures amène l’analyse du discours à considérer des discours oraux, écrits, hybrides sortant de « l’ordinaire », à s’ouvrir à une analyse de discours qui, envisagés depuis les traditions disciplinaires de l’AD et du point de vue de leurs fonctionnements ou encore des présupposés épistémologiques qu’ils interrogent ou bousculent, peuvent être qualifiés de hors-normes.

Les domaines d’études où le hors-norme se manifeste ne sont pas limités aux points listés ci-dessous, toute proposition pertinente sera étudiée avec attention.

  • Discours analysés dans le domaine de la littératie

    Très peu d’études convoquent l’analyse de discours dans les études de littératie, bien qu’elle se révèle particulièrement intéressante pour examiner les rapports exprimés à la lecture/écriture, les productions en tant que telles ainsi que les discours publics sur les questions de littératie. De nombreux paramètres sont à prendre en considération si l’on considère la littératie selon une acception socio-culturelle (New Litteracy Studies) : rapports de pouvoir entre certaines littératies (pratiques hors-normes) et discours dominants (y compris langue commune) ; descriptions sociales et discursives de pratiques innovantes (le parlécrit (Jeay,1991) des textes/SMS) ; parcours interprétatifs imprévus, décalés en contexte de réception : quelles marges discursives pour l’interprétation hors-norme ? On accordera une attention particulière à l’historicité des normes linguistiques. L’accès à la lecture et à l’écriture a une histoire : comment, dans ses différents moments, sa gradualité a-t-elle été appréhendée ? On interrogera l’espace discursif qu’occupent ceux que l’on a pu nommer ici peu-lettrés, ailleurs semicolti, ou encore situer dans le clair-obscur du « substandard ».

  • Discours analysés dans le domaine des situations de travail, de la vie socio-professionnelle, des politiques sociales, de l’emploi, du travail social

    Cadrés par de nombreuses injonctions politiques et par des discours prescriptifs, les univers organisés sont des lieux de fabrication et de circulation de normes. Lorsqu’elles sont mises en débat, celles-ci n’induisent-elles que de la légitimation ou de la contestation ? Des discours porteurs de « logiques autres », de rationalités hétérogènes, alternatives, voire dissidentes sont-ils développés ? Le hors-norme exprime-t-il un discours de résistance ? de refus ? de retrait ? de débrouille pour échapper aux contraintes du travail ou des politiques publiques ? Quelles sont ses propriétés (inter)discursives, énonciatives, argumentatives ?

  • Discours analysés dans le domaine de la pathologie du langage, ou des pathologies censées affecter le langage

    Quel rôle jouent, dans la perception du hors norme, le « référent interne » (Fex, 1992), la variabilité des canons esthétiques, l’attitude des soignants et aidants ? Quelle correspondance entre cette perception et la description des discours produits ? Quels paramètres (articulatoires, acoustiques, linguistiques,…) caractérisent un discours pathologique par rapport à un discours dit « normal » ? La notion d’art brut a ouvert une approche de certaines de ces productions en tant que phénomènes de création (Adam, 2012), l’AD peut-elle proposer d’autres pistes ?

  • Discours analysés dans le domaine des études de l’oralité

    Quels ratés de la communication orale, quels dérapages, glissements involontaires qui produisent des équivoques, des lapsus et malentendus ? Quels énoncés constituent les chutes des corpus oraux, les énoncés délaissés, faute de catégories analytiques adéquates ? En quoi certains énoncés ou bribes d’énoncés oraux sortent-ils des cadres d’analyse prévisibles ? Pourquoi ces énoncés semblent-ils défier les outils notionnels et méthodologiques de l’analyste ?

  • Discours analysés dans le domaine de l’acquisition du langage

    Le discours de l’enfant, de l’apprenant s’inscrit dans un processus. Par nature « hors-normes », il est pourtant observé en référence à des stades de développement, constituant une forme de norme. Pour comprendre comment s’opèrent perception et signalement du hors-norme, on s’interrogera notamment sur les notions de (hors)-norme scolaire tel qu’il est formulé dans les discours institutionnels et sociaux, sur les attitudes socio-discursives des parents, éducateurs et enseignants.

Sous quelles formes, quels contenus et selon quelles conditions de production, les discours sociaux recourent-ils au hors-norme ? Selon quels paramètres sociaux et discursifs les locuteurs placent-ils le curseur entre norme et hors-norme ? En interrogeant la qualification de « hors-norme » appliquée à des discours, ce colloque invite aussi à repenser les normes de l’analyse de discours.

Éléments de bibliographie

Adam, Jean-Michel, 2012, Préface de Ecrivainer. La Langue morcelée de Samuel Daiber, par Vincent Capt, Lausanne, Infolio Collection de l’Art Brut, Collection Contre-courant.

Angenot, Marc,2008, Dialogues de sourds. Traité de rhétorique antilogique, Paris, Mille et une nuit, collection Essais.

Bourdieu, Pierre, 1983 « Vous avez dit 'populaire' ? », Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, Vol. 46, L’usage de la parole, p. 98-105.

Branca-Rosoff, Sonia, Schneider, Nathalie, 1994, L’écriture des citoyens. Une analyse linguistique de l'écriture des peu-lettrés pendant la période révolutionnaire, Paris, Klincksieck.

Bres, Jacques, Haillet, Patrick-Pierre, Mellet, Sylvie, Nolke, Henning, Rosier, Laurence (éds), 2005, Dialogisme et polyphonie, Bruxelles, De Boeck.

Collette, Karine, Rousseau, Jean, 2013, « Littératie et responsabilité en santé », Globe, revue internationale d’études québécoises, vol.16, no 1, p. 133-157.

De Robillard, Didier, 2008, Perspectives alterlinguistiques, Paris, L’Harmattan, vol. 1 et 2.

Demonet Michel, Geffroy Annie, Gouaze Jean, Lafon Pierrre, Mouillaud, Maurice, Tournier, Maurice, 1978 [1975], Des tracts en Mai 68. Mesures de vocabulaire et de contenu, Paris, Champ libre (1re édition : Presses de la FNSP).

Didirkova, Ivana, Hirsch, Fabrice, 2014, « Etude préliminaire des caractéristiques phonétiques sur le bégaiement : le cas du français et du slovaque », Actes des XXXe Journées d'Etudes sur
la Parole
, Le Mans, 23-27 juin,

Ernst Gerhard, 2003, « Les peu lettrés devant les normes de la textualité », D. Osthus, C. Polzin-Haumann, C. Schmitt (éds), La norme linguistique, Bonn, Romanistischer Verlag.

Ernst, Gerhard, 2010, « “qu’il n’y a orthographe ny virgule encorre moins devoielle deconsol et pleinne delacunne“ : la norme des personnes peu lettrées (XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles) », M. Iliescu, H. Siller-Runggaldier, P. Danler (éds), Actes du XXVe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, Innsbruck 2007, Berlin, New York, De Gruyter, vol. 3, p. 543-551.

Fairon, Cédric, Cougnon, Louise-Amélie, 2014, SMS Communication. A Linguistic Approach, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins.

Fex Sören, « Perceptual evaluation », Journal of Voice, 1992, 6, p. 155-158.

Foucault, Michel, 1973, Moi, Pierre Rivière ayant égorgé ma mère, ma sœur et mon frère : un cas de parricide au XIX e siècle, Paris, Gallimard.
Gadet, Françoise, Pêcheux, Michel, 1998,  La langue introuvable, Paris, Maspero.
Jeay, Anne-Marie, Les messageries télématiques, Paris, Eyrolles, 1991.

Larrivée, Pierre, 2011, « Au-delà de la polyphonie », Le Français moderne, 79, 1, p.223-234.

Macherey, Pierre, 2009, De Canguilhem à Foucault. La force des normes, Paris, La Fabrique.

Maingueneau, Dominique, 2014, Discours et analyse de discours, Paris, Armand Colin.

Manesse, Danièle, « Les enfants des classes populaires, la langue et la norme », Cahiers pédagogiques, 500, p. 92-94.

Panckhurst, Rachel, Moïse, Claudine, 2011, « SMS « conversationnels » : caractéristiques interactionnelles et pragmatiques », 79e colloque Acfas, Sherbrooke, May 9-10, 2011.

Paveau, Marie-Anne, 2010, « La norme dialogique. Propositions critiques en philosophie du discours », Semen, n° 19, p. 141-159.

Pêcheux, Michel, 1969, L’analyse automatique du discours, Paris, Dunod.

Ricoeur, Paul, 1986, l’idéologie et l’utopie, Paris, Seuil, 1997.

Sarfati, Georges-Élia, 2008, « Pragmatique linguistique et normativité : remarque sur les modalités discursives du sens commun », Langages vol. 2, 170, p. 92-108.

Siouffi, Gilles, Steuckardt, Agnès (éds), 2007, Les linguistes et la norme, Berne, Peter Lang.
Tournier, Maurice, 2002, Propos d’étymologie sociale 1, 2 et 3, Lyon, ENS Éditions.

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3-3-12(2015-06-11) 18th Meeting Young Researchers (RJC 2015), Paris, France

18th Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs (RJC 2015)

from June 11th, 2015 to June 12th, 2015

Created in 1998, the Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs (RJC) of the Doctoral School “Langage

et langues” (ED 268, Sorbonne Nouvelle University - Paris 3) offer junior researchers

preparing for a master's or a doctorate degree, as well as post-doctorates, the opportunity to

present their work in paper or poster sessions.

“Language contact: situations, representations, realizations”

Introduced by U. Weinreich (1953), the notion of ‘language contact’ has to do with

any situation where two languages are simultaneously present, thus affecting an individual’s

or a community’s linguistic behavior (Moreau, 1997). ‘Language contact’ is at the heart of

both linguistic variation and linguistic change, in their diachronic and synchronic aspects. The

phenomenon takes place in spaces the borders of which fluctuate depending on migrations,

economic and cultural dynamics, or political policies (colonization, external cultural

domination…). The 18th Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs offer an opportunity to think about

connections and interferences between languages on the one hand, and between varieties

inside a given language on the other hand, both from a synchronic and from a diachronic


In recent years, an increasing number of research studies on ‘language contact’ have

been led in a renewed methodological and epistemological frame of reference, based on

variability awareness and on rooting linguistic data in materiality (Nicolai, 2007). These

works are at opposite extremes from those conducted during the nineteenth century, since the

latter dismissed the mere idea of ‘language contact’, in order to focus on language filiation

instead (Tabouret-Keller, 1988). The conference addresses the issue of ‘language contact’

through three complementary notions: ‘situation’, ‘representation’ and ‘realization’.

Tackling ‘language contact’ implies observing and making an empirical description

not only of institutional, social, professional and family circumstances, but also of language

learning and language acquisition in plurilinguistic or diglossic contexts. In addition,

‘situation’ is deeply implanted in psycholinguistics as well: mastering several languages

impacts brain structure and cognitive processes. The term should therefore be understood in a

broader sense, as it can refer to both individual and collective levels of analysis. Regional

languages and language choices made by multilingual writers are examples thereof.

Moreover, ‘language contact’ also takes part in the tension between language

description and linguistic prescription. The conference will take into consideration the way

speakers, as well as linguists and grammarians, build and convey social and metalinguistic

representations of languages in contact, based on their own judgement. Studying ‘language

contact’ is an invitation to discuss identity construction processes and to examine further

notions such as ‘linguistic insecurity’ or ‘imagined communities’ (Anderson, 1983).

Realizations pertaining to language contact are many and diverse. They are indeed

compound language productions, some of which may be viewed from a collective standpoint,

like borrowings, or Creole and pidgin languages. Others are to be observed from an individual

angle, for instance interferences (phonic, syntactic, lexical) caused, in part, by transfers

between the various languages known to a multilingual speaker. To this framework belong

‘code switching’ and, in the field of acquisition and didactics, ‘interlanguage’.

The great variety of such realizations sheds new light on current language typologies.

Similarly, new problems arise in the area of natural language processing, where multilingual

corpora are giving birth to methodological issues that differ from those raised by monolingual

corpora. Likewise, translation studies appear as a kind of language contact realization; as a

matter of fact, translators have to deal with theoretical and practical difficulties regarding both

languages brought into contact through translation and languages already in contact in the

original texts (Ballard, 2006).

All of the mentioned theoretical approaches are likely to bring researchers in

linguistics to discuss a shared topic, and allow them to reflect on this discipline’s status within

the Humanities. Participants are encouraged to consider all means of language expression

(oral, written, sign language).


ANDERSON Benedict (1983), Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread

of Nationalism, Londres: Verso.

BALLARD Michel (2005-2006) (dir.), La traduction, contact de langues et de cultures, 2

vol., Arras: Artois Presses Université.

MOREAU Marie-Louise (1997), Sociolinguistique. Concepts de base, Bruxelles: Mardaga.

NICOLAI Robert (2007), « Le contact des langues : point aveugle du ‘linguistique’ », Journal

of Language Contact, Evolution of languages, contact and discourse, Thema n° 1: 1-10.

TABOURET-KELLER Andrée (1988), « Contacts de langues : deux modèles du XIXème

siècle et leurs rejetons aujourd'hui », Langage et société, n° 43: 9-22.

WEINREICH Uriel (1953), Languages in contact, findings and problems, New York:

Linguistic Circle of New York.

Scientific committee:

Martine ADDA DECKER, José Ignacio AGUILAR RIO, Angélique AMELOT, Nicolas


BEHR, Violaine BIGOT, Philippe BOULA DE MAREUIL, Maria CANDEA, Jean-Louis

CHISS, Francine CICUREL, Matteo DE CHIARA, Geneviève DE WECK, Jeanne-Marie

DEBAISIEUX, Didier DEMOLIN, Christine DEPREZ, Serge FLEURY, Jean-Marie


Anna GHIMENTON, Daniel GILE, Luca GRECO, Yana GRINSHPUN, Jean-Patrick

GUILLAUME, Pierre HALLE, Rouba HASSAN, Agnès HENRI, Frédéric ISEL, Raphaël

KABORE, Takeki KAMIYAMA, Dominique KLINGLER, René LACROIX, Marie-Christine

LALA, Florence LEFEUVRE, Cécile LEGUY, Catherine MULLER, Valélia MUNI TOKE,


Konstantin POZDNIAKOV, Christian PUECH, Sandrine REBOUL-TOURE,





Organizing committee:


Ophélie GANDON, Laura GUZMAN, Fanny IVENT, Muriel JORGE, Janina

KLEIN, Mathilde MECHLING, Coraline PRADEAU, Komi SIMNARA, Marco


The conference is open to graduate students (master’s degree, doctorate), young


Free admission

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

Important dates :

Submission deadline : January 28th, 2015

Notification of acceptance : mid-April 2015

Corrected article deadline : mid-May 2015

Conference dates : June 11th and 12th, 2015

Conference location:

Institut de linguistique et de phonétique générales et appliquées (ILPGA)

Address: 19, rue des Bernardins - 75005 PARIS

Public transportation : Metro : Maubert Mutualité (line 10) ; Bus: 24, 47, 63, 86, 87 ; RER :

Saint Michel (B and C lines)


Oral presentations and posters will be made in English or in French.

Oral presentations will be allocated 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for discussion.

The size of the posters will be A0. Poster authors will be invited to give a short oral

presentation of their work.

Submission :

Paper submissions are to be sent by e-mail to the following address: rjc-ed268@univparis3.

fr, before January 28th, 2015.

The e-mail message should specify :

Personal data (last name, first name, e-mail and personal postal address);

University affiliation;

Educational level (master / doctorate / postdoc; specify the number of years for the doctorate);

Research supervisor(s);

Research field(s) of the submitted paper;

Title of the submitted paper.

Submissions are to be sent in the form of an article, in an attached .rtf file named

“rjc2015_NAME.rtf” (eg: “rjc2015_SMITH.rtf”). This file should contain only the following


Title of the submitted paper;

Summary of about 100 words, in the paper’s language;

5 keywords in French, the same keywords in English;

For oral presentations: a 6 to 8-page article (25 000 characters maximum, spaces included) ;

for posters: a 5-page article (15 000 characters maximum, spaces included);


The format of the article should be as follows:

- Times New Roman 12 pt font;

- 1,5 line spacing;

- 2,5 cm margins at all edges;

- justified left and right;

- headings: Times New Roman 12 pt, bold, using a hierarchical numbering (1. ; 1.1. ;

1.1.1) and no more than 3 heading levels.

In the case of phonetic transcriptions, please use the SILDoulos font, available here.

Only one submission will be examined for each participant.

The accepted submissions will be sent back to the authors in order to be corrected and laid out

in mid-April.

The corrected article will have to be transmitted to the organizing committee before the


The organizing committee reserves the right to refuse an article that would not meet the

conference’s scientific requirements after correction.

Publication :

The proceedings will be published on-line after the conference.

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3-3-13(2015-06-17) 20th International Conference on Application of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB'15), Passau, Germany

Call for Papers: 20th International Conference on Application of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB'15)

Conference website:

NLDB 2015 invites researchers from academia and industry to submit papers for oral or poster presentations on recent, unpublished research that addresses theoretical aspects, algorithms, applications, architectures for applied and integrated NLP, resources for applied NLP, and other aspects of NLP, as well as survey and discussion papers.

Special Track: Semantic and Cognitive Computing
For the 20th edition of NLDB, we especially solicit submissions for our special track: Natural Language and its connection to Semantic and Cognitive Computing. Semantic computing aims at connecting the meaning of the user?s need with semantics of content in a multidisciplinary fashion. Cognitive Computing systems naturally interact with people and learn over time. While natural language understanding is necessary for semantic understanding and interacting with a cognitive system (e.g. a question answering system or a search application), it is an open question how to leverage direct or indirect user feedback for improving the overall system's output, but also for improving the natural language processing stack and evolving the system's knowledge representations. Further, the interaction of natural language and formalized knowledge repositories is attained differently in the literature.  Papers for the special track especially focus on the adaptivity and the combination of NL and knowledge processing systems: domain adaptation, adaptation over time, adaptivity and user feedback, wisdom of the crowds, information fusion from heterogeneous sources, incremental/online machine learning. We especially encourage submission of survey and discussion papers for the special track.

NLDB'15 Topics
Further, we encourage submissions on the following topics:

* Applications of NLP in Information Systems: Multilingual Information Systems, NLP in Requirement Engineering, NLP in Knowledge Management, Semantic Data Integration and Data Cleaning.

* Social Media and Web Data: Corpus analysis, Language identification, Text normalization, Robust NLP for social media, Text classification, Information Extraction and Sentiment Analysis for social media.

* Semantic Web Open Linked Data: Ontology Learning and Alignment, Populating ontologies, Querying Ontologies and linked data, Semantic tagging and classification, Ontology-driven NLP.

* Question Answering (QA): NL interfaces to databases, QA using web data, multi-lingual QA, Non-factoid QA (how/why/opinion questions, lists), geographical QA, QA corpora and training sets.

* Natural language and Ubiquitous Computing: Pervasive Computing, Embedded, Robotic and Mobile Applications.

* Natural Language in Conceptual Modeling: Analysis of Natural Language Descriptions, Terminological Ontologies, Consistency Checking, Metadata Creation and Harvesting, Ontology-driven Systems Integration, Ontology Management.

* NLP Applications: Business Intelligence, Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis, QA systems, Event Detection, Named Entity and Event Detection, Information Extraction, Summarization, NLP for Data Mining, NLP for Data Warehouses, Plagiarism detection, Identity detection.

Submission information
All accepted papers will be included in Springer proceedings of the conference. We solicit four types of papers:
* Long papers: Up to 12 pages, plus references. Long papers should describe unpublished, complete research
* Short papers: Up to 6 pages, plus references. Short papers describe a comparative evaluation of existing works, a negative result, or consist of a survey, discussion or position paper. 
* Poster and Demo papers: Up to 4 pages, plus references: Poster/Demo papers describe a small focused result, a negative result, or a late-breaking result, or a description of a system that can be demonstrated on-site at the conference.

Siegfried Handschuh, University of Passau, Germany (Conference Chair)
Elisabeth Métais, CNAM, France (Conference Chair)
Farid Meziane, University of Salford, UK (Conference Chair)
Chris Biemann, TU Darmstadt, Germany (Program Chair)
André Freitas, University of Passau, Germany / Insight, Ireland (Local Organisation Chair)

Senior Programme Committee
Gerard de Melo, Tsinghua University, China
Valia Kordoni, HU Berlin, Germany
Mathieu Lafourcade, LIRMM, France
Johannes Leveling, CNGL, Dublin City University, Ireland
Els Lefever, Ghent University, Belgium
Simone Paolo Ponzetto, University of Mannheim, Germany
Mathieu Roche, Cirad, TETIS, France
Maguelonne Teisseire, Irstea, TETIS, France
Christina Unger, CITEC, Universität Bielefeld, Germany
Torsten Zesch, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Michael Zock, CNRS-LIF, France

Important Dates
January 31, 2015: Deadline for paper submission
March 15, 2015: Notifications
March 31, 2015: Final versions due
June 17-19, 2015: Conference in Passau, Germany

Conference website:

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3-3-14(2015-06-22) 22nd conference on Natural Language Processing, Caen, France,

TALN 2015 Conference
Call for Workshops

22nd conference on Natural Language Processing
University of Caen Lower Normandy
June 22-25, 2015 - Caen, France
Workshops are aimed at specific TALN themes in order to gather targeted presentations. Each workshop has its own program committee and president. Each workshop organizer is in charge of the workshop call for papers and paper selection. The TALN conference committee will make take care of the local arrangements and organization (conference rooms, breaks and paper publication).
-Workshop submission deadline: Friday, January 30, 2015 (23:59 Paris time)
-Program Committee response: Friday, February 6 2015
-Camera ready paper due: Friday, May 8, 2015
Workshop proposals should be sent via email to Jean-Marc Lecarpentier (jean-marc.lecarpentier[at] Proposals should include a brief description of the theme and goals of the workshop (1 page in PDF), the composition of the program committee and the wished length of the workshop. The TALN program committee will select workshops amongst the proposals received.
Workshop papers are in French (or in English for authors not speaking French). Workshop papers must adhere to the TALN style and are between 12 and 14 pages.

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3-3-15(2015-06-29) 6èmes Journées de Phonétique clinique, Montpellier, France

1er appel à communication

6èmes Journées de Phonétique clinique

Montpellier 29 juin - 1er juillet 2015


Organisées pour la première fois à Paris en 2005 puis rééditées successivement à Grenoble (2007), Aix-en-Provence (2009), Strasbourg (2011) et Liège  (2013), les Journées de Phonétique Clinique (JPC) réunissent des chercheurs et des ingénieurs mais aussi des médecins (ORL, phoniatres, chirurgiens,?) ainsi que des orthophonistes s?intéressant tous aux questions liées aux pathologies de la parole et du langage.

Les 6èmes Journées de Phonétique Clinique, qui font suite aux précédentes éditions, se dérouleront à Montpellier du 29 juin au 1er juillet 2015, où elles sont organisées conjointement par le laboratoire Praxiling (CNRS UMR 5267, Université Paul-Valéry), le Département Universitaire d?Orthophonie (Université Montpellier 1), l?Institut des Neurosciences de Montpellier (INSERM U1051) et le CHU Gui de Chauliac de Montpellier (service des troubles de la voix et de la déglutition).

L?objectif de ces Journées interdisciplinaires sera de faire progresser les connaissances fondamentales relatives à la communication parlée, dans le but de mieux comprendre, évaluer, diagnostiquer et remédier aux troubles de la production et de la perception de la parole, du langage et de la voix chez les sujets pathologiques.

Dans ce contexte, cette série de colloques internationaux représente une opportunité pour des professionnels, des chercheurs confirmés et des jeunes chercheurs de formations différentes de présenter des résultats expérimentaux nouveaux et d?échanger des idées de diverses perspectives. Ainsi, des données sur la production et la perception de la parole chez le sujet sain et chez le sujet pathologique peuvent être analysées de manière adéquate et des modèles peuvent être développés, de sorte que les mécanismes qui gouvernent la production et la perception de la parole puissent être mieux compris, et exploités efficacement, en particulier dans le cadre d?applications cliniques.

Les propositions de communications porteront ainsi sur les études de la parole et de la voix pathologiques, chez l?adulte et chez l?enfant.

Les thèmes des 6èmes Journées de Phonétique Clinique incluront donc, de façon non exhaustive, les problématiques suivantes :

·       Perturbations du système oro-pharyngo-laryngé
·       Parole et perturbations des systèmes perceptifs, auditifs et visuels
·       Troubles cognitifs et moteurs de la parole et du langage
·       Modélisation de la parole et de la voix pathologiques
·       Évaluation fonctionnelle du langage, de la parole et de la voix.
·       Diagnostic et traitement des troubles de la parole et de la voix parlée et chantée
·       Instrumentation et ressources en phonétique clinique
-  ?.

Pour cette 6° édition, une attention toute particulière sera accordée à la question innovante de la prise en charge des populations bilingues et/ou polyglottes. Ainsi, les propositions portant sur la question de l?adaptation (ou de l?inadaptation) des outils de dépistage et de prise en charge dans une perspective translinguistique et/ou transculturelle bénéficieront d?un intérêt tout particulier.

Dates Importantes
Deadline pour soumission des propositions de communication (résumé de 500 mots hors bibliographie) : 1er mars 2015
Ouverture de la plateforme de dépôt des propositions : 1er février 2015
Notification aux auteurs : 7 avril 2015
Conférence : 29 juin-1er Juillet 2015
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1st TO 3rd JULY 2015


This international and interdisciplinary conference focuses on original and innovative work on the complex dynamic character of the consecutivity/simultaneity couple in the field of linguistics. It covers all disciplines of linguistics, as well as other related scientific areas (e.g. information sciences, computer sciences, medicine, etc.) preoccupied resolutely by linguistic issues.

If the paradigm of consecutivity usually examines phenomena which succeed in time, in space and in a conceptual order, these consecution relationships can also denote dynamic interdependence between causality and simultaneity; the latter referring to phenomena which occur at the same time.

In the field of semantics and syntax, some linguistic categories illustrate temporal properties (gerund, the past participle, etc.) and aspectual properties (accomplished, unaccomplished, durational, etc.) of consecutivity and/or simultaneity. Similarly, temporal markers such as and, then, etc., are characterised by their ability to alternatively denote these two properties. Finally, some syntactic constructions, including textual ones, induce through their own iconicity, spatiotemporal interpretation (incidence vs dependence, correlation vs causality, etc.).

Regarding languages, interpretation, unlike translation, carried out either consecutively (with or without taking down notes) or simultaneously (in the cabin or outside the cabin – 'chuchotage'), relies mainly on reformulation strategy, this re-expression technique being more rapid and more salient in the context of simultaneous interpretation.

As concerns texts, we shall consider the intricacies of relationships between diachronic and synchronic variations observable in manuscripts, and also syntactic twists or semantic constants.

In didactics of first and foreign languages, it is useful to observe how opposing the simultaneous to the consecutive determines institutional didactic choices (e.g. notional vs action perspective), expert choices (direct vs deferred or face-to-face vs mediated teaching, etc.) and also pedagogical choices (spontaneous vs reformulated production, active vs imitative approach, etc.).

In sociolinguistic investigations carried out by dialectologists, investigators are confronted with linguistic and meta-linguistic formulations of informants, formulations that these very informants may change, for various reasons and at different times of the investigation. It is the tension between consecutivity and simultaneity of productions of the same speaker which help to adequately approach the object of one’s study, and better understand language changes

observed by researchers, together with the reasons for linguistic repositioning carried out by informants.

In speech production and speech perception, we shall confront the (quasi)sequential representation of phonetic and phonological segments within a phonetic and phonological gestural analysis, in terms of coarticulation of segments, or even in terms of their co-production. We shall argue that co-production of articulatory gestures serves to optimise rapid and global perception of speech.

Proposals should highlight, in one of the themes mentioned below:

1) Either the study of a given problem within the linguistic sciences, related to the analysis of consecutivity and simultaneity;

2) Either an issue allowing improvement or development of methods, tools and procedures for the analysis of consecutivity and simultaneity in a field of linguistics.

In all cases, the perspective adopted by the conference will be met to and clarified.



Different themes or research areas may be considered as part of this call for papers, among which would include, but are not limited to: Analysis of manuscripts

Discourse analysis


Contact languages and cultures

Foreign language didactics

French didactics




Oral / Written forms

Philosophy of Language

Phonetics and phonology

Clinical linguistics and phonetics


Language policy


Speech production and perception




Acquisition systems and tools

Translation and Interpretation


Automatic processing of natural languages


Proposals should include the following information:

– Title of the paper;

– Outline of the problem of the study providing all relevant details;

– 4-5 keywords.

The entire contribution will not exceed four pages, including references (Times 12, 1.5 spacing).

Proposals will be submitted online, and will be subject to evaluation by the Scientific Committee and by a team of evaluators.


♦ Dissemination of the call for papers: November 10, 2014

♦ Opening of the site for the submission of 2-4 page abstracts: December 1, 2014

♦ Deadline for submission: January 18, 2015

♦ Notification: March 29, 2015

♦ Registration opens:

– Early Bird registration: March 30 to April 26, 2015 (special tariff for students / PhD)

– Full tariff registration: from 27 April 2015

♦ Registration deadline: May 18, 2015

♦ Date of the conference: 1 to 3 July 2015


LILPA Research Unit (Linguistics, Languages & Speech), Dir. Rudolph Sock

Research Teams (E.R.) composing the Unit:

Language Didactics (Dir. Laurent Kashema)

Discourse Functioning and Translation (Dir. Maryvonne Boisseau)

Research Groupe on European Multilingualism (Dir. Dominique Huck)

Speech and Cognition (Dir. Béatrice Vaxelaire)

Scolia (Dir. Pierre Nobel)

Faculty of Arts of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ) / Košice (Slovakia):

• Renáta Panocová

• Štefan Franko

• Mária Paľová


Angelina Aleksandrova, Stéphanie Debaize, Camille Fauth, Anna Gilg, Élodie Lang, Jean-Paul Meyer, Rudolph Sock.


Štefan Franko (UPJŠ, Košice)

Mária Paľová (UPJŠ, Košice)

Myriam Piccaluga (U. Mons)

Snežana Gudurić (U. Novi Sad)

Bernard Harmegnies, (U. Mons)

Renáta Panocová (UPJŠ, Košice)

Fabrice Marsac (U. Opole)

Natalya Yakovyshena (U. Dniepropetrovsk)

Veran Stanojević (U. Belgrade)


List to be finalised.


Worhshop1: Interpretation and Translation

Workshop 2: Data acquisition systems and databases

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AlCoB 2015

Mexico City, Mexico

August 4-6, 2015

Organized by:

Centre for Complexity Sciences (C3)
School of Sciences
Institute for Research in Applied Mathematics and Systems (IIMAS)
Graduate Program in Computing Science and Engineering
National Autonomous University of Mexico

Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University



AlCoB aims at promoting and displaying excellent research using string and graph algorithms and combinatorial optimization to deal with problems in biological sequence analysis, genome rearrangement, evolutionary trees, and structure prediction.

The conference will address several of the current challenges in computational biology by investigating algorithms aimed at: 1) assembling sequence reads into a complete genome, 2) identifying gene structures in the genome, 3) recognizing regulatory motifs, 4) aligning nucleotides and comparing genomes, 5) reconstructing regulatory networks of genes, and 6) inferring the evolutionary phylogeny of species.

Particular focus will be put on methodology and significant room will be reserved to young scholars at the beginning of their career.


AlCoB 2015 will take place in Mexico City, the oldest capital city in the Americas and the largest Spanish-speaking city in the world. The venue will be the main campus of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.


Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited to:

Exact sequence analysis
Approximate sequence analysis
Pairwise sequence alignment
Multiple sequence alignment
Sequence assembly
Genome rearrangement
Regulatory motif finding
Phylogeny reconstruction
Phylogeny comparison
Structure prediction
Compressive genomics
Proteomics: molecular pathways, interaction networks ...
Transcriptomics: splicing variants, isoform inference and quantification, differential analysis ?
Next-generation sequencing: population genomics, metagenomics, metatranscriptomics ...
Microbiome analysis
Systems biology


AlCoB 2015 will consist of:

invited talks
invited tutorials
peer-reviewed contributions


to be announced


Stephen Altschul (National Center for Biotechnology Information, Bethesda, USA)
Yurii Aulchenko (Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Pierre Baldi (University of California, Irvine, USA)
Daniel G. Brown (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Yuehui Chen (University of Jinan, China)
Keith A. Crandall (George Washington University, Washington, USA)
Joseph Felsenstein (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
Michael Galperin (National Center for Biotechnology Information, Bethesda, USA)
Susumu Goto (Kyoto University, Japan)
Igor Grigoriev (DOE Joint Genome Institute, Walnut Creek, USA)
Yike Guo (Imperial College, London, UK)
Javier Herrero (University College London, UK)
Karsten Hokamp (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Hsuan-Cheng Huang (National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan)
Ian Korf (University of California, Davis, USA)
Nikos Kyrpides (DOE Joint Genome Institute, Walnut Creek, USA)
Yun Li (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
Jun Liu (Harvard University, Cambridge, USA)
Mingyao Li (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA)
Rodrigo López (European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK)
Andrei N. Lupas (Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen, Germany)
B.S. Manjunath (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
Carlos Martín-Vide (chair, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain)
Tarjei Mikkelsen (Broad Institute, Cambridge, USA)
Henrik Nielsen (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark)
Christine Orengo (University College London, UK)
Modesto Orozco (Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona, Spain)
Christos A. Ouzounis (Centre for Research & Technology Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece)
Manuel Peitsch (Philip Morris International R&D, Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
David A. Rosenblueth (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico)
Julio Rozas (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Alessandro Sette (La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, USA)
Peter F. Stadler (University of Leipzig, Germany)
Guy Theraulaz (Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France)
Alfonso Valencia (Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, Madrid, Spain)
Kai Wang (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA)
Lusheng Wang (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Zidong Wang (Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK)
Harel Weinstein (Cornell University, New York, USA)
Jennifer Wortman (Broad Institute, Cambridge, USA)
Jun Yu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
Mohammed J. Zaki (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, USA)
Louxin Zhang (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Hongyu Zhao (Yale University, New Haven, USA)


Adrian Horia Dediu (Tarragona)
Francisco Hernández-Quiroz (Mexico City)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Tarragona, co-chair)
David A. Rosenblueth (Mexico City, co-chair)
Florentina Lilica Voicu (Tarragona)


Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages (including eventual appendices, references, proofs, etc.) and should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see

Submissions have to be uploaded to:


A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS/LNBI series will be available by the time of the conference.

A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.


The registration form can be found at:


Paper submission: March 2, 2015 (23:59 CET)
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: April 10, 2015
Final version of the paper for the LNCS/LNBI proceedings: April 19, 2015
Early registration: April 19, 2015
Late registration: July 21, 2015
Submission to the journal special issue: November 6, 2015



AlCoB 2015
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University
Av. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona, Spain

Phone: +34 977 559 543
Fax: +34 977 558 386


National Autonomous University of Mexico
Rovira i Virgili University

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3-3-18(2015-08-26) LVA 2015 - 12th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation


LVA 2015 - 12th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation

August 24-26, 2015, Liberec, Czech Republic


 *About LVA*

LVA 2015 will be the 12th in a series of international conferences which attracted hundreds of researchers and practitioners over the years. Since its start in 1999 under the banner of Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation (ICA), the conference has continuously broadened its horizons. It encompasses today a host of additional forms and models of general mixtures of latent variables. Theories and tools borrowing from the fields of signal processing, applied statistics, machine learning, linear and multilinear algebra, numerical analysis and optimization, and numerous application fields offer exciting interdisciplinary interactions.


The conference will be preceded by a Summer School on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation and it will feature the much-awaited results of the 5th Signal Separation Evaluation Campaign (SiSEC 2015).Keynote talks will be given by three leading researchers:- Tülay Adali (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA)- Rémi Gribonval (Inria, France)- DeLiang Wang (Ohio State University, USA)

*Call for Papers*

The proceedings will be published in Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (LNCS). Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers (up to 8 pages in LNCS format) in areas related to latent variable analysis and signal separation, including but not limited to:- Theory: sparse coding, dictionary learning; statistical and probabilistic modeling; detection, estimation and performance criteria and bounds; causality measures; learning theory; convex/nonconvex optimization tools- Models: general linear or nonlinear models of signals and data; discrete, continuous, flat, or hierarchical models; multilinear models; time-varying, instantaneous, convolutive, noiseless, noisy, over-complete, or under-complete mixtures- Algorithms: estimation, separation, identification, detection, blind and semi-blind methods, non-negative matrix factorization, tensor decomposition, adaptive and recursive estimation; feature selection; time-frequency and wavelet based analysis; complexity analysis- Applications: speech and audio separation, recognition, dereverberation and denoising; auditory scene analysis; image segmentation, separation, fusion, classification, texture analysis; biomedical signal analysis, imaging, genomic data analysis, brain-computer interface- Emerging related topics: sparse learning; deep learning; social networks; data mining; artificial intelligence; objective and subjective performance evaluation.

*Special Sessions*

The program will also feature special sessions on new or emerging topics of interest. Proposals for special sessions must include the session title, rationale, outline, and a list of 4 to 6 invited papers. To submit, see

*Important Dates*

Jan 16, 2015: Submission of special session proposals

Jan 30, 2015: Special session decisions announced

Mar 27, 2015: Paper submission deadline

May 22, 2015: Notification of acceptance

Jun 12, 2015: Submission of camera-ready papers

Aug 26-28, 2015: Conference dates Jan 16, 2015: Submission of special session proposals


*Organizing Committee*

General chairs:Zbynek Koldovsky (Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic)Petr Tichavsky (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)Program chairs:Arie Yeredor (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)Emmanuel Vincent (Inria, France)Special sessions: Shoji Makino (University of Tsukuba, Japana)SiSEC chair: Nobutaka Ono (NII, Japan)Overseas liaison: Andrzej Cichocki (RIKEN, Japan)


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3-3-19(2015-08-31) Joint Conference PEVOC & MAVEBA 2015, Firenze, Italia

Joint Conference PEVOC & MAVEBA 2015:  August 31 - September 4, 2015, Palazzo degli Affari, Piazza Adua 1, Firenze, Italy

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3-3-20(2015-09-02) GESPIN 2015 Gesture and Speech in Interaction, Nantes, France


Gesture and Speech in Interaction

2 - 4 September 2015

Universite de Nantes - FRANCE

First Call for Papers

After Poznań in Poland, Bielefeld in Germany and Tilburg in the Netherlands, the fourth edition

of GESPIN will be held in Nantes, France. GESPIN is an international conference on how

gesture and speech work together to achieve various goals. This edition will focus especially on

“combined units of meaning in gesture and speech”. The following issues may be of particular


· Mapping of units in different semiotic modes

· Overlapping of units across modalities

· Affordances and relevance of different unit types

· Multimodal models of cognition

· Transliteration of units

· Gesture and speech in development

· Gesture and speech in dialogue

· Multimodal language learning and teaching

Yet, papers on all other topics related to the combination of speech and gesture are welcome as

well. We also invite proposals for tutorials and hands-on data sessions. Papers and tutorial reports

will be published online.

Keynote speakers

· Alan Cienki (FU Amsterdam)

· Jean-Marc Colletta (U. Grenoble)

· Ellen Fricke (TU Chemnitz, Germany)

· Judith Holler (MPI, Nijmegen)

Important dates

· Deadline for full papers and workshop proposals: April 15, 2015

· Acceptance of papers & workshops: June 15, 2015

· Revised version of accepted papers: July 15, 2015

· Gespin conference: September 2-4, 2015


Faculte des Langues et Cultures Etrangeres (FLCE)

Universite de Nantes

Chemin de la Censive du Tertre

44312 Nantes


Registration fees

· Students: 80 €

· Academics: 150 €

The conference fee will cover the online publication cost of the proceedings, conference package,

snacks and drinks during breaks as well as the conference dinner and social program.


Please submit full papers (6 pages maximum), written in English (see submission link on website

for submission procedure and paper template). Papers will be sent to two reviewers and final

selection will be discussed collectively by the organizing committee.

Organizing committees

Local organizing committee

· Gaelle Ferre (principle organizer,

· Mark Tutton (principle organizer,

· Manon Lelandais (conference secretary,

· Benjamin Lourenco (conference secretary,

Scientific board

· Mats Andren (U. Lund, Sweden)

· Dominique Boutet (Evry, France)

· Jana Bressem (TU Chemnitz, Germany)

· Heather Brookes (U. Cape Town, South Africa)

· Alan Cienki (FU Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

· Doron Cohen (U. Manchester, UK)

· Jean-Marc Colletta (U. Grenoble, France)

· Gaelle Ferre (U. Nantes, France)

· Elen Fricke (TU Chemnitz, Germany)

· Alexia Galati (U. Cyprus)

· Marianne Gullberg (U. Lund, Sweden)

· Daniel Gurney (U. Hertfordshire, UK)

· Simon Harrison (U. Nottingham Ningbo, China)

· Judith Holler (MPI, The Netherlands)

· Ewa Jarmołowicz (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)

· Konrad Juszczyk (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)

· Maciej Karpiński (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)

· Sotaro Kita (U. Warwick, UK)

· Stefan Kopp (U. Bielefeld, Germany)

· Emiel Krahmer (U. Tilburg, The Netherlands)

· Anna Kuhlen (U. Humbolt Berlin, Germany)

· Silva H. Ladewig (Europa-Universitat Frankfurt, Germany)

· Maarten Lemmens (U. Lille 3, France)

· Zofia Malisz (U. Bielefeld, Germany)

· Irene Mittelberg (HUMTEC Aachen, Germany)

· Asli Ozyurek (MPI, The Netherlands)

· Katharina J. Rohlfing (U. Bielefeld, Germany)

· Gale Stam (National Louis University, USA)

· Marc Swerts (U. Tilburg, The Netherlands)

· Michał Szczyszek (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)

· Marion Tellier (U. Aix en Provence, France)

· Mark Tutton (U. Nantes, France)

· Petra Wagner (U. Bielefeld, Germany)

GESPIN conference board

· Ewa Jarmołowicz (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)

· Konrad Juszczyk (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)

· Maciej Karpiński (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)

· Zofia Malisz (U. Bielefeld, Germany)

· Katharina J. Rohlfing (U. Bielefeld, Germany)

· Michał Szczyszek (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)

· Petra Wagner (U. Bielefeld, Germany)

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3-3-21(2015-09-04) Workshop on Speech and Language Technology for Education (SLaTE 2015)

Workshop on Speech and Language Technology for Education (SLaTE 2015)

Satellite event of Interspeech 2015


The ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) Special Interest Group (SIG) on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE) promotes the use of speech and language technology for educational purposes, and provides a forum for exchanging information regarding recent developments and other matters of interest related to this topic. For further information please visit

The upcoming Sixth Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Education (SLaTE 2015) will be organized by the Pattern Recognition Lab of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) in cooperation with Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig (HfTL).

The workshop will be held in Leipzig, September 4–5, 2015. It is a satellite event of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2015), which will take place afterwards in Dresden, September 6–10, 2015. Dresden is only 120 km away from Leipzig and can be reached easily within 72 minutes by train (ICE).

If you are interested, please download our flyer or our posters (poster 1 and poster 2). We will present them at the INTERSPEECH 2015 booth at INTERSPEECH 2014 in Singapore.

We are looking forward to welcome you in Leipzig!

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3-3-22(2015-09-05) Workshop on the History of Speech Communication, Dresden, Germany

Workshop on the History of Speech Communication,  (Sig-Hist)

Technische Sammlungen,

Dresden, Germany

Organizers:  Rüdiger Hoffmann

                  Jürgen Trouvain

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3-3-23(2015-09-11) FAAVSP - The 1st Joint Conference on Facial Analysis, Animation and Audio-Visual Speech Processing, Vienna, Austria
Call For Papers 
FAAVSP - The 1st Joint Conference on Facial Analysis, Animation and Audio-Visual Speech Processing
The International Symposium on Facial Analysis and Animation (FAA) 
The International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing (AVSP) 
11-13 September, 2015
Vienna, Austria
This conference brings together two established interdisciplinary conferences: 
The International Symposium on Facial Analysis and Animation (FAA) 
The International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing (AVSP) 
Both conferences have a common focus on facial communication research. FAA focuses on facial animation analysis and synthesis addressed in the fields of computer graphics, computer vision and psychology. AVSP focuses on how auditory and visual speech information plays a role in human perception, machine recognition, and human-machine interaction.
The two conferences attract researchers from diverse fields, such as speech processing, computer graphics and computer vision, psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, robotics and electrical engineering.
The aim of this first joint conference is to bring together, from both academia and industry, the two communities of facial animation (FAA) and audiovisual speech (AVSP) to discuss research and exchange ideas, data and experiences.
Submission of papers are invited in all areas of facial animation and auditory-visual speech processing including but not limited to:
- Acquisition of Facial Shape, Motion and Texture
- Facial animation and rendering techniques
- Facial Model Based Coding and Compression
- Facial Analysis and Animation for Mobile Applications
- Embodied Virtual Agents
- Visual and Audiovisual Speech Synthesis
- Human and machine recognition of audio-visual speech
- Human and machine models of multimodal integration
- Multimodal and perceptual processing of facial animation and audiovisual events
- Cross-linguistic studies of audio-visual speech processing
- Developmental studies of audio-visual speech processing
- Audio-visual prosody
- Emotion and Expressivity modeling
- Gestures accompanying speech and non-linguistic behavior
- Neuropsychology and neurophysiology of audio-visual speech processing
- Scene analysis using audio and visual speech information
- Data collection and corpora for audio-visual speech processing
The conference will be held in Vienna, Austria, 11.-13. September 2015. The session on September 11 will be devoted to FAA topics and those on September 12-13 to AVSP topics. The keynotes will present topics relevant to both communities.
* Important Dates:
8 May 2015:    Deadline for paper submission
12 June 2015: Notification of acceptance
19 June 2015: Camera-ready paper
11-13 September 2015: Conference
Two types of submission are possible: Abstracts (1 page) for FAA and AVSP topics, and full papers (4 to 6 pages) for AVSP topics. 
The organizing committee of FAAVSP 2015 is looking forward to your submissions.
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3-3-24(2015-09-14) 18th International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2015), Plzen, Czech Republic


Eighteenth International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2015)
            Plzen (Pilsen), Czech Republic, 14-17 September 2015


* Invited speakers Hermann Ney, Dan Roth, Björn W. Schuller, Peter D. Turney,
  and Alexander Waibel.
* TSD is traditionally published by Springer-Verlag and regularly listed
  in all major citation databases: Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings
  Citation Index, DBLP, SCOPUS, EI, INSPEC, COMPENDEX, etc.
* TSD offers high-standard transparent review process - double blind, final
  reviewers discussion.
* TSD will take place in Pilsen, the European Capital of Culture 2015.
* TSD provides an all-service package (conference access and material,
  all meals, one social event etc) for an easily affordable fee starting
  at 270 EUR for students and 330 EUR for full participants.


TSD series have evolved as a prime forum for interaction between
researchers in both spoken and written language processing from all over
the world. Proceedings of TSD form a book published by Springer-Verlag in
their Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. The TSD
proceedings are regularly indexed by Thomson Reuters Conference
Proceedings Citation Index. LNAI series are listed in all major citation
databases such as DBLP, SCOPUS, EI, INSPEC, or COMPENDEX.


Topics of the conference will include (but are not limited to):

    Corpora and Language Resources (monolingual, multilingual,
    text and spoken corpora, large web corpora, disambiguation,
    specialized lexicons, dictionaries)

    Speech Recognition (multilingual, continuous, emotional
    speech, handicapped speaker, out-of-vocabulary words,
    alternative way of feature extraction, new models for
    acoustic and language modelling)

    Tagging, Classification and Parsing of Text and Speech
    (multilingual processing, sentiment analysis, credibility
    analysis, automatic text labeling, summarization, authorship

    Speech and Spoken Language Generation (multilingual, high
    fidelity speech synthesis, computer singing)

    Semantic Processing of Text and Speech (information
    extraction, information retrieval, data mining, semantic web,
    knowledge representation, inference, ontologies, sense
    disambiguation, plagiarism detection)

    Integrating Applications of Text and Speech Processing
    (machine translation, natural language understanding,
    question-answering strategies, assistive technologies)

    Automatic Dialogue Systems (self-learning, multilingual,
    question-answering systems, dialogue strategies, prosody in

    Multimodal Techniques and Modelling (video processing, facial
    animation, visual speech synthesis, user modelling, emotions
    and personality modelling)


The official language of the event will be English. However, papers on
processing of languages other than English are strongly encouraged.


March 31, 2015 ............ Submission of full papers
May 10, 2015 .............. Notification of acceptance
May 31, 2015 .............. Final papers (camera ready) and registration

September 14-17, 2015 ....... Conference date

The contributions to the conference will be published in proceedings that
will be made available on a CD to participants at the time of the


The conference fee depends on the date of payment and on your status. It
includes one copy of the conference proceedings, refreshments/coffee
breaks, opening dinner, welcome party, mid-conference social event
admissions, and organizing costs. In order to lower the fee as much as
possible, the accommodation and the conference trip are not included.

Full participant:
early registration by May 31, 2015 - CZK 9.000 (approx. 330 EUR)
late registration by August 1, 2015 - CZK 10.000 (approx. 370 EUR)
on-site registration - CZK 10.700 (approx. 390 EUR)

Student (reduced):
early registration by May 31, 2015 - CZK 7.400 (approx. 270 EUR)
late registration by August 1, 2015 - CZK 9.000 (approx. 330 EUR)
on-site registration - CZK 10.000 (approx. 370 EUR)


The city of Plzeň (Pilsen) is situated in Western Bohemia at the
confluence of four rivers. With its 170,000 inhabitants it is the fourth
largest city in the Czech Republic and an important industrial,
commercial, and administrative centre. It is also the capital of the
Pilsen Region. In addition, Pilsen won the title of the European Capital
of Culture for the upcoming year 2015.

Pilsen is well-known for its brewing tradition. The trademark
Pilsner-Urquell has a good reputation all over the world thanks to the
traditional recipe, high quality hops and good groundwater. Beer lovers
will also appreciate a visit to the Brewery Museum or the Brewery itself.

Apart from its delicious beer, Pilsen hides lots of treasures in its core.
The city can boast the second largest synagogue in Europe. The dominant of
the old part of the city center is definitely the 13th-century Gothic
cathedral featuring the highest church tower in Bohemia (102.34 m). It is
possible to go up and admire the view of the city. Not far from the
cathedral is the splendid Renaissance Town Hall from 1558 and plenty of
pleasant cafes and pubs are situated on and around the main square.

There is also the beautiful Pilsen Historical Underground - under the city
center, a complex network of passageways and cellars can be found. They
are about 14 km long and visitors can see the most beautiful part of this
labyrinth during the tour. It is recommended to visit the City Zoological
Garden, having the second largest space for bears in Europe and keeping
several Komodo dragons, large lizards which exist only in a few zoos in
the world.

The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen provides a variety of courses for
both Czech and international students. It is the only institution of
higher education in this part of the country which prepares students for
careers in engineering (electrical and mechanical), science (computer
science, applied mathematics, physics, and mechanics), education (both
primary and secondary), economics, philosophy, politics, archeology,
anthropology, foreign languages, law and public administration, art and


The conference is organized by the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University
 of West Bohemia, Pilsen, and the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University,
Brno. The conference is supported by International Speech Communication
Association (ISCA).

Venue: Plzeň (Pilsen), Parkhotel Congress Center Plzeň, Czech Republic


All correspondence regarding the conference should be addressed to:
Ms Anna Habernalová, TSD2015 Conference Secretary
Phone: (+420) 724 910 148
Fax: +420 377 632 402 - Please, mark the faxed material with capitals
                        'TSD' on top.
TSD 2015 conference web site:

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3-3-25(2015-09-17) 16th Science of Aphasia (SoA) Conference, University of Aveiro, Portugal

The University of Aveiro, Portugal is pleased to announce that
will be hosting the 16th Science of Aphasia (SoA) Conference between
the 17th and 22nd of September 2015.

This year's program theme is Neuroplasticity and Language and includes
the following invited speakers: 
Argye Hillis(Johns Hopkins University, USA)

Hugues Duffau (CHU Montpellier, France)

Cathy Price (UCL, UK)

Alexandre Castro Caldas (UCP, Portugal)

Alexandra Reis (UAlg, Portugal)

Stanislas Dehaene (Collège de France, France)

Uri Hasson (Princeton University, USA)

Jenny Crinion (UCL, UK)

Brenda Rapp (Johns Hopkins University, USA)

David Poeppel (New York University, USA)

Dan Bub (University of Victoria, Canada)

David Caplan (Harvard Medical School, USA)

The SoA conferences have brought together, for the past 15 years,
senior and junior scientists working in the multidisciplinary field
of Neurocognition of language and deal with normal function as well
as disorders. The conference structure ensures direct and informal
interaction between all participants.

The conference program will include keynotes (mornings), and contributed
oral and poster presentations (afternoons) over 4 days (between the 18th and
the 21st of September 2015). Full/student registration will include the
conference proceedings, lunches, coffee breaks, a social program and conference
dinner. Participants will be able to register only for a day as well.

Abstracts can be submitted at
until the 1st of April. Selected abstract authors will then be invited to submit full
length papers.

Conference proceeding will be published as part of a special number
of the journal Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologi. The papers are published
online at the journal's website (see previous conference proceedings here)
and a printed copy is distributed to all conference participants.

The venue is the School of Health Sciences at University of Aveiro's
Campus de Santiago, overlooking the Aveiro's lagoon, which is
renowned internationally for its many buildings designed by famous
Portuguese architects, only at a short distance from the city centre
(5 minute walk).


Luis M. T. Jesus
(Local Chair)
University of Aveiro, Portugal                                                                

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3-3-26(2015-10-12) CfP 6th International Conference Information Systems and Economic Intelligence: special session: structuring multimedia streams (updated)






6th edition of the International Conference

Information Systems and Economic Intelligence

February 12-14th., 2015 in Hammamet (Tunisia)


Special session: structuring multimedia streams

More and more documents and multimedia streams are available on the web. To exploit these extremely large and heterogeneous data, it is necessary to index or to annotate. This task cannot be done manually. We must therefore automatically segment, transcribe, classify, extract keywords and named entities, such as personal names, company names or place names. The results of these treatments provide a structured multimedia stream. These data will be very profitable for individuals, corporations and government agencies.

This special session focuses on different methodologies for structuring multimedia streams.

Important Dates:

Paper submissions (extended deadline): December 1st, 2014

Notification to authors: December 20th, 2014

Final version for accepted papers: January 5th, 2015




Paper Formats (DOC, RTF or PDF):



Long papers (for completed research): must not exceed 15 pages.



Short papers (for R&D research and state of the art, for professionals): must not exceed 8 pages.



Languages of the conference:

- Paper: all papers must be written in English

- Data show: all video projection (PowerPoint) must be written in English

- Presentation: oral presentations and discussions are permitted in English and/or in French.





We invite you to submit your contributions from the site EasyChair Conference System:

Organizers of this special session: Irina Illina and Dominique Fohr (LORIA/INRIA, France)


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3-3-27(2015-10-15) Young Researchers in Sciences of Language, Laboratory Praxiling, University of Montpellier, France

Young Researchzers in Sciences of Language


Laboratory Praxiling, University of Montpellier, France


Call for papers: CJC2015

« Trace(s) »

15th-16th october 2015,370.html

The aim of this 9th edition is to bring together researchers interested in the notion of the trace, from theoretical and methodological perspective in various disciplines. The term trace raises both by its multiple meanings and by its recurring presence in the scientific literature. While trace is a common term used in everyday language, the apparent straightforwardness of its meaning hides a number of complex questions in the literature about the contextualization of the term. These questions are all the more relevant in the digital age where the trace is playing an increasingly important role in IT environments (review Intellectica, No. 59). To begin with, an epistemological questioning calls for a multidisciplinary approach. In 2002, A. Serres drew up an inventory of possible meanings of the term trace (as a marker, as an clue) and discussed its presence in literature, linguistics and philosophy. His approach constitutes a solid basis for our thinking. Serres also reviewed intrinsic links between trace and memory (Ricoeur) and trace and writing (Derrida). Secondly, this notion of trace is omnipresent in the field of Linguistics and can be found at all levels of research (epistemological, pragmatic and praxeological). Therefore, it is worth revisiting, at a methodological level, the practices of identification, creation, exploitation and conservation of objects of research, considered as traces of this research : what about the positioning and choices of young researchers on data collection, analysis of corpus, archiving ?

Phonetics and phonology: If we consider sound as a trace in the elastic medium represented by the air, it is worthwhile discussing the notion of the trace in relation to the acoustic signal. In fact, sound traces the acoustic signal thanks to the articulatory gestures. Those gestures can be altered by a communication disorder which will leave a number of traces in the speech. Finally, in the voice, other traces can be observed allowing one to identify the speaker’s gender or his/her emotions.

Language acquisition, didactics and language learning: In the learning process, the target language acquisition is based on existing knowledge and skills that will be progressively transferred from the source language. Therefore, various traces of the first language can be found in the second language, reflecting different levels of the language: linguistics, pragmatics or sociocultural.

Written communication: In the written communication, the participants are not in a situation of co-presence. Therefore, we can talk about a delayed communication that seems to be an interesting subject for discussion. Indeed, the written communication fits into the framework of elaboration and conservation of the traces. As this communication mode is not subject to the constraints that are tied up with the speech flow, it allows backtracking, corrections or erasing all of which may be studied by the researcher. Finally, the four basic operations of substitution (addition, removal, substitution and displacement) can also be detected thanks to their graphic traces.

Digital communication: When considering interactions within the computing environment, it is impossible not to include traces which result from the usage of these devices. Indeed, every user or machine profile leaves a binary line (internet identity). This binary line constitutes a form of digital writing which contributes to a synchronous and an asynchronous communication. This raises several questions related to the trace: its acquisition, its development, its visualization, its archiving, its annotation, its suppression and its recovery.

Language processing: Language processing is essential when it comes to make use of the trace, recover it, repair it or rebuild it. To intercept the trace, researchers create algorithmic models in the form of procedures using a software architecture that will run a program on one or more computers, on condition that those computers are connected together via social networks or internet. These models are developed with adjustable variables allowing to specify the task through the gathered trace. Therefore, we will be able to work with the trace: cut or label it, define its structure, evaluate its meaning, contextualize or generate it.

Contributions from the following areas of linguistics will be considered with the utmost attention: Syntax, Morphology, Semantics, Pragmatics, Phonetics, Phonology, Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Language Acquisition, TAL, etc. Proposals combining theoretical reflections and naturally occurring data will be particularly appreciated.

Submission: Submitted abstracts should be 800 words long (excluding references and tables). The deadline for our call for papers is March 31st 2015. Submissions must be made via EasyChair: Proposals will be reviewed anonymously by two members of the Scientific Committee. Notification of acceptance will be communicated in May.

Registration: Registration should be made via Azur Colloque :

Fees: Standard registration – early : 70 EUR (on or before September 1st, 2015) Standard registration – regular : 80 EUR (after September 1st, 2015) Visitor registration – early : 80 EUR (on or before September 1st, 2015) Visitor registration – regular : 90 EUR (after September 1st, 2015)

Registration fees include: Access to all sessions / Coffee breaks / Lunch

Scientific committee forthcoming

Planning committee:

Ivana Didirkova

Nada Jonchère

Nathalie Matheu

Contact :

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3-3-28(2015-12-13) Calls for Challenge Task Proposals ASRU 2015, Scottsdale, Az, USA (updated)


IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU) 2015






Submission deadline: December 31, 2014




ASRU 2015 welcomes proposals for challenge tasks. In a challenge task, participants compete or collaborate to accomplish a common or shared task. The results of the challenge will be presented at the ASRU workshop event in the form of papers reporting the achievements of the participants, individually and/or as a whole. We invite organizers to concretely propose such challenge tasks in the form of a 1-2 page proposal. The proposal should include a description of




* The task and its intended goal


* The task organizers and key contact people for the various aspects of the task


* The data or shared resource that is to be used


  * Details on the availability or its collection process


  * Required labeling or other pre-processing and the expected timeline of this process


  * Privacy concerns around the data or resource as it will be released to all participants


  * Licensing terms or conditions for participants


* the evaluation process, how will a test set be defined, what figure of merit will be used to measure success, and how will a common scoring process be put in place to arrive at comparable results for all participants


* the timeline; when will training/test material be made available, when are participant (sub-)system submissions due


* the expected (number of) participants, and whether this is a new installment of an existing challenge or a new challenge series altogether


* any special requests or circumstances, e.g., required timing or format of the challenge execution




Participants will report their achievements in the form of regular format paper submissions to the ASRU workshop. These submissions will undergo the normal ASRU review process, but the organizers can suggest reviewers that would be particularly insightful for the challenge subject matter. Accepted papers will be organized in a special session at the conference (in poster format; the only format used at ASRU). The accepted papers will appear in the ASRU proceedings. Given the possibly lengthy process of organizing and executing a special challenge, prospective organizers are encouraged to submit proposals as soon as possible. The ASRU technical program committee will make acceptance decisions based on a rolling schedule -- i.e., proposals are reviewed as soon as they come in. Challenge proposals should be sent to Technical Program co-chair Michiel Bacchiani at, and will be accepted until the end of 2014.

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3-3-29(2016-00-00) Speech Prosody Boston, USA
Speech Prosody 2016 will be held in Boston, USA.  Congratulations to Dr. Veilleux, Dr. Barnes, Dr. Shattuck-Hufnagel 
and Alejna Brugos for presenting an outstanding bid, and we look forward to an outstanding conference in Boston in 2016!
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