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ISCApad Archive  »  2014  »  ISCApad #195  »  Events  »  ISCA Events  »  (2014-09-14) INTERSPEECH 2014 News (June 2014)

ISCApad #195

Friday, September 12, 2014 by Chris Wellekens

3-1-15 (2014-09-14) INTERSPEECH 2014 News (June 2014)

INTERSPEECH 2014 satellite workshops will take place in Singapore, Phuket (Thailand) and Penang (Malaysia) for more speech events before or after #is2014



Join INTERSPEECH 2014 satellite 2nd workshop on Multimodal Analyses Enabling Artificial Agents in Human-Machine Interaction: MA3HMI 2014


Enter the Blizzard Challenge Workshop 2014 in Singapore right after INTERSPEECH 2014. More info on


After INTERSPEECH 2014, be welcome to join the4th Workshop on Child, Computer and Interaction that will be hel in Singapore on September 19th , 2014. More info at


Do you know that the 17th Oriental COCOSDA will take place in Phuket, Thailand before INTERSPEECH 2014? more at


The 2nd Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia (SLAM) is organized in Penang Malaysia as INTERSPEECH 2014 satellite event.


Register for INTERSPEECH 2014 tutorial on “Non-speech acoustic event detection and classification”

Learn about the “Contribution of MRI to Exploring and Modeling Speech Production” during INTERSPEECH 2014 tutorials


Find out about what's new in “Computational Models for Audiovisual Emotion Perception” in INTERSPEECH 2014 tutorials.


Join the tutorial on “The Art and Science of Speech Feature Engineering” before INTERSPEECH 2014.


What are the “Recent Advances in Speaker Diarization”? Come and learn about them in INTERSPEECH 2014 tutorials.


“Multimodal Speech Recognition with the AusTalk 3D Audio-Visual Corpus” will be the subject of a tutorial of INTERSPEECH 2014.


Please check out INTERSPEECH 2014 tutorial on “Semantic Web and Linked Big Data Resources for Spoken Language Processing”.


Participate to the tutorial on “Speech and Audio for Multimedia Semantics” during INTERSPEECH 2014.


Join ISCSLP@INTERSPEECH tutorial on 'Adaptation Techniques for Statistical Speech Recognition” in INTERSPEECH 2014 satellite event


Register to ISCSLP@INTERSPEECH tutorial on “Emotion and Mental State Recognition: Features, Models, System Applications and Beyond”,


Learn more about “Unsupervised Speech and Language Processing via Topic Models”,in ISCSLP@INTERSPEECH tutorial


ISCSLP@ INTERSPEECH will host a tutorial on “Deep Learning for Speech Generation and Synthesis”,



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