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ISCApad #193

Friday, July 11, 2014 by Chris Wellekens

3-1-17 (2014-09-14) INTERSPEECH 2014 Grants and awards

--- September 14-18, 2014

INTERSPEECH 2014 Organizing Committee is glad to announce that
5 travel grants will be offered by INTESPEECH 2014 sponsors and
that ISCA will offer 55 grants for students and young scientists
and give 3 ISCA Best Student Paper Awards.
Modalities and details about the grants and Best Paper Awards
are given below.

-- ISCA Grants

General Information

    ISCA will offer grants to students and young scientists (age<35)
    in order to help them attend the conference. Each grant, equivalent
    to 650 Euros, will be disbursed in cash at the registration desk
    during the conference.

    All grant recipients are strongly encouraged to participate
    in the Student Volunteer Program with a workload of one day
    or 3 sessions for the entire conference. For details - please
    refer to the Student Volunteer Program page.


    The grants for participation in INTERSPEECH 2014 will be
    administered by the ISCA Board and awarded, according to the
    available budget, to applicants who provide the information
    listed below:

        * Letter of acceptance of a paper to be presented.
        * Mentioning of other funding being requested,
          awarded or rejected by other sources
        * Sworn statement that the applicant never received any
          previous grants from ISCA.
    Note that preference is given to applicants from areas
    needing greater support.

    The purpose of these grants is to guarantee a representation
    of the diverse scientific topics of the conference and a cross-
    section of the international speech community as wide as possible.
    Exceptionally, researchers in special situations like unemployment
    or coming from low income-level countries could also apply.
    Applicants from all countries are eligible.

Application Process

    Applicants should complete the application form with
    additional documents:

        1) Curriculum Vitae with academic records
        2) Complete list of previous publications
           (title, year, co-authors journal/book/proceedings, pages).
        3) List of the conferences and workshops previously attended.
        4) Letter of acceptance of the paper(s) from the conference organizers
        5) Copy of the original manuscript(s) accepted to the conference
        6) Recommendation letter (email is acceptable)
           from the Director of your Laboratory

    Application form can be downloaded from

    Please submit the application package by sending an email with
    subject heading “ISCA Grants for INTERSPEECH 2014” to the grants
    coordinator Prof. Alan Black:

    before 17 June 2014. Prof. Alan Black will send notification letter
    to all applicants.For more information of grant application,
    please refer to

    As there is a limited period for application,
    interested applicants are encouraged to start preparing the
    required documents if s/he would like to consider this source
    of support to attend INTERSPEECH 2014.

*                         Important Dates                              *
Grant application start after acceptance notification:     June 10, 2014
Grant application deadline:                                June 17, 2014
Notification of grant acceptance:                          June 24, 2014
Early Registration:                                        July 10, 2014

Registration Procedure

    All grant recipients must be ISCA members to receive the grants.
    All grant recipients will be given free registration to the
    INTERSPEECH main conference that includes the technical program,
    reception, and banquet, but excludes other options (such as
    tutorials). Grant recipients please inform the organizer your
    Registration ID, which you can obtain from the online registration
    system, before you make payment (if any) so that the organizer can
    waive your registration fee by changing your account setting.

    All grants will be disbursed onsite, during the conference.
    Please see Dr Tong Rong with the notification letter and paper ID
    at the registration desk, to collect your money.

    All grant recipients are required to register online to the system
    to confirm the attendance, to make purchases beyond the free
    package. As all accounts have to be settled immediately, the
    organizers will not entertain any request to transfer, ship or send
    money after the conference ends.

    ISCA Board will make the selection and provide the list of grant
    recipients to INTERSPEECH 2014 organizing committee. The committee
    will inform you the registration procedure. Please contact,

    if you have any inquiry. Please note that grant recipients need to
    complete the registration by 10 Jul 2014. Late registration fees
    apply if this early registration deadline is not met.

-- INTERSPEECH 2014 Student Travel Grants

    INTERSPEECH 2014 would like to express sincere gratitude to Google,
    Samsung and IFLYTEK CO., LTD. for their combined support of
    5 student travel grants, 3 will be selected as the Google grantees,
    1 will be selected as the Samsung grantee, and 1 will be selected
    as the IFLYTEK CO., LTD. grantee. The grantees are selected based
    on the technical quality of their paper(s). The grantees will be
    notified and announced on the INTERSPEECH 2014 website by July 3,
    2014. Grantees will be announced by the INTERSPEECH General Chair
    during the closing ceremony.

    For any inquiry, please contact

ISCA Best Student Paper Awards

    Each year, ISCA awards 3 best student paper awards at INTERSPEECH
    based on the technical merit of the paper and the presentation at
    the conference. Note that the first author student needs to present
    the paper in person to be considered for the award. The ISCA Best
    Student Paper Award is sponsored by IBM Research. In addition,
    Dilek Hakkani-Tur and Larry Heck from Microsoft Research are
    donating their honorarium from their tutorial “Semantic Web and
    Linked Big Data Resources for Spoken Language Processing” to
    financially sponsor the ISCA Best Student Paper Award. The
    shortlist of Best Student Paper Awards will be announced on the
    INTERSPEECH 2014 website by July 3, 2014 and the final awardees
    will be announced by the president of ISCA during the closing

    For any inquiry, please contact

The INTERSPEECH 2014 Organizing Committee

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