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ISCApad Archive  »  2014  »  ISCApad #193  »  Jobs  »  (2014-03-17) Post Doctoral Position Iceland

ISCApad #193

Friday, July 11, 2014 by Chris Wellekens

6-14 (2014-03-17) Post Doctoral Position Iceland

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the area of speech processing 
Post Doctoral Position in Speech Processing    
for cognitive workload monitoring.  We are looking for an engineer/computer 
scientist with an experience in machine learning, statistics, and speech signal 
processing or in closely related fields. The main aim of the project is to develop a 
pattern recognition software that detects and monitors cognitive workload of air 
traffic controllers from their speech commands, video recordings and other 
observations.  This is achieved with recordings of participants during cognitive 
workload experiments and with with transferring the technology to simulated air 
traffic control environment. A successful applicant will be expected to lead this work 
and assist in the supervision of doctoral and master students working in this area.     
Applicants should have received a doctoral degree in engineering, computer science 
or a related discipline, or completion of all requirements for the degree should be 
expected prior to the starting date. A successful applicant will have an experience in 
machine learning, statistics, speech processing or closely related fields and be able 
to implement signal processing and machine learning procedures in an appropriate 
Reykjavik University is an international university located at the heart of Reykjavik, 
About Reykjavik University:   
the capital of Iceland. It was established in 1998 and it is the largest technical 
university in Iceland.  RU places a strong emphasis on research and publishes more 
scientific articles in its fields of expertise than any other university in the country.  
The university has developed a productive and appealing research environment for 
Icelandic and foreign scientists. Approximately 140 academic employees (assistant 
professors, associate professors, professors, adjuncts, postdoctoral fellows, guest 
professors, and other specialists) currently work at RU on various research projects 
in collaboration with both domestic and international research institutions and 
The appointment is available immediately and is for two years. The participant will 
be selected based on academic records, recommendations, research interests and 
compatibility of background. The salary is determined from the guideline of the 
Icelandic Research Fund ( for post- doctoral research 
Electronic applications, including a cover letter, a CV and the details of two referees, 
How to apply:   
should be sent to dr. Jon Gudnason (email: and dr. Kamilla Johannsdottir 

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