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ISCApad #192

Thursday, June 12, 2014 by Chris Wellekens

3-3 Other Events
3-3-1(2014-06-16) Odyssey 2014, Joensuu, Finland UPDATED
June 16-19, 2014, Joensuu, Finland

Registration now opened:

Early-bird deadline: April 30
Late-bird deadline:  May 31


Dr. Samy Bengio, Google Research
'Large scale learning of a joint embedding space'

Prof. Martin Cooke, University of the Basque Country
'Speaking in adverse conditions: from behavioural observations to
intelligibility-enhancing speech modifications'

Dr. Joseph P. Campbell, MIT Lincoln Lab
'Speaker Recognition for Forensic Applications'


The general themes of the conference include speaker  and
language  recognition and characterization. The specific topics
include, but are not limited to, the following:

o Speaker characterization and adaptation
o Features for speaker and language recognition
o Multi-speaker training, detection and diarization
o Robustness in channels and environment
o Robust classification and fusion
o Speaker recognition corpora and evaluation
o Speaker recognition with speech recognition
o Forensics, multimodality, and multimedia speaker recognition
o Speaker and language confidence estimation
o Language, dialect, and accent recognition
o Speaker synthesis and transformation
o Human recognition of speaker and language
o Analysis and countermeasures against spoofing attacks
o Commercial applications


All regular submissions (max 8 pages) will be reviewed by at least
three members of the scientific review committee. The regular
submissions must include scientific or methodological novelty; the
paper has to review the relevant prior work and state clearly the
novelty in the Introduction part. The accepted papers will appear in
electronic proceedings.


Odyssey committee recognizes a large gap between theoretical research
results and real-world deployment of the methods. To foster closer
collaboration across industry and academia, Odyssey 2014 features an
industry submission track. This can include a description of your
target application, a product, a demonstrator, or any combination. In
addition to voice biometrics providers, we encourage submissions from
companies who are in need for speaker or language recognition
technology. The industry paper submissions do NOT have to present
methodological novelty, but the submission MUST address one or all of
the following aspects:

- Description of the application, role of speaker/language recognition
- Research results and methods that worked well in your application
- Negative research results that have NOT worked in practice
- Unsolved problems 'out-in-the-wild' that deserve attention

The industry submissions will NOT undergo full peer review
nor will be included to the proceedings. All the industry track
submissions can be presented as a posters. The organizing committee
may select a few most interesting ones for oral presentation.


In addition to regular and industry paper submissions, Odyssey 2014
features two special sessions co-organized with National Institute of
Standards and Technologies (NIST). NIST SRE-2012 special session
focuses on extended analyses on the latest, NIST 2012 speaker
recognition evaluation (SRE) benchmark, and is targeted for the
participants of NIST SRE 2012.

The i-vector challenge is a new type of challenge targeted for anyone
interested for a 'quick start-up' in speaker recognition. Building
modern speaker and language recognition systems requires a lot of
preprocessing, corpus engineering and computations, making it
challenging for newcomers to enter the field. This prohibits piloting
of possibly promising modeling ideas developed outside of speaker
recognition community (e.g. machine learning and image processing
communities). To bridge this gap, NIST organizes a new type of
benchmark, i-vector challenge, synchronized with Odyssey 2014.

Preliminary due-date for paper submissions to both special sessions is
February 2014. Submissions by this deadline will undergo review both
by NIST and by the scientific review committee, and will be included
to the conference proceedings if accepted. Late challenge submissions
(without a paper) are also encouraged; they can be presented as
posters, but will not undergo peer review nor will be included to the
conference proceedings.

To ensure smooth organization, early (non-binding) preliminary sign-up
is required. More details and registration for the i-vector challenge
will be available in November 2013.

See for more info about the i-vector


Odyssey 2014 features three awards:

- A best paper award
- A best student paper award
- Free registration for 1 to 2 top-performers in the i-vector challenge

All regular and special session papers submitted in time are
candidates for the awards. The awards are given based on the review
reports AND the presentation at the conference. For the best student
paper award, the first author must be a student (does not yet hold a
PhD degree) at the time of paper submission.

Best 1 to 2 teams (max 1 person per site) in i-vector challenge are
provided FREE REGISTRATION to the full Odyssey 2014 workshop.


Tomi Kinnunen, chair        University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Pasi Franti, co-chair       University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Jean-Francois Bonastre      University of Avignon, France
Niko Brummer                Agnitio, South Africa
Lukas Burget                Brno Univ. Technology, Czech Republic
Joseph Campbell             MIT Lincoln Lab, USA
Jan 'Honza' Cernocky        Brno Univ. Technology, Czech Republic
Haizhou Li                  Inst. Infocomm Research, Singapore
Alvin Martin                NIST, USA
Douglas Reynolds            MIT Lincoln Lab, USA


Eliathamby Ambikairajah     Univ. New South Wales, Australia
Tim Anderson                Air Force Research Lab, USA
Walt Andrews                BBN, USA
Hagai Aronowitz             IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel
Roland Auckenthaler         NMS Comm., USA
Claude Barras               LIMSI, France
Kay Berkling                Inline, Intern. Online Dienste GmbH, Germany
Jean-Francois Bonastre      Univ. Avignon, France
Hynek Boril                 Univ. Texas at Dallas, USA
Niko Brummer                AGNITIO, South Africa
Lukas Burget                Brno Univ. Tech, Czech Republic
Joseph Campbell             MITLL, USA
Bill Campbell               MITLL, USA
Jan 'Honza' Cernocky        Brno Univ. Tech, Czech Republic
Nancy Chen                  I2R, Singapore
Sandro Cumani               Brno Univ. Tech, Czech Republic
Najim Dehak                 MIT, USA
George Doddington           US. Gov. Consultant, USA
Nicholas Evans              EURECOM, France
Mauro Falcone               Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Italy
Kevin Farrell               Nuance, USA
Benoit Fauve                Validsoft, UK
Daniel Garcia-Romero        Johns Hopkins Univ, USA
Ondrej Glembek              Brno Univ. Tech, Czech Republic
Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez  Univ. Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Craig Greenberg             NIST, USA
Cemal Hanilci               Uludag Univ., Turkey
John H.L. Hansen            Univ. Texas at Dallas, USA
Taufiq Hasan                Univ. Texas at Dallas, USA
Ville Hautamaki             Univ. Eastern Finland, Finland
Hynek Hermansky             Johns Hopkins Univ, USA
Chien-Lin Huang             National Inst. Inf. and Comm. Tech., Japan
Michael Jessen              Bundeskriminalamt, Germany
Patrick Kenny               CRIM, Canada
Tomi Kinnunen               Univ. Eastern Finland, Finland
Tina Kohler                 DoD, USA
Pietro Laface               Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Anthony Larcher             I2R, Singapore
Kong Aik Lee                I2R, Singapore
Yun Lei                     SRI International, USA
Cheung-Chi Leung            I2R, Singapore
Haizhou Li                  I2R, Singapore
Ming Li                     Sun Yat-sen Univ, China
Bin Ma                      I2R, Singapore
Dave Marks                  Sandia, DoE National Labs, USA
Alvin Martin                NIST, USA
David Martinez              Univ. Zaragoza, Spain
John Mason                  Swansea Univ, UK
Pavel Matejka               Brno Univ. Tech, Czech Republic
Driss Matrouf               Univ. Avignon, France
Tomoko Matsui               Inst. Stat. Math, Japan
Yuri Matveev                ITMO University, Russia
Alan McCree                 Johns Hopkins Univ, USA
Pejman Mowlaee              Graz Univ. Tech., Austria
Jiri Navratil               IBM Research, USA
Raymond W.M. Ng             Univ. Sheffield, UK
Javier Ortega-Garcia        Univ. Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Jason Pelecanos             IBM Research, USA
Oldrich Plchot              Brno Univ. Tech, Czech Republic
Padmanabhan Rajan           Univ. Eastern Finland, Finland
Daniel Ramos                Univ. Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Douglas Reynolds            MITLL, USA
Fred Richardson             MITLL, USA
Rahim Saeidi                Univ. Eastern Finland, Finland
Nicolas Scheffer            SRI International, USA
Jan Silovsky                TU Liberec, Czech Republic
Themos Stafylakis           CRIM, Canada
Doug Sturim                 MITLL, USA
Rong Tong                   I2R, Singapore
Pedro Torres-Carrasquillo   MITLL, USA
Michael Wagner              Univ. Canberra, Australia
David van Leeuwen           Radboud Univ. Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Jesus Villalba              Univ. Zaragoza, Spain
Changhuai You               I2R, Singapore


Odyssey 2014 will be hosted by School of Computing of the University of
Eastern Finland (UEF). Joensuu is a small town of 75,000 inhabitants
in the lakeside Finland -- the capital of green. It is famous for its
peaceful nature, excellent outdoor opportunities as well as many saunas.

Joensuu can be easily reached from Helsinki (50 min flight), which can
be reached via direct flights from several European, North American
and Asian cities.

For more details:

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3-3-2(2014-06-17) 10th Oxford Dysfluency Conference (ODC) at St Catherine's College Oxford , UK

We are  pleased to announce the 10th Oxford Dysfluency Conference (ODC) is to be held  at St Catherine's College Oxford from 17 - 20 July, 2014.

ODC has a reputation as one of the leading international scientific  conferences in the field of dysfluency. The conference brings together researchers and clinicians, providing a showcase and forum for discussion and  collegial debate about the most current and innovative research and clinical  practices.  Throughout the history of ODC, the primary aim has been to bridge the gap between research and clinical practice.                           

The conference seeks  to promote research that informs management, with interventions that are  supported by sound theory and which inform future research.

In 2014, the  goal of the Oxford Dysfluency Conference is to lead a challenging international  debate about the latest research in disorders of fluency and its clinical  applications. The 2014 conference will enable delegates to:


  • Present the latest research developments and       findings
  • Explore issues relating to the nature of       stuttering and its treatment
  • Develop knowledge and clinical skills working       with children and adults who stutter
  • Consider ways to integrate research into       clinical practice
  • Support and encourage new researchers in the       field
  • Develop collaborations with researchers       working in dysfluency
  • Provide informal opportunities to meet and       discuss ideas with leading experts in the field in a friendly environment
  • Advance research in the field of dysfluency

Conference Co-Chairs                    

David Rowley, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, De Montfort University, UK
                    Sharon Millard, The Michael Palin Centre, UK                  

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3-3-3(2014-06-18) 12th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), Klagenfurt, Austria MODIFIED

        Extended paper submission deadline:  February 28, 2014

        C B M I    2014
        12th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing
        18-20 June 2014, Klagenfurt, Austria
        in cooperation with IEEE CSS and ACM SIGMM

The 12th International Content Based Multimedia Indexing Workshop aims
to bring together the various communities involved in all aspects of
content-based multimedia indexing, retrieval, browsing and presentation.
Following the eleven successful previous events of CBMI (Toulouse 1999,
Brescia 2001, Rennes 2003, Riga 2005, Bordeaux 2007, London 2008, Chania
2009, Grenoble 2010, Madrid 2011, Annecy 2012, and Veszprem 2013), CBMI
2014 will take place in Klagenfurt, in the very south of Austria from
June 18th to June 20th 2014. CBMI 2014 is organized in cooperation with
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and ACM SIG Multimedia. Topics of the
workshop include but are not limited to visual indexing, audio and
multi-modal indexing, multimedia information retrieval, and multimedia
browsing and presentation. Additional special sessions are planned in
the fields of endoscopic videos and images and multimedia metadata.

Paper submission: Authors are invited to submit full-length and special
session papers of 6 pages and short (poster) and demo papers of 4 pages
maximum. All peer-reviewed, accepted and registered papers will be
published in the CBMI 2014 workshop proceedings to be indexed and
distributed by the IEEE Xplore. The submissions are peer reviewed in
single blind process, the language of the workshop is English. Selected
papers of the conference will be invited to submit extended versions of
their contributions to a special issue of Multimedia Tools and
Applications journal (MTAP).

* Important dates:
   Paper submission deadline:    February 16, 2014
   Notification of acceptance:   March 30, 2014
   Camera-ready papers due:      April 14, 2014
   Author registration:          April 14, 2014
   Early registration:           May 25, 2014

* Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
      * Visual Indexing (image, video, graphics)
      * Visual content extraction Identification and tracking of semantic regions
      * Identification of semantic events
      * Audio and Multi-modal Indexing
      * Audio indexing (audio, speech, music)
      * Audio content extraction
      * Multi-modal and cross-modal indexing
      * Multimedia fusion
      * Metadata generation, coding and transformation
      * Multimedia Information Retrieval (image, audio, video, …)
      * Matching and similarity search
      * Content-based search
      * Multimedia data mining
      * Multimedia recommendation
      * Large scale multimedia database management
      * Multimedia Browsing and Presentation
      * Summarization, browsing and organization of multimedia content
      * Personalization and content adaptation
      * User interaction and relevance feedback
      * Multimedia interfaces, presentation and visualization tools

* Contact
For more information please visit and for
additional questions, remarks, or clarifications please contact 

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3-3-4(2014-06-18) SIGDIAL 2014 CONFERENCE, Philadelphia, PA, USA


Wednesday, June 18 to Friday, June 20, 2014   

The 15th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialog will be
co-located with the 8th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG 2014) in Philadelphia, PA, USA and immediately preceding ACL 2014.



The 2014 SIGDIAL conference continues a series of fourteen conferences, providing a regular forum for the presentation of cutting edge research across the areas of discourse and dialog and attracting a diverse set of participants from academia and industry. The conference is sponsored by the SIGdial organization, which serves as the Special Interest Group on discourse and dialog for both ACL and ISCA.


We are pleased to announce our keynote speakers will be Prof. Steve Young from the University of Cambridge and Prof. Lillian Lee from Cornell University.


We welcome formal, corpus-based, system-building or analytical work on discourse and dialog including but not restricted to the following themes and topics:

- Discourse Processing and Dialog Systems

- Corpora, Tools and Methodology

- Pragmatic and/or Semantic Modeling

- Dimensions of Interaction

- Open Domain Dialog

- Style, Voice and Personality in Spoken Dialog and Written Text

- Applications of Dialog and Discourse Processing Technology

- Novel Methods for Generation Within Dialog for a joint special session with INLG


There will be one special session co-located with INLG on the morning of June 20th. There will be a second special session on the Dialogue State Tracking Challenge (DSTC). Proposals for additional special sessions are also still welcome. Special sessions submission will undergo regular SIGdial review process.


Special Session Proposal Deadline:          Sunday, 9 February 2014 (23:59, GMT-11)

Special Session Notification:                     Monday, 17 February 2014

Long, Short and Demonstration

Paper Submission Deadline:                       Sunday, 9 March 2014 (23:59, GMT-11)

Paper Notification:                                       Friday, 18 April 2014

Final Paper Due

- For papers accepted subject

 to receiving mentoring                                   Wednesday, 14 May  2014

- For accepted papers                                    Friday, 23 May 2014

Conference                                                  Wednesday, June 18, 2014 to Friday, June 20, 2014



Special Session Proposals

The SIGdial organizers welcome the submission of special session proposals.  A SIGDIAL special session is the length of a regular session at the conference; may be organized as a poster session, a poster session with panel discussion, or an oral presentation session; and will be held on the last day of the conference.  Special sessions may, at the discretion of the SIGdial organizers, be held as parallel sessions.  Those wishing to organize a special session should prepare a two-page proposal containing:  a summary of the topic of the special session; a list of organizers and sponsors; a list of people who may submit and participate; and a requested format (poster/panel/oral session).  These proposals should be sent to conference[a] by the special session proposal deadline.  Special session proposals will be reviewed jointly by the general and program co-chairs. 


The program committee welcomes the submission of long papers, short papers, and demonstration descriptions. All accepted submissions will be published in the conference proceedings.

Long papers may, at the discretion of the technical program committee, be accepted for oral or poster presentation. They must be no longer than 8 pages, including title, content, and examples. Two additional pages are allowed for references and appendices, which may include extended example discourses or dialogs, algorithms, graphical representations, etc.

Short papers will be presented as posters. They should be no longer than 4 pages, including title and content. One additional page is allowed for references and appendices.

Demonstration papers should be no longer than 3 pages, including references. A separate one-page document should be provided to the program co-chairs for demonstration descriptions, specifying furniture and equipment needed for the demo.

Authors of a submission may designate their paper to be considered for a SIGDIAL special session, which would highlight a particular area or topic.  All papers will undergo regular peer review. 

Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications must provide this information (see submission format). A paper accepted for presentation at SIGDIAL 2014 must not have been presented at any other meeting with publicly available proceedings. Any questions regarding submissions can be sent to the program co-chairs at program-chairs[at]

Authors are encouraged to submit additional supportive material such as video clips or sound clips and examples of available resources for review purposes.

Submission is electronic using paper submission software.


All long, short, and demonstration submissions should follow the two-column ACL 2014 format. We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word style files tailored for the ACL 2014 conference. Submissions must conform to the official ACL 2014 style guidelines (, and they must be electronic in PDF. As in most previous years, submissions will not be anonymous.


For several years, the SIGDIAL conference has offered a mentoring service. Submissions with innovative core ideas that may need language (English) or organizational assistance will be flagged for 'mentoring' and conditionally accepted with recommendation to revise with a mentor. An experienced mentor who has previously published in the SIGDIAL venue will then help the authors of these flagged papers prepare their submissions for publication. Any questions about the mentoring service can be addressed to the mentoring chair at mentoring[at]


SIGdial also offers a limited number of scholarships for students presenting a paper accepted to the conference. Application materials will be posted at the conference website.


In order to recognize significant advancements in dialog and discourse science and technology, SIGDIAL will recognize two best paper awards. A selection committee consisting of prominent researchers in the fields of interest will select the recipients of the awards.


SIGDIAL offers a number of opportunities for sponsors. For more information, email the conference organizers at sponsor-chair[at]


SIGDIAL authors are encouraged to submit their research to the journal Dialog and Discourse, which is endorsed by SIGdial.


General Co-Chairs

Kallirroi Georgila, University of Southern California, USA

Matthew Stone, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA


Technical Program Co-Chairs

Helen Hastie, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK

Ani Nenkova, University of Pennsylvania, USA


Mentoring Chair

Svetlana Stoyanchev, AT&T Research Labs, USA


Local Chair

Keelan Evanini, Educational Testing Service, USA


Sponsorships Chair

Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio,, USA


SIGdial President

Amanda Stent, Yahoo! Labs, USA


SIGdial Vice President

Jason Williams, Microsoft Research, USA


SIGdial Secretary/Treasurer

Kristiina Jokinen, University of Helsinki, Finland


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3-3-5(2014-06-21) The REAL Challenge

The REAL Challenge – Call for Participation


The Dialog Research Center at Carnegie Mellon (DialRC) is organizing the REAL Challenge. The goal of the REAL Challenge ( is to build speech systems that are used regularly by real users to accomplish real tasks. These systems will give the speech and spoken dialog communities steady streams of research data as well as platforms they can use to carry out studies. It will engage both seasoned researchers and high school and undergrad students in an effort to find the next great speech applications.


Why have a REAL Challenge?

Humans greatly rely on spoken language to communicate, so it seems natural that we would be likely to communicate with objects via speech as well. Some speech interfaces do exist and they show promise, demonstrating that smart engineering can palliate indeterminate recognition. Yet the general public has not yet picked up this means of communication as easily as they have the tiny keyboards. About two decades ago, many researchers were using the internet, mostly to send and receive email. They were aware of the potential that it held and waited to see when and how the general public would adopt it. Practically a decade later, thanks to providers such as AmericaOnline, who had found how to create easy access, everyday people started to use the internet. And this has dramatically changed our lives. In the same way, we all know that speech will eventually replace the keyboard in many situations when we want to speak to objects. The big question is what is the interface or application that will bring us into that era.


Why hasn’t speech become a more prevalent interface? Most of today’s speech applications have been devised by researchers in the speech domain. While they certainly know what types of systems are “doable”, they may not be the best at determining which speech applications would be universally acceptable.


We believe that students who have not yet had their vision limited by knowledge of the speech and spoken dialog domains and who have grown up with computers as a given, are the ones that will find new, compelling and universally appealing speech applications. Along with the good ideas, they will need some guidance to gain focus. Having a mentor, attending webinars and participating in a research team can provide this guidance.


The REAL challenge will combine the talents of these two very different groups. First it will call upon the speech research community who know what it takes to implement real applications. Second, it will advertise to and encourage participation from high school students and college undergrads who love to hack and have novel ideas about using speech.


How can we combine these two types of talent?

The REAL Challenge is starting with a widely-advertised call for proposals. Students can propose an application. Researchers can propose to create systems or to provide tools. A proposal can target any type of application in any language. The proposals will be lightly filtered and the successful proposers will be invited to a workshop on June 21, 2014 to show what they are proposing and to team up. The idea is for students to meet researchers and for the latter to take one or more students on their team. Students will present their ideas and have time for discussion with researchers. A year later, a second workshop will assemble all who were at the first workshop to show the resulting systems, measure success and award prizes.

Student travel will be taken care of by DialRC through grants.


Preparing students

Students will have help from DialRC and from researchers as they formulate their proposals. DialRC will provide webinars on such topics as speech processing tool basics and how to present a poster. Students will also be assigned mentors. Researchers in speech and spoken dialog can volunteer to be a one-on-one mentor to a student. This consists of being in touch either in person or virtually. Mentors can tell the students about what our field consists of, what the state of the art is, and what it is like to work in research. They can answer questions about how the student can talk about their ideas. If you are a researcher in speech and/or spoken dialog and you would like to be a mentor, please let us know at


What is an entry?

The groups will create entries. Here are the characteristics of a successful entry:

  • there is a stateful interaction (not stateless, not on-off)

  • the interaction is sustained over multiple turns

  • language is central to the entry – it is the primary medium of exchange (not necessarily the only medium, but it is not peripheral to the main use of the entry)

  • the entry makes a meaningful contribution to the interaction (so, it does not just pass messages)

  • the entry must do some meaningful processing (not just passing messages like an email router). It has to make meaningful contributions to the interaction.


How can we assess success?

Success will be judged on the basis of originality, amount of regular users and of data and on other criteria to be agreed upon by the Challenge scientific committee and the participants.


Possible prize areas for an entry include:

  • how much usage it gets

  • how engaging it is / how novel is the interaction

  • how good it is as a platform for future research – a platform is defined here as the output/result of an entry that would be of use for the research community. A platform is not just a computer program toolkit. It could, for example, be used the following year as the basis for a competition (like best ASR or best belief tracking)


Details of the measures of success will be refined at the workshop with input from the participants.




The REAL Challenge was announced at several major conferences during the summer of 2013: SIGDIAL, Interspeech, ACL. It is also being announced to younger participants through their schools and hacker websites.


March 20, 2014 : Proposals due

April 20, 2014: Feedback on proposals and invitations to attend the workshop sent out.

June 21, 2014 : Workshop in Baltimore Maryland USA.

Early summer of 2015 : Resulting systems are presented a year after the first workshop.


What advantage is there for a student to participate?

For students, participation in the REAL Challenge will present several unique opportunities:

  • the chance to work in a group with real researchers, on a real world problem

  • the chance to see how ideas are turned into reality

  • the chance to make something that works and that people actually use

  • the chance to learn about new technology and use it to solve new problems

  • the chance to observe what careers in technology are like and to be in contact with possible future employers


What does this Challenge contribute to the speech community?

For researchers, participation reaps several benefits:

  • the number and type of speech applications will be greatly expanded

  • there will be more datasets available for research

  • there will be more platforms to run studies on and to use in speech and spoken dialog classes

  • the enrichment that comes from mentoring


Why should industrial research groups be interested in the Challenge?

Industrial research groups should be interested to see:

  • which types of applications actually appeal to the general public and which ones fail, which could be revenue-generating

  • how students learn to apply the latest speech technologies in novel directions and which of these students could become future collaborators



This Challenge is run by the Dialog Research Center at Carnegie Mellon (DialRC)


REAL Challenge Scientific Committee


Alan W Black, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Maxine Eskenazi, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Helen Hastie, Heriot Watt University, Scotland

Gary Geunbae Lee, Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea

Sungjin Lee, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Santoshi Nakamura, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

Elmar Noeth, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

Antoine Raux, Lenovo, USA

David Traum, University of Southern California, USA

Jason Williams, Microsoft Research, USA


Contact information:

Website :

Email :

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3-3-6(2014-06-23) 2ème APPEL À DÉMONSTRATION — JEP’2014

Le Mans du 23 au 27 juin 2014


Date limite de soumission : 18 mai 2014
Notification aux auteurs : 23 mai 2014


Organisée par l’équipe LST du LIUM (Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Maine) et l'équipe TALN du LINA (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Nantes Atlantique), la conférence JEP’2014 se tiendra du 23 au 27 juin 2014 au Mans.

La conférence JEP’2014 comprendra des communications orales et affichées, des conférences invitées et une session de démonstration.


Les organisateurs de la conférence ont le plaisir d’inviter les participants à présenter des démonstrations de logiciels, de prototypes qui s’appuient sur des méthodes de traitement automatique de la parole. Dans ce cadre, les professionnels de l’industrie peuvent faire acte de candidature pour présenter leur logiciel au cours de cette session. 
L’objet de cette dernière est d’offrir un cadre d’interaction entre les milieux industriel et académique sur les questions inhérentes au traitement automatique de la parole. 
Lorsqu'elles permettent ce type d'interaction, les présentations d'études sur la parole qui ne concernent ni logiciel ni prototype sont également invitées.

La session DEMONSTRATIONS ET INDUSTRIELLE, accueillera des présentations sous les formes suivantes (selon les besoins et disponibilités) :

stand d’exposant ;
affiche de présentation ;
démonstration de produits logiciels.

La première partie cette session ne sera accessible qu'aux conférenciers inscrits à la conférence. Dans un effort de dissémination scientifique et technique, la seconde partie de la session sera ouverte au grand public.

Pour participer, les candidats devront envoyer un résumé (2 page maximum au format de la conférence) aux adresses : et le 11 mai 2014 au plus tard. Les participants seront choisis par le comité d’organisation, indépendament du processus de sélection scientifique habituel. Les critères de sélection s’appuieront sur la pertinence des propositions au regard des thématiques affichées par la conférences JEP et de leur potentiel d'interactions entre milieu industriel et académique.

Contact : et
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3-3-7(2014-06-24) CfP International Conference of young researchers in Language Didactics and Linguistics, Grenoble Fr.


International Conference of young researchers in Language Didactics and Linguistics

Multidisciplinary conference on the study of language


24 juin – 27 juin 2014

LIDILEM laboratory Stendhal University, Grenoble, France

In line with the areas of research of our laboratory, this multidisciplinary conference’s objective is to allow the community of PhD

students and young researchers to submit their research topics in the fields of language, its teaching and or literacy, psychology,

education sciences, ethnology, neurolinguistics, human-machine communication.







Linguistic development






Language didactics,


Natural Language Processing (NLP),


Digital Humanities.



Submission deadline : 15th November 2013 29th November 2013



Announcement of acceptances : March 3rd, 2013


Preliminary program : May, 2014


Reception of final articles : June 2nd, 2014


Conference dates : Tuesday, 24 June (afternoon) to Friday, 27 June 2014


Laurent BESACIER (Université Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, France), Jacqueline BILLIEZ (Université

Stendhal de Grenoble, France), Annette BOUDREAU (Université de Moncton, Canada), Gabrièle BUDACH (University of

Southampton, England) , Cécile CANUT (Université Paris-Descartes, France), Jean-Pierre CHEVROT (Université Stendhal de

Grenoble, France), Jean-Louis CHISS (Université Paris 3, France), Jean-François de PIETRO (Université de Neuchâtel, Institut de

Recherche et de Documentation Pédagogique, Switzerland), Jean-Marc DEWAELE (Birbeck, University of London, England),

Cécile FABRE (ERSS, Université de Toulouse, France), Isabel GONZALEZ REY (Université St Jacques de Compostelle, Spain),

Heather HILTON (Université Paris 8, France), Alexandra JAFFE (California State University Long Beach, United-States), Sophie

KERN (Université de Lyon 3, France), Marinette MATTHEY (Université Stendhal de Grenoble, France), Christophe PARISSE

(Université de Paris 10, France), Ludovic TANGUY (ERSS, Université de Toulouse, France).


The languages used during the conference will be French or English.


This conference addresses only young researchers (PhD students and recent doctors). Abstracts must be in French or in English.

The abstract should not be more than 2 pages long, including references.

Deadline for submission : 15

th November 2013 29th November 2013


For more information refer to the instructions indicated on the conference site:


Presentations and posters of young researchers will follow one another and will be accompanied with plenary conferences of

renowned lecturers and researchers stemming from different disciplinary fields.

Communication in workshops (20 minutes presentation and an additional 10 minutes for discussion).

Presentation of posters.


The abstracts accepted for oral or displayed may be published in the form of articles (8-10 pages) to be submitted before June 2


2014. Articles will be subjected and selected to a proofreading committee with the possibility of being published in the University

Press of Grenoble (PUG) at the beginning of 2015.


For any further information about submissions or registrations, please email to:

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3-3-8(2014-06-26) 5th annual workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT),Baltimore, USA

We are pleased to announce the first call for papers for the fifth annual workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT), to be co-located with ACL 2014 in Baltimore in June 2014. The deadline for submission of papers and demo proposals is 21 March. Full details on the workshop, topics of interest, timeline, and formatting of regular papers can be found here here:



This 2-day workshop will bring together researchers from all areas of speech and language technology with a common interest in making everyday life more accessible for people with physical, cognitive, sensory, emotional, or developmental disabilities. This workshop will provide an opportunity for individuals from both research communities, and the individuals with whom they are working, to assist to share research findings, and to discuss present and future challenges and the potential for collaboration and progress. General topics include but are not limited to:

                • Automated processing of sign language

                • Speech synthesis and speech recognition for physical or cognitive impairments

                • Speech transformation for improved intelligibility

                • Speech and Language Technologies for Assisted Living

                • Translation systems; to and from speech, text, symbols and sign language

                • Novel modeling and machine learning approaches for AAC/AT applications

                • Text processing for improved comprehension, e.g., sentence simplification or text-to-speech

                • Silent speech: speech technology based on sensors without audio

                • Symbol languages, sign languages, nonverbal communication

                • Dialogue systems and natural language generation for assistive technologies

                • Multimodal user interfaces and dialogue systems adapted to assistive technologies

                • NLP for cognitive assistance applications

                • Presentation of graphical information for people with visual impairments

                • Speech and NLP applied to typing interface applications

                • Brain-computer interfaces for language processing applications

                • Speech, natural language and multimodal interfaces to assistive technologies

                • Assessment of speech and language processing within the context of assistive technology

                • Web accessibility; text simplification, summarization, and adapted presentation modes such as speech, signs or symbols

                • Deployment of speech and NLP tools in the clinic or in the field

                • Linguistic resources; corpora and annotation schemes

                • Evaluation of systems and components, including methodology

                • Anything included in this year's special topic

                • Other topics in Augmentative and Alternative Communication


Please contact the conference organizers at with any questions.


Important dates:


21 March: Paper/demo submissions due

11 April: Notification of acceptance

28 April: Camera-ready papers due

26 - 27 June: SLPAT workshop


We look forward to seeing you!


The organizing committee of SLPAT 2014,

Jan Alexandersson, DFKI, Germany

Dimitra Anastasiou, University of Bremen, Gernany

Cui Jian, SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition, University of Bremen, Germany

Ani Nenkova, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Rupal Patel, Northeastern University, USA

Frank Rudzicz, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute and University of Toronto, Canada

Annalu Waller, University of Dundee, Scotland

Desislava Zhekova, University of Munich, Germany




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3-3-9(2014-07-01) 21st Conference on Natural Language Processing (TALN 2014), Marseille, F(MODIFIED)




             21st Conference on Natural Language Processing




                             July 1-4 2014


                           Marseille, FRANCE






1. Long paper


    - Extended submission deadline : February 27, 2014

    - Notification : March 29, 2014

    - Camera ready paper due : May 2, 2014


2. Short paper


    - Paper submission deadline : April 12, 2014

    - Notification : May 10, 2014

    - Camera ready paper due : May 26, 2014


3. Demonstrations


    - Submission deadline : April 21, 2014

    - Notification : May 10, 2014

    - Camera ready paper due : May 26, 2014





Organized by the LPL (Laboratoire Parole et Langage) and the LIF

(Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale), the 21st Conference on

Natural Language Processing (TALN) will take place from 1st to the

4th July at Faculté Saint Charles, Marseille (France).


TALN'2014 is organised under the aegis of ATALA (Association pour

le Traitement Automatique des Langues) and will be held jointly with

RECITAL'2014, the conference for young researchers (separated call

for papers).


TALN'2014 will include oral presentations of research and position

papers, posters, invited speakers and demonstrations. The official

language is French. English presentations and papers are accepted for

non-French-speaking authors.





Two communication formats are proposed: long papers (from 12 to 14 pages)

and short papers (from 6 to 8 pages).


Authors are invited to submit two types of communications:


  - original research work

  - position paper on the current state of the research work


Papers should present original works, with substantial new material when

comparing to previous publications of the same author(s). Translation of

previously published papers are not


There will be two presentation formats: Oral for long papers and Poster

for short papers.


All topics of NLP are eligible for a submission.





Submissions will be reviewed by at least two experts of the domain. For research

papers, decisions will be based on the following criteria:


 - relevance to the conference topics

- importance and originality of the paper

- scientific and technical soundness

- comparison of the results obtained with those found in relevant works

- situation of the research in comparison with international work

- clarity of the presentation



For position papers, decisions will be based on the following criteria:


 - originality of the point of view presented

- breadth of view and the taking into account of the state-of-the-art



The selected communications will be published in the conference proceedings.


The program committee will select one paper (TALN Best Paper) among the


accepted papers which will be recommended for publication (extended form) in


the journal 'Traitement Automatique des Langues' (T.A.L.).





Papers will be written in French for French-speaking authors or English for non-French-speaking authors.


A LaTeX style file and a Word template will be made available on the


conference website:





                Philippe Blache (Président)

                Carine André                    Frédéric Béchet

                Sébastien Bermond       Brigitte Bigi

                Nadéra Bureau                Cyril Deniaud

                Stéphanie Desous          Benoît Favre

                Nuria Gala                          Joëlle Lavaud

                Grégoire Montcheuil     Alexis Nasr

                Catherine Perrot             Klim Peshkov

                Laurent Prévot                 Carlos Ramisch

                Stéphane Rauzy              Claudia Starke







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3-3-10(2014-07-01) Atelier: Réseaux Lexicaux et Traitement des Langues Naturelles (RLTLN), Marseille (F)


We do accept papers written in English by those who are not fluent in French

Les articles seront rédigés en français pour les francophones,
en anglais pour ceux qui ne maîtrisent pas le français.


Réseaux Lexicaux et Traitement des Langues Naturelles

Atelier TALN 2014
Faculté Saint Charles (Aix Marseille Université), 1er juillet 2014.
Date limite de soumission
: 21 avril 2014  

Organisateurs :
Michael Zock (LIF, Marseille)
Gemma Bel-Enguix (LIF, Marseille)
Reinhard Rapp (LIF, Marseille et Université de Mainz)


La façon dont nous regardons les unités lexicales, leur organisation et utilisation a radicalement changée ces dernières décennies. Décrites dans des dictionnaires et considérées comme des annexes de la grammaire dans les années 80, on les considère désormais comme de la matière première en TAL. Si à l’époque on utilisait encore des termes comme 'mots' ou 'dictionnaires', on parle aujourd’hui plutôt de 'ressources lexicales' dont il existe un certain nombre (WordNet, FrameNet, VerbNet, PropBank, ...). Celles-ci ont été standardisées (, liées entre elles ( ou liées à des encyclopédies comme Wikipédia ( Il y a également des projets comme DBnary ( qui, partant de Wiktionary, fournit des ressources lexicales dans de nombreuses langues.

Si dans le passé on créait des dictionnaires à la main, on le fait aujourd'hui de manière (semi-) automatique et à l'aide de corpus. Bien entendu, cette évolution ne s'est pas faite du jour au lendemain. Les premières tentatives de création automatique de ressources à partir de dictionnaires imprimés (Ide Véronis, se sont vite heurtées à des problèmes, en raison de la pauvreté de la source : les dictionnaires papier ne contenaient pas les informations nécessaires permettant ensuite un usage par la machine. Or, c’était justement le but recherché. L’accès à de vastes corpus a alors permis de marquer un tournant et de construire des ressources plus riches, plus explicites et mieux structurées. Concernant ce dernier point, WordNet (WN) a joué un rôle capital. Bien qu’il n’a pas eu le succès escompté auprès des psycholinguistes ou auprès des utilisateurs consultant la ressource (pour chercher des mots), WN a eu un succès considérable en TAL. Ceci dit, il a également eu un impact incontestable sur le plan théorique. WN a profondément modifié notre manière de voir la structure des ressources lexicales. Dorénavant, elles ne se résument plus à des simples listes alphabétiques, mais elles sont réprésentées plutôt sous forme des graphes (réseau lexical) dont les noeuds sont des unités lexicales liées par différents types de relations.

Parallèlement à l’évolution des ressources lexicales, on a pu observer une évolution notable concernant les travaux portant sur les graphes. Ces derniers semblent se prêter à merveille à la modélisation de divers domaines (Barrat, 2008, Barabási, 2003), y compris celui de la langue. En effet, il y a eu de nombreux travaux montrant leur pertinence pour capter le sens des mots et celui des phrases (Widdows, 2004; Sowa, 1991) ou pour modéliser divers aspects du 'monde' lexical : structures associatives (, ou, structure du dictionnaire (Gaume et al. 2008), densité lexicale, distance moyenne entre les mots (Vitevitch, 2008), accessibilité (Ferrer i Cancho Sole, 2001), aspects dynamiques des graphes (Dion, 2012), etc.

Nous constatons donc qu’il y a deux communautés, dont l’une s’intéresse aux données (concrètes commes les unites lexicales), et l’autre plutôt à leur représentation et organisation (graphes, topologie, navigation). C’est pour encourager l’échange d’idées entre ces deux mondes, que nous organisons cet atelier.


Nous attendons des soumissions portant sur les thèmes évoqués plus haut et en particulier :
  • Origine des données permettant la construction des ressources : corpus (web, blogs, courriels), êtres humains (liste d’associations), etc. ;
  • Méthode de construction de la ressource: automatique, semi-automatique, collaborative (par des jeux, etc.) ;
  • Construction automatique du réseau (repérage et caractérisation des relations sémantiques) ;
  • Structuration des données : alphabétique, thématique, liens sémantiques, liens associatifs ;
  • Propriétés mathématiques des réseaux lexicaux ;
  • Facteurs affectant le poids des noeuds ou des liens : aspects dynamiques des graphes (fréquence, saillance, récence, changement de thème, etc.) ;
  • Caractérisation topologique du graphe lexical : distribution, densité relative, évolution du graphe ;
  • Exploitation ou utilisation de la ressource ou d’une de ses transformations comme la transformation du graphe en arbre pour assister la navigation (accès lexical) ;
  • Accessibilité des mots grâce à des caractéristiques du réseau (phénomène du ‘petit monde’) ;
  • Visualisation et manipulation des graphes (traduction en arbre, clustering, calcul de similarité sémantique) ;
  • Modélisation des variations linguistiques et des changements de la langue (évolution du lexique).


Les soumissions seront examinées par au moins deux spécialistes du domaine.

Pour les travaux de recherches, seront considérées en particulier :
  • l'adéquation aux thèmes de l'atelier,
  • l'importance et l'originalité de la contribution,
  • la correction du contenu scientifique et technique,
  • l'organisation et la clarté de la présentation.


Les articles seront rédigés en français pour les francophones, en anglais pour ceux qui ne maîtrisent pas le français. Ils devront suivre le format de TALN 2014 et ne doivent pas dépasser 10 pages (références comprises). Les feuilles de style (LaTeX et Word) sont disponibles sur le site web de la conférence ( Les propositions doivent être envoyées sous forme pdf à l’adresse suivante : ( Les articles retenus donneront lieu à une présentation de 30 mn, discussion comprise.


  • Bel Enguix, Gemma (LIF, Université Aix-Marseille, France)
  • Bouillon, Pierrette (tim, Faculté de Traduction et d’interprétation de Genève, Suisse)
  • Cristea, Dan (University A.I.Cuza, Iasi, Romania)
  • Ferrer i Cancho, Ramon (larca, université polytechnique de Catalogne, Barcelone, Espagne)
  • Ferret, Olivier (cea list, Gif sur Yvette, France)
  • Francopoulo, Gil (Tagmatica, Paris, France)
  • Gala, Nuria (lif-cnrs, Aix Marseille Université, Marseille, France)
  • Granger, Sylviane (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
  • Grefenstette, Gregory (Inria, Saclay, France)
  • Lapalme, Guy (rali, Université de Montréal, Canada)
  • Lenci, Alessandro (Université de Pise, Italie)
  • L'Homme, Marie-Claude (Université de Montréal, Canada)
  • Massip i Bonet, Àngels: (Université de Barcelone, département de philologie Catalane, Espagne)
  • Navigli, Roberto (Sapienzia, Université de Rome, Italie)
  • Ploux, Sabine (L2C2, Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Lyon, France)
  • Prévot, Laurent (lpl, Université Aix Marseille, Aix en Provence)
  • Rapp, Reinhard (lif, France) et (université de Mainz, Germany)
  • Rosso, Paolo (nlel, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)
  • Schwab, Didier (lif-getalp, Grenoble, France)
  • Sérasset, Gilles (lig, Grenoble, France)
  • Zock, Michael (lif, Marseille, France) et (Université de Tainan, Taiwan)


  • Date limite de soumission : 21 avril 2014
  • Notification aux auteurs : 10 mai 2014
  • Soumission de la version définitive : 30 mai 2014
  • Date de l’atelier : 1er juillet 2014


- Michael Zock michael.zock [arobas]
- Gemma Bel Enguix gemma.belenguix [arobas]
- Reinhard Rapp reinhardrapp [arobas]

Web :
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3-3-11(2014-07-01) TALAf 2014 : Traitement automatique des langues africaines (écrit et parole), Marseille, France
TALAf 2014 : Traitement automatique des langues africaines (écrit et parole)
Atelier TALN 2014 - Marseille le 1er juillet 2014

Mathieu Mangeot (LIG) et Fatiha Sadat (UQAM)

PRÉSENTATION (voir plus de détails sur )

Dans la suite du premier atelier TALAf qui s'est tenu le 8 juin 2012 à Grenoble, lors de la conférence JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012 (voir les actes :, nous proposons une nouvelle édition de cet atelier lors de la conférence TALN 2014 le premier juillet à Marseille. Nous accueillons les travaux menés sur toutes les langues peu dotées d'Afrique. Des travaux sur l''arabe dialectal de l'Afrique du nord sont également bienvenus.

Cet atelier a pour but d'effectuer un état des lieux des travaux de constitution de ressources linguistiques de base (dictionnaires, corpus oraux et écrits), de mettre au point des méthodologies simples et économes d'élaboration de ressource, d'échanger sur les techniques permettant de se passer de certaines ressources inexistantes et de fixer un certain nombre de principes pour les futurs travaux dans le domaine.
L'atelier se déroulera sur une demi-journée.


Les publications devront comprendre entre 6 et 12 pages. Les auteurs sont invités à soumettre des articles présentant des travaux de recherche originaux sur les thèmes proposés ci-dessous.


L'atelier est ouvert à la présentation de travaux de recherche portant sur les thèmes suivants :
Ressources :
• constitution de corpus écrits (monolingues, bilingues alignés ou comparables)
• constitution de corpus oraux (incluant la transcription)
• élaboration de lexiques et dictionnaires (monolingues, bilingues)
• évaluation de la qualité des ressources
Outils :
• analyseurs morphologiques, correcteurs orthographiques
• analyseurs syntaxiques, correcteurs grammaticaux
• systèmes de TA (statistique ou à base de règles)
• reconnaissance de la parole
• synthèse vocale


Les soumissions seront examinées par au moins deux spécialistes du domaine.
Pour les travaux de recherches, seront considérées en particulier :
- l'adéquation aux thèmes de l'atelier.
- l'importance et l'originalité de la contribution,
- la correction du contenu scientifique et technique,
- l'organisation et la clarté de la présentation.


Les articles seront rédigés en français pour les francophones, en anglais pour ceux qui ne maîtrisent pas le français. Les formats précis de soumission sont disponibles pour Word et Latex sur le site de taln2014 :
Les propositions de communications doivent être envoyées sous forme pdf à l'adresse suivante :


Laurent Besacier (LIG, Grenoble, France)
Philippe Bretier (Voxygen, Pleumeur-Bodou, France)
Khalid Choukri (ELDA, Paris, France)
Mame Thierno Cissé (ARCIV, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Sénégal)
Denys Duchier (Université d'Orléans, Orléans, France)
Chantal Enguehard (LINA, Nantes, France)
Gil Francopoulo (Tagmatica, Paris, France)
Mathieu Mangeot (LIG, Grenoble, France)
Chérif Mbodj, (Centre de Linguistique Appliquée de Dakar, Sénégal)
Kamal Naït-Zerrad (INALCO, Paris, France)
Pascal Nocera, (Université d'Avignon, France)
Francois Pellegrino, (DDL, Lyon, France)
Fatiha Sadat (UQAM, Montréal, Canada)
Mamadou Lamine Sanogo (INSS, Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso)
Emmanuel Schang (Université d'Orléans, Orléans, France)
Gilles Sérasset (LIG, Grenoble, France)
Valentin Vydrin (LLACAN-INALCO, Paris, France)


- Date limite de soumission : 26 avril 2014
- Notification aux auteurs : 24 mai 2014
- Date limite de soumission des versions définitives : 15 juin 2014
- Atelier : 1 juillet 2014



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3-3-12(2014-07-06) Special Session on Computational Intelligence Algorithms for Digital Audio Applications, Beijing China
Special Session on Computational Intelligence Algorithms for Digital Audio Applications WCCI 2014 Special Session - Call for Papers 2014 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2014) Beijing, China, 
July 6-11 2014. Theme and Scope of the Session ___________________________________________ Computational Intelligence (CI) is widely used to face complex modelling, prediction, and recognition tasks, and is largely addressed in different research fields. One of these, characterized by a mature orientation to market for many years already, is represented by Digital Audio, which finds application in diverse contexts like entertainment, security, and health. Scientists and technicians worldwide actively cooperate to develop new solutions and propose them for commercial exploitation, and, from this perspective, the employment of advanced CI techniques, in combination with suitable Digital Signal Processing algorithms, surely constitutes a plus. In particular, this is typically accomplished with the aim of extracting and manipulating useful information from the audio stream to pilot the execution of automatized services, also in an interactive fashion. This often happens in conjunction with data coming from other media, like textual and visual, for which specific and application-driven fusion techniques are needed (which also require the involvement of advanced CI algorithms). Several are the Digital Audio topics touched by such a paradigm. In digital music applications we have music transcription, onset detection, genre recognition, just to name a few. Then, moving to speech processing, speech/speaker recognition, speaker diarization, and source separation are surely representative subjects with a florid literature already. Furthermore, auditory scene analysis, acoustic monitoring and sound detection and identification have lately encountered a certain success in the scientific community and can be thus included in this illustrative list. In dealing with the problems correlated to these different topics, the adoption of data-driven learning systems is often a ``must''. This is not, however, immune to technological issues. Indeed, big amount of data frequently needs to be managed and processed, data which features can change over time due to the time-varying characteristics of the audio stream and of the acoustic environment. Moreover, in many applicative scenarios hard real-time processing constraints must be taken into account. It is indeed of great interest for the scientific community to understand how and to what extent novel CI techniques can be efficiently employed in Digital Audio, in the light of all aforementioned aspects. The aim of this session is therefore to offer a CI oriented look at the large variety of Digital Audio research topics and applications and to discuss the most recent technological efforts from this perspective. Topics ___________________________________________ Intelligent Audio Analysis Audio Information Retrieval Music Content Analysis and Understanding Speech and Speaker Analysis and Classification Cross-domain Audio Analysis Sound Detection and Identification Computational Auditory Scene Analysis Acoustic Monitoring Context-aware Audio Source Separation Intelligent Audio Interfaces Important Dates ___________________________________________ •20 December 2013: Due date for paper submission •15 March 2014: Notification to authors •15 April 2014: Camera-ready deadline for accepted papers •6-11 July 2013: Conference Days Organisers ___________________________________________ Stefano Squartini Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy) Aurelio Uncini Università La Sapienza (Italy) Francesco Piazza Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy) Björn Schuller Imperial College London (UK), TUM (Germany) 
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3-3-13(2014-07-07) 2014 International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing (ICALIP 2014), Shanghai, China


2014 International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing

July 7-9, 2014, Shanghai, China




As the flagship conference and the most import event in the region, the 4th International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing (ICALIP2014) will continue the great success of its three previous editions (ICALIP 2008, ICALIP2010 and ICALIP2012) with aiming to provide a unique forum for researchers, engineers and educators interested in audio, language and image processing to learn about recent progresses, to address related challenges and to develop new methods, applications and systems. The conference, to be held on July 7-9, 2014 in Shanghai, the largest city of China, is technically sponsored by IEEE CIS Shanghai Chapter and is co-organized by IET Shanghai Local Network, Shanghai University, Tongji University, Fudan University and Shanghai JiaoTong University. The conference proceedings including all the accepted papers will be published by IEEE (IEEE catalog number: No. CFP1450D-PRT and ISBN: 978-1-4799-3902-2) and submitted to both EI Compendex and ISTP which has indexed all accepted papers of previous three conferences. Best Paper Awards will be granted to the authors of those outstanding papers determined by the International Program Committee of the conference and also the expanded version of the selected papers will be published in four SCI-E indexed IET Research Journals.



2 The Submission Deadline       March 25, 2014

2 Notification of Acceptance     May 10, 2014

2 Camera-ready Copy                 May 30, 2014



Conference topics include, but are not limited to:

A.  Audio and Music Processing:  

  • Compression and Coding, 3D and Surround Sounds, Digital Rights and Watermarking
  • Music Information Retrieval, Internet Audio, Audio Beam Loudspeaker, Hearing Aids
  • Echo Cancellation, Noise Reduction, Beamforming, Audio Gesture System, Binaural Hearing
  • Crosstalk Cancellation, Voice Processing in Cochlear Implants

B. Language and Speech Processing:

  • Language Acquisition and Reproduction, Human Language Understanding and Learning
  • Machine Translation, Speech Recognition and Understanding
  • Speech Enhancement, Spoken Document Retrieval

C.  Image Processing:  

  • Image Coding, Image Filtering and Enhancement, Image Segmentation and Understanding
  • Image Representation and Modeling, Feature Extraction and Analysis
  • Image Storage and Retrieval, Image Authentication and Watermarking, DSP/FPGA Implementations

D.  Computer Graphic and Virtual Reality:

  • Computational Geometry, Modeling, Rendering, Visualization
  • Animation and Simulation, Interactive Environments, Immersive Virtual Reality
  •  Virtual environments, Applications of Virtual Reality

E. Bio-informatics:

  • Biomedical Image Processing & Visualization, Bio-signal Processing and Analysis
  • Biomedical Engineering, Medical and Biomedical Applications
  • Health Monitoring Systems, Health Informatics

F.  Remote Sensing and GIS:

  • Mobile and Wireless GIS, Geospatial Information Visualization and Service
  • Multi-dimensional GIS (3D GIS), Indoor and Outdoor Location
  • Remote Sensing Image Preprocessing, Multisensor and Multisource Data Fusion
  • GPS Technology, Remote Sensing and GIS Application

G.  Multimedia SOC Design:

  • Reconfigurable Processor for Multimedia, Multimedia system-on-a-chip
  • Multi-core Technology for Multimedia Processing, GPU-based Multimedia Processing
  • Novel Architecture for Multimedia Computing

H.  Big Data and Cloud Processing:

  • Big Data Acquisition and Preprocessing, Big Data Storage and Cloud Storage and Management
  • Modeling Technology and System for Big Date and Cloud, Big Data Analysis
  • Big Data Intelligent Computing,  Big Data Mining, Big Data Visualization, Big Data and Cloud Applications


Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to send full-length, 4-6 page papers, including figures and references, to the conference website ( following the Instructions for Authors. All papers will be handled and reviewed electronically. Check the conference website for update.


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3-3-14(2014-07-19) Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française at l’Université Libre de Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin)

Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française 2014

Organisé par l’


Institut de Linguistique Française (CNRS – FR 2393)

du 19 au 23 juillet 2014,

à l’Université Libre de Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin)



: 19 au 23 juillet 2014


: Université Libre de Berlin

Site web

:, rubrique Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française




Intérêt scientifique

Le quatrième Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française est organisé par l’Institut de

Linguistique Française (ILF), Fédération de Recherche du CNRS (FR 2393) qui est sous la

tutelle de cet organisme et du Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche.

L’ILF regroupe dix-sept laboratoires de recherche, qui sont les co-organisateurs de ce

congrès en partenariat avec de nombreuses associations nationales et internationales. Une

telle organisation, conjointement prise en charge par dix-sept unités de recherche, est

exceptionnelle par son ampleur et la volonté de partenariat scientifique qu’elle révèle.

Le premier Congrès Mondial a été organisé à Paris par l’ILF en 2008, le deuxième à La

Nouvelle-Orléans, le troisième à Lyon en 2012. Chacun de ces trois congrès a attiré plus de

300 participants et les résultats ont fait l’objet d’une publication en ligne immédiate

accompagnée par un volume de résumés et un CD-ROM d’actes.

Ce congrès est organisé sans aucun privilège d'école ou d'orientation et sans exclusive

théorique ou conceptuelle. Chaque domaine ou sous-domaine, chaque type d'objet, chaque

type de questionnement et chaque problématique portant sur le français peut y trouver sa


Le CMLF est organisé en 15 sessions, lesquelles soulignent le fait que la linguistique

française n’est pas limitée à tel ou tel domaine érigé en modèle pour les autres sousdisciplines

du champ. Quatorze thématiques ont été retenues, qui permettent de balayer la

plus grande partie du champ scientifique : (1) Histoire du français : perspectives

diachronique et synchronique, (2) Linguistique et Didactique (français langue première,

français langue seconde), (3) Discours, Pragmatique et Interaction, (4) Francophonie, (5)

Histoire, Épistémologie, Réflexivité, (6) Lexique(s), (7) Linguistique de l’écrit, Linguistique

du texte, Sémiotique, Stylistique, (8) Morphologie, (9) Phonétique, Phonologie et

Interfaces, (10) Psycholinguistique et Acquisition, (11) Sémantique, (12)

Sociolinguistique, Dialectologies et Écologie des langues, (13) Syntaxe, (14) Ressources

et Outils pour l’analyse linguistique. A ces quatorze thématiques a été ajoutée une quinzième

session « pluri-thématique », laissant ouverte la possibilité de travailler dans plusieurs

domaines, voire en marge des territoires disciplinaires traditionnels.

Chaque thématique est pilotée par un Président et coordonnée par un Vice-président

(membre du Comité directeur de l’ILF, ou bien choisi par ce comité). Les comités

scientifiques comportent une proportion équilibrée de spécialistes français et étrangers. Un

soin particulier a été accordé à la sélection des comités afin de s’assurer qu’ils présenteraient

les plus grandes garanties scientifiques pour le succès du congrès. On trouve donc dans

chaque comité des linguistes connu(e)s mondialement pour leur contribution au domaine. Le

rôle de ces comités est de sélectionner les propositions de communications.

Les soumissions se feront sous la forme de brefs articles de 10 à 15 pages.

Toutes les communications (y compris les conférences plénières) seront publiées sous la

forme d'un article de 10 à 15 pages dans les actes du congrès (sous forme de CD-ROM

accompagnant un livret des titres et des résumés des communications) et maintenues sous

forme électronique sur le site du CMLF. L'archive électronique restera accessible après le



Rappel du calendrier

15 mai 2013 : Ouverture de la plateforme de dépôt des propositions de communications

30 novembre 2013 : Date limite de réception des propositions de communication

25 février 2014 : Notification de l'acceptation ou du refus et directives pour la version


25 mars 2014 : Réception de la version définitive des articles

Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française : du 19 au 23 juillet 2014



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3-3-15(2014-07-22) 4th Lisbon Machine Learning School - 'Learning with Big Data', Lisbon, Portugal
Call for Participation
4th Lisbon Machine Learning School - 'Learning with Big Data'

invite everyone interested in Machine Learning and Natural Language
Processing to attend the 4th Lisbon Machine Learning School - LxMLS

Important Dates

* Application Deadline: April 15, 2014
* Decision: May 15, 2014
* Early Registration: June 15, 2014
* Summer School: July 22-29, 2014

Topics and Intended Audience

school will cover a range of Machine Learning (ML) topics, from theory
to practice, that are important in solving Natural Language Processing
(NLP) problems that arise in the analysis and use of Web data.

Our target audience is:

* Researchers and graduate students in the fields of NLP and Computational Linguistics;
* Computer scientists who have interests in statistics and machine learning;
* Industry practitioners who desire a more in depth understanding of these subjects.

Features of LxMLS:

* No deep previous knowledge of ML or NLP is assumed;
* Recommended reading will be provided in advance;
* Includes a strong practical component;
* A day zero is scheduled to review basic concepts and introduce the necessary tools for implementation exercises;
* Days will be divided into tutorials and practical sessions (view schedule);
* Both basic and advanced topics will be covered;
* Instructors are leading researchers in machine learning.

List of Confirmed Speakers

NOAH SMITH Carnegie Mellon University | USA
XAVIER CARRERAS Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | Spain
CHRIS DYER Carnegie Mellon University | USA
RICHARD SOCHER Stanford University | USA
ANDREAS MUELLER Amazon | Germany
ARIADNA QUATTONI Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | Spain
IVAN TITOV University of Amsterdam | Netherlands
PHIL BLUNSOM University of Oxford | UK
LUIS PEDRO COELHO European Molecular Biology Laboratory | Germany
MÁRIO FIGUEIREDO Instituto de Telecomunicações | Portugal

Please visit our webpage for up to date information:

To apply, please fill the form in Any questions should be directed to:

We are looking forward to your participation!

-- The organizers of LxMLS'2014.
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3-3-16(2014-07-25) 14th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 14), Tokyo, Japan.

The 14th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 14) will be held from 25 to 27 July at the National Institute for Japanese Linguistics (NINJAL) in Tokyo, Japan. For more details, see its official website, which is now open:

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3-3-17(2014-08-17) Summer school on “Tools & Techniques in Geolinguistics”, Univ Kiel, Germany

Summer school on “Tools & Techniques in Geolinguistics”


Dealing with methods and techniques in geolinguistics, an international summer school will take place at the University of Kiel (Germany) 17-27 August 2014. In this new and interdisciplinary research paradigm, regional varieties will be analysed with respect to their linguistic, geographical, social, perceptual and spatial characteristics. With its many Low German dialects and the endangered Frisian language, Northern Germany is a very dynamic language area right on Kiel’s doorstep, and the summer school will take advantage of this. In the case of Low German, students will learn how to collect speech data in the laboratory and in the field, how to compile a text corpus and how to analyse the material multifactorially from a geolinguistic perspective.


The summer school does not only address students and graduates of (German) dialectology and geolinguistics but also provides new insights for everyone interested in speech documentation, field research, phonetics, corpus linguistics, perceptual dialectology, sociolinguistics and typology. International experts in dialectology and geolinguistics will offer a wide range of lectures, interactive workshops and practical exercises. Additionally, participants will be supported by student mentors.


The summer school is addressed to about 50 national and international students. Applicants will be postgraduates holding a bachelor degree (or higher) in linguistics, phonetics, language documentation/typology, German studies or a similar field. Please send the following documents (preferably in pdf format) by email to

- relevant academic achievements, i.e. certificates and complementary proofs of qualification

- curriculum vitae, including experiences in statistics and speech processing software

- letter of motivation briefly summarizing the linguistic expertise and outlining personal research interests and future aims

- recommendation letter of a supervising academic teacher


We offer up to 30 full scholarships that cover all costs for travel and accommodation. Please note in your application whether or not you apply for a scholarship. If possible, all successful applicants from outside Kiel will receive a scholarship. The expenses will be reimbursed after the summer school, but other financial arrangements can be made as well, if necessary.


Applications should be sent by email to by 28 February 2014. For further information, please visit our web site on


Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, the summer school is organised by Prof Dr Oliver Niebuhr, Dr Christina A Anders as well as Dr Uwe Vosberg and hosted by the Institute for Scandinavian studies, Frisian and General Linguistics along with a research centre on “The areality and sociality of language” ( at the University of Kiel.

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3-3-18(2014-08-23) 4th WORKSHOP ON COGNITIVE ASPECTS OF THE LEXICON (CogALex), Dublin, Ireland
1st Call for Papers

together with a shared task concerning the ‘lexical access-problem’

Pre-conference workshop at COLING 2014 (August 23d, Dublin, Ireland)

Submission deadline: May 25, 2014

Invited speaker: Roberto Navigli (Sapienza University of Rome)

For more information, see :
(Beware though that this page is still under construction)


The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers involved in the construction and application of electronic dictionaries to discuss modifications of existing resources in line with the users' needs, thereby fully exploiting the advantages of the digital form. Given the breadth of the questions, we welcome reports on work from many perspectives, including but not limited to: computational lexicography, psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology, language learning and ergonomics.


The way we look at dictionaries (their creation and use) has changed dramatically over the past 30 years. While being considered as an appendix to grammar in the past, by now they have moved to centre stage. Indeed, there is hardly any task in NLP which can be conducted without them. Also, rather than being static entities (data-base view), dictionaries are now viewed as dynamic networks, i.e. graphs, whose nodes and links (connection strengths) may change over time. Interestingly, properties concerning topology, clustering and evolution known from other disciplines (society, economy, human brain) also apply to dictionaries: everything is linked, hence accessible, and everything is evolving. Given these similarities, one may wonder what we can learn from these disciplines.

In this 4th edition of the CogALex workshop we therefore also invite scientists working in these fields, with the goal to broaden the picture, i.e. to gain a better understanding concerning the mental lexicon and to integrate these findings into our dictionaries in order to support navigation. Given recent advances in neurosciences, it appears timely to seek inspiration from neuroscientists studying the human brain. There is also a lot to be learned from other fields studying graphs and networks, even if their object of study is something else than language, for example biology, economy or society.


This workshop is about possible enhancements of lexical resources and electronic dictionaries. To perform the groundwork for the next generation of such resources we invite researchers involved in the building of such tools. The idea is to discuss modifications of existing resources by taking the users’ needs and knowledge states into account, and to capitalize on the advantages of the digital media. For this workshop we solicit papers including but not limited to the following topics, each of which can be considered from various points of view: linguistics, neuro- or psycholinguistics (tip of the tongue problem, associations), network related sciences (sociology, economy, biology), mathematics (vector-based approaches, graph theory, small-world problem), etc.

1) Analysis of the conceptual input of a dictionary user

  • What does a language producer start from (bag of words)?
  • What is in the authors' minds when they are generating a message and looking for a word?
  • What does it take to bridge the gap between this input and the desired output (target word)?

2) The meaning of words

  • Lexical representation (holistic, decomposed)
  • Meaning representation (concept based, primitives)
  • Revelation of hidden information (distributional semantics, latent semantics, vector-based approaches: LSA/HAL)
  • Neural models, neurosemantics, neurocomputational theories of content representation.

3) Structure of the lexicon

  • Discovering structures in the lexicon: formal and semantic point of view (clustering, topical structure)
  • Creative ways of getting access to and using word associations (reading between the lines, subliminal communication);
  • Evolution, i.e. dynamic aspects of the lexicon (changes of weights)
  • Neural models of the mental lexicon (distribution of information concerning words, organisation of words)

4) Methods for crafting dictionaries or indexes

  • Manual, automatic or collaborative building of dictionaries and indexes (crowd-sourcing, serious games, etc.)
  • Impact and use of social networks (Facebook, Twitter) for building dictionaries, for organizing and indexing the data (clustering of words), and for allowing to track navigational strategies, etc.
  • (Semi-) automatic induction of the link type (e.g. synonym, hypernym, meronym, association, collocation, ...)
  • Use of corpora and patterns (data-mining) for getting access to words, their uses, combinations and associations

5) Dictionary access (navigation and search strategies, interface issues,...)

  • Search based on sound, meaning or associations
  • Search (simple query vs multiple words)
  • Context-dependent search (modification of users’ goals during search)
  • Recovery
  • Navigation (frequent navigational patterns or search strategies used by people)
  • Interface problems, data-visualisation

6) Dictionary applications

  • Methods supporting vocabulary learning (for example, creation of data-bases showing words in various contexts)
  • Tools for supporting Human translation


Deadline for paper submissions: May 25, 2014
Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2014
Camera-ready papers due: July 7, 2014
Workshop date: August 23, 2014


Papers should follow the COLING main conference formatting details ( and should be submitted as a PDF-file via the START workshop manager at (you must register first). 

Contributions can be short or long papers. Short paper submission must describe original and unpublished work without exceeding six (6) pages (references included). Characteristics of short papers include: a small, focused contribution; work in progress; a negative result; a piece of opinion; an interesting application nugget. Long paper submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished work without exceeding twelve (12) pages (references included).

Reviewing will be double blind, so the papers should not reveal the authors' identity. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings.

For further details see:


We invite participation in a shared task devoted to the problem of lexical access in language production, with the aim of providing a quantitative comparison between different systems.

Motivation of shared task

The quality of a dictionary depends not only on coverage, but also on the accessibility of the information. That is, a crucial point is dictionary access. Access strategies vary with the task (text understanding vs. text production) and the knowledge available at the very moment of consultation (words, concepts, speech sounds). Unlike readers who look for meanings, writers start from them, searching for the corresponding words. While paper dictionaries are static, permitting only limited strategies for accessing information, their electronic counterparts promise dynamic, proactive search via multiple criteria (meaning, sound, related words) and via diverse access routes. Navigation takes place in a huge conceptual lexical space, and the results are displayable in a multitude of forms (e.g. as trees, as lists, as graphs, or sorted alphabetically, by topic, by frequency).

To bring some structure into this multitude of possibilities, the shared task will concentrate on a crucial subtask, namely multiword association.  we will organize a novel type of shared task which will allow quantitative comparisons between different systems. The task chosen is multiword association.

What we mean by this in the context of this workshop is the following. Suppose, we were looking for a word expressing the following ideas: ísuperior dark coffee made of beans from Arabiaí, but could not remember the intended word mocha. Since people always remember something concerning the elusive word, it would be nice to have a system accepting this kind of input, to propose then a number of candidates for the target word. Given the above example, we might enter dark, coffee, beans, and Arabia, and the system would be supposed to come up with lists of associated words such as mocha, espresso, or cappuccino.


The participants will receive lists of five given words (primes) such as 'circus', 'funny', 'nose', 'fool', and 'fun' and are supposed to compute the word which is most closely associated to all of them. In this case, the word 'clown' would be the expected answer. Here are some more examples:

given words: gin, drink, scotch, bottle, soda    
expected answer: whisky


given words: wheel, driver, bus, drive, lorry
expected answer: car

given words: neck, animal, zoo, long, tall
expected answer: giraffe

given words: holiday, work, sun, summer, abroad    
expected answer: vacation

given words: home, garden, door, boat, chimney
expected answer: house

given words: blue, cloud, stars, night, high
expected answer: sky

We will provide a training set of 2000 sets of five input words (multiword stimuli), together with the expected target words (associative response). The participants will have several weeks to train their systems on this data. After the the training phase, we will release a test set containing another 2000 sets of five input words, but without providing the expected target words.

Participants will have five days to run their systems on the test data, thereby predicting the target words. For each system, we will compare the results to the expected target words and compute an accuracy. The participants will be invited to submit a paper describing their approach and the results.

For the participating systems, we will distinguish two categories: (1) Unrestricted systems. They can use any kind of data to compute their results. (2) Restricted systems: These systems are only allowed to draw on the freely available ukWaC corpus (comprising 2 billion words) in order to extract information on word associations. Participants are allowed to compete in either category or in both.

Schedule for Shared Task

  • Training Data Release:  March 25, 2014
  • Test Data Release:  May 5, 2014
  • Final Results:  May 9, 2014
  • Deadline for Paper Submission:  May 25, 2014
  • Reviewers' feedback:  June, 15, 2014
  • Camera-Ready Version:  July 7, 2014
  • Workshop date:  August 23, 2014

All data releases to be found on the workshop website.


  • Bel Enguix, Gemma(LIF-CNRS, France) and (GRLMC, Tarragona, Spain)
  • Chang, Jason(National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
  • Cook, Paul(University of Melbourne, Australia)
  • Cristea, Dan(University A.I.Cuza, Iasi, Romania)
  • De Deyne, Simon(Experimental Psychology, Leuven, Belgium) and (Adelaide, Australia)
  • De Melo, Gerard(IIIS, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)
  • Ferret, Olivier(CEA LIST, Gif sur Yvette, France)
  • Fontenelle, Thierry(CDT, Luxemburg)
  • Gala, Nuria(LIF-CNRS, Aix Marseille University, Marseille, France)
  • Granger, Sylviane(Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
  • Grefenstette, Gregory (Inria, Saclay, France)
  • Hirst, Graeme(University of Toronto, Canada)
  • Hovy, Eduard(CMU, Pittsburgh, USA)
  • Hsieh, Shu-Kai(National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)
  • Huang, Chu-Ren(Hongkong Polytechnic University, China)
  • Joyce, Terry(Tama University, Kanagawa-ken, Japan)
  • Lapalme, Guy(RALI, University of Montreal, Canada)
  • Lenci, Alessandro(CNR, university of Pisa, Italy)
  • L'Homme, Marie Claude(University of Montreal, Canada)
  • Mihalcea, Rada(University of Texas, USA)
  • Navigli, Roberto(Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy)
  • Pirrelli, Vito(ILC, Pisa, Italy)
  • Polguère, Alain(ATILF-CNRS, Nancy, France)
  • Rapp, Reinhard(LIF-CNRS, France) and (Mainz, Germany)
  • Rosso, Paolo(NLEL, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)
  • Schwab, Didier(LIG-GETALP, Grenoble, France)
  • Serasset, Gilles(IMAG, Grenoble, France)
  • Sharoff, Serge(University of Leeds, UK)
  • Su, Jun-Ming(University of Tainan, Taiwan)
  • Tiberius, Carole(Institute for Dutch Lexicology, The Netherlands)
  • Tokunaga, Takenobu(TITECH, Tokyo, Japan)
  • Tufis, Dan(RACAI, Bucharest, Romania)
  • Valitutti, Alessandro(Helsinki Institute of Information Technology, Finland)
  • Wandmacher, Tonio(IRT SystemX, Saclay, France)
  • Zock, Michael(LIF-CNRS, Marseille, France), currently (University of Tainan, Taiwan)


  • Michael Zock (LIF-CNRS, Marseille, France), michael.zock AT
  • Reinhard Rapp (University of Aix Marseille (France) and Mainz (Germany), reinhardrapp AT
  • Chu-Ren Huang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong), churen.huang AT

For more details see:
(again, this page is still under construction)

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3-3-19(2014-08-23) CfP 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2014)



             1st (Preliminary) Call for Papers - Coling 2014


The 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

August 23 - 29, 2014

Dublin, Ireland


The International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL) is pleased to announce the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2014), at Dublin City University (DCU, Dublin, Ireland, European Union). DCU is a young, dynamic and ambitious university with a mission to transform lives and societies through education, research and innovation. Most of the local organizers are from CNGL, Ireland’s Centre for Global Intelligent Content (formerly the Centre for Next Generation Localization), which embodies the leading position of Ireland in the global localization/internationalization business, a strong focus on language technologies including machine translation, computational linguistics and natural language processing, as well as on intelligent management, search, retrieval, transformation and adaptation of content.

Coling will cover a broad spectrum of technical areas related to natural language and computation. The conference will include full papers (presented as oral presentations or posters), demonstrations, tutorials, and workshops.




Coling 2014 solicits papers and demonstrations on original and unpublished research on the following topics, including, but not limited to:


- pragmatics, semantics, syntax, grammars and the lexicon;

- cognitive, mathematical and computational models of language processing;

- models of communication by language; 

- lexical semantics and ontologies;  

- word segmentation, tagging and chunking;

- parsing, both syntactic and deep;

- generation and summarization;

- paraphrasing, textual entailment and question answering;

- speech recognition, text-to-speech and spoken language understanding;

- multimodal and natural language interfaces and dialogue systems;

- information retrieval, information extraction and knowledge base linking;

- machine learning for natural language;

- modeling of discourse and dialogue;

- sentiment analysis, opinion mining and social media;

- multilingual processing, machine translation and translation aids;              

- applications, tools and language resources;

- system evaluation methodology and metrics.


In all relevant areas, we encourage authors to include analysis of the influence of theories (intuitions, methodologies, insights, ? to technologies (computational algorithms, methods, tools, data, ? and/or contributions of technologies to theory development. In technologically oriented papers, we encourage in-depth analysis and discussion of errors made in the experiments described, if possible linking them to the presence or absence of linguistically-motivated features. Contributions that display and rigorously discuss future potential, even if not (yet) attested in standard evaluation, are welcome.




Papers should describe original work; they should emphasize completed work or well-advanced ongoing research rather than intended work, and should indicate clearly the state of completion of the reported results. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation results should be included.


Submissions will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance and relevance to the conference, and interest to the attendees.

Submissions presented at the conference should mostly contain new material that has not been presented at any other meeting with publicly available proceedings. Papers that are being submitted in parallel to other conferences or workshops must indicate this on the title page, as must papers that contain significant overlap with previously published work.




Reviewing will be double blind. It will be managed by an international Conference Program Committee consisting of Program Chairs, members of the Scientific Advisory Board and Area Chairs, who will be assisted by invited reviewers.




For Coling 2014, there will be one category of research papers only. All of the papers will be included in conference proceedings, this time in electronic form only.


The maximum submission length is 8 pages (A4), plus two extra pages for references.  Authors of accepted papers will be given additional space in the camera-ready version to reflect space needed for changes stemming from reviewers?comments.  Authors can indicate their preference for presentation mode (i.e. oral or poster presentation) in the submission form, and the reviewers will recommend an appropriate mode of presentation to the program committee which will then decide. There will be no distinction in the proceedings between research papers presented orally vs. as posters.


Papers shall be submitted in English, anonymized with regard to the authors and/or their institution (no author-identifying information on the title page nor anywhere in the paper), including referencing style as usual. Papers must conform to official Coling 2014 style guidelines, which will be available on the Coling 2014 website. Submission and reviewing will be managed online by the START system. The only accepted format for submitted papers is in Adobe’s PDF.


Submissions must be uploaded on the START system by the submission deadlines; submissions after that time will not be reviewed. To minimize network congestion, we request authors to upload their submissions as early as possible.



Important Notice


[1] In order to allow participants to be acquainted with the published papers ahead of time which in turn should facilitate discussions at Coling 2014, we have set the official publication date two weeks before the conference, i.e., on August 11, 2014. On that day, the papers will be available online for all participants to download, print and read. If your employer is taking steps to protect intellectual property related to your paper, please inform them about this timing.


[2] While submissions are anonymous, we strongly encourage authors to plan for depositing language resources and other data as well as tools used and/or developed for the experiments described in the papers, if the paper is accepted. In this respect, we encourage authors then to deposit resources and tools to available open-access repositories of language resources and/or repositories of tools (such as META-SHARE, Clarin, ELRA, LDC or AFNLP/COCOSDA for data, and github, sourceforge, CPAN and similar for software and tools) and refer to them instead of submitting them with the paper, even though it will also be an open possibility (through the START system). The details will be given in the submission site for camera-ready versions of accepted papers.


[3] There will be a separate call for demonstrations in February. Accepted papers on demonstrations will also be included in the proceedings.





January, 2014: Opening of the submission website

March 21, 2014: Paper submission deadline

May 9-12, 2014: Author response period

May 23, 2014: Author notification

June 6, 2014: Camera-ready PDF due

August 11, 2014: Official paper publication date

August 25-29, 2014: Main conference




Program Committee Co-chairs


Junichi Tsujii (Microsoft Research, China)

Jan Hajic (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)


Scientific Advisory Board members


Ralph Grishman (New York University, USA)

Yuji Matsumoto (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

Joakim Nivre (Uppsala University, Sweden)

Michael Picheny (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA)

Donia Scott (Unviersity of Sussex, United Kingdom)

Chengqing Zong (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)


Area Chairs


1. Linguistic Issues in CL and NLP

Emily M. Bender  (University of Washington, USA)

Eva Hajicova (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)

Igor Boguslavsky (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain)


2. Machine Learning for CL and NLP

Jason Eisner (Johns Hopkins University, USA)

Yoshimasa Tsuruoka (University of Tokyo, Japan)


3. Cognitive Issues in CL and NLP

Philippe Blache (CNRS & CNRS & Aix-Marseille Université, France)

Ted Gibson (MIT, USA)


4.  Morphology, Word Segmentation, Tagging and Chunking

Reut Tsarfaty (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)

Yue Zhang (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)


5. Syntax, Grammar Induction, Syntactic and Semantic Parsing

Laura Kallmeyer (Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Germany)

Ryan McDonald (Google, USA)


6. Lexical Semantics and Ontologies

Chu-Ren Huang (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)

Alessandro Oltramari (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)


7. Semantic Processing, Distributional Semantics and Compositional Semantics

Stephen Clark (University of Cambridge, UK)

Alessandro Lenci (University of Pisa, Italy)


8. Modeling of Discourse and Dialogue

Nicolas Asher (CNRS & Université Paul Sabatier, France)

Marilyn Walker (University of California Santa Cruz, USA)


9. Natural Language Generation and Summarization

Albert Gatt (University of Malta, Malta)

Advaith Siddharthan (University of Aberdeen, UK)


10. Paraphrasing and Textual Entailment

Ido Dagan (Bar Ilan University, Israel)

Kentaro Inui (Tohoku University, Japan)


11. Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining and Social Media

Rada Mihalcea (University of Michigan, USA)

Bing Liu (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)


12.  Information Retrieval and Question Answering

Gareth Jones (Dublin City University, Ireland)

Siddharth Patwardhan (IBM Research, USA)


13. Information Extraction and Database Linking

James Curran (University of Sydney, Australia)

Seung-won Hwang (Postec, Korea)


14. Applications

Srinivas Bangalore (AT&T Labs-Research, USA)

Heyan Huang (Beijing Institute of Technology, China)

Guillaume Jacquet (Joint Research Centre, Italy)


15. Multimodal and Natural Language Interfaces and Dialog Systems

Kristiina Jokinen  (University of Helsinki, Finland)

David Traum (University of Southern California, USA)


16. Speech Recognition, Text-To-Speech, Spoken Language Understanding

Nick Campbell  (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)

Alex Potamianos (National Technical University Crete, Greece)


17. Machine Translation

Phillip Koehn (University of Edinburgh, UK / Johns Hopkins University, USA)

Chris Quirk (Microsoft Research, USA)

Tiejun Zhao (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)


18. Resources

Pushpak Bhattacharyya (IIT Bombay, India)

Nicoletta Calzolari (ILC-CNR, Pisa, Italy)

Martha Palmer (University of Colorado, USA)


19. Languages with less resources

Steven Bird (University of Melbourne, Australia)

Mark Liberman (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

Rajeev Sangal (IIT Banaras Hindu University, India)

Koenraad De Smedt (University of Bergen, Norway)


20. Software and Tools

Jesús Cardeñosa (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain)


Jing-Shin Chang (National Chi Nan University,Taiwan)


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In the framework of the 4th Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex) to be held at COLING 2014, we invite participation in a shared task devoted to the problem of lexical access in language production, with the aim of providing a quantitative comparison between different systems.


The quality of a dictionary depends not only on coverage, but also on the accessibility of the information. That is a crucial point is dictionary access. Access strategies vary with the task (text understanding vs. text production) and the knowledge available at the very moment of consultation (words, concepts, speech sounds). Unlike readers who look for meanings, writers start from them, searching for the corresponding words. While paper dictionaries are static, permitting only limited strategies for accessing information, their electronic counterparts promise dynamic, proactive search via multiple criteria (meaning, sound, related words) and via diverse access routes. Navigation takes place in a huge conceptual lexical space, and the results are displayable in a multitude of forms (e.g. as trees, as lists, as graphs, or sorted alphabetically, by topic, by frequency).

To bring some structure into this multitude of possibilities, the shared task will concentrate on a crucial subtask, namely multiword association.  What we mean by this in the context of this workshop is the following. Suppose, we were looking for a word expressing the following ideas: 'superior dark coffee made of beans from Arabia', but could not remember the intended word 'mocha' due to the tip-of-the-tongue problem. Since people always remember something concerning the elusive word, it would be nice to have a system accepting this kind of input, to propose then a number of candidates for the target word. Given the above example, we might enter 'dark', 'coffee', 'beans', and 'Arabia', and the system would be supposed to come up with one or several associated words such as 'mocha', 'espresso', or 'cappuccino'.


The participants will receive lists of five given words (primes) such as 'circus', 'funny', 'nose', 'fool', and 'fun' and are supposed to compute the word which is most closely associated to all of them. In this case, the word 'clown' would be the expected response. Here are some more examples:

   given words:  gin, drink, scotch, bottle, soda
   target word:  whisky

   given words:  wheel, driver, bus, drive, lorry
   target word:  car

   given words:  neck, animal, zoo, long, tall
   target word:  giraffe

   given words:  holiday, work, sun, summer, abroad
   target word:  vacation

   given words:  home, garden, door, boat, chimney
   target word:  house

   given words:  blue, cloud, stars, night, high
   target word:  sky

We will provide a training set of 2000 sets of five input words (multiword stimuli), together with the expected target words (associative responses). The participants will have about five weeks to train their systems on this data. After the training phase, we will release a test set containing another 2000 sets of five input words, but without providing the expected target words.

Participants will have five days to run their systems on the test data, thereby predicting the target words. For each system, we will compare the results to the expected target words and compute an accuracy. The participants will be invited to submit a paper describing their approach and their results.

For the participating systems, we will distinguish two categories:

(1) Unrestricted systems. They can use any kind of data to compute their results.
(2) Restricted systems: These systems are only allowed to draw on the freely available ukWaC corpus in order to extract information on word associations. The ukWaC corpus comprises about 2 billion words and is can be downloaded from

Participants are allowed to compete in either category or in both.


The shared task will take place as part of the CogALex workshop which is co-located with COLING 2014 (Dublin). The workshop date is August 23, 2014. Shared task participants who wish to have a paper published in the workshop proceedings will be required to present their work at the workshop.


Training data release:  March 27, 2014
Test data release:  May 5, 2014
Final results due:  May 9, 2014
Deadline for paper submission: May 25, 2014 
Reviewers' feedback:  June, 15, 2014
Camera-ready version:  July 7, 2014
Workshop date:  August 23, 2014


CogALex workshop website:
Data releases: To be found on the above workshop website from the dates given in the schedule.
Registration for the shared task: Send e-mail to Michael Zock, with Reinhard Rapp in copy.


Michael Zock (LIF-CNRS, Marseille, France), michael.zock AT
Reinhard Rapp (University of Aix Marseille (France) and Mainz (Germany), reinhardrapp AT
Chu-Ren Huang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong), churen.huang AT

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3-3-21(2014-09-01) 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2014) Lisbon, Portugal
The 22nd European Signal Processing Conference  September 1 – 5, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal ============================================================== Deadline for the submission of Full Papers: FEBRUARY 17, 2014 ============================================================== EUSIPCO 2014 will be held on September 1- 5, 2014, in Lisbon, Portugal. This is one of the largest international conferences in the field of signal processing and will address all the latest developments in research and technology. The conference will bring together individuals from academia, industry, regulation bodies, and government, to exchange and discuss ideas in all the areas and applications of signal processing. EUSIPCO 2014 will feature world-class keynote speakers, special sessions, plenary talks, tutorials, and technical sessions. We invite the submission of original, unpublished technical papers on signal processing topics, including but not limited to: • Audio and acoustic signal processing • Design and implementation of signal processing systems • Multimedia signal processing • Speech processing • Image and video processing • Machine learning • Signal estimation and detection • Sensor array and multichannel signal processing • Signal processing for communications including wireless and optical communications and networking • Signal processing for location, positioning and navigation • Nonlinear signal processing • Signal processing applications including health and biosciences Submitted papers must be camera-ready and no more than five pages long, and conforming to the format that will soon be specified on the EUSIPCO website ( ). ============================================================== Best Paper Awards ============================================================== Two “EUSIPCO best young author paper awards” will be given at the dinner banquet of EUSIPCO 2014 to the two best papers from authors under the age of 30. ============================================================== Important Dates ============================================================== Proposal for special sessions: December 9, 2013 Proposal for tutorials: February 17, 2014 Electronic submission of full papers: February 17, 2014 Notification of acceptance: May 26, 2014 Submission of camera-ready papers and copyright forms: June 23, 2014 _______________________________________________
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3-3-22(2014-09-03) Laboratory Approaches to Romance Phonology 7 (LARP VII), Aix en Provence, FR

Laboratory Approaches to Romance Phonology 7 (LARP VII)

Aix-en-Provence, France
Sept. 3-5, 2014

The biannual conference on Laboratory Approaches to Romance Phonology
(LARP) seeks to bring together international researchers interested in all
areas of Romance phonetics and phonology, in particular within the
 laboratory phonology approach. In the past decades, research in the
 laboratory phonology paradigm has expanded significantly so that the
 disciplines of phonetics and phonology are being investigated from a unique
 interdisciplinary angle. LARP aims at providing an interdisciplinary forum
 for world-wide research focusing on the experimental investigation
 Romance phonetics and phonology and their related areas, such as language
 acquisition, language variation and change, prosody, speech pathology,
 speech technology, as well as the phonology-phonetics interface.
 LARP VII will be hosted for the first time in Europe, by the Laboratoire
 Parole et Langage in Aix-en-Provence, and will be the result of a joint
 effort between Aix-Marseille University (Aix-en-Provence, France) and the
 Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain).

 Meeting Dates:
 Laboratory Approaches to Romance Phonology VII will be held from
 03-Sept-2014 to 05-Sept-2014.

 Contact Information:
 Mariapaola D'Imperio:
 Mariapaola D'Imperio (Aix-Marseille University & LPL,CNRS)
 Pilar Prieto (ICREA & Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

 Conference webpage:

 Abstract Submission Information:
Abstracts can be submitted from 15-Dec-2013 until 15-April-2014. 
 Invited speakers
 Laura Bosch, Univ. Barcelona
 Martine Grice, Univ. Koeln, Germany
 Thierry Nazzi, CNRS, Paris
 Daniel Recasens, Univ. Autonoma, Barcelona
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3-3-23(2014-09-10) 56th International Symposium ELMAR-2014 , Zadar, Croatia
 56th International Symposium ELMAR-2014 
September 10-12, 2014 Zadar, Croatia
 Paper submission deadline: May 15, 2014 
IEEE Croatia Section 
IEEE Croatia Section SP, 
AP and MTT Chapters 
European Association for Signal Processing 
 --> Image and Video Processing 
--> Multimedia Communications
 --> Speech and Audio Processing 
--> Wireless Communications 
--> Telecommunications
 --> Antennas and Propagation
 --> e-Learning and m-Learning 
--> Navigation Systems 
--> Ship Electronic Systems 
--> Power Electronics and Automation 
--> Naval Architecture
 --> Sea Ecology 
--> Special Sessions: 
Prof. Milo Oravec, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, SLOVAKIA: 
Feature Extraction and Classification by Machine Learning Methods for Biometric Recognition 
of Face and Iris
Deadline for submission of full papers: May 15, 2014 
Notification of acceptance mailed out by: June 3, 2014 
Submission of (final) camera-ready papers: June 10, 2014 
Preliminary program available online by: June 17, 2014 
Registration forms and payment deadline: June 17, 2014 
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3-3-24(2014-09-10) CfP 3rd SWIP - Swiss Workshop on Prosody, Université de Genève, Switzerland
Second Call for contributions
3rd SWIP - Swiss Workshop on Prosody
Special Theme : PhonoGenres and Speaking Styles
10-11 September 2014 - University of Geneva
The SWIP (Swiss Workshop on Prosody) is an annual meeting gathering
researchers in the field of prosody. After Zurich in 2012, and
Neuchâtel in 2013, the 3rd SWIP will take place in Geneva on
10-11 September 2014. For this edition, the special theme is
PhonoGenres and Speaking Styles. By this event we mark the end
of the three year FNS research project 'Prosodic and linguistic
characterisation of speaking styles: semi-automatic approach and
Phonostylistic prosodic variation, whether regional, social or
situational, is the object of a growing number of studies. They are
systematic or isolated, based on phonetic-phonological studies of
large-scale corpora or on the examination of narrow samples. Approaches
vary between systematic methodologies and ad hoc procedures. Thus, one
of the major goals of the conference is to index different approaches
and to confront their results.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
*PhonoGenres: phonetic-prosodic dimensions; situational, regional,
communicative, macro- or micro-social variations; comparative analysis
*speaker-specific behavior: cliché, idiosyncrasy, distinctive features
*diachronic speaking style variation
*identification of discourse genres and styles
*methodologies and tools for corpus processing of speech in general,
and especially those developed to process the speaking style variation
Invited speakers:
Julia Hirschberg
Philippe Boula de Mareüil
First, a one page abstract, plus references, shall be submitted in
English or in French via EasyChair by the 1st of February 2014.
Second, the definitive version of paper shall be submitted by the
1st of June 2014 in order to publish the proceedings - both in paper
and electronic format - at the beginning of the conference. Proceedings
will be published in Cahiers de la Linguistique Française in a short
(6 pages max., about 2000 words) or in a long version (12 pages max.,
about 4000 words). Papers can be written in English or in French with
an abstract in the other language and they must follow style sheet
Please note that the conference language is English.
Important dates:
Submission of abstracts : 1 February 2014
Notification of acceptance: 1 Mars 2014
Submission of final paper for proceedings publication: 1 June 2014
Conference: 10-11 September 2014
Scientific committee:
Antoine Auchlin
Mathieu Avanzi
Philippe Boula de Mareüil
Nick Campbell
Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie
Céline De Looze
Volker Dellwo
Jean-Philippe Goldman
Julia Hirschberg
Daniel Hirst
Ingrid Hove
Adrian Leemann
Joaquim Llisterri
Philippe Martin
Piet Mertens
Anne Lacheret
Nicolas Obin
Tea Pršir
Stephan Schmid
Sandra Schwab
Elizabeth Shriberg
Anne Catherine Simon
Organising committee:
Antoine Auchlin
Jean-Philippe Goldman
Tea Pršir
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3-3-25(2014-09-11) CfP 2nd Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia (SLAM 2014), Penang, Malaysia Deadline extension

SLAM2014 Call for Paper

2nd Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia (SLAM 2014)Penang, Malaysia
11-12 September, 2014

Following the first successful edition of the Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia (SLAM) in Marseille, France last year, we will be bringing the next edition of the workshop to Penang, Malaysia! SLAM workshop aims at bringing together researchers working in speech, language and audio processing to analyze, index and access multimedia data. Multimedia data are now available in very large amounts: Lectures, meetings, interviews, debates, conversational broadcast, podcasts, social videos on the Web, etc. Such data, along with the associated use scenarios, raise specific challenges: Robustness facing the high variability in quality; Efficiency to handle very large amount of data; Semantics shared across modalities; Potentially high error rates in transcription; etc. Worldwide, several national and international research projects are focusing on audio analysis of multimedia data. Similarly, various benchmark initiatives have been initiated such as TRECVID MED, Me!
diaEval, or ETAPE and REPERE in France.

SLAM 2014 is organized in conjunction with Interspeech 2014 over one and a half days, starting Thursday 11 September 2014 and ending Friday 12 September 2014. Penang is conveniently connected by bus, train and flight to Singapore, where the Interspeech 2014 conference will take place. The format of the workshop will include an invited talk, oral presentations of scientific work and a poster session for project and benchmark presentations. SLAM 2014 Workshop is jointly organized by the ISCA SIG on Speech and Language in Multimedia and the IEEE SIG on Audio and Speech Processing in Multimedia. The proceeding will be published by ISCA and available online at ISCA Online Archive. Best papers selected will be able to extend their paper to be submitted to special issue in a dedicated journal that we will announce later.

Chng Eng Siong, Nanyang Technological University - Singapore
Eric Castelli, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - Vietnam
Fernando Fernández-Martínez, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid - Spain
Florian Metze, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh - USA
Frédéric Bechet, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille - France
Gareth Jones, Dublin City University, Dublin - Ireland
Gerald Friedland, University of California, Berkeley - USA
Guillaume Gravier, Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires (IRISA), Rennes - France
Juan Manuel Montero, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid - Spain
Laurent Besacier, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble - France
Lin-Shan Lee, Nanyang Technological University - Singapore
Luis Fernando D’Haro, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid - Spain
Martha Larson, Delft University of Technology, Delft - Netherlands
Ricardo de Córdoba, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid - Spain
Roberto Barra-Chicote, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid - Spain
Rubén San-Segundo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid - Spain
Sadaoki Furui, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo - Japan
Tang Enya Kong, Linton University College, Negeri Sembilan - Malaysia
Xavier Anguera, Telefónica Research, Barcelona - Spain

Two distinguished professors will be giving keynotes presentations during the workshop, they are Prof. Shrikanth S. Narayanan and Assoc. Prof. Min-Yen Kan

Full paper submission deadline 20th June 2014 (extended deadline)
Notification of acceptance 16th July 2014
Camera ready paper 31st July 2014
SLAM workshop 11-12th September 2014
Interspeech conference 14-18th September 2014

Independently of the scientific actions we will provide tour around George Town, Penang, which is a Unesco World Heritage Historical City.  

Jointly Organised by:
Universiti Sains Malaysia, SLAM Organising Committee, Interspeech 2014, ISCA SIG on Speech and Language in Multimedia, IEEE SIG on Audio and Speech Processing in Multimedia

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3-3-26(2014-09-12) ISCSLP in Singapore


Welcome to ISCSLP 2014


The 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP 2014) will be held on September 12-14, 2014 in Singapore.

ISCSLP 2014 is a joint conference between ISCA Special Interest Group on Chinese Spoken Language Processing and National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication of China.

ISCSLP is a biennial conference for scientists, researchers, and practitioners to report and discuss the latest progress in all theoretical and technological aspects of spoken language processing.

While the ISCSLP is focused primarily on Chinese languages, works on other languages that may be applied to Chinese speech and language are also encouraged. The working language of ISCSLP is English.


Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Speech Production and Perception

  2. Speech Analysis

  3. Speech Coding

  4. Speech Enhancement

  5. Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implant

  6. Phonetics and Phonology

  7. Corpus-based Linguistics

  8. Speech and Language Disorders

  9. Speech Recognition

  10. Spoken Language Translation

  11. Speaker, Language, and Emotion Recognition

  12. Speech Synthesis

  13. Language Modeling

  14. Speech Prosody

  15. Spoken Dialog Systems

  16. Machine Learning Techniques in Speech and Language Processing

  17. Voice Conversion

  18. Indexing, Retrieval and Authoring of Speech Signals

  19. Multi-Modal Interfaces

  20. Speech and Language Processing in Education

  21. Spoken Language Resources and Technology Evaluation

  22. Applications of Spoken Language Processing Technology

  23. Others



Important Dates

Regular and special session paper submission deadline

April 10, 2014

Notification of paper acceptance

June 20, 2014

Revised camera-ready paper upload deadline

June 30, 2014

Author’s registration deadline

July 10, 2014


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3-3-27(2014-09-22) 8th Workshop: 'emotion and computing - current research and future impact', Stuttgart, Germany

                    Call for Papers
8th Workshop:
     'emotion and computing  - 
            current research and future impact'

WORKSHOP at the KI 2014
Stuttgart, September 22nd, 2014


The workshop series Òemotion and computing Ð current research and future impactÓ has been
providing a platform for discussion of emotion related topics of computer science and AI since
2006. In recent years computer science research has shown increasing efforts in the field of
software agents which incorporate emotion. Several approaches have been made concerning
emotion recognition, emotion modelling, generation of emotional user interfaces and dialogue
systems as well as anthropomorphic communication agents. Motivations for emotional
computing are manifold. From a scientific point of view, emotions play an essential role in
decision making, as well as in perception and learning. Furthermore, emotions influence rational
thinking and therefore should be part of rational agents as proposed by artificial intelligence
research. Another focus is on human computer interfaces which include believable animations of
interface agents. From a user perspective, emotional interfaces can significantly increase
motivation and engagement which is of high relevance to the games and e-learning industry.
Moreover, motivational and emotional aspects may play a key role in persuasive technologies,
which intend to influence the user behaviour.

Contributions are solicited from the following fields:
-Artificial Intelligence Research
-Cognitive Sciences and Cognitive Robotics
-Multi-agent System Technology
-Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition
-Dialogue Systems and Communication
-Modeling Uncertainty and Vagueness
-Computer Game Development
-User Modeling and Personalization
-Applications using models of emotion
-Persuasive Computing/Technologies
-Affective Computing
Contributions are expected in the following form:

- Presentations should have a duration of 15-20 minutes. Each 
  presenter is required to submit a short paper on the presented
  topic. Papers are subject to regular peer review and subsequent
  publication within the workshop proceedings (4-8 pages).

- Demonstrations are documented by an extended abstract which
  should not exceed 1 page in total

- Workshop submission is electronic. Submitted papers
  should conform Springer LNCS style and must
  be written in English. Papers will be published on the
  workshop website. Further publication is in discussion
  and depends on submitted papers.

Important Dates:

Workshop paper submission deadline:          July 4th, 2014
Notification of workshop paper acceptance:   July 18th, 2014
Workshop camera ready copy submission:       August 1st, 2014

Organization and Scientific Committee:

Prof. Dr. Dirk Reichardt, Baden-WŸrttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart (main contact)
Dr. Joscha Bach, MIT
Dr. Christian Becker-Asano, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies
Dr. Hana Boukricha,University of Bielefeld
Dr. Patrick Gebhard, DFKI SaarbrŸcken
Prof. Dr. Michael Kipp, Hochschule Augsburg
Prof. Dr. Paul Levi, University of Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. John-Jules Charles Meyer, University of Utrecht
Dr. Gštz Renner, Daimler AG, Customer Research Center
Prof. Dr. Michael M. Richter, University of Calgary
Dr.-Ing. Bjšrn Schuller, Imperial College London / TU MŸnchen
Prof. Dr. David SŸndermann, DHBW Stuttgart

Please refer to the workshop website for further information:

Workshop Website:
Email:                  mailto://

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3-3-28(2014-09-25) XLVIII Congresso Internazionale - Società di Linguistica Italiana , Udine, Italy

XLVIII Congresso Internazionale - Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI) 2014

(Udine, 25-27.9.2014)




Between linguistics and linguistic medical clinic. The role of the linguist



Workshop topics

- Medical terminology

- The medical discourse and the effectiveness of corporate communication health

- Communicative interaction doctor-patient in multilingual contexts

- Oral language, written language, and specific disabilities

- Grammar diseases: the role of the linguist

- Linguistic symptoms in the context of specific diseases


Invited speakers

Charles Antaki

Maria Teresa Guasti


Scientific Committee

Grazia Basile

Anna Cardinaletti

Francesca M. Dovetto

Vincenzo Orioles

Franca Orletti

Patrizia Sorianello



Abstract submission guidelines

Scholars, researchers and PhD students interested in presenting a paper or poster should send an abstract by email to <>.

The deadline for submission is 20st February 2014.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent by email by 31th March 2014.

Authors must submit an anonymous abstract (.doc/.pdf format) while in the email they should clearly include: name of the author(s), affiliation(s) and email address(es). Abstracts should be no longer than 1000 words including the bibliography.

Conference languages: Italian, English, French and Spanish.


Info: <>



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3-3-29(2014-10-05) 16th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM-2014), Novi Sad, Serbia




16th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM-2014)

Venue: Novi Sad, Serbia, 5-9 October 2014






SPECOM this year is organized in parallel with DOGS (The Tenth Conference on Digital Speech and Image Processing) in the same time at the same place. Participants will be able to attend both conferences.




The conference is organized by the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad (UNS, Novi Sad, Serbia), in cooperation with Moscow State Linguistic University (MGLU, Moscow, Russia) and St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Science (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg, Russia).


SPECOM conferences


The SPECOM conferences are long time being organised by SPIIRAS (St.Petersburg) and MGLU (Moscow). Recently SPECOM venue is significantly varied: Patras, Greece, 2005; Kazan, Russia, 2011; Plzen, Czech Republic, 2013.

The last conference was organized in parallel with TSD'2013 (The 16th International Conference of Text, Speech and Dialogue) and had a great success and benefits of joining the various research teams. Continue this tradition SPECOM'2014 and DOGS'2014 will be organized jointly. The both conferences are devoted to issues of human-machine interaction and their topics harmonically add each other.

Since 2013 due to extending contribution of University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic the SPECOM proceedings are published by Springer-Verlag in their Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. LNAI series are listed in all major citation databases such as DBLP, SCOPUS, EI, INSPEC, or COMPENDEX.




Topics of the conference will include (but are not limited to):

Signal processing and feature extraction

Speech enhancement

Multichannel signal processing

Speech recognition and understanding

Spoken language processing

Spoken dialogue systems

Speaker identification and diarization

Speech forensics and security

Language identification

Text-to-speech systems

Speech perception and speech disorders

Speech translation

Multimodal analysis and synthesis

Audio-visual speech processing

Multimedia processing

Speech and language resources

Applications for human-computer interaction




The official language of the event will be English. However, papers on processing of languages other than English are strongly encouraged.




The conference program will include presentation of invited papers, oral presentations, and a poster/demonstration sessions. Papers will be presented in plenary or topic oriented sessions.

Social events including a trip to the Krusedol monastery and wine makers on Fruska Gora will allow for additional informal interactions. Details about the social event will be available on the web page.




Authors are invited to submit a full paper not exceeding 8 pages formatted in the LNCS style (see below). Those accepted will be presented either orally or as posters. The decision on the presentation format will be based upon the recommendation of three independent reviewers. The authors are asked to submit their papers using the on-line submission form accessible from the conference web site.

Papers submitted to SPECOM 2014 must not be under review by any other conference or publication during the SPECOM review cycle, and must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere.

As the reviewing is blind, the paper should not include authors' names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's identity, e.g., 'We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...', should be avoided. Instead, use citations, such as 'Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...'. Papers that do not conform to the requirements above are determined to be rejected without review.

The paper format for the review has to be the PDF file with all required fonts included. Upon notification of acceptance, speakers will receive further information on submitting their camera-ready and electronic sources (for detailed instructions on the final paper format see





May 18, 2014 ............. Submission of full papers

June 1, 2014 ............. Notification of acceptance

June 15, 2014 ............ Final papers (camera ready) and registration

October 5-9, 2014 ........ Conference dates


The contributions to the conference will be published in proceedings that will be made available to participants at the time of the conference.





The conference fee depends on the date of payment and on your status. It includes one copy of the conference proceedings, refreshments/coffee breaks, opening dinner, welcome party, mid-conference social event admissions, and organizing costs. In order to lower the fee as much as possible, meals during the conference, the accommodation, and the conference trip are not included.


Full participant:

early registration by June 15, 2013 – RSD 40000 (approx. 350 EUR)

late registration by September 1, 2013 – RSD 43000 (approx. 380 EUR)

on-site registration – RSD 50000 (approx. 440 EUR)


Student (reduced):

early registration by June 15, 2013 – RSD 32000 (approx. 280 EUR)

late registration by September 1, 2013 – RSD 35000 (approx. 310 EUR)

on-site registration – RSD 40000 (approx. 350 EUR)


The payment may be refunded up until September 15, at the cost of RSD 6.500. No refund is possible after this date. All costs are in Serbian Dinar (RSD), see e.g. for the current exchange rate.

At least one of the authors has to register and pay the registration fee by June 15, 2014 for their paper to be included in the conference proceedings. Only one paper of up to 8 pages is included in the regular registration fee. The additional paper and page charge is RSD 5000 per page. Any additional paper is treated as extra pages. An extra page charge is RSD 5000 per page. An author with more than one paper pays the additional paper rates unless a co-author has also registered and paid the full registration fee. In the case of uncertainty, feel free to contact the organising committee for clarification.




The conference will be organized in Hotel Park, Novi Sad, Serbia (

Novi Sad is the second largest city in Serbia. The city has population of 231,798 inhabitants. It is located in the southern part of Pannonian Plain, on the border of the Bačka and Srem regions, on the banks of the Danube river and Danube-Tisa-Danube Canal, facing the northern slopes of Fruška Gora mountain. The city was founded in 1694, when Serb merchants formed a colony across the Danube from the Petrovaradin fortress, a Habsburg strategic military post. In the 18th and 19th centuries, it became an important trading and manufacturing centre, as well as a centre of Serbian culture of that period, earning the nickname Serbian Athens. Today, Novi Sad is an industrial and financial centre of the Serbian economy, as well as a major cultural center.

The University of Novi Sad was founded on 28 June 1960. Today it comprises 14 faculties located in the four major towns of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina: Novi Sad, Subotica, Zrenjanin, and Sombor. The University of Novi Sad is now the second largest among six state universities in Serbia. The main University Campus, covering an area of 259,807m², provides the University of Novi Sad with a unique and beautiful setting in the region and the city of Novi Sad. Having invested considerable efforts in intensifying international cooperation and participating in the process of university reforms in Europe, the University of Novi Sad has come to be recognized as a reform-oriented university in the region and on the map of universities in Europe.

The Faculty of Technical Sciences (Fakultet Tehničkih Nauka, FTN, with 1,200 employees and more than 12,000 students is the largest faculty at UNS. FTN offers engineering education within 71 study programmes. As a research and scientific institution, FTN has 13 departments and 31 research centres. FTN also publishes 4 international journals and organises 16 scientific conferences on various aspects of engineering, including the conference DOGS which is dedicated to the area of speech technologies where FTN has the leading position in the Western Balkan region.




The organizing committee has arranged accommodation for reasonable prices in the same Hotel Park, which is situated near the city center. The rooms with sufficient discount are reserved for the conference days.




All correspondence regarding the conference should be addressed to:

SPECOM Secretariat


Phone/Fax: +7 812 328 7081

Fax: +7 812 328 4450 — Please, designate the faxed material with capitals 'SPECOM' on top.

SPECOM-2014 conference web site:


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SLSP 2014

Grenoble, France

October 14-16,


Organised by:


Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble

Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)

Rovira i Virgili University



SLSP is a yearly conference series aimed at promoting and displaying excellent research

on the wide spectrum of statistical methods that are currently in use in computational

language or speech processing. It aims at attracting contributions from both fields. Though

there exist large, well‐known conferences and workshops hosting contributions to any of

these areas, SLSP is a more focused meeting where synergies between subdomains and

people will hopefully happen. In SLSP 2014, significant room will be reserved to young

scholars at the beginning of their career and particular focus will be put on methodology.


SLSP 2014 will take place in Grenoble, at the foot of the French Alps.


The conference invites submissions discussing the employment of statistical methods

(including machine learning) within language and speech processing. The list below is

indicative and not exhaustive:

phonology, morphology

syntax, semantics

discourse, dialogue, pragmatics

statistical models for natural language processing

supervised, unsupervised and semi‐supervised machine learning methods applied to

natural language, including speech

statistical methods, including biologically‐inspired methods



language resources

part‐of‐speech tagging


semantic role labelling

natural language generation

anaphora and coreference resolution

speech recognition

speaker identification/verification

speech transcription

text‐to‐speech synthesis

machine translation

translation technology

text summarisation

information retrieval

text categorisation

information extraction

term extraction

spelling correction

text and web mining

opinion mining and sentiment analysis

spoken dialogue systems

author identification, plagiarism and spam filtering


SLSP 2014 will consist of:

invited talks

invited tutorials

peer‐reviewed contributions


to be announced


Sophia Ananiadou (Manchester, UK)

Srinivas Bangalore (Florham Park, US)

Patrick Blackburn (Roskilde, DK)

Hervé Bourlard (Martigny, CH)

Bill Byrne (Cambridge, UK)

Nick Campbell (Dublin, IE)

David Chiang (Marina del Rey, US)

Kenneth W. Church (Yorktown Heights, US)

Walter Daelemans (Antwerpen, BE)

Thierry Dutoit (Mons, BE)

Alexander Gelbukh (Mexico City, MX)

Ralph Grishman (New York, US)

Sanda Harabagiu (Dallas, US)

Xiaodong He (Redmond, US)

Hynek Hermansky (Baltimore, US)

Hitoshi Isahara (Toyohashi, JP)

Lori Lamel (Orsay, FR)

Gary Geunbae Lee (Pohang, KR)

Haizhou Li (Singapore, SG)

Daniel Marcu (Los Angeles, US)

Carlos Martín‐Vide (Tarragona, ES, chair)

Manuel Montes‐y‐Gómez (Puebla, MX)

Satoshi Nakamura (Nara, JP)

Shrikanth S. Narayanan (Los Angeles, US)

Vincent Ng (Dallas, US)

Joakim Nivre (Uppsala, SE)

Elmar Nöth (Erlangen, DE)

Maurizio Omologo (Trento, IT)

Barbara H. Partee (Amherst, US)

Gerald Penn (Toronto, CA)

Massimo Poesio (Colchester, UK)

James Pustejovsky (Waltham, US)

Gaël Richard (Paris, FR)

German Rigau (San Sebastián, ES)

Paolo Rosso (Valencia, ES)

Yoshinori Sagisaka (Tokyo, JP)

Björn W. Schuller (London, UK)

Satoshi Sekine (New York, US)

Richard Sproat (New York, US)

Mark Steedman (Edinburgh, UK)

Jian Su (Singapore, SG)

Marc Swerts (Tilburg, NL)

Jun'ichi Tsujii (Beijing, CN)

Renata Vieira (Porto Alegre, BR)

Dekai Wu (Hong Kong, HK)

Feiyu Xu (Berlin, DE)

Roman Yangarber (Helsinki, FI)

Geoffrey Zweig (Redmond, US)


Laurent Besacier (Grenoble, co‐chair)

Adrian Horia Dediu (Tarragona)

Benjamin Lecouteux (Grenoble)

Carlos Martín‐Vide (Tarragona, co‐chair)

Florentina Lilica Voicu (Tarragona)


Authors are invited to submit non‐anonymized papers in English presenting original and

unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single‐spaced pages (including

eventual appendices) and should be prepared according to the standard format for

Springer Verlag's LNAI/LNCS series (see‐164‐6‐793341‐0).

Submissions have to be uploaded to:


A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNAI/LNCS series will be available

by the time of the conference.

A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing peer‐reviewed

extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it

will be by invitation.


The period for registration is open from January 16, 2014 to October 14, 2014. The

registration form can be found at:


Paper submission: May 7, 2014 (23:59h, CET)

Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: June 18, 2014

Final version of the paper for the LNAI/LNCS proceedings: June 25, 2014

Early registration: July 2, 2014

Late registration: September 30, 2014

Submission to the post‐conference journal special issue: January 16, 2015



SLSP 2014

Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)

Rovira i Virgili University

Av. Catalunya, 35

43002 Tarragona, Spain

Phone: +34 977 559 543

Fax: +34 977 558 386


Departament d’Economia i Coneixement, Generalitat de Catalunya

Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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3-3-31(2014-10-16) CfP MediaEval 2014 Multimedia Benchmark Evaluation, Barcelona (SP)

Call for Participation
MediaEval 2014 Multimedia Benchmark Evaluation
Early registration deadline: 1 May 2014

MediaEval is a multimedia benchmark evaluation that offers tasks promoting research and innovation in areas related to human and social aspects of multimedia. MediaEval 2014 focuses on aspects of multimedia that include speech and audio. Participants carry out one or more of the tasks offered and submit runs to be evaluated. They then write up their results and present them at the MediaEval 2014 workshop.

The tasks that focus on speech are:

*QUESST: Query by Example Search on Speech Task (ex SWS)*
*Search and Hyperlinking*

The entire list of tasks and their descriptions is below.

For each task, participants receive a task definition, task data and accompanying resources (dependent on task) such as shot boundaries, keyframes, visual features, speech transcripts and social metadata. In order to encourage participants to develop techniques that push forward the state-of-the-art, a 'required reading' list of papers will be provided for each task. Participation is open to all interested research groups. To sign up, please click the “MediaEval 2014 registration site” link at:

The following tasks are available to participants at MediaEval 2014:

*Synchronization of multi-user Event Media (New!)*
This task requires participants to automatically create a chronologically-ordered outline of multiple image galleries corresponding to the same event, where data collections are synchronized altogether and aligned along parallel lines over the same time axis, or mixed in the correct order.

*C@merata: Question Answering on Classical Music Scores (New!)*
In this task, systems take as input a noun phrase (e.g., 'harmonic perfect fifth') and a short score in MusicXML (e.g., J.S. Bach, Suite No. 3 in C Major for Cello, BWV 1009, Sarabande) and return an answer stating the location of the requested feature (e.g., 'Bar 206').

*Retrieving Diverse Social Images Task*
This task requires participants to automatically refine a ranked list of Flickr photos with landmarks using provided visual and textual information. The objective is to select only a small number of photos that are equally representative matches but also diverse representations of the query.

*Search and Hyperlinking*
This task requires participants to find video segments relevant to an information need and to provide a list of useful hyperlinks for each of these segments. The hyperlinks point to other video segments in the same collection and should allow the user of the system to explore the collection with respect to the current information need in a non-linear fashion. The task focuses on television data provided by the BBC and real information needs from home users.

*QUESST: Query by Example Search on Speech Task (ex SWS)*
The task involves searching FOR audio content WITHIN audio content USING an audio content query. This task is particularly interesting for speech researchers in the area of spoken term detection or low-resource speech processing.

*Visual Privacy*
This task requires participants to implement privacy filtering solutions that provide an optimal balance between obscuring information that personally identifies people in a video, and retraining information that allows viewers otherwise to interpret the video.

*Emotion in Music (an Affect Task)*
We aim at detecting emotional dynamics of music using its content. Given a set of songs, participants are asked to automatically generate continuous emotional representations in arousal and valence.

*Placing: Geo-coordinate Prediction for Social Multimedia*
This task requires participants to estimate the geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) of multimedia items (photos, videos and accompanying metadata), as well as predicting how “placeable” a media item actually is. The Placing Task integrates all aspects of multimedia: textual meta-data, audio, image, video, location, time, users and context.

*Affect Task: Violent Scenes Detection*
This task requires participants to automatically detect portions of movies depicting violence. Participants are encouraged to deploy multimodal approaches (audio, visual, text) to solve the task.

*Social Event Detection in Web Multimedia*
This task requires participants to discover, retrieve and summarize social events, within a collection of Web multimedia. Social events are events that are planned by people, attended by people and for which the social multimedia are also captured by people.

*Crowdsourcing: Crowdsorting Multimedia Comments (New!)*
This task asks participants to combine human computation (i.e., input from the crowd) with automatic computation to carry out classification. The classification involves sorting timed-comments in music, i.e., comments that users have made at certain points in a song, into categories according to their type (e.g., useful vs. non-useful and informative vs. affective).

Tasks marked 'New!' are the 2014 Brave New Tasks. If you sign up for these tasks, please be aware that you will be asked to keep in close touch with the task organizers concerning the details of the task over the course of the benchmarking cycle. We ask for extra-tight communication in order to ensure that these tasks have the flexibility they need to reach their goals.

MediaEval 2014 Timeline
(dates vary slightly from task to task, see the individual task pages for the individual deadlines:

April-May: Registration and return usage agreements.
May-June: Release of development/training data.
June-July: Release of test data.
Mid-Sept.: Participants submit their completed runs.
Mid-Sept.-End-Sept.: Evaluation of submitted runs. Participants write their 2-page working notes papers.
16-17+18 October: MediaEval 2014 Workshop, Barcelona, Spain

We ask you to register by 1 May, when the first task will release its data set. After that point, late registration will be possible, but we encourage teams to register as early as they can.

For questions or additional information please contact Martha Larson or visit

MediaEval 2014 Organization Committee:

Martha Larson at Delft University of Technology and Gareth Jones at Dublin City University act as the overall coordinators of MediaEval. Individual tasks are coordinated by a group of task organizers, who form the MediaEval Organizing Committee. It is the collective efforts of this group of people that makes MediaEval possible. The complete list of MediaEval organizers is at:

A large number of organizations and projects make a contribution to MediaEval organization, including the projects (alphabetical): AXES (, CUbRIK (, CNGL (, CrowdRec (, Glocal (, LinkedTV (, Media Mixer (, Mucke (, Promise (, Quaero (, Sealinc Media (, SocialSensor (, and VideoSense (

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3-3-32(2014-10-16) Journées de pausologie à Montpellier France Deadline extension


Journées de pausologie
Le point sur la pause

Les Journées de Pausologie s’intéressent aux travaux originaux et novateurs réalisés en phonétique, psycholinguistique et linguistique générale sur la pause. 


D’un point de vue purement formel, une séquence de parole peut être décrite comme une succession de sons entrecoupée par des phases silencieuses. Si la phonétique s’est largement appliquée à décrire ces séquences sonores du point de vue de leurs caractéristiques articulatoires, de leur dimension acoustique et de leurs conséquences au niveau perceptif, les pauses ont fait l’objet d’un nombre d’études moins conséquent, alors même qu’un certain nombre de recherches (Goldman-Eisler, 1968 par ex.) ont révélé la nécessité de marquer de brèves interruptions lors de la production de la parole.


Ce caractère essentiel de la pause s’explique notamment par le fait qu’elle est le reflet à la fois du mouvement respiratoire mais aussi d’une activité cognitive importante. En effet, la pause permet au locuteur de reprendre son souffle mais aussi de planifier le contenu de son message pour structurer son énoncé et le mettre en scène, comme dans le cas des discours politiques par exemple (Duez, 1999 par ex.). En outre, la pause est également l’un des éléments révélant la fin d’un tour du parole et le signal du début de la prise de parole pour l’interlocuteur (Sacks et al., 1974). A l’écrit, les fonctions prosodiques, mais aussi syntaxiques et sémantiques, de la pause sont traditionnellement marquées par des signes de ponctuation dont l’interprétation a varié au cours de l’histoire (Catach, 1994 ; 2001).


La dimension cognitive de la pause qui a été évoquée plus haut permet également d’exploiter ce paramètre rythmique en linguistique clinique dans la mesure où la pause, prise en tant que disfluence, est révélatrice des capacités langagières de l’individu : la localisation et la durée des pauses peuvent en effet servir d’indices pour respectivement identifier des difficultés pathologiques d’accès au lexique (Gayraud et al., 2011) ou pour différencier une disfluence classique et un bégayage (Starkweather, 1987 ; Hirsch et al., 2012).    


Les propositions de communication devront répondre à une des thématiques suivantes :


  1. La pause en tant que contribution à la mise en place d’un phonostyle ;
  2. La pause et le rythme en paroles normale/pathologique ;
  3. Les répercussions de la pause sur les plans sémantique et syntaxique ;
  4. La pause en tant qu’indice de tour de parole dans l’interaction.


Le lien avec le sujet du colloque devra être explicité dans le résumé. Par ailleurs, des propositions n’entrant pas directement dans l’une des thématiques proposées ci-dessus peuvent également être acceptées à la condition que soit manifesté le lien avec le thème des Journées.


Bibliographie :


Catach N., (1994) La ponctuation : histoire et système, collection Que sais-je ?, n° 2818, Paris, PUF.

Catach N. (2001) Histoire de l'orthographe française, éd. posthume réalisée par Renée Honvault, avec la collab. de Irène Rosier-Catach, collection Lexica, n° 9, Paris, Champion.

Duez D. (1999), La fonction symbolique des pauses dans la parole de l'homme politique, Faits de langues, vol. 13, p. 91-97.

Gayraud, F., Lee H.R., Barkat-Defradas, M. (2010), Syntactic and lexical context of pauses and hesitations in the discourse of Alzheimer patients and healthy elderly subjects, Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, vol. 25(3):198-209 (DOI : 10.3109/02699206.2010.521612).

Goldman-Eisler F. (1968) Psycholinguistics. Experiments in spontaneous speech, New York, Academic Press.

Hirsch F., Monfrais-Pfauwadel M.C., Crevier-Buchman L., Sock R., Fauth C., Pialot H. (2012) Using nasovideofibroscopic data to observe abnormal laryngeal behavior in stutterers, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Fluency Disorders, 2-5 juillet, Tours.

Sacks H., Schegloff E A., Jefferson G. (1974), A Simplest Systematics for the Organization of Turn-Taking for Conversation, Language, n° 50, 4, p. 696-735.

Starkweather C. (1987), Fluency and Stuttering. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.


Comité Scientifique :


Barkat-Defradas Mélissa, Praxiling CNRS UMR5267-Université de Montpellier

Bres Jacques, Praxiling CNRS-Université de Montpellier

Delais-Roussare Elisabeth, CNRS-Université Paris 7 Paris Diderot,

Dodane Christelle, CNRS-Université de Montpellier

Ferré Gaëlle, Laboratoire de Linguistique de Nantes

Gayraud Frédérique, Université Lyon 2 & CNRS (Dynamique du Langage UMR5596)

Ghio Alain, Laboratoire Parole et Langage UMR 7309 CNRS - Université Aix-Marseille

Goldman Jean-Phillipe, Université de Genève

Hirsch Fabrice, Praxiling CNRS UMR5267-Université de Montpellier

Kleiber Georges, Université de Strasbourg, EA 1339 Lilpa

Rochet-Capellan Amélie, GIPSA Lab CNRS UMR 5216, Grenoble

Simon Anne-Catherine, Université Catholique de Louvain

Sock Rudolph, Université de Strasbourg, EA 1339 Lilpa

Steuckardt Agnès, Praxiling CNRS UMR5267-Université de Montpellier

Vaxelaire Béatrice, Université de Strasbourg, EA 1339 Lilpa


Comité d’Organisation :


Barkat-Defradas Mélissa, Université Paul Valéry, UMR5267 Praxiling

Bellemouche Hacène, Université Paul Valéry, UMR5267 Praxiling

Didirkova Ivana, Université Paul Valéry, UMR5267 Praxiling

Dodane Christelle, Université Paul Valéry, UMR5267 Praxiling

Hirsch Fabrice, Université Paul Valéry, UMR5267 Praxiling

Maturafi Lavie, Université Paul Valéry, UMR5267 Praxiling

Sauvage Jérémi, Université Paul Valéry, UMR5267 Praxiling


Calendrier :

 La date limite de soumission des propositions de communications (résumé de 500 mots hors bibliographie) a été repoussée au 30 Juin 2014

Date de notification aux auteurs : 15 juillet 2014

Journées d’Etudes de Pausologie : 16-17 octobre 2014


Soumission :


Les soumissions aux Journées de Pausologie se présentent sous la forme de résumés rédigés en français, d'une longueur maximale de 500 mots (hors bibliographie), police Times New Roman, 12pt, interligne simple. Les résumés devront être soumis au format PDF aux adresses suivantes : ET Dans un souci d’anonymisation, ne figureront dans le fichier PDF que le titre de la proposition, le résumé et la bibliographie. Le nom des auteurs et leur affiliation devront être présents dans le courriel mais pas dans le fichier PDF.


Un article sera demandé à l’issue des Journées en vue d’une publication.


Pour toute question, écrire à :

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3-3-33(2014-11-03) CfP ACM Multimedia 2014 - Area on Music, Speech, and Audio Processing in Multimedia, Orlando, Florida, USA
Call for short and long paper contributions for ACM Multimedia 2014 - 
Area on Music, Speech, and Audio Processing in Multimedia 
November 3-7, 2014 Orlando, Florida, USA 
(For general information and information on other areas check 
As a core part of multimedia data, the acoustic modality is of great importance as a source of 
information that is orthogonal to other modalities like video or text. This allows for richer
 information to be extracted when performing content analysis, as well as a rich mean of 
communication of information. We are seeking strong technical submissions revolving around 
music, speech and audio processing in multimedia. One topic of interest is submissions
 performing an analysis of the acoustic signals in order to extract information from multimedia 
content (e.g. what notes are being played, what is being said, or what sounds appear), or the 
context (e.g. language spoken, age and gender of the speaker, localization using sound). 
Another topic of interest is submissions performing synthesis of acoustic content for multimedia 
purposes (e.g. speech synthesis, singing voices, acoustic scene synthesis). Furthermore, we are 
also interested in ways to represent acoustic data as multimedia; for example, in symbolic form
 (e.g. closed captioning of speech), in the form of sensor input and visual images (e.g. recordings
 of gestures in musical performances). or others. Another topic of interest is applications that 
involve the acoustic modality. The inclusion of acoustics opens up interesting possibilities for 
novel multimedia interfaces and user interactions. In addition, contextual, social and affective 
aspects play an important role when using acoustics, which can be seen, for example, in the 
consumption and enjoyment of music, and the sound design of cinematic productions.
 All submissions should maintain a clear relation to multimedia: there either should be an 
explicit relation to multimedia items, applications or systems, or an application of a multimedia 
perspective, in which information sources from different modalities are considered. 
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
 · Multimedia audio analysis and synthesis · Multimedia audio indexing, search, and retrieval
 · Music, speech, and audio annotation, similarity measures, and evaluation 
· Multimodal and multimedia approaches to music, speech, and audio
 · Multimodal and multimedia context models for music, speech, and audio 
· Computational approaches to music, speech, and audio inspired by other domains (e.g. 
computer vision, information retrieval, musicology, psychology) 
· Multimedia localization using acoustic information 
· Social data, user models and personalization in music, speech, and audio 
· Music, audio, and aural aspects in multimedia user interfaces
 · Algorithms and applications of music, speech, and audio
 · New and interactive musical instruments, systems and other music, speech, and audio 
applications · Novel interaction interfaces using/with music, speech, and audio 
· Music, speech, and audio coding, transmission, and storage for multimedia applications 
Deadlines for long papers is March 31st, 2014 and for short papers is April 14th, 2014 
For other deadlines please check 
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3-3-34(2014-12-01) CfP IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing - Atlanta Georgia 2014
IEEE GlobalSIP’14 – Call for Symposium Proposals
IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing - Atlanta Georgia 2014

Technical Program Chairs: Douglas Williams, Timothy Davidson, and Ghassan AlRegib
General Chairs: Geoffrey Li and Fred Juang

The IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) is a recently launched flagship conference of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. GlobalSIP’14 will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, during the week of December 1, 2014. The conference will focus broadly on signal and information processing with an emphasis on up-and-coming signal processing themes. The conference will feature world-class speakers, tutorials, exhibits, and technical sessions consisting of poster or oral presentations. GlobalSIP’14 will be comprised of colocated symposia selected competitively based on responses to this call-for-symposium proposals. Symposium topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Signal processing in communications and networks, including green communication and optical communications
  • Image and video processing
  • Selected topics in speech and language processing
  • Acoustic array signal processing
  • Signal processing in security applications
  • Signal processing in finance
  • Signal processing in energy and power systems
  • Signal processing in genomics and bioengineering (physiological, pharmacological, and behavioral)
  • Neural signal processing
  • Selected topics in statistical signal processing
  • Seismic signal processing
  • Graph-theoretic signal processing
  • Machine learning and human machine interfaces
  • Compressed sensing, sparsity analysis, and applications
  • Big data processing, heterogeneous information processing, and informatics
  • Radar and array processing including localization and ranging techniques
  • Multimedia transmission, indexing and retrieval, and playback challenges
  • Hardware and real-time implementations
  • Other novel and significant applications of selected areas of signal processing

Symposium proposals should include the title of the symposium; length of the symposium (one day or two days); projected selectivity of the symposium; paper length requirements (submission: from 2 to 6 pages, final: 4-6 pages, invited papers may be longer); names, addresses, and short CVs (up to 250 words) of the organizers, including the general organizers and the technical chairs; an up-to two page description of the technical issues that the symposium will address (including timeliness and relevance to the signal processing community; names of (potential) technical program committee members; name of (potential) invited speakers (up to 2 for one-day symposia and 4 for two-day ones)); and a draft call-for-papers. Please package everything in a single pdf file. More detailed information can be found at

Symposium proposals should be emailed to Doug Williams ( and Geoffrey Li ( according the following timeline:

November 8, 2013: Symposium proposals due
November 22, 2013: Symposium selection decision notification
November 29, 2013: Final version of the call-for-papers for the accepted symposia due

Tentative timeline for paper submission:
May 16, 2014: Paper submission deadline (regular and invited)
June 27, 2014: Review results announced
September 5, 2014: Camera-ready regular and invited papers due


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3-3-35(2014-12-07) 3rd Dialog State Tracking Challenge (DSTC3).

We are pleased to announce the opening of the third Dialog State Tracking Challenge (DSTC3). Complete information, including the challenge handbook, training data, evaluation scripts, and baseline trackers are available on the DSTC3 website:

The Dialog State Tracking Challenge (DSTC) is a research challenge focused on improving the state of the art in tracking the state of spoken dialog systems. State tracking refers to accurately estimating the user's goal as a dialog progresses. Accurate state tracking is desirable because it provides robustness to errors in speech recognition, and helps reduce ambiguity inherent in language within a temporal process like dialog.

In this challenge, participants are given labelled corpora of dialogs to develop state tracking algorithms. The trackers will then be evaluated on a common set of held-out dialogs which are released, un-labelled, during a one week period. This is a corpus-based challenge: participants do not need to implement a speech recognizer, a semantic parser, or an end-to-end dialog system.

The first DSTC completed in 2013, with 9 teams participating and a total of 27 entries, with 9 papers presented at SIGDIAL 2013, advancing the state-of-the-art in several dimensions. DSTC2 introduced a completely new dataset, in a new domain (restaurant information), with more complicated and dynamic dialog states that may change throughout the dialog. DSTC2 concluded a few months ago, again with 9 participating teams (about half new) -- results have been submitted to and will be presented at a special session at SIGDIAL 2014.

DSTC3 will focus on the task of adapting and expanding to a new domain, when there is a lot of labelled data in a smaller domain. The 'smaller domain' is the restaurants domain from DSTC2; the 'new extended domain' is a larger tourist information domain: DSTC3 includes restaurants and adds pubs and coffee shops, and more detail (slots) for restaurants relative to the DSTC2 data.

Participants are encouraged to submit papers describing their work to SLT 2014, whose deadline will be approx. 20 July. The organisers are awaiting confirmation of a proposed special session at the conference.

DSTC3 schedule:

- 4 April 2014 : Labelled tourist information seed set released

- 9 June 2014 : Unlabelled tourist information test set released

- 16 June 2014 : Tracker output on tourist information test set due

- 23 June 2014 : Results on tourist information test set given to participants

- 20 July 2014 : SLT paper deadline (approximate)

- 7-10 Dec 2014 : SLT workshop (Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA)

The training data, scoring scripts, baselines, domain ontology and database are all available for public download. Prospective participants are strongly encouraged to join the mailing list, to ensure you receive notifications of updates to data or scripts, and are included in discussions about the challenge. To join, email with 'subscribe DSTC' in the body of the message (without quotes).

Feel free to direct questions to the organizers. We hope you will consider participating!

DSTC3 organizers

Matt Henderson (lead) - Cambridge University []

Blaise Thomson - Cambridge University []

Jason D. Williams - Microsoft Research []

DSTC3 advisory board

Bill Byrne - University of Cambridge

Paul Crook - Microsoft Research

Maxine Eskenazi - Carnegie Mellon University

Milica Gasic - University of Cambridge

Helen Hastie - Herriot Watt

Kee-Eung Kim - KAIST

Sungjin Lee - Carnegie Mellon University

Oliver Lemon - Herriot Watt

Olivier Pietquin - SUPELEC

Joelle Pineau - McGill University

Deepak Ramachandran - Nuance Communications

Brian Strope - Google

Steve Young - University of Cambridge

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3-3-36(2014-12-07)The 2014 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT 2014) , South Lake Tahoe, California/Nevada, USA

The 2014 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT 2014) will be held in South Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada, on Dec 7-10, 2014. The main theme of the workshop will be 'machine learning in spoken language technologies'. One of our goals is to increase both intra and inter community interaction, by means of (inter alia)

  • keynote/guest speakers from machine learning community (e.g. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) and others);

  • online panel discussions before/during the conference;

  • miniSIGs - small discussion groups to get organized before/during /after the panel discussions or as independent SIG meetings;

  • highlight sessions, where 3-5 best papers will be presented orally.


Following tradition from the last two SLT workshops in 2010 (Berkeley, CA) and 2012 (Miami, FL), we are looking forward to hosting challenges and special or themed sessions.

Submission of papers in all areas of spoken language technology is encouraged, with emphasis on the following topics:

·      Speech recognition and synthesis

·      Spoken language understanding

·      Spoken dialog systems

·      Spoken document summarization

·      Machine translation for speech

·      Question answering from speech

·      Speech data mining

·      Spoken document retrieval

·      Spoken language databases

·      Multimodal processing

·      Human/computer interaction

·      Educational and healthcare applications

·      Assistive technologies

·      Natural Language Processing

Important Deadlines

Paper Submission Monday, July 21, 2014

Notification of Acceptance Friday, September 5, 2014

Demo Submission September 2014

Demo Acceptance October 2014

Early registration deadline October 17, 2014

Workshop December 7-10, 2014

Submission Procedure


Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length, 4-6 page papers, including figures and references, to the SLT 2014 website. All papers will be handled and reviewed electronically. Please note that the submission dates for papers are strict deadlines.



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3-3-37(2014-12-10) 4th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration (ISAV2014), Tehran, Iran



The Iranian Society of Acoustics and Vibration (ISAV) has the great pleasure of inviting you to the 4th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration (ISAV2014). ISAV2014 is jointly organized by ISAV and Iran University of Science and Technology and will be held in Tehran, Iran from 10-11 December, 2014. Following three successful conferences in three last years (ISAV2011, ISAV2012 and ISAV2013), we look forward to welcoming you to another memorable and exciting ISAV conference in 2014. Through keynote lectures and oral and poster presentations, the conference will present an overview of the latest developments in theoretical and applied acoustics and vibration. We cordially invite you to submit your papers for oral and poster sessions through the conference website We also invite sponsors and exhibitors to participate in the conference exhibition where they can present their latest scientific and industrial achievements, advertise their new products and services, and learn about the latest developments in acoustics and vibration. Please use the link here to go to the conference website. The deadline for paper submission is 22th June 2014. We look forward to seeing you at ISAV2014 in December 2014 in Tehran.


ISAV2014 Secretariat

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3-3-38(2014-12-23) CfP International Conference on Human Machine Interaction, New Delhi India

Call for papers

International Conference on Human Machine Interaction 2014 23 – 25, December 2014

In association with SETIT, Sfax University, Tunisia. and ASDF (Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties) Chennai Chapter, we will organize the International Conference HMI 2014 which will be held in New delhi -INDIA.

Human Machine Interaction (HMI), is a main annual research conference aimed at presenting current research being carried out. The idea of the conference is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry. HMI 2014 is co-sponsored by Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties and SETIT, Sfax University, Tunisia and technical co-sponsored by many other universities and institutes.
The HMI 2014 conference proceeding will be published in the ASDF Proceedings as one volume, and will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by EBSCO, World Cat, Google Scholar, and sent to be reviewed by Ei Compendex and ISI Proceedings. Selected papers will be recommended to be published in the Journals.

Area of Submission


  • Active Vision
  • Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
  • Applications of Perception
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Brain Machine Interfaces
  • Cognitive Engineering
  • Collaborative Design and Manufacturing
  • Collaboration Technologies and Systems
  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Vision
  • Cooperative Design
  • Dimensionality Reduction
  • Distributed Intelligent Systems
  • Ergonomics
  • Fuzzy Systems
  • Health Care
  • Human Centered Transportation System
  • Human Factors
  • Human Perception
  • Hybrid Intelligent System Design
  • Image Analysis
  • Intelligent Transportation
  • Knowledge Representation
  • Machine Learning
  • Material Appearance Modeling Medical Imaging
  • Mental Workload
  • Multimedia
  • Multiview Learning
  • Next Generation Network
  • Network Security and Management
  • Ontologies
  • Patient Safety
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Perceptual Factors
  • Physiological Indicators
  • Production Planning and Scheduling
  • Protocol Engineering
  • Semi-Supervised Learning
  • Service-Oriented Computing
  • Simulator Training
  • Systems Integration and Collaboration
  • Systems Safety and Security
  • Team Performance
  • Video Processing
  • Virtual Reality
  • Visualization

Topics of interest for HMI is widely declared for the above, but not limited to.

Conference Registration Fees Rebate (Discount)

We are pleased to inform you that the organizing committee of the HMI2014 allocates a financial support for all participants from developing or emerging countries. This Financial support of among of 150 Dollars is available to help participants to attend HMI2014

You can find more details in:

  • REGISTRATION without discount

    Author Registration (Full Paper)

    250 USD

    Author Registration (Short Paper / Poster) 200 USD

    Listener Registration

    200 USD

    Extra Pages

    15 USD

  • REGISTRATION with discount

    Author Registration (Full Paper)

    100 USD

    Author Registration (Short Paper / Poster) 50 USD

    Listener Registration

    50 USD

    Extra Pages

    15 USD


We are waiting for seeing you in India.

NB : A select number of Post Conference Excursions will take place during 5 days.

As examples : 1 Day Tour to Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, Mathura in AC Bus : 25 $ per person 1 Day Tour to Qutub Minar, Parliament, Lotus Temple, India Gate, Gandhi Smiriti, Red Fort, Humayun's Tomb, Rajghat: 25 $ per person


Best Regards

 Mohamed Salim BOUHLEL General Co-Chair, HMI2014 Head of Research Unit: Sciences & Technologies of Image and Telecommunications ( Sfax University ) GSM +216 20 200005


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3-3-39(2016-00-00) Bids invitation for the conference Speech Prosody 2016 (SProSIG)
The Advisory Board of SProSIG, the Speech Prosody Special Interest Group, invites bids from sites interested in hosting
 its flagship conference Speech Prosody in 2016.  

The bid process will proceed as follows:

(1) Optional: Groups interested in hosting a bid are invited to express interest in an e-mail to the current SProSIG Secretary
 and/or President (e.g., by replying to this e-mail).

(2) Optional: Each group interested in hosting the conference is invited to give a presentation on May 23, 2014 at the Speech 
Prosody 2014 conference in Dublin.

(3) Required: Each bid should then be formalized in a written document, mailed to the secretary of SProSIG by June 15, 2014.  
These documents will be posted at for all SProSIG members to read.

(4) Selection of the site for Speech Prosody 2016 will then be conducted using an on-line ballot at  
Each current member of SProSIG will be allowed to vote.

Bids to host Speech Prosody 2016 should include the following information:

(a) Names and affiliations of members of the organizing committee.

(b) Information about institutional support for the conference if any.

(c) Tentative location of the conference (city and, if possible, venue).  Oral and written presentation of the bid should highlight 
attributes that make both city and site suitable for hosting an international conference, including transportation to/from and
 within the city, lodging and dining options near the proposed venue, facilities in the proposed venue for a 300-person oral
 session and a 40-poster poster session, and any other attributes likely to be of interest to the members of SProSIG.

(d) Tentative dates of the proposed conference (typically four days in late May 2016)

(e) Proposed theme of the conference and/or proposed new session topics that will be included, along with existing session
 topics of the Speech Prosody conference, in the Conference Call for Papers.

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3-3-40Announcing the Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems

Carnegie Mellon University


degree designed for students who want to rapidly master advanced content-analysis, mining, and intelligent information technologies prior to beginning or resuming leadership careers in industry and government. Just over half of the curriculum consists of graduate courses. The remainder provides direct, hands-on, project-oriented experience working closely with CMU faculty to build systems and solve problems using state-of-the-art algorithms, techniques, tools, and datasets. A typical MIIS student completes the program in one year (12 months) of full-time study at the Pittsburgh campus.  Part-time and distance education options are available to students employed at affiliated companies. The application deadline for the Fall 2013 term is December 14, 2012. For more information about the program, please visit

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The IEEE Signal Processing Society is accepting proposals for the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP®). SPS Members are invited to submit a proposal to host ICASSP. If you are interested in submitting a proposal please contact Nicole Allen to get the forms and guidelines.

ICASSP is the world’s largest and most comprehensive technical conference focused on signal processing applications. The series is sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society and has been held annually since 1976. The conference features world-class speakers, tutorials, exhibits, and over 120 lecture and poster sessions. ICASSP is a cooperative effort of the IEEE Signal Processing Technical Committees:

  • Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing
  • Bio Imaging and Signal Processing
  • Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
  • Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing
  • Information Forensics and Security
  • Machine Learning for Signal Processing
  • Multimedia Signal Processing
  • Sensor Array and Multichannel
  • Signal Processing for Communications and Networking
  • Signal Processing Theory and Methods
  • Speech and Language Processing
  • Standing Committee on Industry DSP Technology

To submit a proposal, send a notice of intent to bid to the Vice President – Conferences and the Conference Service Coordinator using the email addresses as shown below. Include in the notice your contact information and the proposed location. The Signal Processing Society Conference Services staff will issue the proposal submission form and guidlines upon receipt of the letter of intent. The form must be completed and the proposal submitted to the Conference Services staff by 21 March 2014. Proposals will be assessed by the Conference Board Executive Subcommittee. Accepted bidding teams [finalists] will be invited to present at the Conference Board meeting held at ICASSP 2014, May 4-9, 2014 in Florence, Italy.

Professor Wan-Chi Siu
IEEE Signal Processing Society
VP-Conferences (2012 – 2014)
Nicole Allen
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Conference Services Coordinator
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3-3-42Master in linguistics (Aix-Marseille) France

Master's in Linguistics (Aix-Marseille Université): Linguistic Theories, Field Linguistics and Experimentation TheLiTEx offers advanced training in Linguistics. This specialty focuses Linguistics is aimed at presenting in an original way the links between corpus linguistics and scientific experimentation on the one hand and laboratory and field methodologies on the other. On the basis of a common set of courses (offered within the first year), TheLiTEx offers two paths: Experimental Linguistics (LEx) and Language Contact & Typology (LCT) The goal of LEx is the study of language, speech and discourse on the basis of scientific experimentation, quantitative modeling of linguistic phenomena and behavior. It focuses on a multidisciplinary approach which borrows its methodologies to human physical and biological sciences and its tools to computer science, clinical approaches, engineering etc.. Among the courses offered: semantics, phonetics / phonology, morphology, syntax or pragmatics, prosody and intonation, and the interfaces between these linguistic levels, in their interactions with the real world and the individual, in a biological, cognitive and social perspective. Within the second year, a set of more specialized courses is offered such as Language and the Brain and Laboratory Phonology. LCT aims at understanding the world's linguistic diversity, focusing on language contact, language change and variation (European, Asian and African languages, Creoles, sign language, etc.).. This specialty focuses, from a a linguistic and sociolinguistic perspective, on issues of field linguistics and taking into account both the human and socio-cultural dimension of language (speakers, communities). It also focuses on documenting rare and endangered languages and to engage a reflection on linguistic minorities. This path also provides expertise and intervention models (language policy and planning) in order  to train students in the management of contact phenomena and their impact on the speakers, languages and societies More info at:

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A new, one-year Master in Brain and Cognition will begin its activities in the Academic Year 2014-15 in Barcelona, Spain, organized by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (

The core of the master's programme is composed of the research groups at UPF's Center for Brain and Cognition  ( These groups are directed by renowned scientists in areas such as computational neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, psycholinguistics, vision, multisensory perception, human development and comparative cognition. Students will  be exposed to the ongoing research projects at the Center for Brain and Cognition and will be integrated in one of its main research lines, where they will conduct original research for their final project.

Application period is now open. Please visit the Master web page or contact for further information.

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3-3-44Research in Interactive Virtual Experiences at USC CA USA

REU Site: Research in Interactive Virtual Experiences



The Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT) offers a 10-week summer research program for undergraduates in interactive virtual experiences. A multidisciplinary research institute affiliated with the University of Southern California, the ICT was established in 1999 to combine leading academic researchers in computing with the creative talents of Hollywood and the video game industry. Having grown to encompass a total of 170 faculty, staff, and students in a diverse array of fields, the ICT represents a unique interdisciplinary community brought together with a core unifying mission: advancing the state-of-the-art for creating virtual reality experiences so compelling that people will react as if they were real.


Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of ICT research, we welcome applications from students in computer science, as well as many other fields, such as psychology, art/animation, interactive media, linguistics, and communications. Undergraduates will join a team of students, research staff, and faculty in one of several labs focusing on different aspects of interactive virtual experiences. In addition to participating in seminars and social events, students will also prepare a final written report and present their projects to the rest of the institute at the end of summer research fair.


Students will receive $5000 over ten weeks, plus an additional $2800 stipend for housing and living expenses.  Non-local students can also be reimbursed for travel up to $600.  The ICT is located in West Los Angeles, just north of LAX and only 10 minutes from the beach.


This Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation. The site is expected to begin summer 2013, pending final award issuance.


Students can apply online at:

Application deadline: March 31, 2013


For more information, please contact Evan Suma at

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