ISCApad #190 |
Thursday, April 10, 2014 by Chris Wellekens |
6-1 | (2013-11-04) Ingénieur de Recherche en Linguistique empirique au LABEX Empirical Foundations of Linguistics Le LABEX Empirical Foundations of Linguistics cherche un Ingénieur de Recherche en Linguistique empirique
Barbara Hemforth, LLF
Université Paris 7
23 mois (1er février 2014-31 décembre 2015), renouvelable
Entre 1600 et 2000 € par mois (net) en fonction de la qualification
Linguistique empirique, Psycholinguistique, Mouvement oculaire, EEG, Techniques comportementales
Les candidats sont appelés à travailler dans le cadre d'un projet en linguistique sur 10 ans intitulé 'Empirical foundations of linguistics' C'est un travail à temps plein. Il est possible d'envisager deux ingénieurs à temps partiel en fonction des candidatures.
Le candidat retenu devra présenter ses diplômes en linguistique et psycholinguistique du niveau Master. Un doctorat sera un atout supplémentaire. Le français pourra s'avérer utile mais pas nécessaire. Les candidats seront auditionnés par un comité d'experts. L'accent sera mis sur les qualités du candidat pour la recherche empirique (bonnes connaissances de paradigmes expérimentaux et statistiques), attestées par un mémoire de Master ou équivalent, ou une thèse de doctorat (ou PhD) ou d'autres travaux de recherche. Joindre à la candidature :
• un CV
• deux noms de référents (avec leur adresse email)
• Adresse email et publications
Le candidat travaillera avec une équipe interdisciplinaire composée de linguistes, de psycholinguistes et de linguistes informaticiens. L'activité consistera :
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6-2 | (2013-11-15) Post-doc in the project CHASING, Radbout University, The Netherlands Vacancy for a post-doc in the project CHASING :
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6-3 | (2013-11-15) Director at ICSI, Berkeley, CA, USA DIRECTOR SEARCH International Computer Science Institute Berkeley, California The International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) is a leading center for research in computer science and one of the few independent, nonprofit research institutes in the United States. With its unique emphasis on international collaboration, ICSI brings together experts from around the world to focus on a variety of computer science topics. This is accomplished through active international visitor programs in which researchers from abroad visit ICSI to work with staff scientists and their networks of academic, government, and industrial partners. There are approximately eighty scientists in residence at ICSI including principal investigators, postdoctoral associates, visiting researchers, and students. ICSI funding primarily comes from US Federal agencies and international visitor programs. To learn more about ICSI, please go to ICSI is currently seeking candidates for Director of the institute. The Director will serve as the leader and administrative head of the Institute, and report directly to the Board of Trustees. As institute leader, the ICSI Director’s primary responsibilities are to act as an external advocate for ICSI research and to work collaboratively with ICSI researchers and staff to: strengthen and expand ICSI’s research agenda, identify and pursue strategic funding opportunities; maintain and expand ICSI’s international visitor programs; and re-envision ICSI’s relationship with UC Berkeley. The Director will also continue her/his own research program, if applicable, but the Director’s main goal is to create an environment that enables ICSI researchers to succeed. ICSI is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Applications from women and minorities are especially encouraged. Please send CVs to apply-director@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU .
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6-4 | (2013-12-12) TWO SPEECH TECHNOLOGY RESEARCHERS, NIICT, Kyoto, Japan *** JOB OPENINGS FOR TWO SPEECH TECHNOLOGY RESEARCHERS *** Research Positions in Spoken Language Communication Technology at Spoken Language Communication Laboratory National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Kyoto, Japan Applications are invited for the above full-time research positions in the areas of ASR, TTS and Spoken Dialogue, with planned starting date of 1st April 2014. The closing date for applications is 29th November 2013, but we are going to extend it until the positions are filled. The National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) is Japan's administrative research institution specializing in the field of information and communications technology, and the NICT Spoken Language Communication Laboratory, based in Kyoto, is a world-leading group in the field of innovative speech technology research. Informal inquiries should be made to Dr Yoshi Shiga (
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6-6 | (2014-01-20) Professeur des universités (PR0002) à l'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 Un poste de Professeur des universités (PR0002) est ouvert au recrutement pour la rentrée 2014 à l'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3. Voici le descriptif ci-dessous.
Enseignement :
L’enseignant(e) recruté(e) pour ce poste interviendra à tous les niveaux de formation (licence, master, doctorat), et devra se consacrer à la formation en sciences phonétiques : phonétique acoustique et articulatoire, aspects perceptifs/cognitifs et communicationnels de la parole, didactique de la phonétique, prosodie, phonétique comparée des langues, phonétique clinique, phonologie , phonologie de laboratoire, etc. (cf. et de Master ( de Sciences du Langage.
Composante / UFR / Lieu(x) d’exercice : Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 Institut de Linguistique et Phonétique Générales Appliquées 19, rue des Bernardins, 75005 Paris.
Le/la candidat(e) inscrira ses recherches au sein du Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie (LPP, Unité Mixte de Recherche 7018), dont l’objectif est de favoriser l’enrichissement mutuel entre les sciences phonétiques et la phonologie, et l’application de cette synergie dans un grand nombre de domaines, tels que l’apprentissage d’une langue nouvelle, l’acquisition du langage, la remédiation, la typologie des langues, etc.
Les thèmes de recherche du laboratoire pour les cinq prochaines années sont les suivants : Phonétique et phonologie des langues du monde, Phonétique clinique, Développement d’instrumentations, Questionnements phonétiques, phonologiques et psycholinguistiques, TAL et Phonétique / phonologie de corpus, Acquisition d’une langue étrangère.
Le laboratoire de phonétique et de phonologie est membre fondateur du labex « Empirical Foundations of Linguistics » (EFL :, et les travaux de recherche du candidat devront également s’inscrire dans ses thématiques.
Laboratoire de rattachement : Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie (LPP), UMR 7018 (
Administration :
Le/la candidat(e) assumera des responsabilités administratives, pédagogiques et scientifiques au sein du laboratoire et du département. Il/elle travaillera activement au maintien et au développement des contacts avec le secteur de la santé, de l'orthophonie et de l'éducation., ainsi qu’aux synergies internes à Sorbonne Paris Cité.'
Pour plus d'informations :
Contacts : Jacqueline Vaissière; Pierre Hallé
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6-7 | (2014-01-19) Poste de Maitre de Conférences (MCF0621) à l'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3.
Un poste de Maitre de Conférences (MCF0621) est ouvert au recrutement pour la rentrée 2014 à l'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3. Voici le descriptif ci-dessous.
Enseignement :
L’enseignant(e) recruté(e) pour ce poste interviendra en licence et en master des sciences du langage (cf. pour la licence : et pour le master Il/elle assurera des enseignements fondamentaux en linguistique générale et dans son domaine de spécialité (phonologie, morphologie, etc.). Il/elle renforcera les connaissances générales sur la diversité des langues auprès du public étudiant de l’ILPGA, dont c’est une spécificité
Composante / UFR / Lieu(x) d’exercice : Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 Institut de Linguistique et Phonétique Générales Appliquées 19, rue des Bernardins, 75005 Paris.
Le/la candidat(e) inscrira ses recherches dans une des unités de recherche liées à l’ILPGA, en particulier le Laboratoire de Phonétique et de Phonologie et le Lacito, avec les thématiques desquelles ses travaux devront être convergents. Il/elle développera des recherches dans les domaines de la phonologie, de la morphologie et/ou de la syntaxe, dans une perspective de diversité des langues (expertise d’une famille ou d’une aire linguistique, ou approche typologique). Seront par ailleurs privilégiés les approches et les modèles fondés sur des contraintes.
Laboratoire de rattachement : Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie (LPP), UMR 7018 ( ou LACITO (Laboratoire des Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale), UMR7107 (
Le/la candidat(e) assumera des responsabilités administratives, pédagogiques et scientifiques au sein du département.
Pour plus d'informations :
Contacts : Cédric Gendrot Téléphone : 01 44 32 05 74 E-mail :
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6-8 | (2014-01-21) Postdoctoral fellowship opportunities for finish German PhD students at ICSI in Berkeley Postdoctoral fellowship opportunities for finish German PhD students at ICSI in Berkeley
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6-9 | (2014-01-22) POSTDOCTORAL POSITION at PAROLE team, Inria Nancy, France POSTDOCTORAL POSITION
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6-10 | (2014-01-22) PhD position on Automatic analysis of affective and social behaviors in human-robot interaction, Univ Twente, The Netherlands PhD position on Automatic analysis of affective and social behaviors in human-robot
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6-11 | (2014-01-22) POST-DOCTORAL POSITION FOR THE PROJECT IFCASL (LORIA, NANCY, FRANCE) POST-DOCTORAL POSITION FOR THE PROJECT IFCASL (LORIA, NANCY, FRANCE) We invite applications for a one-year Post‐Doctoral position at the Laboratoire LORIA (Lorraine University, INRIA, CNRS, UMR 7306, France), to work on the project IFCASL (Individualised Feedback in Computer-Assisted Spoken Language learning). The objective is to offer feedback that relies on phonetic knowledge incorporated in the learning system and interacts relevantly with automatic speech recognition (ASR) and signal processing. This means that confidence in the results returned by ASR will be taken into account to derive diagnoses and feedback: the higher the confidence the more explicit the level of feedback. A corpus of German recorded by French learners and a second of French recorded by German learners will be exploited to determine errors on the one hand, and to develop algorithms involved in feedback on the other hand.
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6-12 | (2014-02-18) Speech Data Evaluator for French at Google, DublinSpeech Data Evaluator for FrenchJob title: Speech Data Evaluator for French (Multiple positions)
Linguistic Field(s):
Job description: As
This includes:
Job requirements:
Project duration: 6-11 months (with potential for extension) **This is not a permanent position but a contract position.**
Email Address for applications: Contact information: Ara Kim Closing date: open until filled
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6-13 | (2014-02-20) PhD scholarship on deep neural networks , INRIA, Nancy, F We are pleased to offer a PhD scholarship on deep neural networks for source separation and noise-robust ASR
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6-14 | (2014-02-20) 3 positions of Maitre de conférence (lecturer) at Avignon, F Trois postes de Maître de Conférences en informatique (section 27) sont mis au concours pour la campagne 2014 au Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Informatique de l'Université d'Avignon (
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6-15 | (2014-03-04) Speech Linguistic Project Manager - Google Speech Research, London, UKSpeech Linguistic Project Manager - Google Speech ResearchJob title: Speech Linguistic Project Manager Location: London, UK Linguistic Field(s):
Job description: The As You This includes:
Job requirements:
Project duration: 6-11 months (with potential for extension) **This is not a permanent position but a contract position.** For Email Address for applications: Contact information: Ara Kim Closing date: open until filled
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6-16 | (2014-03-04) Doctoral student position , Aalto University, Finland Doctoral student position in an interdisciplinary speech technology project “Computational Modeling of Language Acquisition”
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6-17 | (2014-03-04) Postdoctoral fellow in the area of phonetics, Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
Announcement of Vacancy
The Department of Linguistics at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig has a vacancy for a postdoctoral fellow in the area of phonetics.
In order to understand the abstract structure underlying the movements of articulators involved in speech sound production, the department’s phonetics lab is developing methods aimed at detecting the coupling relations between the dynamical systems involved. This work is based on a variant of joint recurrence analysis which is compatible with the uncontrolled manifold theory of synergies in intentional dynamics. The methods will be applied to explore the abstract coupling links underlying the coordination between the behavior of the larynx and the behavior of oral articulators.
The successful candidate will be involved in the conceptual design and in the development of analytical tools. This includes the areas of joint recurrence analysis, recurrence network approaches, and procedures for building surrogate databases for testing the significance of the observed relations.
The one-year non-renewable position ends no later than May 31, 2015.
Prerequisites for an application are a PhD and knowledge of dynamical systems theory as well as of information theory (as shown by relevant publications or by his/her academic curriculum), with an interest in their application to real datasets. Programming skills (preferably Matlab or C++) are required. Knowledge of recurrence analysis methods and of Bayesian statistics is welcome.
The salary is according to the German public service pay scale (TVöD). The Max Planck Society is concerned to employ more disabled people; applications from disabled people are explicitly sought. The Max Planck Society wishes to increase the proportion of women in areas in which they are underrepresented; women are therefore explicitly encouraged to apply.
Applicants are requested to send their complete dossier (including curriculum vitae, description of research interests, names and contact details of two referees, and a piece of written work on one of the relevant topics) to:
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Personnel Department Prof. Dr. Bernard Comrie Code word: Postdoc Phonetics Deutscher Platz 6 D-04103 Leipzig, Germany
Application will be received until the position is filled.
Please address questions to Dr. Sven Grawunder <>. Information on the institute is available at
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6-18 | (2014-03-05) PhD research fellowship at Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Ver. 2014-03-03 Ph.D. project offer Title Development of speech coding algorithms inspired by the central auditory system Description The central auditory system has many characteristics that could foster the development of improved speech coders. The objective of this research project is to develop speech coding algorithms that are inspired by the central auditory system. This work will make use of the current knowledge in neural signal processing by the central auditory system as well as of several metrics developed for the objective evaluation of speech processing algorithms. It will allow the study of new paradigms that will lead to the development of novel speech coding algorithms. The research will be conducted jointly in the Speech and Audio Processing Laboratory and the Computational Neuroscience and Intelligent Signal Processing Research Group at the Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada. A financial support is expected. Requirements Excellent academic record. Strong background in speech processing. Excellent ability to communicate in English. Knowledge of French is considered an advantage. Interest in neuroscience. The Université de Sherbrooke is a French-speaking institution located in the province of Quebec, Canada, and the heart of an international research pole. It is host to more than 40 000 students from over 120 different countries worldwide. (Source: UdeS)
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6-19 | (2014-03-06) 1 postdoc and 1PhD at INRIA, Nancy, F *** Postdoc #1
Post-doctoral Fellow - INRIA - Nancy, France
The goal of this work is to develop an accurate 3D lip model that can be integrated within a talking head. A control model will also be developed. The lip model should be as accurate dynamically as possible. When designing this model, the focus will be on the dynamics. For this reason, one can start from a static 3D lip mesh, using a generic 3D lip model, and then we will use MRI images or 3D scans to obtain more realistic shape of the lips. To take into account the dynamic aspect of the lip deformation, we will use an articulograph (EMA) and motion capture technique to track sensors or markers on the lips. The mesh will be adapted to this data.
To control the lips, we will consider allowing a skeletal animation to be controlled by the EMA sensors or motion capture markers, using inverse kinematic technique, widely used in 3D modeling. In line with conventional skeletal animation, an articulated armature rigged inside the mesh is mapped to vertex groups on the lip mesh by a weight map that can be defined automatically from the envelope of the armature’s shape and manually adjusted if required, where manipulating the armature’s components deforms the surrounding mesh accordingly.
The main challenge is to find the best topology of the sensors or markers on the lips, to be able to better capture accurately its dynamics. The main outcome is to accurately model and animate the lips based on articulatory data. It is very important to have readable lips in that can be lip-read by hard-of-hearing people.
For full description and to apply, please visit this website:
The applications will be considered as soon as received.
Slim Ouni
University of Lorraine
Parole - Inria Nancy -Grand Est
PhD #1
Position type: PhD Student - INRIA - Nancy, France
Title: Emotion modeling during expressive audiovisual speech
The goal of this thesis is to study the expressivity from articulatory and visual points of view. The articulatory and facial gestures will be characterized for the different sounds of speech (called phonemes) in the different expressive contexts. The goal is to determine how facial expressions interact with speech gesture (lips, tongue, face and acoustics), and how this is embedded within the phoneme articulation and their acoustic consequences. The quantification of the intensity of an expression during a given phoneme (or sequence of phonemes) articulation needs to be determined. One important objective of this work is to develop an expressive control model, which describes the interaction of the facial expressions with audiovisual speech.
To achieve these goals, two corpora will be acquired using electromagnetography (EMA) and motion capture techniques synchronously with acoustics. The EMA is the technique that uses electromagnetic sensors, glued on the tongue, teeth, lips and eventually the face, that represent 3D positions, and two angle orientations. We will use a marker-less motion capture that allows retrieving the dynamics of the face due to speech and expressivity. The corpora will cover sentences pronounced in several emotional contexts. These corpora provide the articulatory trajectories of the tongue and the lips in addition to the acoustic signal. The acquired data will be processed and analyzed, and the control model will be developed based on the results of this analysis.
For full description and to apply, please visit this website:
The applications will be considered as soon as received.
Slim Ouni
University of Lorraine
Parole - Inria Nancy -Grand Est
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6-20 | (2014-03-07) Post-doc position at LORIA (Nancy, France) Post-doc position at LORIA (Nancy, France) Framework of ANR project ContNomina The technologies involved in information retrieval in large audio/video databases are often based on the analysis of large, but closed, corpora, and on machine learning techniques and statistical modeling of the written and spoken language. The effectiveness of these approaches is now widely acknowledged, but they nevertheless have major flaws, particularly for what concern proper names, that are crucial for the interpretation of the content. In the context of diachronic data (data which change over time) new proper names appear constantly requiring dynamic updates of the lexicons and language models used by the speech recognition system. As a result, the ANR project ContNomina (2013-2017) focuses on the problem of proper names in automatic audio processing systems by exploiting in the most efficient way the context of the processed documents. To do this, the postdoc student will address the contextualization of the recognition module through the dynamic adjustment of the language model in order to make it more accurate. Post-doc subject The language model of the recognition system (n gram learned from a large corpus of text) is available. The problem is to estimate the probability of a new proper name depending on its context. Several tracks will be explored: adapting the language model, using a class model or studying the notion of analogy. Our team has developed a fully automatic system for speech recognition to transcribe a radio broadcast from the corresponding audio file. The postdoc will develop a new module whose function is to integrate new proper names in the language model. Required skills A PhD in NLP (Natural Language Processing), be familiar with the tools for automatic speech recognition, background in statistics and computer program skills (C and Perl). Post-doc duration 12 months from June 2014 (these is some flexibility) Localization Loria laboratory, Speech team, Nancy, France Contacts Candidates should email a letter of application, a detailed CV with a list of publications and diploma
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6-21 | (2014-03-07) MCF en informatique pour les Sciences Humaines, Université Paris Sorbonne. Un poste de MCF en informatique pour les Sciences Humaines est ouvert à l'Université Paris Sorbonne. Le candidat enseignera l’Informatique dans les différentes formations de licence et de master du département d’Informatique, Mathématiques et de Linguistique appliquées. Il devra s'inscrire dans un ou plusieurs axes de l'équipe de linguistique computationnelle ( : Sémantiques et connaissances, Paralinguistique de la parole et du texte, Jugements d’évaluation, opinions et sentiments.
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6-22 | (2014-03-08) Senior Technical Engineer/Scientist (Software team Manager) at ELDA The European Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA), a company specialized in Human Language Technologies within an international context, acting as the distribution agency of the European Language Resources Association (ELRA), is currently seeking to fill an immediate vacancy for Senior Technical Engineer/Scientist (Software team Manager) position.
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6-23 | (2014-03-08) PhD position in spoken dialogue systems research, Charles University, Prague, CZ PhD position in spoken dialogue systems research
Applications are invited for a PhD fellowship in the area of statistical spoken dialogue systems funded by the Czech Government. The student will join the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic with an anticipated start date of October 1st, 2014.
Topic description: In recent years, it has been suggested that statistical approach to spoken dialogue system offer a framework to naturally handle inherent uncertainty in the human speech. The two main advantages of statistical methods are increased robustness in noisy conditions and more natural behaviour learnt from data. However, the current methods need large corpora effectively preventing these methods to be used for complex dialogue systems occurring in real-life. The successful PhD candidate will investigate and implement statistical models and methods with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the learning process and reducing the need for large corpora. The conducted research will cover areas of spoken language understanding, dialogue management, and natural language processing.
Skills: The candidate should hold a master degree in a relevant area, such as computer science, mathematics, engineering or linguistics. A strong mathematical background, excellent programming skills (e.g. C/C++, Java, MATLAB, and various scripting languages under Linux environment), aptitude for creative research and autonomy are expected. Experience in machine learning, Bayesian methods, and natural language processing is a plus.
The Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics is a top-level research group working in the area of computational linguistics and natural language processing. During the fellowship, there will be good opportunities to attend international conferences and workshops. The formal applications should be submitted before June 1. Prospective candidates are strongly encouraged to contact Dr Filip Jurcicek ( as soon as possible to obtain details about the application process, the institute, and the research opportunities.
Additional information is available at
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6-24 | (2014-03-12) Researchers in Speech and dialog at IKERBASQUE, Bilbao, Spain Ikerbasque would like to inform you that we have launched a new international call to reinforce research and scientific career in the Basque Country. We offer:
· 25 positions for Promising Researchers Ikerbasque Research Fellows
o 5 year contracts
o PhD degree between Jan2004-Dec2011
o Support letter from the host group is mandatory
o Deadline: March 31st at 13:00 CET
For further information, use this link:
We would appreciate your help in disseminating this information, in case you know about any colleague that could be interested and meets the requirements of the call.
Basque Foundation for Science
Professor M. Inés Torres
PR&Speech Technology Dpto. Electricidad y Electrónica Fac. Ciencia y Tecnología - UPV/EHU Apdo. 644 - 48080 Bilbao (Spain) Phone: +34 94 601 2715 e_mail:
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6-25 | (2014-03-17) Post Doctoral Position Iceland Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the area of speech processing
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6-26 | (2014-03-23) Post-doc position at LIMSI-CNRS in the Spoken Language Processing groupPost-doc position at LIMSI-CNRS in the Spoken Language Processing groupA post-doc position is proposed at LIMSI-CNRS (Orsay, France -, in the context of the ANR-funded CHIST-ERA CAMOMILE Project (Collaborative Annotation of multi-MOdal, MultI-Lingual and multi-mEdia documents - Context of the projectHuman activity is constantly generating large volumes of heterogeneous data, in particular via the Web. These data can be collected and explored to gain new insights in social sciences, linguistics, economics, behavioural studies as well as artificial intelligence and computer sciences.In this regard, 3M (multimodal, multimedia, multilingual) data could be seen as a paradigm of sharing an object of study, human data, between many scientific domains. But, to be really useful, these data should be annotated, and available in very large amounts. Annotated data is useful for computer sciences which process human data with statistical-based machine learning methods, but also for social sciences which are more and more using the large corpora available to support new insights, in a way which was not imaginable few years ago. However, annotating data is costly as it involves a large amount of manual work, and in this regard 3M data, for which we need to annotate different modalities with different levels of abstraction is especially costly. Current annotation framework involves some local manual annotation, with the help sometimes of some automatic tools (mainly pre-segmentation). The project aims at developing a first prototype of collaborative annotation framework on 3M data, in which the manual annotation will be done remotely on many sites, while the final annotation will be localized on the main site. Furthermore, with the same principle, some systems devoted to automatic processing of the modalities (speech, vision) present in the multimedia data will help the transcription, by producing automatic annotations. These automatic annotations are done remotely in each expertise point, which will be then combined locally to produce a meaningful help to the annotators. In order to develop this new annotation concept, we will test it on a practical case study: the problem of person annotation (who is speaking?, who is seen?) in video, which needs collaboration of high level automatic systems dealing with different media (video, speech, audio tracks, OCR, ...). The quality of the annotated data will be evaluated through the task of person retrieval. This new way to envision the annotation process, should lead to some methodologies, tools, instruments and data that are useful for the whole scientific community who have interest in 3M annotated data. Requirements and objectivesA PhD in a field related to the project (speech processing, computer vision or machine learning) is required. The candidate will perform research on multimodal person recognition in videos (speaker recognition, face recognition or multimodal fusion) and will also be involved with the partners in the development of the distributed annotation framework. Knowledge of JavaScript and Python programming languages is needed for working on this framework. Salary will follow CNRS standard rules for contractual researchers, according to the experience of the candidate.Contacts
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6-27 | (2014-03-25) Offre de thèse en France
1. Contexte et rationalité Depuis les travaux précurseurs de J. Bertin (1975) en sémiologie graphique, la La cartographie peut être descriptive, dans le sens où elle sert à observer des Dans les outils de cartographie, le recours à la dimension visuelle des 2. Orientation de la thèse
À notre connaissance, il n'existe pas aujourd'hui de sémiologie sonore éprouvée Les objectifs généraux de cette recherche sont : • d'évaluer en quoi et de quelle façon le son peut apporter une amélioration
La/le doctorant(e) devra appréhender la musique à travers diverses composantes • Composantes de partition : durée, tempo, séquence rythmique, partition • Composantes libres : interprétation, orchestration (taille, instruments), Elle/il devra mettre en regard ces composantes avec la carte, qui peut ainsi entrer • Composantes de partition : aspects temporels de l'analyse spatiale • Composantes libres : un cheminement (festif ou flâneur) de l'explorateur
D'une part, les approches méthodologiques mobilisables dans ce projet sont D'autre part, la thèse se déroulera en trois phases : Un premier volet, assez théorique (état de l'art), consiste à recenser les Un second volet, méthodologique, permet de construire des protocoles Un troisième volet, plus technique, vise à mettre en oeuvre une cartographie Dans tous les cas, le/la candidat(e) devra être très intéressé(e) par le domaine de
4. Modalités Les candidat(e)s doivent contacter rapidement Didier Josselin pour présenter leur Les candidatures d'étudiant(e)s diplômé(e)s ayant des déficiences physiques Les autres candidat(e)s peuvent postuler sur la bourse de thèse Agorantic après La thèse sera réalisée au sein de l'ED 537 Culture & Patrimoine en Géographie
Alayrangues Sylvie, Daragon Xavier, Lachaud Jacques-Olivier, Lienhardt Pascal (2008). Adhitya1 Sara and Kuuskankare Mika (2012). SUM: from Image-based Sonification to Andrienko N. & Andrienko G. (2006), Exploratory Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Data: A Bertin J. (1975), La Graphique et le traitement graphique de l'information, Paris, Cartwright W., Peterson M.P., Gartner G. (Eds) (2007), Multimedia cartography, Springer. Escobar Francisco, Cauvin Colette, Serradj Aziz, (2008), Cartographie thématique en 5
Josselin D. (2011), Spatial analysis using sonorous cartography. Some propositions, Josselin D. (2005), Interactive Geographical Information System using LISPSTAT : Mac Eachren A. (1995), How Maps Work: Representation, Visualization, and Design, Murray Schafer R. (1969), The New Soundscape, Don Mills, Toronto. Schiewe J., Kornfeld A.-L. (2009), Framework and Potential Implementations of Urban Tymoczko Dmitri (2012). The Generalized Tonnetz, Journal o f music theory, 56:1, pp. 1-52.
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6-28 | (2014-03-27) Post doc in Grenoble (F) Speech Unit(e)s The multisensory-motor unity of speech Understanding how speech unites the sensory and motor streams, And how speech units emerge from perceptuo-motor interactions
ERC Advanced Grant, Jean-Luc Schwartz, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France
Proposal for a post-doc position beginning in September 2014: “The informational structure of audio-visuo-motor speech”
Context The Speech Unit(e)s project is focused on the speech unification process associating the auditory, visual and motor streams in the human brain, in an interdisciplinary approach combining cognitive psychology, neurosciences, phonetics (both descriptive and developmental) and computational models. The framework is provided by the “Perception-for-Action-Control Theory (PACT)” developed by the PI (Schwartz et al., 2012). PACT is a perceptuo-motor theory of speech communication connecting, in a principled way, perceptual shaping and motor procedural knowledge in speech multisensory processing. The communication unit in PACT is neither a sound nor a gesture but a perceptually shaped gesture, that is a perceptuo-motor unit. It is characterized by both articulatory coherence – provided by its gestural nature – and perceptual value – necessary for being functional. PACT considers two roles for the perceptuo-motor link in speech perception: online unification of the sensory and motor streams through audio-visuo-motor binding, and offline joint emergence of the perceptual and motor repertoires in speech development. Objectives of the post-doc position In a multisensory-motor context such as the present one, a major requirement concerns a better knowledge of the structure of the information. Speech scientists have acquired a very good knowledge of the structure of speech acoustics, capitalizing on large audio corpora and up-to-date statistical techniques (mostly based on sophisticated implementations of Hidden Markov Models, e.g. Schutz & Waibel, 2001, Yu & Deng, 2011). Data on speech rhythms, in relation with the syllabic structure, have been analyzed clearly in a number of works (Greenberg, 1999; Grant & Greenberg, 2003). In spite of strong efforts in the field of audiovisual speech automatic recognition (Potamianos et al., 2003), characterization of the structure of audiovisual information is scarce. While an increasing number of papers on audiovisual speech perception presenting cognitive and neurophysiological data quote the “advance of the visual stream on the audio stream”, few papers provide quantitative evidence (see Chandrasekaran et al., 2009) and when they do, these are sometimes mistaken or oversimplified. Actually, the temporal relationship between visual and auditory information is far from constant from one situation to another (Troille et al., 2010). Concerning the perceptuo-motor link, the situation is even worse. Few systematic quantitative studies are available because of the difficulty to acquire articulatory data, and in these studies the focus is generally set on the so-called “inversion problem” (e.g. Ananthakrishnan & Engwall, 2011, Hueber et al., 2012) rather than a systematic characterization of the structure of the perceptuo-motor relationship. Finally, there is a strong lack of systematic investigations of the relationship between orofacial and bracchio-manual gestures in face-to-face communication. We shall gather a large corpus of audio-visuo-articulatory-gestural speech. Articulatory data will be acquired through ultrasound, electromagnetic articulography (EMA) and video imaging. Labial configurations and estimates of jaw movements will be automatically extracted and processed thanks to a large range of video facial processing. We also additionally plan to record information about accompanying coverbal gestures by the hand and arm, thanks to an optotrack system enabling to track bracchio-manual gestures. A complete equipment for audio-video-ultrasound-EMA-optotrack acquisition and automatic processing, named ultraspeech-tools, is available in Grenoble (more information on The corpus will consist in isolated syllables, chained syllables, simple sentences and read material. Elicitation paradigms will associate reading tasks (with material presented on a computer screen) and dialogic situations between the subject and an experimenter to evoke coverbal gestures as ecologically as possible. The corpus will be analyzed, by extensive use and possibly development of original techniques, based on data–driven statistical models and machine learning algorithms, in the search for three major types of characteristics:
The work will be performed within a multidisciplinary group in GIPSA-Lab Grenoble, associating specialists in speech and gesture communication, cognitive processes, signal processing and machine learning (partners of the project: Jean-Luc Schwartz, Marion Dohen from the “Speech, Brain, Multimodality Development” team; Thomas Hueber, Laurent Girin from the “Talking Machines and Face to Face Interaction” team; Pierre-Olivier Amblard and Olivier Michel from the “Information in Complex Systems” team). Practical information The post-doc position is open for a two-year period, with a possible third-year prolongation. The position is open from September 2014, or slightly later if necessary. Candidates should have a background in speech and signal processing, face-to-face communication, and machine learning, or at least two of these three domains. Candidates should send as soon as possible a short email to Jean-Luc Schwartz ( to declare their intention to submit a full proposal. Then they must send a full application file in the next weeks. This application file will include an extended CV and a list of publications, together with a letter explaining why they are interested in the project, what their specific interests could be, possibly suggesting other experiments related to the general question of the informational structure of audio-visuo-motor speech, and also how this position would fit into their future plans for the development of their own career. They should also provide two names (with email addresses) for recommendations about their applications. Preselected candidates will be interviewed.
Final selection should occur before mid-June.
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6-29 | (2014-03-30) Another Post-doc position in Grenoble (F) Speech Unit(e)s The multisensory-motor unity of speech Understanding how speech unites the sensory and motor streams, And how speech units emerge from perceptuo-motor interactions
ERC Advanced Grant, Jean-Luc Schwartz, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France
Proposal for a post-doc position beginning in September 2014: “Joint development of perception, action and phonology”
Context The Speech Unit(e)s project is focused on the speech unification process associating the auditory, visual and motor streams in the human brain, in an interdisciplinary approach combining cognitive psychology, neurosciences, phonetics (both descriptive and developmental) and computational models. The framework is provided by the “Perception-for-Action-Control Theory (PACT)” developed by the PI (Schwartz et al., 2012). PACT is a perceptuo-motor theory of speech communication, which connects in a principled way perceptual shaping and motor procedural knowledge in speech multisensory processing. The communication unit in PACT is neither a sound nor a gesture but a perceptually shaped gesture, that is a perceptuo-motor unit. It is characterized by both articulatory coherence – provided by its gestural nature – and perceptual value – necessary for being functional. PACT considers two roles for the perceptuo-motor link in speech perception: online unification of the sensory and motor streams through audio-visuo-motor binding, and offline joint emergence of the perceptual and motor repertoires in speech development. Objectives of the post-doc position The general objective here is to gather phonetic data on the joint development of perception, action and phonology, to assess how perceptuo-motor speech units emerge and evolve in the course of acquisition, reacquisition, evolution or learning of a given phonological system. Among the considerable amount of studies about the development of speech production and speech perception in the first years of life, very few consider the link between perception and action. Apart from historical disciplinary reasons – perceptual development is mainly studied by psycholinguists and production development by phoneticians – there is also a theoretical cause to this puzzling separation. Since it is now well known that phonetic perceptual abilities in infants are well in advance of production skills, it has become implicitly obvious for most researchers that perception was largely independent from production. The advance of perceptual on production skills has actually been considered as a major weakness of motor theories, and generally a decisive argument in favor of auditory theories of speech perception. The view in PACT is different. While it is known that the construction of perceptual prototypes begins earlier than the development of motor prototypes, we assume in PACT that the later development of speech production intervenes in modifying the perceptual repertoire. This will be studied in this post-doc position through two series of experiments, aiming at illustrating two possible mechanisms for motor-driven evolution of perceptual phonetic categories.
The work will be realized within a speech team in GIPSA-Lab Grenoble (partners in the project: Jean-Luc Schwartz, Anne Vilain), in close collaboration with a developmental and cognitive psychology team in LPNC Grenoble (partners in the project: Hélène Loevenbruck, Olivier Pascalis, David Meary). Practical information The post-doc position is open for a two-year period, with a possible third-year prolongation. The position is open from September 2014, or slightly later if necessary. Candidates should have an experience in phonetics, cognitive and neurocognitive psychology, and developmental psychology, or at least two of these three domains. Candidates should send as soon as possible a short email to Jean-Luc Schwartz ( to declare their intention to submit a full proposal. Then they must send a full application file in the next weeks. This application file will include an extended CV and a list of publications, together with a letter explaining why they are interested in the project, what could be their specific interests, possibly proposing other experiments related to the general question of the joint development of perception, action and phonology; and also how this position would fit into their future plans for the development of their own career. They should also provide two names (with email addresses) for recommendations about their applications. Preselected candidates will be interviewed.
Final selection should occur before mid-June.
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6-30 | (2014-03-31) POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP in speech communication with robots for people with Alzheimer’s disease --== POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP in speech communication with robots for people with Alzheimer’s disease ==--
Employer: Toronto Rehabilitation Institute and the University of Toronto Title: PostDoc Specialty: Machine learning, natural language processing, human-computer interaction Location: Toronto Ontario Canada Deadline: Until filled Date Posted: 31 March, 2014
We are seeking a skilled postdoctoral fellow (PDF) whose expertise intersects automatic speech recognition (ASR) and human-computer interaction (HCI). The PDF will work with a team of internationally recognized researchers on software for two-way speech-based dialogue between individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and robot ‘caregivers’. This software will automatically adapt the vocabularies, language models, and acoustic models of the component ASR to data collected from individuals with AD. The type of speech produced by the robot in response to human activity is vital, and several statistical models of dialogue will be pursued, including partially-observable Markov decision processes.
Work will involve software development, data analysis, dissemination of results (e.g., papers and conferences), and partial supervision of graduate and undergraduate students. Some data collection may be involved. Although primarily a technological intervention, this work is highly multidisciplinary, with a strong connection to the field of speech-language pathology and clinical practice.
The successful applicant will have: 1) A doctoral degree in a relevant field of computer science, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, or a relevant discipline; 2) Evidence of impact in research through a strong publication record in relevant venues; 3) Evidence of strong collaborative skills, including possible supervision of junior researchers, students, or equivalent industrial experience; 4) Excellent interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills; 5) A strong technical background in machine learning, natural language processing, and human-computer interaction. Experience with clinical populations, especially those with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, is preferred. This work will be conducted at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute and at the University of Toronto. Toronto Rehab has a diverse workforce and is an equal opportunity employer. Work can commence as soon as June 2014. The initial contract is for 1 year although extension is possible; the project itself will last 3 years.
Please contact Dr. Frank Rudzicz by email at with any questions or with 1) your up-to-date CV, 2) a cover letter, 3) a short 1-page statement of purpose if interested in applying to the position.
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6-31 | (2014-04-01) Ingénieur en Maths appliquées Kware, Aix en Provence (F)
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6-32 | (2014-04-08) New call for applicant/ research fellow, University of Macedonia, Greece New call for applicant/ research fellow The research group on hearing impairment and cochlear implants is located at the Dept. of Educational and Social Policy of the University of Macedonia which works in collaboration with the AHEPA Cochlear Implant Center as well as other local educational, speechpathology and parental organizations in Greece. It focuses on assessing and optimizing communication skills and also fostering educational success for children with hearing loss and/or cochlear implants. Researchers have access to audiological and speech state-of-the art equipment (nasometer, palatometer, OAE systems, etc) and work in a scientifically focused and welcoming multidisciplinary environment. The doctoral students are enrolled in the Graduate Program of the Dept. of Educational and Social Policy. A vacancy is available for an: Early Stage Researcher (PhD) to investigate “Speech processing cues in children with hearing loss (CI)” This position has been opened in the framework of ‘iCARE’, a European research and training network (Marie Curie ITN) on ‘improving Children’s Auditory REhabilitation’. iCARE is an international and interdisciplinary consortium from academia, industry and socio-economic agencies. The position is available for 3 years, starting in June 2014 and aims in the completion of a Ph.D. within 4 years. Limited funding may be available in the 4th year. The aim of the ESR is to investigate the phono-prosodic cues that underlie the processing of spoken words by profoundly hearing impaired children with cochlear implants (CI). Objectives: Assess the role of speech signal cues on lexical processing by CI children Investigate the acquisition of phonological grammar by CI children in two languages, Greek and another language. Develop hierarchies of phono-prosodic cues that facilitate lexical processing Develop e-learning/remote rehabilitation tools for clinical practice and/or parent guidance. Tasks and methodology: Psycholinguistic experiments that involve presentation of controlled speech stimuli, computerized, forced-choice tasks, reaction times and elicited productions. Obtaining accuracy ratings and performing acoustic analysis of speech via spectrography. Conducting speech and language assessments in young children with CI, working with them in sound-attenuated rooms, making audio recordings. Programming and carrying out computerized tasks. Your profile: A university Master degree (or equivalent) in Communication Disorders, Hearing Impairment, Speech Science or Hearing Science Scientific background in the study of speech, acoustics and phonology A vested interest in hearing-impaired children and multi-disciplinary international team work, demonstrated by willingness to move to Salonika, Greece. Familiarity with research tools, such as PRAAT, E-Prime or other computerized software for designing psycholinguistic tasks. Technical competence for data analysis (Excell, SPSS, Statistica, etc.). Excellent command of English language, both in academic writing and in verbal communication. Knowledge of Greek is recommended. Research experience in any of the above fields and clinical or other experience in working with children is desirable. How to apply? Please send your CV, full contact information for two references and letter of intent to Prof. Areti Okalidou ( Make sure that you obtain a confirmation response upon their receipt. Other documents such as English language proficiency and recommendations may be requested to be available later on. Mailing address: Areti Okalidou, Associate Professor, Dept. of Educational and Social Policy, University of Macedonia, Egnatia 156, P.O. Box 1591, Salonika 540 06 Greece. Tel. : +30-2310-891358.
General Information: Improving Children’s Auditory Rehabilitation (iCARE) FP7‐Marie Curie Initial Training Network Objectives The objectives of improving Children’s Auditory REhabilitation (iCARE) are 1) to provide training to create a new generation of researchers capable of exploiting the synergies between different disciplines to optimize spoken communication in children with hearing impairment, and 2) to combine research across disciplines to develop novel methods, training skills and procedures for improving auditory rehabilitation. iCARE is an international and interdisciplinary consortium from academia, industry and socio-economic agencies and offers a choice of 11 PhD and 3 postdoc positions, starting June or July 2014. Each project is supervised by a multidisciplinary team of experts and will benefit from extensive training. Please contact 1 or more partners for project specific educational prerequisites. In December 2013 a website will be available with more details and a procedure for applying. Partners and topic KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium): Prof. Dr. Astrid van Wieringen ( Temporal processing in children with unilateral HI. KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium): Prof. dr .Wim Van Petegem ( Factors influencing e-learning. RWTH (Aachen, Germany): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Janina Fels ( Acoustic Virtual Reality for HI and Development of ‘realistic’ test procedures for children with HI. LiU (Linköping, Sweden:) Prof. dr. Björn Lyxell ( Higher-order (auditory-cognitive) remediation. RUN (Nijmegen, the Netherlands): Prof. dr. Ad Snik ( Optimizing auditory scene analysis for the hearing impaired. UCL (London, UK): dr. Lorna Halliday ( Auditory processing in children with HI. UOM (Thessaloniki, Greece): Prof. dr. Areti Okalidou ( Speech processing cues in children with HI. GAVLE (Gävle, Sweden): Prof. dr. Staffan Hygge ( Learning in different acoustic scenes. COCHLEAR UK (Mechelen, Belgium*): dr. Filiep Vanpoucke ( Investigating listening situations by means of scene classifiers. Music remediation. NOLDUS (Wageningen, the Netherlands): dr. Nico van der Aa ( Development of a new system to determine quality of communication. Eligibility Marie Curie funding is intended to promote mobility of early career researchers within the research community. Candidates must: a) have received a degree (Bachelor or Master's) that qualifies them for PhD training, b) should not have undertaken more than 4 years of fulltime research subsequent to that degree, and c) should not have been resident within the ‘country of interest’ (see individual projects) for more than 12 months within the 3 years prior to 1 June 2014. For a full description of the eligibility conditions see: An excellent 1st degree, good verbal and written communication skills in English, and an interest in multidisciplinary research are essential. At this stage applicants can express their interest and/or ask for additional information by contacting the individual partner(s). Mobility expenses are provided in addition to a salary. Prof dr Astrid van Wieringen ExpORL, Dept Neurosciences Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium tel 00 32 16 330478
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6-33 | (2014-04-10) PhD thesis: Smart dialogue based on human-human conversation, Orange, Issy-les-Moulineaux, F PhD thesis: Smart dialogue based on human-human conversation
Supervisor: Laroche Romain ( Company: Orange Labs ( Place: Issy-les-Moulineaux (Paris, France) To start around October 2014
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6-34 | (2014-04-08) PhD analyse video/texte à Aix-Marseille (F) Dans le cadre d'un co-financement entre la DGA et l'Université d'Aix Marseille, nous recherchons des candidats pour un contrat doctoral de 3 ans, débutant en septembre 2014, portant sur l'analyse automatique de documents vidéo, et plus particulièrement sur des approches multimodales de traitement de l'information visuelle, audio et texte.