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ISCApad Archive  »  2014  »  ISCApad #190  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2014-05-05) Road Map for Conversational Interaction Technologies at ICASSP 2014

ISCApad #190

Thursday, April 10, 2014 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-52 (2014-05-05) Road Map for Conversational Interaction Technologies at ICASSP 2014
 Road Map for Conversational Interaction Technologies ====================================================== CALL FOR PARTICIPATION The FP7 ICT CSA ROCKIT Consortium invites experts and young researchers to take part in the project roadmapping workshop organised at the ICASSP venue in Florence, on the 5th of May from 14:00 to about 17:00. The ROCKIT project is developing a European Strategic Research and Innovation Roadmap in the area of natural spoken and multimodal interaction, which integrates the vision and innovation agendas of relevant organisations and leading experts in the field. The resulting roadmap shall set the European research priorities in the area of natural spoken and multimodal interaction for years to come and help the European Commission in defining its funding strategy with regards to the area in question. YOUR contribution will be invaluable for serving this ambitious goal. Eight research areas will be discussed: 1. Speech recognition 2. Speaker localisation and multi-speaker environments 3. Development frameworks 4. Multimodal fusion 5. Machine learning 6. Multimodal synthesis (fission) 7. Dialogue modelling and management 8. Natural language interpretation and generation Please contact us by sending an email to stating briefly your interest and relevance of your work to 2 areas from the list above and/or what role you have. Please express your interest before 15th of April 2014. If selected you will receive the consortium’s invitation with the detailed agenda. We look forward to seeing you! Best regards, Steve Renals and Dietrich Klakow, behalf of the ROCKIT team 

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