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ISCApad Archive  »  2014  »  ISCApad #189  »  ISCA News

ISCApad #189

Saturday, March 15, 2014 by Chris Wellekens

2 ISCA News
2-1Vice-President's message

Dear ISCA Members,

Welcome to the March edition of ISCApad! I am pleased to write a few words for this column for the first time. To start with, I would like to give you an update of some ISCA activities.

As a continuous effort to promote ISCA and to reach out to our community, ISCA has appointed the Distinguished Lecturer (DL) selection committee for the new term of 2014-2016, which is chaired by Isabel Trancoso with the following members, Anne Cutler, John Hansen, Nestor Becerra Yoma, Mari Ostendorf, Marc Swerts, Lin-shan Lee and student member Maria Eskevich. The call for nominations (2014-2015) was closed in January 2014. The selection process is now underway.

I trust that you must be busy with your INTERSPEECH papers right now. I would like to remind you that the full paper submission deadline is on Monday 24 March 2014 midnight GMT, after which updates of the pdf file will be permitted until 31 March 2014 midnight GMT but the title, author, abstract and topics cannot be changed. There will be no extension of deadlines.

Since November 2013, the INTERSPEECH 2014 organizing committee has been publishing a monthly newsletter '10 Steps to Singapore' at the conference website, through ISCApad, and social media. Follow the steps and gear up for the 15th INTERSPEECH!

Best regards,

Haizhou Li

ISCA Vice-President

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2-2Interspeech 2013 abstracts and papers

The abstracts of Interspeech 2013 papers are now accessible on our Website at

 The full text of papers can be reached by the members only on

Wolfgang Hess, ISCA Archivist

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2-3Videos of Interspeech conferences
Video archives are available in 
where keynote speeches from IS 2007, 2010 and 2011 can be seen. Very soon we will have 
the material for IS 2012 as well.
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