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ISCApad Archive  »  2014  »  ISCApad #189  »  Journals  »  CfP Special issue of TIPA on PROMINENCES and SPOKEN LANGUAGE

ISCApad #189

Saturday, March 15, 2014 by Chris Wellekens

7-5 CfP Special issue of TIPA on PROMINENCES and SPOKEN LANGUAGE


                                  Extended submission deadline 20 March 2014

TIPA: Travaux interdisciplinaires sur la parole et le langage


The 30th issue of the TIPA journal is to appear in December 2014, on the following topic:




Invited editor: Sophie Herment, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-Marseille Université



works on speech and language. Articles dealing with prominences and spoken language will be welcome.

We invite submissions based on various backgrounds and linguistic fields: prosody, phonetics, phonology, syntax, morphology, pragmatics, dialectology, diachrony.

The term prominence encompasses many different meanings which will hopefully be dealt with in the various contributions. In spoken language, prominences can range from emphasis, focalisation, pitch accents, metric entities such as strong syllables or strong feet, etc.

Articles dealing with interfaces will also be of great interest: how are syntactic prominences realized in the spoken language? How is information structure related to prominence? Are certain morphological constituents more prominent than others? etc.

Papers building on different perspectives will be considered: corpus-based approaches, theoretical linguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, automatic language processing, sociolinguistics, language teaching...

These aspects are by no means exhaustive, and all related issues or approaches that can shed light on the topic will be considered.


The language of publication will be either English or French. Each article should contain a detailed two-page abstract in the other language, in order to make papers in French more accessible to English-speaking readers, and vice versa, thus insuring a larger audience for all the articles.


Important dates:

February 29: deadline for abstract submission

March 30: notification of acceptance

June 30: deadline for submission of articles

December: publication.


Submission guidelines:

Please send your proposal in 2 files to:

- one in .doc containing the title, name and affiliation of the author(s).

- the other anonymous in .pdf: it should not be longer than one A4 page (in times 12) and contain: the title; ½ page introducing the subject of the research and the theoretical / methodological framework; ½ page accounting for the main results. This one-page abstract can be followed by a short bibliography (5 or 6 titles; the author(s) of the proposal should not appear more than twice).

Instructions for authors can be found at


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