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ISCApad Archive  »  2014  »  ISCApad #189  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2014-06-16) Odyssey 2014, Joensuu, Finland

ISCApad #189

Saturday, March 15, 2014 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-18 (2014-06-16) Odyssey 2014, Joensuu, Finland
ODYSSEY 2014: 
                   June 16-19, 2014, Joensuu, Finland



NIST i-vector challenge
- Challenge opened:                       November 2013
- Challenge papers due:                   February 10, 2014
- Submissions without a paper:            April 7, 2014

- Regular paper submission:               February 10, 2014 (EXTENDED!)
- Industry submissions + demos:           February 10, 2014
- Notifications:                          April 10, 2014
- Final papers:                           April 25, 2014


Dr. Samy Bengio, Google Research
'Large scale learning of a joint embedding space'

Prof. Martin Cooke, University of the Basque Country
'Speaking in adverse conditions: from behavioural observations to
intelligibility-enhancing speech modifications'

Dr. Joseph P. Campbell, MIT Lincoln Lab
'Speaker Recognition for Forensic Applications'


The general themes of the conference include speaker  and
language  recognition and characterization. The specific topics
include, but are not limited to, the following:

o Speaker characterization and adaptation
o Features for speaker and language recognition
o Multi-speaker training, detection and diarization
o Robustness in channels and environment
o Robust classification and fusion
o Speaker recognition corpora and evaluation
o Speaker recognition with speech recognition
o Forensics, multimodality, and multimedia speaker recognition
o Speaker and language confidence estimation
o Language, dialect, and accent recognition
o Speaker synthesis and transformation
o Human recognition of speaker and language
o Analysis and countermeasures against spoofing attacks
o Commercial applications


All regular submissions (max 8 pages) will be reviewed by at least
three members of the scientific review committee. The regular
submissions must include scientific or methodological novelty; the
paper has to review the relevant prior work and state clearly the
novelty in the Introduction part. The accepted papers will appear in
electronic proceedings.


Odyssey committee recognizes a large gap between theoretical research
results and real-world deployment of the methods. To foster closer
collaboration across industry and academia, Odyssey 2014 features an
industry submission track. This can include a description of your
target application, a product, a demonstrator, or any combination. In
addition to voice biometrics providers, we encourage submissions from
companies who are in need for speaker or language recognition
technology. The industry paper submissions do NOT have to present
methodological novelty, but the submission MUST address one or all of
the following aspects:

- Description of the application, role of speaker/language recognition
- Research results and methods that worked well in your application
- Negative research results that have NOT worked in practice
- Unsolved problems 'out-in-the-wild' that deserve attention

The industry submissions will NOT undergo full peer review
nor will be included to the proceedings. All the industry track
submissions can be presented as a posters. The organizing committee
may select a few most interesting ones for oral presentation.


In addition to regular and industry paper submissions, Odyssey 2014
features two special sessions co-organized with National Institute of
Standards and Technologies (NIST). NIST SRE-2012 special session
focuses on extended analyses on the latest, NIST 2012 speaker
recognition evaluation (SRE) benchmark, and is targeted for the
participants of NIST SRE 2012.

The i-vector challenge is a new type of challenge targeted for anyone
interested for a 'quick start-up' in speaker recognition. Building
modern speaker and language recognition systems requires a lot of
preprocessing, corpus engineering and computations, making it
challenging for newcomers to enter the field. This prohibits piloting
of possibly promising modeling ideas developed outside of speaker
recognition community (e.g. machine learning and image processing
communities). To bridge this gap, NIST organizes a new type of
benchmark, i-vector challenge, synchronized with Odyssey 2014.

Preliminary due-date for paper submissions to both special sessions is
February 2014. Submissions by this deadline will undergo review both
by NIST and by the scientific review committee, and will be included
to the conference proceedings if accepted. Late challenge submissions
(without a paper) are also encouraged; they can be presented as
posters, but will not undergo peer review nor will be included to the
conference proceedings.

To ensure smooth organization, early (non-binding) preliminary sign-up
is required. More details and registration for the i-vector challenge
will be available in November 2013.

See for more info about the i-vector


Odyssey 2014 features three awards:

- A best paper award
- A best student paper award
- Free registration for 1 to 2 top-performers in the i-vector challenge

All regular and special session papers submitted in time are
candidates for the awards. The awards are given based on the review
reports AND the presentation at the conference. For the best student
paper award, the first author must be a student (does not yet hold a
PhD degree) at the time of paper submission.

Best 1 to 2 teams (max 1 person per site) in i-vector challenge are
provided FREE REGISTRATION to the full Odyssey 2014 workshop.


Tomi Kinnunen, chair        University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Pasi Franti, co-chair       University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Jean-Francois Bonastre      University of Avignon, France
Niko Brummer                Agnitio, South Africa
Lukas Burget                Brno Univ. Technology, Czech Republic
Joseph Campbell             MIT Lincoln Lab, USA
Jan 'Honza' Cernocky        Brno Univ. Technology, Czech Republic
Haizhou Li                  Inst. Infocomm Research, Singapore
Alvin Martin                NIST, USA
Douglas Reynolds            MIT Lincoln Lab, USA


Eliathamby Ambikairajah     Univ. New South Wales, Australia
Tim Anderson                Air Force Research Lab, USA
Walt Andrews                BBN, USA
Hagai Aronowitz             IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel
Roland Auckenthaler         NMS Comm., USA
Claude Barras               LIMSI, France
Kay Berkling                Inline, Intern. Online Dienste GmbH, Germany
Jean-Francois Bonastre      Univ. Avignon, France
Hynek Boril                 Univ. Texas at Dallas, USA
Niko Brummer                AGNITIO, South Africa
Lukas Burget                Brno Univ. Tech, Czech Republic
Joseph Campbell             MITLL, USA
Bill Campbell               MITLL, USA
Jan 'Honza' Cernocky        Brno Univ. Tech, Czech Republic
Nancy Chen                  I2R, Singapore
Sandro Cumani               Brno Univ. Tech, Czech Republic
Najim Dehak                 MIT, USA
George Doddington           US. Gov. Consultant, USA
Nicholas Evans              EURECOM, France
Mauro Falcone               Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Italy
Kevin Farrell               Nuance, USA
Benoit Fauve                Validsoft, UK
Daniel Garcia-Romero        Johns Hopkins Univ, USA
Ondrej Glembek              Brno Univ. Tech, Czech Republic
Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez  Univ. Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Craig Greenberg             NIST, USA
Cemal Hanilci               Uludag Univ., Turkey
John H.L. Hansen            Univ. Texas at Dallas, USA
Taufiq Hasan                Univ. Texas at Dallas, USA
Ville Hautamaki             Univ. Eastern Finland, Finland
Hynek Hermansky             Johns Hopkins Univ, USA
Chien-Lin Huang             National Inst. Inf. and Comm. Tech., Japan
Michael Jessen              Bundeskriminalamt, Germany
Patrick Kenny               CRIM, Canada
Tomi Kinnunen               Univ. Eastern Finland, Finland
Tina Kohler                 DoD, USA
Pietro Laface               Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Anthony Larcher             I2R, Singapore
Kong Aik Lee                I2R, Singapore
Yun Lei                     SRI International, USA
Cheung-Chi Leung            I2R, Singapore
Haizhou Li                  I2R, Singapore
Ming Li                     Sun Yat-sen Univ, China
Bin Ma                      I2R, Singapore
Dave Marks                  Sandia, DoE National Labs, USA
Alvin Martin                NIST, USA
David Martinez              Univ. Zaragoza, Spain
John Mason                  Swansea Univ, UK
Pavel Matejka               Brno Univ. Tech, Czech Republic
Driss Matrouf               Univ. Avignon, France
Tomoko Matsui               Inst. Stat. Math, Japan
Yuri Matveev                ITMO University, Russia
Alan McCree                 Johns Hopkins Univ, USA
Pejman Mowlaee              Graz Univ. Tech., Austria
Jiri Navratil               IBM Research, USA
Raymond W.M. Ng             Univ. Sheffield, UK
Javier Ortega-Garcia        Univ. Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Jason Pelecanos             IBM Research, USA
Oldrich Plchot              Brno Univ. Tech, Czech Republic
Padmanabhan Rajan           Univ. Eastern Finland, Finland
Daniel Ramos                Univ. Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Douglas Reynolds            MITLL, USA
Fred Richardson             MITLL, USA
Rahim Saeidi                Univ. Eastern Finland, Finland
Nicolas Scheffer            SRI International, USA
Jan Silovsky                TU Liberec, Czech Republic
Themos Stafylakis           CRIM, Canada
Doug Sturim                 MITLL, USA
Rong Tong                   I2R, Singapore
Pedro Torres-Carrasquillo   MITLL, USA
Michael Wagner              Univ. Canberra, Australia
David van Leeuwen           Radboud Univ. Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Jesus Villalba              Univ. Zaragoza, Spain
Changhuai You               I2R, Singapore


Odyssey 2014 will be hosted by School of Computing of the University of
Eastern Finland (UEF). Joensuu is a small town of 75,000 inhabitants
in the lakeside Finland -- the capital of green. It is famous for its
peaceful nature, excellent outdoor opportunities as well as many saunas.

Joensuu can be easily reached from Helsinki (50 min flight), which can
be reached via direct flights from several European, North American
and Asian cities.

For more details:


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