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ISCApad Archive  »  2013  »  ISCApad #186  »  Jobs  »  (2013-09-25) Post‐Doc positions in psycholinguistics, Geneva, CH

ISCApad #186

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 by Chris Wellekens

6-17 (2013-09-25) Post‐Doc positions in psycholinguistics, Geneva, CH

TWO PostDoc positions
            in the Psycholinguistics research  group at the University of Geneva (             ,
            to work on a project funded by the Swiss National Science  Foundation:
            - in the field of reading acquisition in children;
            - in the field of language production in healhy and brain damaged (aphasic) speakers
            Qualifications requested :
            - PhD in psychology or neuroscience or related field
            - Experience in the field of psycholinguistics and/or acquisition and/or neuropsychology of language
            - Experience with EEG/ERP acquisition and analysis
            Starting January 2014 or later.
          Applicants should submit a CV and a mail with statement of research interests till October 31 to:
 or to


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