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ISCApad Archive  »  2013  »  ISCApad #186  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2014-05-14) CfP SLTU-2014 WORKSHOP , St Petersburg, Russia

ISCApad #186

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-13 (2014-05-14) CfP SLTU-2014 WORKSHOP , St Petersburg, Russia



4th International Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages (SLTU-2014)

14-16 May 2014

St. Petersburg, Russia


Organized by St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS) in cooperation with LIG (France), LIA (France), and MICA (Vietnam).


The Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages is the fourth in a series of even-year SLTU Workshops. Three previous Workshops were organized: SLTU’12 in Cape Town, SLTU’10 in Penang, and SLTU’08 in Hanoi. SLTU’14 Workshop is held in St. Petersburg (Russia) and has the special focus on Eastern European under-resourced languages (Slavic, Baltic, Uralic, Altaic, Caucasian, Turkic, etc.), but papers on automatic processing other under-resourced languages are also encouraged.


SLTU'14 Workshop topics include all areas related to processing any under-resourced and endangered languages:

- Language resources development, acquisition, and representation: dictionary, language model, grammars, text and speech corpora, etc.

- Automatic speech recognition and synthesis of low-resourced Languages and dialects, etc.

- Multi-lingual spoken language processing including analysis and synthesis.

- Machine translation and spoken dialogue systems, etc.


Speech Communication special issue on processing under-resourced languages was recently prepared by SLTU board:



Etienne Barnard, NWU, South Africa

Laurent Besacier, LIG, France

Eric Castelli, MICA, Vietnam

Dirk Van Compernolle, UCL, Belgium

Marelie Davel, NWU, South Africa

Alexey Karpov, SPIIRAS, Russia

Daniil Kocharov, SPbSU, Russia

Lori Lamel, LIMSI, France

Haizhou Li, A-star, Singapore

Roger K. Moore, Sheffield, UK

Pedro Moreno, Google, USA

Satoshi Nakamura, NAIST, Japan

Pascal Nocera, LIA, France

Francois Pellegrino, Lyon, France

Andrey Ronzhin, SPIIRAS, Russia

Yoshinori Sagisaka, Waseda, Japan

Ruhi Sarikaya, Microsoft, USA

Tanja Schultz, Karlsruhe, Germany

Pavel Skrelin, SPbSU, Russia

Tan Tien Ping, USM, Malaysia


Several keynote lectures will be given by distinguished scientists: Prof. Satoshi Nakamura (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) and some other outstanding speakers.



- Abstract submission: 10 January, 2014

- Full paper submission: 31 January, 2014

- Notification of acceptance: 03 March, 2014 

- Submission of final papers: 17 March, 2014 

- Registration due: 17 March, 2014 

- Workshop dates: 14-16 May, 2014 


Independently of the scientific actions we will provide excellent possibilities for acquaintance with cultural and historical valuables of St. Petersburg city and its beautiful surroundings.


SLTU'14 Workshop Chairs:

Alexey Karpov  (SPIIRAS, Russia)

Laurent Besacier  (LIG, France)

Pascal Nocera  (LIA, France)

Eric Castelli  (MICA, Vietnam)


For the latest information, please check the Workshop web page:


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