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ISCApad Archive  »  2013  »  ISCApad #185  »  Events  »  ISCA Events  »  INTERSPEECH 2014 Singapore- call for tutorials

ISCApad #185

Tuesday, November 12, 2013 by Chris Wellekens

3-1-4 INTERSPEECH 2014 Singapore- call for tutorials

Call for INTERSPEECH 2014 Tutorials

Submission Deadline:

January 3, 2014


Notification of acceptance:

February 7, 2014


INTERSPEECH 2014 will host a number of high calibre tutorials covering interdisciplinary topics

and/or emerging areas of interest. While the conference theme is “Celebrating the Diversity of Spoken

Languages”, we also welcome applications for tutorials that either introduce a new area of interest to

the speech research community or provide a condensed overview of an active area of speech related

research. Each tutorial will be of three or six hour duration and is expected to provide a complete

coverage of the proposed topic rather than focus on individual research.

Visit the Tutorial Page of the conference website for a tutorial proposal template and the latest update:

All proposals should be submitted to the Tutorial Chair, Professor Eliathamby Ambikairajah, at


Eliathamby Ambikairajah,

INTERSPEECH 2014 Tutorial Chair

Tutorial Proposal Template

1. Tutorial Title:

2. Duration [3 hours – 1 session, 6 hours – 2 sessions]:

3. Presenter(s) [Name and Affiliation]:

4. Description of the proposal [1-2 page description plus a few relevant references and any

webpages/material that will be useful for reviewing the proposal]:

5. Novelty of the proposed tutorial [brief outline]:

6. Description of Presentation format [organisation of the presentation across one or more

presenters, video conferencing, etc.]:

7. Special equipment that may be required for the tutorial:

8. Contact Information [email, Telephone]:

9. Biography of Presenter(s):

10. Key Publications of Presenter(s) on the tutorial topic:

11. Target Audience [e.g new researchers to the field, research students, etc.]:

12. Handouts [Will any handouts be provided to the tutorial participants]:

13. Other requirements/Comments:

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