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ISCApad Archive  »  2013  »  ISCApad #185  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2013-12-03) AIMS2013, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

ISCApad #185

Tuesday, November 12, 2013 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-3 (2013-12-03) AIMS2013, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


CALL FOR PAPERS: AIMS2013, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 3 – 5 December 2013. 
Submission: New extended DEADLINE: 25 October 2013. 
1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, AIMS2013 
Conference website: 
Papers are invited on any aspect of the development of concepts, principles, algorithms and architectures, their 
mathematical modelling and computer simulation for Artificial Intelligence and their applications in all areas 
relevant to system engineering, science, technology, business, management and industry to be presented at AIMS2013. 
Accepted papers will be published, subject to meeting quality criteria, by the IEEE Conference Publication Services, 
CPS, and submitted to Computer Society Digital Library and I-Xplore for unparalleled worldwide presence. 
Selected papers will be submitted for publication in the International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science & 
Technology, IJSSST ( The event provides authors with an outstanding opportunity for networking 
and presenting their work at a top quality international conference. AIMS2013 will be held over 3 day period in 
Kota Kinabalu, state of Sabah, Island of Borneo, Malaysia. Tracks/Themes - Algorithms, principles and architectures 
for Artificial Intelligence (AI) - emulation to exhibit Natural Intelligence (NI) behaviour - Neural Networks - 
Fuzzy Systems - Evolutionary Computation - Autonomous Mental Development - Adaptive Dynamic Programming 
and Reinforcement Learning - Computational Finance and Economics - Data Mining - Games, Virtual Reality and 
Visualization - Emergent Technologies - AI Applications - Intelligent Systems - Hybrid Intelligent Systems - Soft
 Computing and Hybrid Soft Computing - Computational Intelligence - Systems Intelligence - Intelligence Systems - 
Control of Intelligent Systems - Control Intelligence - e-Science and e-Systems - Robotics, Cybernetics, Engineering, 
Manufacturing and Control - Methodologies, Tools and Operations Research - Bio-informatics and Bio-Medical 
Simulation - Discrete Event and Real Time Systems - Image, Speech and Signal Processing - Industry, Business and 
Management - Human Factors and Social Issues - Energy, Power Generation and Distribution - Transport, Logistics,
 Harbour, Shipping and Marine Simulation - Supply Chain Management - Virtual Reality, Visualization and Computer
 Games - Parallel and Distributed Architectures and Systems - Internet Modelling, Semantic Web and Ontologies - 
Mobile/Ad hoc wireless networks, mobicast, sensor placement, target tracking - Performance Engineering of Computer 
& Communication Systems - Circuits, Sensors and Devices The conference will include all aspects of modelling and
 simulation techniques, particularly those involving artificial intelligence and hybrid intelligent systems in systems
 engineering, remote sensing and wireless technologies. Topics may include, but not limited to: - applications in industry,
 business and management - algorithms, methods and their applications - methodologies and tools - energy, power 
generation and distribution - distributed systems and networks - geographical information systems (GIS) - environment 
and health - education and training - bio-informatics, biology, medicine, public health - remote sensing applications &
 technologies - robotics, fuzzy modelling, control and automation - software agents and agent based simulation - 
knowledge and data mining - neural networks and evolutionary computation - swarm intelligence & technology -
 architectures of intelligent systems - image, speech and signal processing - internet modelling, semantic web and 
ontologies - business, management, finance, economics, global meltdown - leisure, games, war/conflict/rebellion
 modelling - psychology, cognitive functions, behaviour, emotion, subjectivity - humanities, literature, semantics 
modelling/dynamics - energy, power generation and distribution - manufacturing, planning, control, robotics,
 measurement, monitoring - safety critica1 systems - transportation - structural mechanics and civil engineering, oil 
and gas; - education and training, military applications. You are invited to submit: - full paper of up to 6 pages (Letter)
 for oral presentation, see template on website. Submissions must be original, unpublished work containing new and
 interesting results that demonstrate current research 
in all areas of artificial intelligence, modelling and simulation and their applications in science, technology, business and 
commerce. Proceedings will be published by Conference Publishing Service (CPS). The conference is organised by 
UK Simulation 
Society - Asia Modelling & Simulation Section, and supported/co-sponsored by - IEEE Malaysia Section and IEEE 
Region 8 (technical co-sponsors) - UK Simulation Society, Asia Modelling & Simulation Section (full sponsor) - 
European Simulation federation, EUROSIM (patron/supporter/promoter) - European Council for Modelling and 
Simulation, ECMS (patron/supporter/promoter) - University of Malaysia in Sabah - Nottingham Trent University - 
University of Liverpool - Queen Mary College, London University - Kingston University - European Simulation 
Federation, EUROSIM - European Council for Modelling and Simulation, ECMS Paper Submission: AIMS2013 is 
using EDAS for submission, paper processing and registration, authors need to: - create an account with EDAS on (after the usual http://) - open the list of conferences managed by EDAS & find AIMS2013 - click on
 Submit button on the right to enter your paper title & abstract - upload file. Kindly promote AIMS2013 to all 
your contacts in your university, country and worldwide. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah and Borneo are great places to visit 
and explore. AIMS2013 is promising to be a top quality international conference and 
we don't want anyone to miss a golden opportunity to mix and network with world specialists and forge new friendships 
and collaborations with colleagues from Asia, Europe and worldwide. Selected papers will be submitted for publication 
in the International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science & Technology, IJSSST:, 
International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 
IJEEI, and International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and Its Application,
 IJASCA s Best regards and hope to see you at AIMS2013 in December 2013!!



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