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ISCApad Archive  »  2013  »  ISCApad #185  »  Resources  »  Database  »  ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update (2013-09))

ISCApad #185

Tuesday, November 12, 2013 by Chris Wellekens

5-2-1 ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update (2013-09))

    ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update  September 2013

We are happy to announce that 5 new Pronunciation Dictionaries       from the GlobalPhone database (Croatian, Russian, Spanish (Latin       American), Turkish and Vietnamese) are now available in our       catalogue. 
      The GlobalPhone Pronunciation Dictionaries:       GlobalPhone is a multilingual speech and text database collected       at Karlsruhe University, Germany. The GlobalPhone pronunciation       dictionaries contain the pronunciations of all word forms found in       the transcription data of the GlobalPhone speech & text       database. The pronunciation dictionaries are currently available       in 15 languages: Arabic (29230 entries/27059 words), Bulgarian       (20193 entries), Croatian (23497 entries/20628 words), Czech       (33049 entries/32942 words), French (36837 entries/20710 words),       German (48979 entries/46035 words), Hausa (42662 entries/42079       words), Japanese (18094 entries), Polish (36484 entries),       Portuguese (Brazilian) (54146 entries/54130 words), Russian (28818       entries/27667 words), Spanish (Latin American) (43264       entries/33960 words), Swedish (about 25000 entries), Turkish       (31330 entries/31087 words), and Vietnamese (38504 entries/29974       words). 3 other languages will also be released: Chinese-Mandarin,       Korean and Thai.
      *** NEW ***
 ELRA-S0358 GlobalPhone Croatian Pronunciation Dictionary

      For more information, see:
      ELRA-S0359 GlobalPhone Russian Pronunciation Dictionary
      For more information, see:
      ELRA-S0360 GlobalPhone Spanish (Latin American) Pronunciation         Dictionary
      For more information, see:
      ELRA-S0361 GlobalPhone Turkish Pronunciation Dictionary
      For more information, see:
      ELRA-S0362 GlobalPhone Vietnamese Pronunciation Dictionary
      For more information, see:
      Special prices are offered for a combined purchase of several       GlobalPhone languages.
      Available GlobalPhone Pronuncation Dictionaries are listed below       (click on the links for further details):
      ELRA-S0340 GlobalPhone French Pronunciation Dictionary
      For more information, see:
      ELRA-S0341 GlobalPhone German Pronunciation Dictionary
      For more information, see:
      ELRA-S0348 GlobalPhone Japanese Pronunciation Dictionary
      For more information, see:
      ELRA-S0350 GlobalPhone Arabic Pronunciation Dictionary
      For more information, see:
      ELRA-S0351 GlobalPhone Bulgarian Pronunciation Dictionary
For more information, see:

      ELRA-S0352 GlobalPhone Czech Pronunciation Dictionary
      For more information, see:
      ELRA-S0353 GlobalPhone Hausa Pronunciation Dictionary
      For more information, see:
      ELRA-S0354 GlobalPhone Polish Pronunciation Dictionary
      For more information, see:
      ELRA-S0355 GlobalPhone Portuguese (Brazilian) Pronunciation         Dictionary
      For more information, see:
      ELRA-S0356 GlobalPhone Swedish Pronunciation Dictionary
      For more information, see:
      For more information on the catalogue, please contact Valérie       Mapelli
      Visit our On-line Catalogue:
      Visit the Universal Catalogue:      
      Archives of ELRA Language Resources Catalogue Updates:


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