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ISCApad #183

Wednesday, September 11, 2013 by Chris Wellekens

2 ISCA News
2-1President's message


Dear ISCA Members, Dear Colleagues,


It is a great honor for me to have been elected as the new president of ISCA and I feel very  privileged to take on this role at a time when ISCA developed into a   prosperous, lively, and active association. Thanks to the continuous joint efforts of  the scientific event organizers, the group of volunteers, the past ISCA presidents, the International Advisory Committee, the SAC, and the ISCA board members, our association has steadily grown over the last years in terms of the number of ISCA members, the number of Interspeech participants, the ISCA income, as well as the amount of grants, scope and number of workshops, SIGs, DLs, and various other activities.


My personal thanks go to the former president, Jean-Francois Bonastre, and to his predecessor Isabel Trancoso, who both shepherded and prepared me over the past years for this role. Furthermore, I truly appreciate that Jean-Francois         Bonastre agreed to continue as an ex-officio member to ensure a smooth transition.Thank you very much!


On behalf of the ISCA board, special and sincere thanks are extended to the leaving board members, Jean-Francois Bonastre, David House, Michael Picheny, Yannis Stylianou, and Isabel Trancoso, for your superb work, dedication and         contributions during your service as ISCA-board members. David, Michael, Jean-Francois, and Isabel served for two consecutive terms, an 8-year commitment to the association. Thank you very much! With great pleasure, I welcome the new ISCA-board  members, Gérard  Bailly, Martin Cooke, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Hynek Hermansky and Kate Knill, who started their first term this September.


Last but not least, I would like to greatly acknowledge the dedicated efforts of all the members and supporters of the Organizing team of Interspeech 2013 in Lyon. A hearty thank you to the six-handed general chair Frédéric Bimbot with his co-chairs François Pellegrino and Cécile Fougeron as  representatives of the           team, for all your energy and  spirit, your heart and blood which you donated to make Interspeech 2013 a huge success, congratulations – also, you personally convinced me of the French style :-)


I am very excited to take over  as ISCA president in such interesting and dynamic times. Speech and Language Technologies have finally arrived in peoples’ daily life, which bears both, great opportunities and big challenges. In order to keep pace with the rapid developments in our field and to position ISCA well, I believe we should see innovative ways to engage its members to actively participate in the various tasks that lie ahead of us. Also, I would like to encourage all ISCA members to identify needs for new services and to help us improve existing ISCA services in order to further increase the value and benefits of being a member of the International Speech Communication Association.


        Tanja Schultz
        ISCA President




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2-2Call for Bids for Interspeech 2017
Dear ISCA members: 
Those who have plans to organize INTERSPEECH 2017 are encouraged to 
submit their proposals to: before 
November 1, 2013. A proposal must be submitted by the interested institution, 
usually by the person who will act as chairman of the conference, including the 
basic proposed data such as: 
** Name and position of the proposed General Chair and Vice Chair or Chairpersons 
** Proposed period in September/October when the conference would be held 
* The institution assuming financial responsibility for the conference 
** The city and conference center proposed (with information on that center's capacity) 
* Information on transportation and housing for conference participants 
* Commercial conference organizer (if any) to be employed 
* Likely support from local bodies (e.g. governmental) 
* Preliminary budget and fees (not exceeding a prescribed limit) 
* Other information supporting the application 
If you need more time to prepare all the information above, let us know
 'basic information' indicated by '**' temporarily. 
Do not hesitate to ask us, if you have any questions. 
A standard bid and budget template can be downloaded 
Keikichi Hirose Nick Campbell (Conferences, ISCA Board)
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2-3Videos of Interspeech conferences
Video archives are available in 
where keynote speeches from IS 2007, 2010 and 2011 can be seen. Very soon we will have 
the material for IS 2012 as well.
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Since 2004, the French-speaking Association for Speech Communication (AFCP - awards
an annual scientific prize for an excellent thesis to promote research in spoken communication, basic or applied, in the fields of Computer Science, Humanities, Social Sciences and Life Sciences (see for past laureates). This award supports and disseminates the work of young researchers.
The prize is awarded by a jury composed of researchers from the elected board of AFCP ( It will be officially presented at the JEP conference, in June 2014.
The winner will receive the sum of 500 euros and will be invited to present his/her work to the community of spoken communication. Moreover his/her thesis will be published as a book in the collection 'Parole' (Speech) (published by CIPA).

 The thesis can be written in English provided it comes from a French speaking laboratory.
Deadline of submission: 30 April 2013
AFCP jury's decision: 30 September 2013 Award ceremony: JEP 2014
Any doctor whose thesis is written in French or English (in case of another language, please contact AFCP by sending an e-mail to in a French-speaking laboratory and was defended between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2012 may apply. All application is limited to a single edition of the award. Only complete applications will be considered.
To apply, you must:
(1) Send an e-mail stating your intention to apply with your name, title of the thesis, the name of the supervisor, and the date of defense to: You will receive an acknowledgment.
(2) Upload your thesis manuscript in PDF on the AFCP website server:
(3) Send your complete file on CD containing a single file (named YOURNAME.pdf), and in order: (i) summary of thesis (2 pages), (ii) a list of publications, (ii) scan of thesis reports (manuscript and defence) (iv) a
scan of a letter by your supervisor (v) a CV (with full contact details including email).
At the following address: David Langlois - Bureau C132 - LORIA - Campus Scientifique - BP 239 - 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex FRANCE
DATE OF SUBMISSION *************** April 30, 2013 *****************

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