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ISCApad Archive  »  2013  »  ISCApad #181  »  Editorial

ISCApad #181

Wednesday, July 10, 2013 by Chris Wellekens

1 Editorial

Dear members,

A new board has been elected and includes new comers, not new faces since these excellent colleagues have been active for a long time in speech processing and are known by all of us :Gérard BAILLY, Martin COOKE, Mark HASEGAWA-JOHNSON, Hynek HERMANSKY and Kate KNILL. Congratulations to these courageous volunteers!

The  following complete board will be active  from next Interspeech:  Gerard BAILLY (France) Nick CAMPBELL (Ireland) Martin COOKE (Spain) Mark HASEGAWA-JOHNSON (USA) Hynek HERMANSKY (USA) Keikichi HIROSE (Japan) Kate KNILL (UK) Haizhou LI (Singapore) Douglas O'SHAUGHNESSY (Canada) and the responsibilities will be allocated at their first meeting in Lyon.

My good friends Jean-François BONASTRE, David HOUSE, Michael PICHENY, Yannis STYLIANOU and Isabel TRANCOSO have finished their term and leave the board. Thanks for the impressive work they achieved during their terms.

This month I am impressed by the high number of open positions offered in speech science and technology general assembly

I remind you to attend the general assmbly  in Lyon. We will meet there and I am waiting for all your suggestions to improve ISCApad our monthly electronic newspaper.

Due to summer holidays and Interspeech 2013, the August issue of ISCApad will be available a bit later then  August 10th  but I hope to be able to release this issue before Interspeech.

See you soon.

Professor emeritus Chris Wellekens

Institut Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis, France

ISCApad editor

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