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ISCApad Archive  »  2013  »  ISCApad #180  »  Jobs  »  (2013-05-01) PhD position with scholarship - Silent speech interface GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, France

ISCApad #180

Monday, June 10, 2013 by Chris Wellekens

6-34 (2013-05-01) PhD position with scholarship - Silent speech interface GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, France

Available PhD position with scholarship - Silent speech interface

GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, France

Incremental speech synthesis for a real-time silent speech interface


: The design of a silent speech interface, i.e. a device allowing speech communication without the

necessity of vocalizing the sound, has recently received considerable attention from the speech research

community [1]. In the envisioned system, the speaker articulates normally but does not produce any audible

sound. Application areas are in the medical field, as an aid for larynx-cancer patients, and in the

telecommunication sector, in the form of a “silent telephone”, which could be used for confidential

communication, or in very noisy environments. In [2], we have shown that ultrasound and video imaging can be

efficiently combined to capture the articulatory movements during silent speech production; the ultrasound

transducer and the video camera are placed respectively beneath the chin and in front of the lips. At present, our

work focused mainly on the estimation of the target spectrum from the visual articulatory data (using artificial

neural network, Gaussian mixture regression and hidden Markov modeling). The other challenging issue

concerns the

estimation of acceptable prosodic patterns (i.e. the intonation of the synthetic voice) from silent

articulatory data only. To address this ill-posed problem, one solution consists of splitting the mapping process

into two consecutive steps: (1) a visual speech recognition step which estimates the most likely sequence of word

given the articulatory observations, and (2) a text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis step which generates the audio signal

from the decoded word sequence. In that case, the target prosodic pattern is derived from the linguistic structure

of the decoded sentence. The major drawback of this mapping method is that it cannot run in real-time. In fact, if

the visual speech recognition step can be done

online (i.e. words are decoded a short amount of time after they

have been pronounced), standard TTS systems need to know the entire sentence to estimate the target prosody.

This introduces a large delay between the (silent) articulation and the generation of the synthetic audio signal.

This delay prevents the communication partners from having a fluent conversation. The main goal of this PhD

project is to design a

real-time silent speech interface, in which the delay between the articulatory gesture and

the corresponding acoustic event has to be constant and as short as possible.


The goal of this PhD project is twofold:

(1) Reducing the delay between the recognition

and the synthesis steps, by designing a new

generation of TTS system, called “


TTS system

” [3]. This system should be able to

synthesize the decoded words, with acceptable

prosody, as soon as they are provided by the

visual speech recognition system.

(2) Designing experimental paradigms in order to evaluate the system in realistic communication situations (faceto-

face, remote/telephone-like interaction, human-machine interaction). The goal is to study how a silent speaker

benefits from the acoustic feedback provided by the incremental TTS and how he/she adapts his/her own

articulation to maximize the efficiency of the communication.


Dr. Thomas Hueber, Dr. Gérard Bailly (CNRS/GIPSA-lab)

Duration / Salary

: 36 months (October 2013- October 2016) / ~ 1400/month minimum (net salary).

Research fields

: multimodal signal processing, machine learning, interactive systems, experimental design


Master’s or engineer’s degree in computer science, signal processing or applied mathematics.


: Good skills in mathematics (machine learning) and programming (Matlab, C, Max/MSP). Knowledge in

speech processing or computational linguistics would be appreciated.

To apply

: send your CV, transcript of records of your Master grade and a cover letter to



[1] B. Denby, T. Schultz, K. Honda, T. Hueber, et al., “Silent Speech Interfaces,” Speech Communication, vol. 52, no. 4, pp.

270-287, 2010.

[2] T. Hueber, E. L. Benaroya, G. Chollet, et al., “Development of a Silent Speech Interface Driven by Ultrasound and

Optical Images of the Tongue and Lips”, Speech Communication, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 288-300, 2010.

[3] Buschmeier H, Baumann T, Dosch B, Schlangen D, Kopp S. “Combining Incremental Language Generation and

Incremental Speech Synthesis for Adaptive Information Presentation”, in proc of the 13th Sigdial meeting, pp, 295-303,


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