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ISCApad Archive  »  2013  »  ISCApad #180  »  ISCA News  »  President's message

ISCApad #180

Monday, June 10, 2013 by Chris Wellekens

2-1 President's message

Dear ISCA Members,

This month, my message is dedicated to Interspeech.

Interspeech 2013 Technical Program is ready! It was a hard task, with 1450 submissions. All were reviewed by, at least, three reviewers. 753 papers were accepted, given an overall acceptance rate of about 52%. The TPC composed a very nice program, with 5 oral sessions in parallel (versus 4 for the previous Interspeech conferences), in order to maintain the same ratio between oral and poster presentation than in the past.
I am also happy to announce that ISCA grants scheme will be supporting the participation of 60 students and young researchers.
Please, be aware that the early registration deadline is approaching...

Interspeech 2014 is now on its starting blocks, with a small change in the date. Interspeech 2014 will take place in Singapore, September, 14-18.
Interspeech 2015, as announced, will take place in Dresden, Germany, September 6–10.

Finally, ISCA is happy to announce that Interspeech 2016 will be organized in San Francisco, by Roberto Pieraccini and Nelson Morgan. More details will be presented during Interspeech 2013.

I wish to see all of you in Lyon!
JF Bonastre

ISCA President







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