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ISCApad #179

Friday, May 10, 2013 by Chris Wellekens

3-1-3 Flash news of INTERSPEECH 2013
INTERSPEECH 2013 Conference

with special focus on 'Speech in Life Sciences and Human Societies'

25-29 August 2013, Lyon (France)


--- FLASH NEWS ---


Call for *Show & Tell* opened until April 19th, 2013 (midnight GMT):

*Registration* to the conference will start by mid April, on:

List of *conference areas*:

Six *tutorials* programmed on Sunday 25th. See below and:




Call for Papers: now closed

Notification of acceptance: May 24, 2013

Camera-ready papers: May 29, 2013




The submission process for regular papers is closed and the review
process is now underway. We thank authors for all the hard work they
have put in preparing their submissions.

This year, a record has been reached with 1450 regular paper
proposals. These submissions are now being processed by the scientific
committee with the help of a large panel of reviewers from around the
world, who we thank for their involvement in making Interspeech'13 a
huge success.

Please note that *the call for Show & Tell will remain open until
April 19th.* Do not hesitate to submit !

Registration will start by mid-April. Early registration fees for
full-delegate ISCA members are set to 520 Euros, including the
conference banquet. Students will benefit from a reduced rate of 50%
(i.e. 260 Euros).

In order to keep overall costs low, an accomodation package will be
proposed to students, in the range of 250 Euros for 5 nights +
breakfast. Grants will also be available, to further reduce financial

Stay tuned for more info on the conference website.

Bien amicalement,

The Organizing Committee





*Show and Tell*

Show & Tell is a special event organized during the Interspeech 2013
conference, where participants are given the opportunity to
demonstrate their most recent progress, developments or innovation
tracks, and interact with the conference attendees.

Submission deadline is April 19, 2013.

Any demonstration of concepts, algorithms, tools, resources, etc...
falling within the general scope of the conference are welcome.
However, in accordance with the conference special focus, we
particularly encourage proposals fitting into the following four main

- Brain and Human Language

- Speech in Life Sciences and Human Societies

- Human-Robot and Human-Machine Spoken Interaction

- The Paralinguistic Challenges

To participate to the Show & Tell, submit a 2-page proposal (in pdf
format) describing the concept from the technical point-of-view, its
innovative side and the format under which you intend to present it.
Authors are allowed to include links to web pages in the pdf proposal.

Proposals should be submitted to the following e-mail address:

More details on

A Google Show & Tell Prize of 500 Euros will be awarded to the most
innovative participation.

*Panel Session*

We are pleased to announce an Industry Panel Session at Interspeech

Linking Research to Industry: The practitioner's view on 'Competitive
Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services based on speech
technologies' in Robotics, Video games, Serious games, Therapeutic

Objectives: The aim of this panel session is to give Interspeech
participants from industry an opportunity to share their views on the
recent advances in spoken language research, the remaining challenges,
and the diversity of applications and to foster the exchange between
academia and industrial practice.




We are happy to announce 6 high-level tutorials in conjunction with
Interspeech 2013.

In accordance with the special focus of the conference, the programme
of tutorials intends to provide a good balance between computer
sciences and human sciences related topics.

Interspeech 2013 also introduces a mix between tutorials on advanced
topics (recent advances in ...) and tutorials providing the necessary
basis on a particular subject (crash course), mix that we hope will be
found attractive by the participants.

*List of tutorials* :

Spectrogram reading in French and English: language-dependent and
independant acoustic cues to phonological features, coarticulation and
influence of prosodic position

Jacqueline Vaissière, CNRS, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France

Recent Advances in Incremental Spoken Language Processing

Timo Baumann, Universität Hamburg, Germany

David Schlangen, Universität Bielefeld,Germany

Forensic Automatic Speaker Recognition: Theory, Implementation and

Andrzej Drygajlo, Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne,

Identification and modification of consonant perceptual cues in
natural speech

Andrea Trevino Carolina, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, USA

Jont Allen, affiliation University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, USA

Feipeng Li, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Recent Advances on Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition

Jen-Tzung Chien, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Georges Saon, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA

What speech researchers should know about video technology?

Koichi Shinoda, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Florian Metze, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

More info soon on:




The following prizes will be awarded at Interspeech 2013 :

- ISCA Best Paper Award

- Google's Best Show & Tell Prize

- 7th Christian Benoit Award

More information on:

Keynote talks:

Information on satellite workshops:

Become a sponsor or an exhibitor at the conference:


--- CONTACTS ---


Conference Chairs:

Technical Programme Chairs:




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