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ISCApad #177

Sunday, March 10, 2013 by Chris Wellekens

3-1 ISCA Events
3-1-1(2013-06-19) CfP ISCA Workshop on Non-Linear Speech Processing (NOLISP 2013)

ISCA Workshop on Non-Linear Speech Processing (NOLISP 2013)

June 19-21, 2013

University of Mons, Belgium





Dear Colleagues,


We are pleased to cordially invite you to participate in the upcoming ISCA Workshop on Non-Linear Speech Processing (NOLISP2013),

which will be held at the University of Mons, Belgium, on the following dates: June 19-21, 2013.

The workshop will cover all topics which come under the area of digital speech processing and its applications, with an emphasis on

non-linear techniques. In accordance with the spirit of the ISCA workshops, the upcoming workshop will focus on research and results,

give information on tools and welcome prototype demonstrations of potential future applications.


We are glad to inform you that the proceedings of the workshop will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,

and that the workshop will be followed by a special issue in the Computer Speech and Language journal.


We are also happy to welcome four very interesting invited speakers who will give a talk in their expertise area:

Prof. Steve Renals, Prof. Christophe d’Alessandro, Prof. Björn Schuller, and Prof. Yannis Stylianou.  


The workshop is being organized by Dr. Thomas Drugman and Prof. Thierry Dutoit, from the University of Mons.


We look forward to your participation!





The Non-Linear Speech Processing (NOLISP) workshop is a biennial international workshop aiming at presenting and discussing new ideas,

techniques and results related to alternative approaches in speech processing. New and innovative approaches and their applications are

welcome to participate in this workshop.


Contributions are expected in (though not restricted to) the following domains:

•Non-Linear Approximation and Estimation

•Non-Linear Oscillators and Predictors

•Higher-Order Statistics

•Independent Component Analysis

•Nearest Neighbours

•Neural Networks

•Decision Trees

•Non-Parametric Models

•Dynamics of Non-Linear Systems

•Fractal Methods

•Chaos Modeling

•Non-Linear Differential Equations


All fields of speech processing are targeted by the workshop, namely:

•Speech Production

•Speech Analysis and Modeling

•Speech Coding

•Speech Synthesis

•Speech Recognition

•Speaker Identification / Verification

•Speech Enhancement / Separation

•Speech Perception






Submission of Regular Papers         February 22, 2013

Notification of Paper Acceptance     March 29, 2013

Revised Paper Upload Deadline        April 10, 2013

Early Registration Deadline               May 3, 2013

Registration Deadline                        May 31, 2013





The NOLISP2013 workshop is glad to welcome the four following invited speakers who are each experts in their domain:


• Prof. Steve Renals, Centre for Speech Technology Research, University of Edinburgh, UK:

Automatic Speech Recognition


• Prof. Christophe d’Alessandro, LIMSI-CNRS, Paris, France:

Speech Synthesis and Voice Quality


• Prof. Björn Schuller, TUM, Munich, Germany:

Emotive Speech Processing


• Prof. Yannis Stylianou, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece:

Speech Processing and Medical Application





NOLISP 2013 proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS/LNAI, Springer).

We are also happy to let you know that the workshop will be followed by a special issue in the Computer Speech and Language journal.



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3-1-2(2013-08-23) INTERSPEECH 2013 Lyon France (Poster)

Interspeech 2013 Lyon, France 25-29 August 2013 General Chair: Frédéric Bimbot


Poster Interspeech 2013, Lyon France MENSR AFCP INRIA Université de Lyon CNRS Centre des congrès de Lyon Lyon France ISCA



Interspeech 2013 will be the 14th annual conference of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), with a special focus on speech in life science and human societies. It will be held in Lyon, France, from 25 to 29 august 2013. The venue of Interspeech 2013 will be the Congress Center of Lyon.


Interspeech conferences




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3-1-3(2013-08-25) Call for Satellite Workshops during INTERSPEECH 2013

Call for Satellite Workshops during INTERSPEECH 2013

The Organizing Committee of Interspeech 2013 invites proposals for
satellite workshops at Interspeech 2013, which will be held in Lyon,
FRANCE on 25-29 August 2013. The theme of Interspeech 2013 is 'Speech in
life science and human societies'.

The Organizing Committee would be pleased to host various workshops and
conferences organized as satellite events of Interspeech 2013 in order
to stimulate research fields and disciplines related to speech and
language. If you are interested in organizing a satellite workshop, or
would like a planned event to be listed as an official satellite event,
please contact

The Satellite Workshop coordinator can also help you to connect with
local contacts in different places in France located less than 3 hours
from Lyon by train or car (Avignon, Aix-en-Provence, Grenoble,
Montpellier, Paris, etc.).

Proposals should include:

* date and suited location of the workshop
* estimated number of participants
* a short description of the motivation for the workshop
* an outline of the program
* a list of the technical/scientific committee members.

* Proposals for satellite workshops must be submitted by email to before September 1st 2012.
* Notification of acceptance and ISCA approval / sponsorship is
scheduled for October 30, 2012.

If you have any questions about whether a potential event would be a
good candidate for an InterSpeech 2013 satellite workshop feel free to
contact the Satellite Workshops Chair.


Laurent Besacier
Satellite Workshops Chair

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3-1-4(2013-09-25) 3rd CfP INTERSPEECH 2013 Conference Lyon, France
INTERSPEECH 2013 Conference

with special focus on 'Speech in Life Sciences and Human Societies'

25-29 August 2013, Lyon (France)

Third announcement

--- Flash news ---

**Submission Deadline: March 18, 2013**

Paper submission system is now open

Instruction for authors :

--- Welcome message ---

Dear colleagues,

In a few months, the 2013 edition of the Interspeech Conference will
start. We look forward to welcoming you in Lyon, France.

In the meantime, a new version of the conference website has been
launched to provide you with extended information to prepare your
participation to the event next August:

As of today, prospective authors are formally invited to prepare their
paper submissions.

The Interspeech conferences reflect the dynamism of our scientific
community, which has steadily strengthened over the years.

We are looking forward to receiving, from all areas of the world, an
abundant flow of high-quality contributions on the wide range of
topics covered by the conference.

Frédéric Bimbot (chair), Cécile Fougeron (co-chair), François
Pellegrino (co-chair)

--- Important Dates and Links ---

Calls for Satellite Workshops, Tutorials and Special Sessions are now

Call for Papers

Submission Deadline: March 18, 2013

Notification of acceptance : May 22, 2013

Camera-ready paper : May 29, 2013

List of conference areas :

Instruction for authors :

Download the Author's kit:

Call for Show & Tell and Other Special Events

Submission Deadline: April 19, 2013

Conference Dates: 25-29 August 2013

--- General Information ---

Paper format

From this year on, a new paper format will be used: 4 pages of text
plus one page (maximum) for references only. This will facilitate the
sometimes difficult arbitration between work description and citation

Paper submission procedure

Authors will be asked to determine to which topic(s) their
contributions relates (see list of areas and topics on the website)
and/or if they wish to contribute to a special session (see list
below). Under the coordination of the Technical Programme Chairs (Lori
Lamel and Pascal Perrier) and with the supervision of a pool of 28
area chairs, each paper proposal will be reviewed by at least three
specialists of the area to which it belongs. Papers must be submitted
via the on-line paper submission system, accessible through the
conference website. The deadline for submitting a paper is March 18th,

Registration fees

The definitive fees have not been fixed yet, but our target is to be
within the range of previous Interspeech editions (that is 520 € in
Florence, 470 € in Portland, for ISCA member, full-delegate early
registration). The fees will be announced about a week before the
paper submission deadline.

Student/retired participants

Students will benefit from reduced rates (-50% or more) and will be
offered the possibility to opt for a student accommodation package at
an attractive cost (typically, in the range of 200-250 € for 5
nights). A significant number of grants will be offered, to further
reduce the financial burden for student (or retired) attendees, when
needed. Keep posted for more info.

--- Special sessions proposal ---

Special sessions at Interspeech are intended to bring together
researchers in relevant fields of interest, either on a targeted
topic, or beyond the traditional scope of the conference.

For Interspeech 2013, eleven proposals of special sessions are
currently pending.

Prospective authors are offered the option to relate their paper
proposal to one of these sessions. All papers relating to a special
session will follow the regular reviewing process, by anonymous and
independent reviewers.

Only special sessions with a sufficient number of accepted papers will
ultimately be scheduled in the final program. All other accepted
papers will be presented in an adequate regular session.

To consult the list of special session proposals :

The final list of special sessions will be determined and published
after the review process, on May 22, 2013.

--- Information about satellite workshops ---

We are happy to announce that over a dozen satellite workshops are
organized before or after the Interspeech conference.

This is an opportunity to participate to specific scientific events
related to current 'hot topics' in speech science.

These workshops take place in locations with easy access to/from Lyon
(Grenoble, Paris, Aix-en-Provence, Barcelona and more…).

More information on satellite workshops can be found on the
Interspeech web site :

--- Become a sponsor of the conference ---

If you want to become a sponsor or an exhibitor at the conference :

--- Contacts ---

Conference Chairs :

Technical Programme Chairs :

Organizers :

Webmaster :


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3-1-5(2014-09-07) INTERSPEECH 2014 Singapore


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3-1-6(2015) INTERSPEECH 2015 Dresden RFA

The following preliminary list of principal organizers plan INTERSPEECH 2015:

  • Sebastian Möller, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Technische Universität Berlin (General Chair)
  • Rüdiger Hoffmann, Chair for System Theory and Speech Technology, Technische Universität Dresden
  • Ercan Altinsoy, Chair for Communication Acoustics, Technische Universität Dresden
  • Ute Jekosch, Chair for Communication Acoustics, Technische Universität Dresden
  • Siegfried Kunzmann, European Media Laboratory GmbH, Heidelberg
  • Bernd Möbius, Dept. of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics, Saarland University
  • Hermann Ney, Chair of Computer Science 6, RWTH Aachen
  • Elmar Nöth, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität  Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Alexander Raake, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Technische Universität Berlin
  • Gerhard Rigoll, Institute of Human-Machine Communication, Technische Universität München
  • Tanja Schultz, Cognitive Systems Lab, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)

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