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ISCApad #174

Sunday, December 09, 2012 by Chris Wellekens

3-3 Other Events
3-3-1(2012-12-15) CfP 3rd Workshop on 'Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon' (CogALex), Mumbai, India

2nd Call for Papers

3rd Workshop on 'Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon' (CogALex)

Post-conference workshop at COLING 2012
(December 15, Mumbai, India)

Submission deadline: October 15, 2012

Invited speaker: Alain Polguère (Université de Lorraine & ATILF CNRS, France)



The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers involved in the construction and application of electronic dictionaries to discuss modifications of existing resources in line with the users' needs, thereby fully exploiting the advantages of the digital form. Given the breadth of the questions, we welcome reports on work from many perspectives, including but not limited to: computational lexicography, psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology, language learning and ergonomics.


The way we look at dictionaries, their creation and use, has changed dramatically over the past 30 years. (1) While being considered as an appendix to grammar in the past, they have in the meantime moved to centre stage. Indeed, there is hardly any task in NLP which can be conducted without them. (2) Also, many lexicographers work nowadays with huge digital corpora, using language technology to build and to maintain the lexicon. (3) Last, but not least, rather than being static entities (data-base view), dictionaries are now viewed as graphs, whose nodes and links (connection strengths) may change over time. Interestingly, properties concerning topology, clustering and evolution known from other disciplines (society, economy, human brain) also apply to dictionaries: everything is linked, hence accessible, and everything is evolving. Given these similarities, one may wonder what we can learn from these disciplines.

In this 3rd edition of the CogALex workshop we therefore intend to also invite scientists working in these fields, our goals being to broaden the picture, i.e. to gain a better understanding concerning the mental lexicon and to integrate these findings into our dictionaries in order to support navigation. Given recent advances in neurosciences, it appears timely to seek inspiration from neuroscientists studying the human brain. There is also a lot to be learned from other fields studying graphs and networks, even if their object of study is something else than language, for example biology, economy or society.


This workshop is about possible enhancements of existing electronic dictionaries. To perform the groundwork for the next generation of electronic dictionaries we invite researchers involved in the building of such dictionaries. The idea is to discuss modifications of existing resources by taking the users' needs and knowledge states into account, and to capitalize on the advantages of the digital media. For this workshop we invite papers including but not limited to the following topics which can be considered from various points of view: linguistics, neuro- or psycholinguistics (associations, tip-of-the-tongue problem), network-related sciences (complex graphs, network topology, small-world problem), etc.

1) Analysis of the conceptual input of a dictionary user

- What does a language producer start from (bag of words)?
- What is in the authors' minds when they are generating a message and looking for a word?
- What does it take to bridge the gap between this input and the desired output (target word)?

2) The meaning of words

- Lexical representation (holistic, decomposed)
- Meaning representation (concept based, primitives)
- Revelation of hidden information (vector-based approaches: LSA/HAL)
- Neural models, neurosemantics, neurocomputational theories of content representation.

3) Structure of the lexicon

- Discovering structures in the lexicon: formal and semantic point of view (clustering, topical structure)
- Creative ways of getting access to and using word associations
- Evolution, i.e. dynamic aspects of the lexicon (changes of weights)
- Neural models of the mental lexicon (distribution of information concerning words, organisation of the mental lexicon)

4) Methods for crafting dictionaries or indexes

- Manual, automatic or collaborative building of dictionaries and indexes (distributional semantics, crowd-sourcing, serious games, etc.)
- Impact and use of social networks (Facebook, Twitter) for building dictionaries, for organizing and indexing the data (clustering of words), and for allowing to track navigational strategies, etc.
- (Semi-) automatic induction of the link type (e.g. synonym, hypernym, meronym, association, collocation, ...)
- Use of corpora and patterns (data-mining) for getting access to words, their uses, and combinations (associations)

5) Dictionary access (navigation and search strategies), interface issues

- Semantic-based search
- Search (simple query vs multiple words)
- Context-dependent search (modification of usersí goals during search)
- Recovery
- Navigation (frequent navigational patterns or search strategies used by people)
- Interface problems, data-visualisation


- Deadline for paper submissions: October 15, 2012
- Notification of acceptance: November 5, 2012
- Camera-ready papers due: November 15, 2012
- Workshop date: December 15, 2012




Alain Polguère (Université de Lorraine & ATILF CNRS, France)


* Barbu, Eduard (Universidad de Jaén, Spain)
* Barrat, Alain (Centre de physique théorique, CNRS & Aix-Marseille University)
* Bilac, Slaven (Google Tokyo, Japan)
* Bel Enguix, Gemma (LIF, Aix-Marseille University, France)
* Bouillon, Pierrette (TIM, Faculty of Translation and Interpretating, Geneva, Switzerland)
* Cook, Paul (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
* Cristea, Dan (University of Iasi, Romania)
* Fairon, Cedrick (CENTAL, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
* Fazly, Afsaneh (University of Toronto, Canada)
* Fellbaum, Christiane (University of Princeton, USA)
* Ferret, Olivier (CEA LIST, Palaiseau, France)
* Fontenelle, Thierry (Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union, Luxemburg)
* Granger, Sylviane (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
* Grefenstette, Gregory (3DS Exalead, Paris, France)
* Hansen-Schirra, Silvia (University of Mainz, FTSK, Germany)
* Heid, Ulrich (University of Hildesheim, Germany)
* Hirst, Graeme (University of Toronto, Canada)
* Hovy, Ed (ISI, Los Angeles, USA)
* Joyce, Terry (Tama University, Kanagawa-ken, Japan)
* Kwong, Olivia (City University of Hong Kong, China)
* L'Homme, Marie Claude (OLST, University of Montreal, Canada)
* Lapalme, Guy (RALI, University of Montreal, Canada)
* Mititelu, Verginica (RACAI, Bucharest, Romania)
* Pirrelli, Vito (ILC, Pisa, Italy)
* Polguère, Alain (Université de Lorraine & ATILF CNRS, France)
* Rapp, Reinhard (University of Leeds, UK)
* Ruette, Tom (KU Leuven, Belgium)
* Schwab, Didier (LIG, Grenoble, France)
* Serasset, Gilles (IMAG, Grenoble, France)
* Sharoff, Serge (University of Leeds, UK)
* Sinopalnikova, Anna (FIT, BUT, Brno, Czech Republic)
* Sowa, John (VivoMind Research, LLC, USA)
* Tiberius, Carole (Institute for Dutch Lexicology, The Netherlands)
* Tokunaga, Takenobu (TITECH, Tokyo, Japan)
* Tufis, Dan (RACAI, Bucharest, Romania)
* Valitutti, Alessandro (University of Helsinki and HIIT, Finland)
* Vossen, Piek (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
* Wehrli, Eric (LATL, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
* Zock, Michael (LIF, CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, France)
* Zweigenbaum, Pierre (LIMSI - CNRS, Orsay & ERTIM - INALCO, Paris, France)


Michael Zock (LIF-CNRS, Marseille, France), michael.zock AT
Reinhard Rapp (University of Leeds, UK), reinhardrapp AT

For more details see:

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WSLST 2013


(formerly International   PhD School in Language and Speech Technologies)


Tarragona, Spain


January 7-11, 2013


Organized by:

Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)

Rovira i Virgili University






WSLST 2013 offers a broad and intensive series of lectures at different levels on selected topics in language and speech technologies. The students choose their preferred courses according to their interests and background. Instructors are top names in their respective fields. The School intends to help students initiate and foster their research career.


The previous event in this series was SSLST 2012:




Graduate (and advanced undergraduate) students from around the world. Most appropriate degrees include: Computer Science and Linguistics. Other students (for instance, from Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Logic, or Cognitive Science) are welcome too.


The School is appropriate also for people more advanced in their career who want to keep themselves updated on developments in the field.


There will be no overlap in the class schedule.




- Simon King (U Edinburgh), Speech Synthesis [introductory/intermediate, 8 hours]

- Constantine Kotropoulos (U Thessaloniki), Pattern Recognition Problems Related to Speech [intermediate, 6 hours]

- Lori Levin (Carnegie Mellon U), The Theory behind the Resources [introductory/intermediate, 8 hours]

- Rainer Martin (U Bochum), Signal Processing for Voice Communication Devices [intermediate, 8 hours]

- German Rigau (U Basque Country, Donostia), Knowledge Resources for Semantic Processing [introductory/intermediate, 8 hours]

- Marc Swerts (Tilburg U), Facial Expressions in Human-Human and Human-Machine Interactions [introductory/intermediate, 6 hours]

- Tomoki Toda (Nara Institute of Science and Technology), Statistical Voice Conversion [introductory/advanced, 8 hours]




It has to be done on line at




They are variable, depending on the number of courses each student takes. The rule is:


1 hour =


- 10 euros (for payments until November 15, 2012),

- 12.50 euros (for payments between November 16 and December 11, 2012),

- 15 euros (for payments after December 11, 2012).




The fees must be paid to the School's bank account:


Uno-e Bank

bank’s address: Julian Camarillo 4 C, 28037 Madrid, Spain

IBAN: ES3902270001820201823142


account holder: C. Martin – GRLMC

account holder’s address: Av. Catalunya 35, 43002 Tarragona, Spain


Please mention WSLST 2013 and your name in the subject. A receipt will be provided on site.




- Bank transfers should not involve any expense for the School.

- People claiming early registration will be requested to prove that the bank transfer order was carried out by the deadline.

- The organizers reserve the right to cancel a course if the number of students who signed up for it is less than 10.

- Students will be refunded only in the case when a course gets cancelled due to the unavailability of the instructor or because of insufficient registration numbers.


People registering on site at the beginning of the School must pay in cash. For the sake of local organization, however, it is much recommended to do it earlier.




Information about accommodation will be available on the website of the School.




Students will be delivered a certificate stating the courses attended, their contents, and their duration.




Announcement of the programme: October 19, 2012

Very early registration deadline: November 15, 2012

Early registration deadline: December 11, 2012

Starting of the School: January 7, 2013

End of the School: January 11, 2013




Lilica Voicu:






WSLST 2013

Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)

Rovira i Virgili University

Av. Catalunya, 35

43002 Tarragona,   Spain


Phone: +34-977-559543

Fax: +34-977-558386




Diputació de Tarragona

Universitat Rovira i Virgili


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3-3-3(2013-01-17) Tralogy II: The quest for meaning: where are our weak points and what do we need?, CNRS, Paris


Tralogy II: Human and Machine Translation. The quest for meaning: where are our weak points and what do we need?
Dates and venue of the Conference: January 17-18, 2013 - CNRS Headquarters Auditorium, Paris (France) ****** Submission Deadline extended to October 15, 2012 ******
The conclusions of the first Tralogy Conference (3-4 March 2011 at the CNRS in Paris) were clear: none of the specialist branches of the language industry can individually hope to offer all the intellectual and professional tools needed to function effectively in the sector. They all need each other: translation has always been interdisciplinary and the translation profession even more so. Accordingly, on the occasion of the second Tralogy Conference, we would like to ask each of our prospective participants not only to present specific contributions from their specialist fields and research into the question of meaning, but also, and in particular, to highlight the limits they face in their specialist fields and research within the wider context of the potential applications of their work. What we would like to find out by the end of Tralogy II is what each of us does not know how to do. We are therefore hoping that, as we map out our respective weak points, these will coincide with the points of contact made at the Conference and with the areas in which there is room for improvement. We will therefore give priority to concise presentations (the published articles will of course be longer) in order to leave time for discussions. And the key question that emerged from Tralogy I will remain at the heart of this analysis: how to measure the quality of a translation with regard to its use.
Canada was the country invited to participate in Tralogy I. This time we would like to honour languages that are very much alive but with lower numbers of users. We have therefore decided to organise this conference under the joint patronage of the Baltic States, Member States of the European Union: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Call for papers:
To submit a paper:
















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3-3-4(2013-02-11) International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing BIOSIGNALS, Barcelona
International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing BIOSIGNALS 
website: February 11 - 14, 2013 Barcelona, Spain In 
Collaboration with: UVIC Sponsored by: INSTICC INSTICC is Member of: WfMC 
IMPORTANT DATES: Regular Paper Submission: September 3, 2012 (deadline extended) 
Authors Notification (regular papers): October 23, 2012 
Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: November 13, 2012
The conference will be sponsored by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, 
Control and Communication (INSTICC) and held In Collaboration with the Universitat 
de Vic (UVIC). INSTICC is Member of the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC). 
We would like to highlight the presence of the following keynote speakers:
 - Pedro Gomez Vilda, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain 
- Christian Jutten, GIPSA-lab, France 
- Adam Kampff, Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal 
- Richard Reilly, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland 
- Vladimir Devyatkov, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russian Federation 
Details of which can be found on the Keynotes webpage available at: 
Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers
 (full, short and posters) will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN 
reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support. JHPZ A short list of presented papers 
will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published 
by Springer-Verlag in a CCIS Series book. The proceedings will be submitted for indexation 
by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP and 
EI (Elsevier Index). All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the 
SciTePress Digital Library ( 
SciTePress is member of CrossRef ( 
We also would like to highlight the possibility to submit to the following Special Session: 
- 3rd International Special Session on Multivariable Processing for 
Biometric Systems - MPBS ( 
Please check further details at the BIOSIGNALS conference website
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LATA 2013


Bilbao, Spain


April 2-5, 2013


Organized by:

Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)

Rovira i Virgili University





LATA is a yearly conference in theoretical computer science and its applications. Following the tradition of the International Schools in Formal Languages and Applications developed at Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona since 2002, LATA 2013 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning of their career. It will aim at attracting contributions from both classical theory fields and application areas (bioinformatics, systems biology, language technology, artificial intelligence, etc.).




LATA 2013 will take place in Bilbao, at the Basque Country in Northern Spain. The venue will be the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM).




Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited to:


‐ algebraic language theory

‐ algorithms for semi‐structured data mining

‐ algorithms on automata and words

‐ automata and logic

‐ automata for system analysis and programme verification

‐ automata, concurrency and Petri nets

‐ automatic structures

‐ cellular automata

‐ combinatorics on words

‐ computability

‐ computational complexity

‐ computational linguistics

‐ data and image compression

‐ decidability questions on words and languages

‐ descriptional complexity

‐ DNA and other models of bio‐inspired computing

‐ document engineering

‐ foundations of finite state technology

‐ foundations of XML

‐ fuzzy and rough languages

‐ grammars (Chomsky hierarchy, contextual, multidimensional, unification, categorial, etc.)

‐ grammars and automata architectures

‐ grammatical inference and algorithmic learning

‐ graphs and graph transformation

‐ language varieties and semigroups

‐ language‐based cryptography

‐ language‐theoretic foundations of artificial intelligence and artificial life

‐ parallel and regulated rewriting

‐ parsing

‐ pattern recognition

‐ patterns and codes

‐ power series

‐ quantum, chemical and optical computing

‐ semantics

‐ string and combinatorial issues in computational biology and bioinformatics

‐ string processing algorithms

‐ symbolic dynamics

‐ symbolic neural networks

‐ term rewriting

‐ transducers

‐ trees, tree languages and tree automata

‐ weighted automata




LATA 2013 will consist of:


‐ invited talks

‐ invited tutorials

‐ peer‐reviewed contributions




Jin-Yi Cai (Madison), Complexity Dichotomy for Counting Problems

Kousha Etessami (Edinburgh), Algorithms for Analyzing Infinite-state Recursive Probabilistic Systems

Luke Ong (Oxford), tutorial Languages and Automata for Higher-order Model Checking

Joël Ouaknine (Oxford), tutorial Discrete Linear Dynamical Systems

Thomas Schwentick (Dortmund), Applications of Automata in Database Theory -- Challenges to Automata Theory from Databases

Andrei Voronkov (Manchester), The Lazy Reviewer Assignment Problem in EasyChair




Parosh Aziz Abdulla (Uppsala)

Franz Baader (Dresden)

Jos Baeten (CWI, Amsterdam)

Christel Baier (Dresden)

Gerth Stølting Brodal (Aarhus)

John Case (Delaware)

Marek Chrobak (Riverside)

Mariangiola Dezani (Torino)

Rod Downey (Wellington)

Ding-Zhu Du (Dallas)

Ivo Düntsch (Brock)

E. Allen Emerson (Austin)

Javier Esparza (Technical University Munich)

Michael R. Fellows (Darwin)

Alain Finkel (ENS Cachan)

Dov M. Gabbay (King’s, London)

Jürgen Giesl (Aachen)

Rob van Glabbeek (NICTA, Sydney)

Georg Gottlob (Oxford)

Annegret Habel (Oldenburg)

Reiko Heckel (Leicester)

Sanjay Jain (Singapore)

Charanjit S. Jutla (IBM Thomas J. Watson)

Ming-Yang Kao (Northwestern)

Deepak Kapur (Albuquerque)

Joost-Pieter Katoen (Aachen)

S. Rao Kosaraju (Johns Hopkins)

Evangelos Kranakis (Carleton)

Hans-Jörg Kreowski (Bremen)

Tak-Wah Lam (Hong Kong)

Gad M. Landau (Haifa)

Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg)

Richard Lipton (Georgia Tech)

Jack Lutz (Iowa State)

Ian Mackie (École Polytechnique, Palaiseau)

Rupak Majumdar (Max Planck, Kaiserslautern)

Carlos Martín-Vide (Tarragona, chair)

Paliath Narendran (Albany)

Tobias Nipkow (Technical University Munich)

David A. Plaisted (Chapel Hill)

Jean-François Raskin (Brussels)

Wolfgang Reisig (Humboldt Berlin)

Michaël Rusinowitch (LORIA, Nancy)

Davide Sangiorgi (Bologna)

Bernhard Steffen (Dortmund)

Colin Stirling (Edinburgh)

Alfonso Valencia (CNIO, Madrid)

Helmut Veith (Vienna Tech)

Heribert Vollmer (Hannover)

Osamu Watanabe (Tokyo Tech)

Pierre Wolper (Liège)

Louxin Zhang (Singapore)




Adrian Horia Dediu (Tarragona)

Peter Leupold (Tarragona)

Carlos Martín‐Vide (Tarragona, co-chair)

Magaly Roldán (Bilbao)

Bianca Truthe (Magdeburg)

Florentina Lilica Voicu (Tarragona)

Enrique Zuazua (Bilbao, co-chair)




Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single‐spaced pages (including eventual appendices) and should be formatted according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see


Submissions have to be uploaded to:




A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series will be available by the time of the conference.


A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing peer‐reviewed extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.




The period for registration is open from August 6, 2012 to April 2, 2013. The registration form can be found at the website of the conference:




Early registration fees: 500 Euro

Early registration fees (PhD students): 400 Euro

Late registration fees: 540 Euro

Late registration fees (PhD students): 440 Euro

On‐site registration fees: 580 Euro

On‐site registration fees (PhD students): 480 Euro


At least one author per paper should register. Papers that do not have a registered author who paid the fees by January 2, 2013 will be excluded from the proceedings.


One registration gives the right to present only one paper.


Fees comprise access to all sessions, one copy of the proceedings volume, coffee breaks and lunches.




Early (resp. late) registration fees must be paid by bank transfer before January 2, 2013 (resp. March 23, 2013) to the conference bank account:


Uno-e Bank

bank’s address: Julian Camarillo 4 C, 28037 Madrid, Spain

IBAN: ES3902270001820201823142


account holder: C. Martin – GRLMC

account holder’s address: Av. Catalunya 35, 43002 Tarragona, Spain


Please mention LATA 2013 and your name in the subject. A receipt will be provided on site.




- Bank transfers should not involve any expense for the conference.

- People claiming early registration will be requested to prove that the bank transfer order was carried out by the deadline.

- PhD students will need to provide evidence of their status on site.


People registering on site must pay in cash. For the sake of local organization, however, it is much recommended to do it earlier.




Paper submission: November 9, 2012 (23:59h, CET)

Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: December 16, 2012

Final version of the paper for the LNCS proceedings: December 25, 2012

Early registration: January 2, 2013

Late registration: March 23, 2013

Starting of the conference: April 2, 2013

End of the conference: April 5, 2013

Submission to the post‐conference journal special issue: July 5, 2013






LATA 2013

Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)

Rovira i Virgili University

Av. Catalunya, 35

43002 Tarragona, Spain


Phone: +34‐977‐559543

Fax: +34‐977‐558386




Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

Diputació de Tarragona

Universitat Rovira i Virgili


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3-3-6(2013-04-03) CORIA 2013Neuchatel Suisse

CORIA 2013, Neuchâtel (Suisse), du 3 au 5 Avril 2013  

CORIA 2013 ( est la dixième édition de la COnférence en Recherche d'Information et Applications.  Organisée avec le support de l'ARIA (Association francophone de Recherche d'Information et Applications,, elle est la principale manifestation francophone dans ce domaine. CORIA a pour but de rassembler les équipes et les chercheurs menant des travaux scientifiques dans le domaine de la recherche d'informations : recherche d'information sur le web, extraction d'information au sein de documents multimédia, analyse d'opinion ou de réseaux sociaux, contextes monolingue ou multilingue, recherche de documents numériques et d'images, apprentissage et classification automatiques, interfaces homme-machine pour l'accès à l'information, etc.    CORIA se veut largement ouverte à l'ensemble de la communauté scientifique concernée par la Recherche d'Information.  Après s'être tenue à Toulouse, Grenoble, Lyon, Saint-Étienne, Lannion, Toulon, Sousse (Tunisie, en partenariat avec CIFED), Avignon, Bordeaux (en partenariat avec CIFED), CORIA aura lieu cette année du 3 avril au 5 avril 2013 à Neuchâtel (Suisse).   L'activité scientifique en recherche d'information connaît une évolution forte depuis la généralisation du web et, plus récemment, le développement de l'informatique nomade.  Les limites du domaine sont elles-mêmes en mutation et favorisent les synergies avec les travaux en apprentissage automatique, traitement automatique des langues, traitement de l'image, traitement de la parole, communication écrite et documents, systèmes d'information et bases de données, représentation et gestion des connaissances...  Les domaines d'application sont vastes et peuvent être appliqués au web dans sa globalité ou restreints par exemple à des bibliothèques numériques ou des réseaux sociaux.    Le public visé par CORIA 2013 est celui des universitaires et chercheurs - confirmés ou non -, des industriels et des spécialistes du domaine et des étudiants en Master se dirigeant vers les métiers de la Recherche.  Les soumissions peuvent être faites en anglais ou en français.  Les contributions peuvent concerner des travaux académiques ou des applications industrielles.      Le programme prévoit deux conférences invitées, l'une de Jamie Callan (CMU), la seconde de Donna Harman (NIST).  Ces deux conférenciers feront par ailleurs un cours dédiés aux doctorants lors d'un séminaire du CUSO, le mardi 2 avril 2013 (le jour précédant la conférence).        Pendant la conférence CORIA 2013 seront également organisées les 8e Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Recherche d'Information (RJCRI). Elles ont pour objectif de permettre à tous les doctorants de présenter leur problématique de recherche, d'établir des contacts avec des équipes travaillant sur des domaines similaires ou connexes, et d'offrir à l'ensemble de la communauté un aperçu des axes de recherche actuels. Les travaux sélectionnés pour  les RJCRI donneront lieu à une présentation orale et sous forme de poster. Cette année, les soumissions conjointes RJCRI et CORIA sont autorisées (voir modalités dans RJCRI )      

 Thématiques (liste non exhaustive)  

                Théorie et modèles formels pour la RI : modèle logique, modèles de langages

                Multilinguisme : Recherche d'information multilingue, traduction automatique

                Multimédia (images, audio, vidéos, son, musique) : indexation, navigation, accès, interactions avec le texte

                Passage à l'échelle : indexation, performances, architectures

                Classification automatique, clustering, ranking, apprentissage automatique

                Filtrage, routage, détection de nouveautés

                Systèmes de Questions Réponses

                Extraction d'informations : ontologies, ressources et recherche d'informations, détection d'entités nommées

                Web : grands graphes, utilisation de la topologie du web, lois de puissances, citations, analyse de liens

                RI et documents structurés : RI et XML, RI précise et recherche de passages

                Réseaux sociaux : analyse de blogs et de sites communautaires, suivi de conversations, analyse de rumeurs, analyse de sentiments, détection d'opinion

                Recherche collaborative : filtrage, systèmes de recommandation

                Interaction utilisateur : interrogation flexible, interfaces, visualisation, modélisation de l'utilisateur, accessibilité, indexation collaborative

                Traitement et représentation des connaissances : logique floue, méta-données, ontologies, web sémantique, ingénierie des connaissances

                Bibliothèques numériques : RI sur des livres numérisés, robustesse, OCR et indexabilité

                Systèmes de recherche d'information dédiés : recherche d'information génomique, géographique

                RI distribuée : recherche d'information mobile, située, P2P

                Outils pour la recherche d'information : évaluation, bancs d'essais, métriques, expérimentations qualitatives des systèmes      

Dates importantes (modifiées)

La soumission des articles se fera en deux étapes : d'abord la soumission d'un résumé et ensuite la soumission de l'article. Le calendrier de soumission est le même pour CORIA et les RJCRI : -       Date limite de soumission des articles : 14/12/2012 -       Réponse aux auteurs : 01/02/2013 -       Date limite de soumission de la version finale : 22/02/2013


Site de dépôt des articles de Coria :  

Site de dépôt des articles de RJCRI :  

Format des articles  

                Les soumissions peuvent être faites en anglais ou en français.

                Les contributions peuvent concerner des travaux académiques ou des applications industrielles.                 Les textes de communications doivent comporter 16 pages maximum au format des revues Hermes. Ils doivent être précédés d'une page de garde comportant le titre, les noms et coordonnées précises des auteurs, une liste de mots clé en français et en anglais, un résumé d'une vingtaine de lignes au maximum. La mention « article soumis à CORIA et RJCRI » doit être portée sur la page de garde le cas échéant.

                Les articles peuvent être écrits en Word ou en LaTeX.

                Le format des articles Word et LaTeX peut être téléchargé sur le site Hermes.

                Les articles déposés doivent être au format PDF exclusivement.   Modalités RJCRI : voir

 Catherine Berrut, Professeur Université Joseph Four ier Laboratoire LIG et Polytech Grenoble

 BP 53 - 38041 Grenoble cedex 9 tel : 04 76 51 42 63 mail :













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3-3-7(2013-05-26) 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)                 Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre May 26 - 31, 2013 , Vancouver, Canada CALL FOR PAPERS Announcement: New paper submission deadline has been extended to November 30, 2012 due to the recent hurricane. Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers, with up to four pages for technical content including figures and possible references, and with one additional optional 5th page containing only references. ICASSP is the world’s largest and most comprehensive technical conference focused on signal processing and its applications. The conference will feature world-class speakers, tutorials, exhibits, and over 120 lecture and poster sessions. Topics include but are not limited to: Audio and acoustic signal processing Bio-imaging and signal processing Signal processing education Speech processing Industry technology tracks Information forensics and security Machine learning for signal processing Multimedia signal processing Sensor array & multichannel signal processing Design & implementation of signal processing systems Signal processing for communications & networking Image, video & multidimensional signal processing Signal processing theory & methods Spoken language processing Vancouver: Vancouver is consistently rated as the most livable city in the world. It is surrounded by dense pine forests, snow-capped mountains and fjords. It is a city with vast beaches and lush parks combined with magnificent architecture. Please see for details regarding Paper Submission , “no-show” policy and tutorials Organizing Committee ==================== General Chairs Rabab Ward, University of British Columbia Li Deng, Microsoft Technical Program Chairs Vikram Krishnamurthy, University of British Columbia Kostas Plataniotis, University of Toronto Finance Chair Jane Wang, University of British Columbia Special Sessions Chairs Xiaodong He, Microsoft Wu Chou, Huawei Tutorials Chair Khaled El-Maleh, Qualcomm Local Arrangement Chair Panos Nasiopoulos, University of British Columbia Social Program Chair Rabab Ward, University of British Columbia Publicity Chairs Lina Karam, Arizona State University Michel Sarkis, Qualcomm Publication Chairs Michael Adams, University of Victoria Vicky Zhao, University of Alberta Exhibit Chairs Dong Yu, Microsoft Wu Chou, Huawei Hank Liao, Google Entrepreneurial Relationship Ton Kalker, Huawei Conference Management Billene Mercer, Conference Management Services, Inc. 
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3-3-8(2013-05-30) Appel aux 16èmes Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs
Appel aux 16èmes Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs (30-31 mai): modèles et modélisation dans les sciences du langage | date limite: 13 janv. 2013
Créées en 1998, les Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs de l'École Doctorale « Langage et langues» (ED 268, Université Sorbonne nouvelle) offrent la possibilité aux jeunes chercheurs inscrits en Doctorat ou en Master Recherche de présenter leurs travaux sous forme de communication orale ou de poster.
Modèles et modélisation dans les sciences du langage
    Comment appréhender la diversité du réel sans chercher à la structurer et à formuler des règles supposées expliquer ou du moins décrire son fonctionnement ? Comment comprendre un phénomène sans d’abord en concevoir des fonctionnements possibles ? Même si le recours à une réalité idéale ne suffit pas toujours à la compréhension d’un phénomène langagier, d’un fonctionnement psychologique ou encore d’une stratégie cognitive, la construction et l’exploitation de modèles semblent parfois indispensables. Tout
comme apparaît nécessaire la remise en cause et la révision de ces représentations, afin d’appréhender des réalités plus nuancées.
   La multiplicité des approches adoptées par les différentes disciplines engage à interroger non seulement la notion de modèle, mais aussi la modélisation des données langagières, que ce soit à des fins descriptives, explicatives ou prédictives. On peut donc s’intéresser aux différentes définitions du modèle, et se pencher sur leur mise en pratique, leur potentiel transdisciplinaire et leurs éventuelles transformations.
   On peut aussi s’interroger sur la pertinence et les limites de ces modèles, voire de la notion même de modèle. Selon les approches des chercheurs et chercheuses, le modèle peut ainsi être perçu comme une nécessité ou comme un obstacle, comme un indice de rigueur ou comme un biais scientifique. S’agit-il d’un carcan théorique auquel les données empiriques doivent s’ajuster ? Ou s’agit-il d’une construction sans laquelle la dynamique et le fonctionnement d’une réalité seraient impossible à appréhender ?
   Les RJC 2013 invitent les participants à réfléchir sur la conception, l’utilisation, l’adaptation et la remise en cause de modèles en sciences du langage. Nous retiendrons en particulier les communications appartenant aux disciplines suivantes :
acquisition du langage et des langues, analyse du discours, anthropologie linguistique,
didactique des langues et des cultures, histoire des idées linguistiques, linguistique générale,
linguistique historique et comparée, morphologie, neurolinguistique, phonétique, phonologie,
pragmatique, psycholinguistique, rhétorique, sémantique, sociolinguistique, syntaxe, TAL,
traduction et traductologie, typologie linguistique.
Le colloque est ouvert à tous : masterants, doctorants, chercheurs...
Date limite de soumission des propositions : 14 janvier 2013
Contact :
Appel complet et détails sur la page Internet :
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3-3-9(2013-06-01) 2nd CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge, Vancouver, Canada

 2nd CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge
          Supported by IEEE Technical Committees

                Deadline: January 15, 2013
        Workshop: June 1, 2013, Vancouver, Canada


Following the success of the 1st PASCAL CHiME Speech Separation and
Recognition Challenge, we are happy to announce a new challenge
dedicated to speech recognition in real-world reverberant, noisy conditions,
that will culminate in a dedicated satellite workshop of ICASSP 2013.

The challenge is supported by several IEEE Technical Committees and by
an Industrial Board.


The challenge consists of recognising distant-microphone speech mixed in
two-channel nonstationary noise recorded over a period of several weeks
in a real family house. Entrants may address either one or both of the
following tracks:

Medium vocabulary track: WSJ 5k sentences uttered by a static speaker

Small vocabulary track: simpler commands but small head movements


You will find everything you need to get started (and even more) on the
challenge website:
- a full description of the challenge,
- clean, reverberated and multi-condition training and development data,
- baseline training, decoding and scoring software tools based on HTK.

Submission consists of a 2- to 8-page paper describing your system and
reporting its performance on the development and the test set. In
addition, you are welcome to submit an earlier paper to ICASSP 2013,
which will tentatively be grouped with other papers into a dedicated

Any approach is welcome, whether emerging or established.

If you are interested in participating, please email us so we can
monitor interest and send you further updates about the challenge.


The best challenge paper will distinguished by an award from the
Industrial Board.


July 2012          Launch
October 2012       Test set release
January 15, 2013   Challenge & workshop submission deadline
February 18, 2013  Paper notification & release of the challenge results
June 1, 2013       ICASSP satellite workshop


Masami Akamine, Toshiba
Carlos Avendano, Audience
Li Deng, Microsoft
Erik McDermott, Google
Gautham Mysore, Adobe
Atsushi Nakamura, NTT
Peder A. Olsen, IBM
Trausti Thormundsson, Conexant
Daniel Willett, Nuance


Conexant Systems Inc.
Audience Inc.
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories


Emmanuel Vincent, INRIA
Jon Barker, University of Sheffield
Shinji Watanabe & Jonathan Le Roux, MERL
Francesco Nesta & Marco Matassoni, FBK-IRST

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3-3-10(2013-06-04) CfParticipation 2nd Competition on speaker recognition in mobile environment using MOBIO database

The Biometric group at the Idiap Research Institute is organizing the second competition on speaker recognition in mobile environment using MOBIO database for the 2013 International Conference on Biometrics (ICB-2013) to be held in Madrid, Spain on June 4-7, 2013. You are highly invited to participate to this competition.
For more information about the database (MOBIO) and the registration procedure, please visit the following link:
or please read the attached PDF file.
Please feel free to contact us if you need any additional detail.
Important dates:


Registration Due

 January 14, 2013

Availability of Training and Development sets

 January 14, 2013

Availability of Evaluation set

 March 1, 2013

Submission of the Results System description

 March 15, 2013

Publication of the Results at ICB-2013

 April 8, 2013


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3-3-11(2013-06-17) CfP 11th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing C B M I 2013


C B M I 2013
11th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing
17-19 June 2013, Veszprem, Hungary

The 11th International Content Based Multimedia Indexing Workshop is to bring together the various
communities involved in all aspects of content-based multimedia indexing, retrieval, browsing and
presentation. Following the ten successful previous events of CBMI (Toulouse 1999, Brescia 2001,
Rennes 2003, Riga 2005, Bordeaux 2007, London 2008, Chania 2009, Grenoble 2010, Madrid 2011, and
Annecy 2012), the University of Pannonia, Hungary organizes the 11th Context Based Multimedia Indexing
Workshop on June 17-19 2013 in the historical town of Veszprém, Hungary, near the spectacular Lake Balaton.
The workshop will host invited keynote talks and regular, special and demo sessions with contributed
research papers.

Paper submission: Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length and special session papers
of 6 pages and demo papers in 4 pages. All accepted and registered papers will be published in the
CBMI 2013 workshop proceedings which will be indexed and distributed by the IEEE xploreTM. Therefore
authors must prepare manuscript in an IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF version. The submissions are not blind,
the working language of the workshop is English.
Selected papers will appear, after extension and peer-review, in a special issue of Multimedia Tools
and Applications.

* Important dates:
Submission of full papers and demos: February 18, 2013
Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2013
Submission of camera-ready papers: April 20, 2013

Submission of special session proposals: January 13, 2013
Notification of session acceptance: January 20, 2013
Submission of papers: March 25, 2013
Notification of paper acceptance: April 12, 2013
Submission of final papers: April 22, 2013

* Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Visual Indexing (image, video, graphics)
* Visual content extraction Identification and tracking of semantic regions
* Identification of semantic events
* Audio and Multi-modal Indexing
* Audio indexing (audio, speech, music)
* Audio content extraction
* Multi-modal and cross-modal indexing
* Multimedia fusion
* Metadata generation, coding and transformation
* Multimedia Information Retrieval (image, audio, video, …)
* Matching and similarity search
* Content-based search
* Multimedia data mining
* Multimedia recommendation
* Large scale multimedia database management
* Multimedia Browsing and Presentation
* Summarization, browsing and organization of multimedia content
* Personalization and content adaptation
* User interaction and relevance feedback
* Multimedia interfaces, presentation and visualization tools

All accepted and registered papers will be published in the workshop proceedings which will
be indexed and distributed by the IEEExplore. Selected papers will appear, after extension
and peer-review, in a special issue of Multimedia Tools and Applications journal.

* Organizing Committee:
General Chair: László Czúni, Univ. Pannonia, Hungary
Technical Program Chairs: Klaus Schöffmann, Univ. Klagenfurt, Austria
Tamás Szirányi, MTA-SZTAKI, Hungary
Demo Chair: Levente Kovács, MTA-SZTAKI, Hungary

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3-3-12(2013-06-18) Urgent Cf Participation NTCIR-10 IR for Spoken Documents Task (SpokenDoc-2)
Call for Participation

    NTCIR-10 IR for Spoken Documents Task (SpokenDoc-2)


The growth of the internet and the decrease of the storage costs are
resulting in the rapid increase of multimedia contents today. For
retrieving these contents, available text-based tag information is
limited. Spoken Document Retrieval (SDR) is a promising technology for
retrieving these contents using the speech data included in them.
Following the NTCIR-9 SpokenDoc task, we will continue to evaluate the
SDR based on a realistic ASR condition, where the target documents are
spontaneous speech data with high word error rate and high
out-of-vocabulary rate.


The new speech data, the recordings of the first to sixth annual
Spoken Document Processing Workshop, are going to be used as the
target document in SpokenDoc-2. The larger speech data, spoken
lectures in Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ), are also used as in
the last SpokenDoc-1. The task organizers are going to provide
reference automatic transcriptions for these speech data. These
enabled researchers interested in SDR, but without access to their own
ASR system to participate in the tasks. They also enabled comparisons
of the IR methods based on the same underlying ASR performance.

Targeting these documents, two subtasks will be conducted.

Spoken Term Detection: 
  Within spoken documents, find the occurrence positions of a queried
  term. The evaluation should be conducted by both the efficiency
  (search time) and the effectiveness (precision and recall).

Spoken Content Retrieval: 
  Among spoken documents, find the segments including the relevant
  information related to the query, where a segment is either a
  document (resulting in document retrieval task) or a passage
  (passage retrieval task). This is like an ad-hoc text retrieval
  task, except that the target documents are speech data.

Please visit
A link to the NTCIR-10 task participants registration page
is now available from this page.

Please note that the registration deadline is Jun 30, 2012 (for
all NTCIR-10 tasks).


Kiyoaki Aikawa (Tokyo University of Technology)
Tomoyosi Akiba (Toyohashi University of Technology)
Xinhui Hu (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
Yoshiaki Itoh (Iwate Iwate Prefectural University)
Tatsuya Kawahara (Kyoto University)
Seiichi Nakagawa (Toyohashi University of Technology)
Hiroaki Nanjo (Ryukoku University)
Hiromitsu Nishizaki (University of Yamanashi)
Yoichi Yamashita Ritsumeikan University)

If you have any questions, please send e-mails to the task
organizers mailing list:

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3-3-13(2013-07-03) CorpORA and Tools in Linguistics, Languages and Speech, Strasbourg, France

Colloque organisé par l’Unité de   Recherche 1339

                                                               Linguistique, Langues, Parole   (LiLPa)

                                                                  Université de Strasbourg – Unistra

                                                                                    3 – 5 juillet 2013

                                                                                 Strasbourg - France


CorpORA and Tools in Linguistics,  Languages and Speech:

                                                                        Status, Uses and Misuse

          Conference  organised by the  Research Unit 1339 Linguistics, Languages and Speech (LiLPa)

                                                              University  of Strasbourg – UNISTRA

                                                                                  3 – 5 July 2013

                                                                            Strasbourg - France

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3-3-14(2013-08-29) 12th International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing, Annecy - France
AVSP 2013 The 12th International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing August 29 - September 1, 2013.
Annecy - France

The 12th International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing
(AVSP2013) will be held in Annecy, France, from August 29th to September
1st, 2013. AVSP is a satellite workshop of INTERSPEECH 2013, one of the
largest conferences on speech communication.

Annecy is a charming town in South-eastern France, known for its lake,
'Europe's cleanest lake'. Annecy is about 35km/22miles south of Geneva.

AVSP is a uniquely interdisciplinary conference, focusing on the effects
of auditory and visual speech information on human perception, machine
recognition, and human-machine interaction. AVSP conferences attract
many researchers from various fields, such as psychology, computer
engineering, neuroscience, linguistics, and robotic engineering.

** Conference Topics

Submission of papers are invited in all areas of auditory-visual speech
processing including but not limited to:

- Human recognition of audio-visual speech
- Machine recognition of audio-visual speech
- Human and machine models of multimodal integration
- Multimodal processing of spoken events
- Cross-linguistic studies
- Developmental studies
- Role of gestures accompanying speech
- Modeling, synthesis and recognition of facial gestures
- Audio-visual speech synthesis
- Prosody
- Neuropsychology and neurophysiology of audio-visual speech processing
- Scene analysis using audio and visual speech information

** Important Dates 

- Paper Submission Deadline: May 5, 2013
- Notification of Acceptance: June 8, 2013
- Camera-ready Paper: June 15, 2013
- Early registration deadline: June 28, 2013
- Registration deadline: July 31, 2013
- Conference Dates: Aug 29 - Sep 1, 2013

For the latest information, please check the conference web page:

and feel free to contact us:

The organizing committee of AVSP 2013 is looking forward for your submissions.

Slim Ouni (LORIA - Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France)
Frederic Berthommier (GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France)
Alexandra Jesse (University of Mass. Amherst, MA, USA)
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3-3-15(2013-08-30) SLaTE-2013 (Speech and Language Technology in Education) Grenoble, France

SLaTE-2013 (Speech  and Language Technology in Education) will be held in Grenoble, France,

on August 30-31 & September 1st, 2013, just  after Interspeech 2013 in Lyon.
      Official conference website:

      SLaTE-2013 mailing list: email to ''       with subject 'sub slate2013-info'.
      SLaTE-2013         wellcomes all topics related to speech and language technology         for education (SLaTE). This includes, but is not         limited to, the following topics:
      • Speech technology for first         and second language learning and acquisition
      • Natural language processing         for education
      • Spoken dialogue systems for         education
      • Applications using speech         and/or natural language processing for education
      • Intelligent tutoring         systems using speech and natural language
      • Development of language         resources for SLaTE applications
      • Assessment and user studies         of SLaTE methods and applications
      • Research on first and         second language
      • Theoretical and         methodological issues in SLaTE
      • Pronunciation pedagogy and         phonetic correction
      • Use of speech synthesis for         language learning
      • Serious games in SLaTE      
      • Language learning and         disability
      • Speech and Language         Technology for STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths)

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3-3-16(2013-09-30) 4th Summer school on Speech Production and Perception: Speaker-Specific Behavior, Aix en Provence F

The 4th summer school on 'Speech Production and Perception: Speaker-Specific Behavior

will be hold in Aix-en-Provence from 30.9.2013 to 4.10.2013.

Speakers show phonetic differences while producing the very same utterance. These speaker-specific differences occur at various linguistic levels and they can be realized phonetically by many parameters such as voice quality, speech rate, loudness, fundamental frequency, breathing, articulatory behavior, etc. At the same time, listeners can vary in the way they exploit such cues for the purpose of speech perception and understanding.

Speaker-specific behavior has long been regarded irrelevant for linguistic theories and is generally treated as noise in the data. Methodologically, speaker-specific variation has often been ignored in the statistical modelling of speech production and perception data.

However, there are numerous recent studies showing that speaker-specific variation allows for new insights into learning processes, speech planning and speech motor control strategies, processing of linguistic and paralinguistic information, among others. We seek to link findings from different disciplines by asking the following questions: 

  • Which speaker-specific behaviors are crucial for a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying speech production and perception and which are less important? What can it tell us? Why?

  • Does information about the speaker help listeners to extract meaning?

  • Do physical and cognitive differences among individuals matter for native language acquisition?

  • How do we deal with speaker-specific behavior statistically?

The invited international scholars have been chosen to address these issues.

This summer school is mainly intended for graduate students, post-docs or researchers who work in the field of speech production, perception and perception-production interaction. We expect about 50 participants. One of the aims of the summer school is to provide a forum for exchanges between students, junior and senior researchers and encourage all participants to contribute to the dialog. Please send a letter of motivation and an abstract (no longer than 1 page) of your prospective contribution till to the 15th of May 2013.

Confirmed invited speakers:

  • Alejandrina Cristia (MPI, Nijmegen): Speech acquisition

  • Rodger Mundry (MPI, Leipzig): Statistics

  • Pascal Perrier (GIPSA-lab, Grenoble): Biomechanics

  • Benjamin Swets (Grand Valley State University, Allendale): Psycholinguistics

  • Melanie Weirich (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena): Articulation 

  • Rachel Smith (University of Glasgow): Speech perception and fine phonetic detail

Organizing committee (in alphabetical order)

Susanne Fuchs (ZAS Berlin, Germany)

Caroline Magister (ZAS Berlin, Germany)

Daniel Pape (IEETA + UA Aveiro, Portugal)

Caterina Petrone (LPL-CNRS Aix-en-Provence, France)


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3-3-17(2013-10-23) 5ème Journées de Phonétique Clinique (JPhC) , Liège (Belgique).

 5ème Journées de Phonétique Clinique (JPhC) qui auront lieu à Liège les 23, 24, 25 octobre 2013.        


Ces journées ont vu le jour à Paris en 2005 ( En 2007, elles se sont déroulées à Grenoble, en 2009 à Aix-en-Provence ( et en 2011 à Strasbourg ( Elles ont lieu tous les deux ans. L’année 2013 sera Liégeoise (Belgique). En effet, elles  seront organisées par le service de Logopédie de la Voix de l'Université de Liège de psychologie: cognition et comportement) en étroite             collaboration avec le Laboratoires  d'Images, Signaux et Dispositifs de Télécommunications de l’Université Libre de               Bruxelles.


La phonétique réunit principalement des chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs, ingénieurs, médecins et orthophoniste / logopèdes ;   différentes corps de métiers complémentaires qui poursuivent le même objectif : une meilleure connaissance des processus d'acquisition, de  développement et de dégénérescence du langage, de la parole et de la voix. Cette approche           interdisciplinaire vise à optimiser les connaissances  fondamentales relatives à la communication parlée, dans le but de mieux comprendre,  évaluer, et remédier aux troubles de la parole et de la  voix chez le sujet pathologique.         


Dans ce contexte, cette série de colloques internationaux  sur la production et la perception de la parole, chez le sujet           pathologique, représente une opportunité pour des professionnels, des chercheurs confirmés etdes jeu nes chercheurs de formations différentes de présenter des résultats expérimentaux nouveaux et d’échanger des idées de diverses           perspectives. Les communications porteront sur les études de la parole et de la voix pathologiques, chez l’adulte et chez l’enfant.


Nous espérons vous  voir nombreux à ces 5ème  Journées   de Phonétique Clinique. Vous trouverez plus  d’informations en visitant  le site à l’adresse suivante :


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3-3-18(2013-12-03) IEEE GlobalSIP Symposia, Austin Texas
Deadline for IEEE GlobalSIP Symposia Proposals: November 15, 2012.

Austin, TX. December 3-5, 2013.

IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing is a new
flagship IEEE Signal Processing Society conference. It will focus on
signal and information processing and up-and-coming signal processing

GlobalSIP comprises symposia selected based on responses to the
call-for-symposia proposals. We are inviting symposia submissions on hot
topics related to signal and information processing. Examples of potential
topics include:

Computational photography
Camera networks and analytics
Computational manufacturing
Information systems for Big Data Processing
Bio signal processing
Machine learning
Emerging sensing modalities
Signal processing, learning and decision making in networks
Green communications
Data and processing for energy management
Sparsity in information processing

Proposals may be focused on a specific mathematical tool, or on a
particular application. Successful symposia may be repeated from year to

We are currently soliciting symposium proposals. For more information on
the preparation of a symposium proposal, please refer to:

Symposia proposals may be submitted to any one of the technical program
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3-3-19(2014) Speech Prosody 2014 Dublin.
Speech Prosody 2014 in Dublin.
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3-3-20(xxxx-xx-xx) Announcing the Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems

                Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University announces a new Master of Science in
Intelligent Information Systems (MIIS) professional degree.  The MIIS
degree provides advanced study and practical experience in areas of
Computer Science focused on the processing and analysis of
unstructured and semi-structured information, for example, text,
image, video, speech, and audio information. It is a practice-oriented professional degree designed for students who want to rapidly master
advanced content-analysis, mining, and intelligent information
technologies prior to beginning or resuming leadership careers in
industry and government.

Just over half of the curriculum consists of graduate courses. The
remainder provides direct, hands-on, project-oriented experience
working closely with CMU faculty to build systems and solve problems
using state-of-the-art algorithms, techniques, tools, and datasets.

A typical MIIS student completes the program in one year (12 months)
of full-time study at the Pittsburgh campus.  Part-time and distance
education options are available to students employed at affiliated

The application deadline for the Fall 2013 term is December 14, 2012.

For more information about the program, please visit

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3-3-21CfProposals 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2017)
Call for Proposals
42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
(ICASSP 2017)

Sponsored By The IEEE Signal Processing Society


This Call for Proposal is distributed on behalf of IEEE Signal Processing Society Conference Board for the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) to be held in March or April of 2017. ICASSP is the world’s largest and most comprehensive technical conference focused on signal processing theory and applications. The series is sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society and has been held annually since 1976. The conference features world-class speakers, tutorials, exhibits, and over 120 lecture and poster sessions. ICASSP is a cooperative effort of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Committees:

  • Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing
  • Bio Imaging and Signal Processing
  • Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
  • Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing
  • Industry DSP Technology Standing Committee
  • Information Forensics and Security
  • Machine Learning for Signal Processing
  • Multimedia Signal Processing
  • Sensor Array and Multichannel Systems
  • Signal Processing Education Standing Committee
  • Signal Processing for Communications and Networking
  • Signal Processing Theory and Methods
  • Speech and Language Processing

The conference organizing team is advised to incorporate into their proposal the following items.

  • Proposed Dates (March or April 2017)
  • Organizing Committee Members
    • Name
    • Biographical information
    • Membership in the IEEE Signal Processing Society
  • List of scientific and research groups who reside in the local area who are in favor of the proposal and who are committed to attend and participate.
  • Proposed budget. (For advice on building an IEEE budget please contact Kartik Patel at
  • Support that can be anticipated from the local government, universities and or corporations
  • Why this location?
    • Airport information
    • Customs and Visa regulations
    • Hotel and convention center information (i.e. space diagrams, maps, etc.)
    • Tourist destinations (i.e. museums, natural wonders, etc.)
    • Average weather conditions for the time of year

Submission of Proposal
Proposals for ICASSP are currently being accepted for 2017. Proposals should be sent no later than 15 August 2012. Notification of acceptance will be made after ICIP 2012 in Orlando, FL. Send the proposal to Lisa Schwarzbek, Manager, Conference Services IEEE Signal Processing Society (

For additional guidelines for ICASSP please contact Lisa Schwarzbek, Manager, Conference Services (

Proposal Presentation
Proposals that are of interest to the Conference Board may be asked to present their proposal at the Conference Board meeting to be held in Orlando, Florida tentatively scheduled for Thursday, 4 October 2012.

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