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ISCApad Archive  »  2012  »  ISCApad #174  »  Events  »  ISCA Supported Events  »  (2013-09-02)CfP Fourth International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems, Vienna, Austria

ISCApad #174

Sunday, December 09, 2012 by Chris Wellekens

3-2-1 (2013-09-02)CfP Fourth International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems, Vienna, Austria



                                                      Call for Papers


Fourth International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems

                                          PQS 2013

                                                             2-4 September 2013

                                               Vienna, Austria




The fourth international workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems aims to bring together leading professionals and scientists from different fields that are all related to perceptual quality. Supported by ISCA and the European COST action Qualinet, this event will serve as a forum facilitating an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas between both academic and industrial researchers working on different aspects of perceptual quality of systems. Inaugurated in Herne/Mont Cenis (2003) and continued in Berlin (2006) and Bautzen (2010), PQS 2013 will be held in Vienna, Austria.


User perceived quality of technical systems is grounded on human experience and therefore a highly complex and multidimensional phenomenon.  Thus, any approach to quality assessment and prediction has to take the relevant human perception and judgment factors into account, an issue that has been addressed by a number of scientific disciplines including psychophysics, cognitive psychology, speech and audiovisual quality assessment, human computer interaction (HCI), usability and user experience research, and Quality of Experience (QoE).


Authors are invited to submit extended paper abstracts (1.5-2 pages) according to the guidelines that will be available on the workshop web site. Contributions typically refer to methodological aspects of quality and usability assessment and evaluation, the underlying perception and judgment processes, as well as to user perceived quality of particular technologies, systems or services. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):


* Methodologies and Methods of Quality Assessment and Evaluation

* Metrology: Test Design and Scaling

* Quality of Speech, Audio and Music

* Quality of Images and Video

* Quality of Haptics

* Quality of Multimodal and Multi-sensory Perception

* Perceptual Quality vs. Quality of Experience vs. User Experience vs. Usability

* Semio-Acoustics and -Perception

* Quality Engineering Processes

* Quality and Usability of

                - Speech Technology Devices

                - Interactive Telecommunication Systems and Services

                - Multi-Modal User Interfaces

                - Haptic and Olfactory Interfaces

                - Audiovisual, 3D and Virtual Reality Systems


Important Dates:

- Submission (Extended Abstracts): March 31, 2013

- Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2013

- Camera-ready submission: June 15, 2013


Local Organizing Committee:

Raimund Schatz, FTW

 Sebastian Egger, FTW


General Organizing Committee:

Sebastian Möller, TU Berlin

 Alexander Raake, TU Berlin

Ercan Altinsoy, TU Dresden

 Tobias Hossfeld, University of Würzburg


For further information please refer to


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