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ISCApad Archive  »  2012  »  ISCApad #174  »  Events  »  ISCA Events  »  (2013-01-21) Multimodality and Multilinguism: new Challenges for the study of Oral Communication (MaMChOC), Venezia Italy

ISCApad #174

Sunday, December 09, 2012 by Chris Wellekens

3-1-1 (2013-01-21) Multimodality and Multilinguism: new Challenges for the study of Oral Communication (MaMChOC), Venezia Italy

(Italian Speech Association SIG)
is organizing a Workshop on

AISV 2013 - MaMChOC
Multimodalità e Multilingualità: la Sfida più Avanzata della Comunicazione Orale
9° Convegno Nazionale AISV 21-23 gennaio 2013, Università Ca' Foscari - Venezia

AISV 2013 - MaMChOC
Multimodality and Multilinguism: new Challenges for the study
of Oral Communication (MaMChOC)
9th AISV National Conference January 21st-23rd 2013, Università Ca' Foscari - Venezia

web page will be available soon

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