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ISCApad Archive  »  2012  »  ISCApad #173  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2012-11-26) CLARA Thematic training course on evaluation of Human Language Technologies

ISCApad #173

Sunday, November 11, 2012 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-4 (2012-11-26) CLARA Thematic training course on evaluation of Human Language Technologies

CLARA Thematic training course on evaluation of Human Language Technologies
26-29 November 2012, Paris, France

As part of the CLARA Marie Curie Initial Training Network, ELDA and University of Copenhagen organize a four-day thematic training course on evaluation of Human Language Technologies in

Goal and Focus

For any HLT research effort to be successful, it is essential that it be assessed through rigorous evaluations of the developed technologies. This allows performance benchmarking and a
better understanding of possible limitations and challenging conditions. The CLARA Thematic training course on evaluation of HLT aims at providing both ESRs (Early Stage Researchers) and ERs (Experienced Researchers) the background and skills to use and implement state-of-the–art evaluation tools and techniques for speech technologies, grammars and parsing, machine
translation and speech-to- speech translation, information retrieval/filtering, multimodal interfaces, etc.).

The CLARA Thematic training course on evaluation of HLT will introduce and describe some evaluation concepts (comparative evaluation versus competition, technology evaluation versus
usage/usability evaluation). It will also describe the different types of evaluation and how to ensure that evaluation does not kill innovative not-yet-mature approaches.
Additionally, The CLARA Thematic training course on evaluation of HLT will elaborate on the role of evaluation on the research progress, on the need for a truly European infrastructure
for HLT evaluation, on the main reasons to promote an international dimension of the evaluation, insisting on the multilingual issues.

Given the interdisciplinary nature of the workshop, the workshop will be relevant for any ESRs/ERs who are involved in the development of algorithms and systems for speech technologies,
machine translation, parsers, information retrieval, multimodal interfaces, etc.

Invited Speakers

* Khalid Choukri, ELDA, France
* Bente Maegaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
* Joseph Mariani, IMMI, France (to be confirmed)
* Patrick Paroubek, LIMSI, France
* Anders Søgaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

There is no participation fee for the CLARA thematic training course on evaluation of Human Language Technologies but online registration is mandatory.

Please register at: by November 23.

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