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ISCApad Archive  »  2012  »  ISCApad #168  »  Journals  »  CfP CSL on Information Extraction and Retrieval from Spoken Documents

ISCApad #168

Sunday, June 10, 2012 by Chris Wellekens

7-13 CfP CSL on Information Extraction and Retrieval from Spoken Documents

Call for Papers
Special Issue of
Computer Speech and Language
Information Extraction and Retrieval from Spoken Documents

In addition to increased storage space and connection bandwidths, advances in computing power resulted in extremely large amounts of multimedia data being available. In addition to text and metadata-based search, content-based retrieval is emerging as a means to provide easy access to multimedia, especially for data containing speech. Furthermore, as research in speech processing has matured, there has been a shift in research focus from speech recognition to its applications including retrieval of spoken content.

Over the last decade, significant advances have resulted from a combination of advances in automatic speech recognition (ASR), and information retrieval (IR). In addition, innovative methods for tighter coupling of the component technologies together with novel work in query-by-example have been crucial for robustness to errors in speech retrieval. Moving towards open vocabulary search is necessitated by the increased presence of many heterogeneous sources. This requires detection and recovery of out-of-vocabulary terms as a first step in the discovery of relations to known terms and topics in information extraction.

The main objective of this Special Issue is to bring together current advances in the field and provide a glimpse of the future of the field. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
        ? Novel techniques for coupling speech recognition and information retrieval
        ? Multilingual/cross-lingual
        ? Query by example techniques
        ? Relevance feedback
        ? Large heterogeneous archives
        ? Multimedia archives
        ? Voice queries
        ? Audio indexing
        ? Spoken Term Discovery
        ? Spoken Term Detection
        ? Open vocabulary search
        ? OOV detection and recovery
        ? Phonetic approaches
        ? Metadata
        ? Information extraction

Authors should follow the Elsevier Computer Speech and Language manuscript format described at the journal site. Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking System at according to the following timetable:
Submission Deadline:                July 5, 2012
First Round of Reviews:                November 15, 2012
Final Version of Manuscripts:        January 15, 2013
Target Publication Date:                May 1, 2013
During Submission authors must select ?Special Issue: Info Extraction & Retrieval?.

Guest Editors
Murat Saraçlar, Bo?aziçi University, Turkey,
Bhuvana Ramabhadran, IBM, USA,
Ciprian Chelba, Google, USA,

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