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ISCApad Archive  »  2012  »  ISCApad #165  »  ISCA News  »  President's message

ISCApad #165

Saturday, March 10, 2012 by Chris Wellekens

2-1 President's message

Dear ISCA Members,

This month, my message will be very short as you are all certainly very busy to finalize your Interspeech 2012 papers, as I am myself!

This month, ISCA is very happy to announce the first call for our new 'ISCA Training Schools'. We believe, in the ISCa board, that this program will become one of the flagship activities of our association. I want to thank particularly Yannis Stylianou for the work done in this field. You will find more details in Yannis's message and on our website.

You will also find some further information from the board and, specifically, about ISCA's financial situation. Finances are always an essential point, but they are particularly important this year for two reasons. First, ISCA launched several programs this year, including the Training Schools and our action on lowering Interspeech registration fees. Second, our Association is at a crossing point (due to both the fact that ISCA moved in few years from a quite small European association to a large worldwide association taking place into an quickly moving scientific world and because ISCA has now a different financial situation, which opens new opportunities) and we will have to think about the future of our association. As I already said in my new year message, The General Assembly, which will take place during Interspeech 2012, will be the occasion to review together our new programs and to exchange about our views for our association.

Jean-Francois Bonastre
ISCA President

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