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ISCApad Archive  »  2012  »  ISCApad #164  »  Jobs  »  (2011-10-10) Research and teaching positions at LabEx EFL Paris

ISCApad #164

Saturday, February 11, 2012 by Chris Wellekens

6-9 (2011-10-10) Research and teaching positions at LabEx EFL Paris

RESEARCH and TEACHING POSITIONS for 2011-2012 in Paris
Laboratoire d’excellence “Empirical Foundations of Linguistics: data, methods,
models” (LabEx EFL).

The LabEx EFL is a 10 year project funded by the French Ministry of Higher
Education and Research and relies on a cluster of 13 research teams (by alphabetic order: Alpage,
CRLAO, HTL, Lacito, Lattice, LIPN, Llacan, LLF, LPP-Paris3, LPP-Paris5, LpnCog/MemCog,
MII, and Sedyl, in alphabetical order) from 5 Parisian Universities (Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris
Diderot University, Paris Descartes University, Paris 13 University and INALCO ), in partnership with CNRS, INRIA, EPHE,  and IRD.

The project’s aim is to
promote interdisciplinary innovative research between different fields of
theoretical and applied linguistics, with a special focus on empirical
foundations and experimental methods.

For the academic year 2011-2012, we are offering the following positions :

-    International Chair of quantitative and experimental linguistics (invited
-    9 Postdoctoral positions in the following fields :
Prosody, Experimental syntax, Experimental semantics Text data mining, Language
typology, History of  computational linguistics
-    2 Engineers in the following fields :
Language resources, Psycholinguistics
-    1 three year PhD stipend  in Experimental semantics (Laboratory Linguistique
formelle, University Paris Diderot)
-    2 Research assistants in Psycholinguistics (Laboratory Psychologie de la
Perception, University Paris Descartes)

Application deadline November 10th 2011

Another call will be issued for positions to be filled in 2012.


Jacqueline Vaissière
Coordinateur EFL
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris3 (Sorbonne Paris Cité)
Institut Universitaire de France
Laboratoire Phonétique et Phonologie, LPP (CNRS/Paris3)
19 rue des Bernardins
75005 Paris
tel: 06 15 93 94 71 (01 43 26 57 17: gestionnaire du laboratoire)

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