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ISCApad Archive  »  2012  »  ISCApad #164  »  Jobs  »  (2011-08-05) Research Associate/Assistant Vacancies in Cambridge University Dialogue Systems Group

ISCApad #164

Saturday, February 11, 2012 by Chris Wellekens

6-2 (2011-08-05) Research Associate/Assistant Vacancies in Cambridge University Dialogue Systems Group

Research Associate/Assistant Vacancies in Cambridge University Dialogue Systems Group

Applications are invited for research positions in statistical dialogue management, automatic speech recognition and statistical speech synthesis.  

The successful applicants will join a small team working on various aspects of spoken interaction with machines including:

  • statistical dialogue management using dynamic Bayesian Networks
  • fast adaptation and noise robust real time speech recognition
  • contextually aware expressive statistical speech synthesis
  • automatic evaluation of non-native speaking skills

Candidates should have, or expect to shortly receive, a PhD or have comparable research experience in one or more of the above areas.   Salaries will be in the range £27428 to £35788 depending on qualifications and experience, and the starting date is flexible.

This is an exciting opportunity to join one of the leading groups in statistical speech and language processing.  Cambridge provides excellent research facilities and there are extensive opportunities for collaboration, visits and attending conferences.  

Further information on the work of the Dialogue Systems Group and more details on these vacancies can be found at:

Prospective candidates should send their CV as soon as possible to Dr Kai Yu or Prof Steve Young ({ky219,

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