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ISCApad Archive  »  2012  »  ISCApad #163  »  Editorial

ISCApad #163

Wednesday, January 11, 2012 by Chris Wellekens

1 Editorial

Dear Members

 This year 2012 will not see world's end as planned by Mayas since we have still a lot to do before recognizing and understanding speech of everyone in all adverse conditions and real time!

To achieve this goal, ISCA has planned Interspeech conferences up to 2015...

A new year is a time for good resolutions. First mine: I will try to release ISCApad issues on the 10th of each month. This means from your side, that you should sent any material you want to publish in this issue before the 1st of each month.

Second, from employers and conference organizers: I would appreciate it if they could inform me as soon as they can. It is quite disappointing for the readers to hear about a conference or a job offer with an  almost over deadline. I received in December 2011 announcements with deadlines on mid January 2012.

I congratulate in advance all authors of books on speech and mainly those who send me a presentation of their new book: this is a win-win action for the authors and ISCApad readers.

I wish all success to the organizers of Interspeech and workshops: we all know how hectic can be the months spent in such an organization to the  benefit of the whole community.

With such good resolutions we will all surf smoothly on the waves of speech in 2012.

Emeritus Professor Chris J. Wellekens

Institut Eurecom

Sophia Antipolis, France

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